'Account', 'sessions' => 'Sessions', 'logs' => 'Logs', ]; $settingsMode = $_GET['m'] ?? key($settingsModes); tpl_vars([ 'settings_user_id' => $settingsUserId, 'settings_mode' => $settingsMode, 'settings_modes' => $settingsModes, ]); if (!array_key_exists($settingsMode, $settingsModes)) { http_response_code(404); tpl_var('settings_title', 'Not Found'); echo tpl_render('settings.notfound'); return; } $settingsErrors = []; $disableAccountOptions = !MSZ_DEBUG && boolval(config_get_default(false, 'Private', 'enabled')) && boolval(config_get_default(false, 'Private', 'disable_account_settings')); $avatarFileName = "{$settingsUserId}.msz"; $avatarProps = user_avatar_default_options(); $backgroundProps = user_background_default_options(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { if (!csrf_verify('settings', $_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $settingsErrors[] = MSZ_TMP_USER_ERROR_STRINGS['csrf']; } else { if (!empty($_POST['session_action'])) { switch ($_POST['session_action']) { case 'kill-all': user_session_purge_all($settingsUserId); audit_log('PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY_ALL', $settingsUserId); header('Location: /'); return; } } if (!empty($_POST['session']) && is_numeric($_POST['session'])) { $session = user_session_find((int)($_POST['session'] ?? 0)); if (!$session) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Invalid session.'; } elseif ((int)$session['user_id'] !== $settingsUserId) { $settingsErrors[] = 'You may only end your own sessions.'; } elseif ((int)$session['session_id'] === user_session_current('session_id')) { header('Location: /auth.php?m=logout&s=' . csrf_token('logout')); return; } else { user_session_delete($session['session_id']); audit_log('PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY', $settingsUserId, [ $session['session_id'], ]); } } if (!$disableAccountOptions) { if (!empty($_POST['current_password']) || ( (isset($_POST['password']) || isset($_POST['email'])) && (!empty($_POST['password']['new']) || !empty($_POST['email']['new'])) ) ) { $updateAccountFields = []; $fetchPassword = db_prepare(' SELECT `password` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $fetchPassword->bindValue('user_id', $settingsUserId); $currentPassword = $fetchPassword->execute() ? $fetchPassword->fetchColumn() : null; if (empty($currentPassword)) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Something went horribly wrong.'; } else { if (!password_verify($_POST['current_password'], $currentPassword)) { $settingsErrors[] = 'Your current password was incorrect.'; } else { if (!empty($_POST['email']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['email']['confirm']) || $_POST['email']['new'] !== $_POST['email']['confirm']) { $settingsErrors[] = 'The given e-mail addresses did not match.'; } else { $email_validate = user_validate_email($_POST['email']['new'], true); if ($email_validate !== '') { switch ($email_validate) { case 'dns': $settingsErrors[] = 'No valid MX record exists for this domain.'; break; case 'format': $settingsErrors[] = 'The given e-mail address was incorrectly formatted.'; break; case 'in-use': $settingsErrors[] = 'This e-mail address is already in use.'; break; default: $settingsErrors[] = 'Unknown e-mail validation error.'; } } else { $updateAccountFields['email'] = mb_strtolower($_POST['email']['new']); audit_log('PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE', $settingsUserId, [ $updateAccountFields['email'], ]); } } } if (!empty($_POST['password']['new'])) { if (empty($_POST['password']['confirm']) || $_POST['password']['new'] !== $_POST['password']['confirm']) { $settingsErrors[] = "The given passwords did not match."; } else { $password_validate = user_validate_password($_POST['password']['new']); if ($password_validate !== '') { $settingsErrors[] = "The given passwords was too weak."; } else { $updateAccountFields['password'] = user_password_hash($_POST['password']['new']); audit_log('PERSONAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE', $settingsUserId); } } } if (count($updateAccountFields) > 0) { $updateUser = db_prepare(' UPDATE `msz_users` SET ' . pdo_prepare_array_update($updateAccountFields, true) . ' WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $updateAccountFields['user_id'] = $settingsUserId; $updateUser->execute($updateAccountFields); } } } } } } if (empty($settingsErrors) && !empty($_POST['user']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { header('Location: /profile.php?u=' . ((int)($_POST['user'] ?? 0))); return; } } tpl_vars([ 'settings_title' => $settingsModes[$settingsMode], 'settings_errors' => $settingsErrors, ]); switch ($settingsMode) { case 'account': $getAccountInfo = db_prepare(sprintf(' SELECT `email` FROM `msz_users` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ')); $getAccountInfo->bindValue('user_id', $settingsUserId); $accountInfo = $getAccountInfo->execute() ? $getAccountInfo->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) : []; tpl_vars([ 'background' => $backgroundProps, 'settings_disable_account_options' => $disableAccountOptions, 'account_info' => $accountInfo, ]); break; case 'sessions': $getSessionCount = db_prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`session_id`) FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getSessionCount->bindValue('user_id', $settingsUserId); $sessionCount = $getSessionCount->execute() ? $getSessionCount->fetchColumn() : 0; $getSessions = db_prepare(' SELECT `session_id`, `session_country`, `user_agent`, `created_at`, `expires_on`, INET6_NTOA(`session_ip`) as `session_ip_decoded` FROM `msz_sessions` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ORDER BY `session_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getSessions->bindValue('offset', $queryOffset); $getSessions->bindValue('take', $queryTake); $getSessions->bindValue('user_id', $settingsUserId); $sessions = $getSessions->execute() ? $getSessions->fetchAll() : []; tpl_vars([ 'active_session_id' => user_session_current('session_id'), 'user_sessions' => $sessions, 'sessions_offset' => $queryOffset, 'sessions_take' => $queryTake, 'sessions_count' => $sessionCount, ]); break; case 'logs': $loginAttemptsOffset = max(0, $_GET['lo'] ?? 0); $auditLogOffset = max(0, $_GET['ao'] ?? 0); $getLoginAttemptsCount = db_prepare(' SELECT COUNT(`attempt_id`) FROM `msz_login_attempts` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id '); $getLoginAttemptsCount->bindValue('user_id', $settingsUserId); $loginAttemptsCount = $getLoginAttemptsCount->execute() ? $getLoginAttemptsCount->fetchColumn() : 0; $getLoginAttempts = db_prepare(' SELECT `attempt_id`, `attempt_country`, `was_successful`, `user_agent`, `created_at`, INET6_NTOA(`attempt_ip`) as `attempt_ip_decoded` FROM `msz_login_attempts` WHERE `user_id` = :user_id ORDER BY `attempt_id` DESC LIMIT :offset, :take '); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('offset', $loginAttemptsOffset); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('take', min(20, max(5, $queryTake))); $getLoginAttempts->bindValue('user_id', $settingsUserId); $loginAttempts = $getLoginAttempts->execute() ? $getLoginAttempts->fetchAll() : []; $auditLogCount = audit_log_count($settingsUserId); $auditLog = audit_log_list( $auditLogOffset, min(20, max(5, $queryTake)), $settingsUserId ); tpl_vars([ 'audit_logs' => $auditLog, 'audit_log_count' => $auditLogCount, 'audit_log_take' => $queryTake, 'audit_log_offset' => $auditLogOffset, 'log_strings' => [ 'PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE' => 'Changed e-mail address to %s.', 'PERSONAL_PASSWORD_CHANGE' => 'Changed account password.', 'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY' => 'Ended session #%d.', 'PERSONAL_SESSION_DESTROY_ALL' => 'Ended all personal sessions.', 'PASSWORD_RESET' => 'Successfully used the password reset form to change password.', 'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_CREATE' => 'Created a new changelog entry #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_ENTRY_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog entry #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_ADD' => 'Added tag #%2$d to changelog entry #%1$d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_REMOVE' => 'Removed tag #%2$d from changelog entry #%1$d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog tag #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_TAG_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog tag #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_ACTION_CREATE' => 'Created new changelog action #%d.', 'CHANGELOG_ACTION_EDIT' => 'Edited changelog action #%d.', ], 'user_login_attempts' => $loginAttempts, 'login_attempts_offset' => $loginAttemptsOffset, 'login_attempts_take' => $queryTake, 'login_attempts_count' => $loginAttemptsCount, ]); break; } echo tpl_render("settings.{$settingsMode}");