{% extends 'forum/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import navigation, pagination %} {% from 'forum/macros.twig' import forum_post_listing, forum_topic_buttons, forum_topic_locked, forum_posting_form %} {% set title = topic_info.topic_title %} {% set canonical_url = '/forum/topic.php'|url_construct({ 't': topic_info.topic_id, 'o': topic_offset, }) %} {% set can_reply = app.hasActiveSession and topic_info.topic_locked is null and not topic_info.topic_archived %} {% set ftbuttons = can_reply ? forum_topic_buttons(topic_info) : '' %} {% set ftpagination = pagination( topic_info.topic_post_count, topic_range, topic_offset, '/forum/topic.php'|url_construct({'t': topic_info.topic_id}), 'forum__' ) %} {% block content %} {{ navigation(topic_breadcrumbs, topic_breadcrumbs|last, true, null, 'left') }}
{{ topic_info.topic_title }}
{{ forum_topic_locked(topic_info.topic_locked, topic_info.topic_archived) }} {{ ftbuttons }} {{ ftpagination }} {{ forum_post_listing(topic_posts, topic_info.topic_first_post_id) }} {{ ftpagination }} {% if can_reply %} {{ forum_posting_form('Reply', topic_info.topic_id, true, 'reply', true) }} {% endif %} {% endblock %}