bindValue('username', $username); $createUser->bindValue('password', user_password_hash($password)); $createUser->bindValue('email', $email); $createUser->bindValue('register_ip', $ipAddress); $createUser->bindValue('last_ip', $ipAddress); $createUser->bindValue('user_country', ip_country_code($ipAddress)); return $createUser->execute() ? (int)db_last_insert_id() : 0; } function user_password_hash(string $password): string { return password_hash($password, MSZ_USERS_PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO); } function user_password_set(int $userId, string $password): bool { $updatePassword = db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET `password` = :password WHERE `user_id` = :user '); $updatePassword->bindValue('user', $userId); $updatePassword->bindValue('password', user_password_hash($password)); return $updatePassword->execute(); } function user_email_get(int $userId): string { if ($userId < 1) { return ''; } $fetchMail = db_prepare(' SELECT `email` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $fetchMail->bindValue('user_id', $userId); return $fetchMail->execute() ? (string)$fetchMail->fetchColumn() : ''; } function user_email_set(int $userId, string $email): bool { $updateMail = db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET `email` = LOWER(:email) WHERE `user_id` = :user '); $updateMail->bindValue('user', $userId); $updateMail->bindValue('email', $email); return $updateMail->execute(); } function user_password_verify_db(int $userId, string $password): bool { if ($userId < 1) { return false; } $fetchPassword = db_prepare(' SELECT `password` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $fetchPassword->bindValue('user_id', $userId); $currentPassword = $fetchPassword->execute() ? $fetchPassword->fetchColumn() : ''; return !empty($currentPassword) && password_verify($password, $currentPassword); } // function of the century, only use this if it doesn't make sense to grab data otherwise function user_exists(int $userId): bool { if ($userId < 1) { return false; } $check = db_prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) > 0 FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $check->bindValue('user_id', $userId); return $check->execute() ? (bool)$check->fetchColumn() : false; } function user_id_from_username(string $username): int { $getId = db_prepare('SELECT `user_id` FROM `msz_users` WHERE LOWER(`username`) = LOWER(:username)'); $getId->bindValue('username', $username); return $getId->execute() ? (int)$getId->fetchColumn() : 0; } function user_username_from_id(int $userId): string { $getName = db_prepare('SELECT `username` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id'); $getName->bindValue('user_id', $userId); return $getName->execute() ? $getName->fetchColumn() : ''; } function user_bump_last_active(int $userId, string $ipAddress = null): void { $bumpUserLast = db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET `user_active` = NOW(), `last_ip` = INET6_ATON(:last_ip) WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $bumpUserLast->bindValue('last_ip', $ipAddress ?? ip_remote_address()); $bumpUserLast->bindValue('user_id', $userId); $bumpUserLast->execute(); } function user_get_last_ip(int $userId): string { $getAddress = db_prepare(' SELECT INET6_NTOA(`last_ip`) FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getAddress->bindValue('user_id', $userId); return $getAddress->execute() ? $getAddress->fetchColumn() : ''; } function user_check_authority(int $userId, int $subjectId): bool { $checkHierarchy = db_prepare(' SELECT ( SELECT MAX(r.`role_hierarchy`) FROM `msz_roles` AS r LEFT JOIN `msz_user_roles` AS ur ON ur.`role_id` = r.`role_id` WHERE ur.`user_id` = :user_id ) > ( SELECT MAX(r.`role_hierarchy`) FROM `msz_roles` AS r LEFT JOIN `msz_user_roles` AS ur ON ur.`role_id` = r.`role_id` WHERE ur.`user_id` = :subject_id ) '); $checkHierarchy->bindValue('user_id', $userId); $checkHierarchy->bindValue('subject_id', $subjectId); return (bool)($checkHierarchy->execute() ? $checkHierarchy->fetchColumn() : false); } define('MSZ_USER_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH', 0xFFFF); define('MSZ_USER_ABOUT_OK', 0); define('MSZ_USER_ABOUT_INVALID_USER', 1); define('MSZ_USER_ABOUT_INVALID_PARSER', 2); define('MSZ_USER_ABOUT_TOO_LONG', 3); define('MSZ_USER_ABOUT_UPDATE_FAILED', 4); function user_set_about_page(int $userId, string $content, int $parser = MSZ_PARSER_PLAIN): int { if ($userId < 1) { return MSZ_USER_ABOUT_INVALID_USER; } if (!parser_is_valid($parser)) { return MSZ_USER_ABOUT_INVALID_PARSER; } $length = strlen($content); if ($length > MSZ_USER_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH) { return MSZ_USER_ABOUT_TOO_LONG; } $setAbout = db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET `user_about_content` = :content, `user_about_parser` = :parser WHERE `user_id` = :user '); $setAbout->bindValue('user', $userId); $setAbout->bindValue('content', $length < 1 ? null : $content); $setAbout->bindValue('parser', $parser); return $setAbout->execute() ? MSZ_USER_ABOUT_OK : MSZ_USER_ABOUT_UPDATE_FAILED; } // all the way down here bc of defines, this define is temporary define('MSZ_TMP_USER_ERROR_STRINGS', [ 'csrf' => "Couldn't verify you, please refresh the page and retry.", 'avatar' => [ 'not-allowed' => "You aren't allow to change your avatar.", 'upload' => [ '_' => 'Something happened? (UP:%1$d)', UPLOAD_ERR_OK => '', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'Select a file before hitting upload!', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The upload was interrupted, please try again!', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', ], 'set' => [ '_' => 'Something happened? (SET:%1$d)', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_NO_ERRORS => '', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE => 'The file you uploaded was not an image!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_PROHIBITED_TYPE => 'This type of image is not supported, keep to PNG, JPG or GIF!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_DIMENSIONS_TOO_LARGE => 'Your avatar can\'t be larger than %3$dx%4$d!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_DATA_TOO_LARGE => 'Your avatar is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_TMP_FAILED => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_STORE_FAILED => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND => 'Unable to save your avatar, contact an administator!', ], ], 'background' => [ 'not-allowed' => "You aren't allow to change your background.", 'upload' => [ '_' => 'Something happened? (UP:%1$d)', UPLOAD_ERR_OK => '', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => 'Select a file before hitting upload!', UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => 'The upload was interrupted, please try again!', UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => 'Your background is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => 'Your background is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!', UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!', ], 'set' => [ '_' => 'Something happened? (SET:%1$d)', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_NO_ERRORS => '', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_INVALID_IMAGE => 'The file you uploaded was not an image!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_PROHIBITED_TYPE => 'This type of image is not supported!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_DIMENSIONS_TOO_LARGE => 'Your background can\'t be larger than %3$dx%4$d!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_DATA_TOO_LARGE => 'Your background is not allowed to be larger in file size than %2$s!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_TMP_FAILED => 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_STORE_FAILED => 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!', MSZ_USER_AVATAR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND => 'Unable to save your background, contact an administator!', ], ], 'profile' => [ '_' => 'An unexpected error occurred, contact an administator.', 'not-allowed' => "You're not allowed to edit your profile.", MSZ_USER_PROFILE_INVALID_FIELD => "Field '%1\$s' does not exist!", MSZ_USER_PROFILE_FILTER_FAILED => '%2$s field was invalid!', MSZ_USER_PROFILE_UPDATE_FAILED => 'Failed to update values, contact an administator.', ], 'about' => [ '_' => 'An unexpected error occurred, contact an administator.', 'not-allowed' => "You're not allowed to edit your about page.", MSZ_USER_ABOUT_INVALID_USER => 'The requested user does not exist.', MSZ_USER_ABOUT_INVALID_PARSER => 'The selected parser is invalid.', MSZ_USER_ABOUT_TOO_LONG => 'Please keep the length of your about section below %1$d characters.', MSZ_USER_ABOUT_UPDATE_FAILED => 'Failed to update values, contact an administator.', ], ]);