{% extends 'messages/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import avatar, container_title %} {% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_text, input_select %} {% set title = 'Composing message' %} {% set canonical_url = url('messages-compose') %} {% block messages_content %}
{{ container_title(' Recipient') }}
{{ avatar(0, 100) }}
{{ input_text('name', 'messages-recipient-name-input js-messages-recipient-name', recipient, 'text', 'Recipient name') }}

UI is VERY not final. It will be not awful before 2025 2026 I promise for real this time!!!

I need to clean up a lot of code first because a lot of things are specifically written for the forum editor and it will become a big mess otherwise.

{{ container_title(' Writing a message') }}
{{ input_hidden('recipient', '') }}
{{ input_text('title', 'messages-reply-subject-input', '', 'text', 'Subject', true) }}
{{ input_select('format', parser_options(), 'bb', null, null, null, 'js-messages-reply-parser') }}
{% endblock %}