{% extends 'settings/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %} {% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_text %} {% if user_has_background %} {% set site_background_url = '/profile.php?m=background&u=' ~ settings_user_id %} {% endif %} {% block settings_content %} {#
A few of the elements on this page have been moved to the on-profile editor. To find them, go to your profile and hit the "Edit Profile" button below your avatar.
{{ container_title('Account') }}
{{ input_csrf('settings') }} {% if settings_perms.edit_profile or not settings_disable_account_options %} {% endif %}
{% if settings_perms.edit_avatar %}
{{ container_title('Avatar') }}
{{ input_hidden('MAX_FILE_SIZE', avatar.max_size) }} {{ input_csrf('settings') }}
  • Guidelines
  • Keep things sane and suitable for all ages.
  • Image may not exceed the {{ avatar.max_size|byte_symbol(true) }} filesize limit.
  • May not be larger than {{ avatar.max_width }}x{{ avatar.max_height }}.
  • Will be centre cropped to be 200x200.
  • Animated gif images are allowed.
{% endif %} {% if settings_perms.edit_background %}
{{ container_title('Background') }}
{{ input_hidden('MAX_FILE_SIZE', background.max_size) }} {{ input_csrf('settings') }}
  • Guidelines
  • Keep things sane and suitable for all ages.
  • Image may not exceed the {{ background.max_size|byte_symbol(true) }} filesize limit.
  • May not be larger than {{ background.max_width }}x{{ background.max_height }}.
  • Animated gif images are not allowed.
{% endif %} {% if settings_perms.edit_about %}
{{ container_title('About') }}
{{ input_csrf('settings') }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}