getSession(); if ($settings_session === null) { header('Location: /'); return; } $settings_profile_fields = [ 'twitter' => [ 'name' => 'Twitter', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www\.)?\#!\/)?)?@?([A-Za-z0-9_]{1,20})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Twitter field was invalid.', ], 'osu' => [ 'name' => 'osu!', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://[a-zA-Z0-9-\[\]_ ]{1,20})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'osu! field was invalid.', ], 'website' => [ 'name' => 'Website', 'type' => 'url', 'regex' => '#^((?:https?)://.{1,240})$#u', 'no-match' => 'Website field was invalid.', ], 'youtube' => [ 'name' => 'Youtube', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?|c|channel)/)?)?(UC[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,22}|[a-zA-Z0-9-_%]{1,100})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Youtube field was invalid.', ], 'steam' => [ 'name' => 'Steam', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?|profiles)/)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,100})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Steam field was invalid.', ], 'twitchtv' => [ 'name' => '', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?[0-9A-Za-z_]{3,25})/?$#u', 'no-match' => ' field was invalid.', ], 'lastfm' => [ 'name' => '', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,14})/?$#u', 'no-match' => ' field was invalid.', ], 'github' => [ 'name' => 'Github', 'regex' => '#^(?:https?://(?:www.)?[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|-(?=[a-zA-Z0-9])){0,38})/?$#u', 'no-match' => 'Github field was invalid.', ], 'skype' => [ 'name' => 'Skype', 'regex' => '#^((?:live:)?[a-zA-Z][\w\.,\-_@]{1,100})$#u', 'no-match' => 'Skype field was invalid.', ], 'discord' => [ 'name' => 'Discord', 'regex' => '#^(.{1,32}\#[0-9]{4})$#u', 'no-match' => 'Discord field was invalid.', ], ]; $settings_user = $settings_session->user; $settings_mode = $_GET['m'] ?? null; $settings_modes = [ 'account' => 'Account', 'avatar' => 'Avatar', 'sessions' => 'Sessions', 'login-history' => 'Login History', ]; // if no mode is explicitly set just go to the index if ($settings_mode === null) { $settings_mode = key($settings_modes); } $app->templating->vars(compact('settings_mode', 'settings_modes', 'settings_user')); if (!array_key_exists($settings_mode, $settings_modes)) { $app->templating->var('settings_title', 'Not Found'); echo $app->templating->render("settings.notfound"); return; } $settings_errors = []; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { switch ($settings_mode) { case 'account': if (!tmp_csrf_verify($_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $settings_errors[] = "Couldn't verify you, please refresh the page and retry."; break; } if (isset($_POST['profile']) && is_array($_POST['profile'])) { foreach ($settings_profile_fields as $name => $props) { if (isset($_POST['profile'][$name])) { $field_value = ''; if (!empty($_POST['profile'][$name])) { $field_regex = preg_match( $props['regex'], $_POST['profile'][$name], $field_matches ); if ($field_regex !== 1) { $settings_errors[] = $props['no-match']; break; } $field_value = $field_matches[1]; } $settings_user->{"user_{$name}"} = $field_value; } } } if (!empty($_POST['current_password']) || ( (isset($_POST['password']) || isset($_OST['email'])) && (!empty($_POST['password']['new']) || !empty($_POST['email']['new'])) ) ) { if (!$settings_user->verifyPassword($_POST['current_password'])) { $settings_errors[] = "Your current password was incorrect."; break; } if (!empty($_POST['email']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['email']['confirm']) || $_POST['email']['new'] !== $_POST['email']['confirm']) { $settings_errors[] = "The given e-mail addresses did not match."; break; } if ($_POST['email']['new'] === $settings_user->email) { $settings_errors[] = "This is your e-mail address already!"; break; } $email_validate = User::validateEmail($_POST['email']['new'], true); if ($email_validate !== '') { switch ($email_validate) { case 'dns': $settings_errors[] = "No valid MX record exists for this domain."; break; case 'format': $settings_errors[] = "The given e-mail address was incorrectly formatted."; break; case 'in-use': $settings_errors[] = "This e-mail address has already been used by another user."; break; default: $settings_errors[] = "Unknown e-mail validation error."; } break; } $settings_user->email = $_POST['email']['new']; } if (!empty($_POST['password']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['password']['confirm']) || $_POST['password']['new'] !== $_POST['password']['confirm']) { $settings_errors[] = "The given passwords did not match."; break; } $password_validate = User::validatePassword($_POST['password']['new'], true); if ($password_validate !== '') { $settings_errors[] = "The given passwords was too weak."; break; } $settings_user->password = $_POST['password']['new']; } } if (count($settings_errors) < 1 && $settings_user->isDirty()) { $settings_user->save(); } break; } } $app->templating->vars(compact('settings_errors')); $app->templating->var('settings_title', $settings_modes[$settings_mode]); switch ($settings_mode) { case 'account': $app->templating->vars(compact('settings_profile_fields')); break; case 'sessions': $app->templating->var('user_sessions', $settings_user->sessions->reverse()); break; case 'login-history': $app->templating->var('user_login_attempts', $settings_user->loginAttempts->reverse()); break; } echo $app->templating->render("settings.{$settings_mode}");