'account']))); return; } $reset = RequestVar::post()->reset; $forgot = RequestVar::post()->forgot; $userId = $reset->user->value('int') ?? RequestVar::get()->user->value('int', 0); $username = $userId > 0 ? user_username_from_id($userId) : ''; if ($userId > 0 && empty($username)) { header(sprintf('Location: %s', url('auth-forgot'))); return; } $notices = []; $siteIsPrivate = boolval(config_get_default(false, 'Private', 'enabled')); $canResetPassword = $siteIsPrivate ? boolval(config_get_default(false, 'Private', 'password_reset')) : true; $ipAddress = ip_remote_address(); $remainingAttempts = user_login_attempts_remaining($ipAddress); while ($canResetPassword) { if (!empty($reset->value('array', null)) && $userId > 0) { if (!csrf_verify('passreset', $_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $notices[] = 'Was unable to verify the request, please try again!'; break; } $verificationCode = $reset->verification->value('string', ''); if (!user_recovery_token_validate($userId, $verificationCode)) { $notices[] = 'Invalid verification code!'; break; } $passwordNew = $reset->password->new->value('string', ''); $passwordConfirm = $reset->password->confirm->value('string', ''); if (empty($passwordNew) || empty($passwordConfirm) || $passwordNew !== $passwordConfirm) { $notices[] = "Password confirmation failed!"; break; } if (user_validate_password($passwordNew) !== '') { $notices[] = 'Your password is too weak!'; break; } if (user_password_set($userId, $passwordNew)) { audit_log(MSZ_AUDIT_PASSWORD_RESET, $userId); } else { throw new UnexpectedValueException('Password reset failed.'); } user_recovery_token_invalidate($userId, $verificationCode); header(sprintf('Location: %s', url('auth-login', ['redirect' => '/']))); return; } if (!empty($forgot->value('array', null))) { if (!csrf_verify('passforgot', $_POST['csrf'] ?? '')) { $notices[] = 'Was unable to verify the request, please try again!'; break; } if ($forgot->email->empty()) { $notices[] = "You didn't supply an e-mail address."; break; } if ($remainingAttempts < 1) { $notices[] = "There are too many failed login attempts from your IP address, please try again later."; break; } $forgotUser = user_find_for_reset($forgot->email->value('string')); if (empty($forgotUser)) { $notices[] = "This e-mail address is not registered with us."; break; } if (!user_recovery_token_sent($forgotUser['user_id'], $ipAddress)) { $verificationCode = user_recovery_token_create($forgotUser['user_id'], $ipAddress); if (empty($verificationCode)) { throw new UnexpectedValueException('A verification code failed to insert.'); } $messageBody = << $forgotUser['username']], 'Flashii Password Reset', $messageBody ); if (!mail_send($message)) { $notices[] = "Failed to send reset email, please contact the administrator."; user_recovery_token_invalidate($forgotUser['user_id'], $verificationCode); break; } } header(sprintf('Location: %s', url('auth-reset', ['user' => $forgotUser['user_id']]))); return; } break; } echo tpl_render($userId > 0 ? 'auth.password_reset' : 'auth.password_forgot', [ 'password_notices' => $notices, 'password_email' => $forgot->email->value('string', ''), 'password_attempts_remaining' => $remainingAttempts, 'password_user_id' => $userId, 'password_username' => $username, 'password_verification' => $verificationCode ?? '', ]);