{% extends 'auth/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %} {% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_text %} {% from 'auth/macros.twig' import auth_login %} {% block content %} {{ auth_login( auth_username|default(''), auth_register_message|default(auth_login_error|default('')), auth_register_message is defined, auth_redirect|default('/'), auth_mode == 'login' ) }} {% if can_create_account %}
{{ input_hidden('auth[mode]', 'register') }} {{ input_csrf('register') }} {{ container_title('Register') }} {% if auth_register_error is defined %}
{{ auth_register_error }}
{% endif %}
{{ input_text('auth[username]', 'auth__input', auth_username|default(''), 'text', 'Username', true, null, 0, auth_mode == 'register') }} {{ input_text('auth[password]', 'auth__input', '', 'password', 'Password', true) }} {{ input_text('auth[email]', 'auth__input', auth_email|default(''), 'text', 'E-mail', true) }} {{ input_text('auth[meow]', 'auth__input', '', 'text', 'What is the outcome of nine plus ten?', true) }}
{% endif %} {% if can_reset_password %}
{{ input_hidden('auth[mode]', 'forgot') }} {{ input_csrf('passforgot') }} {{ container_title('Forgot password') }} {% if auth_forgot_error is defined %}
{{ auth_forgot_error }}
{% endif %}
{{ input_text('auth[email]', 'auth__input', auth_email|default(''), 'text', 'E-mail', true, null, 0, auth_mode == 'forgot') }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}