/// enum CommentVoteType { Indifferent = 0, Like = 1, Dislike = -1, } interface CommentNotice { error: string; message: string; } interface CommentDeletionInfo extends CommentNotice { id: number; // minor inconsistency, deal with it } interface CommentPostInfo extends CommentNotice { comment_id: number; category_id: number; comment_text: string; comment_html: string; comment_created: Date; comment_edited: Date | null; comment_deleted: Date | null; comment_reply_to: number; comment_pinned: Date | null; user_id: number; username: string; user_colour: number; } interface CommentVotesInfo extends CommentNotice { comment_id: number; likes: number; dislikes: number; } function commentDeleteEventHandler(ev: Event): void { const target: HTMLAnchorElement = ev.target as HTMLAnchorElement, commentId: number = parseInt(target.dataset.commentId); commentDelete( commentId, info => { let elem = document.getElementById('comment-' + info.id); if(elem) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); }, message => messageBox(message) ); } function commentDelete(commentId: number, onSuccess: (info: CommentDeletionInfo) => void = null, onFail: (message: string) => void = null): void { if(!checkUserPerm('comments', CommentPermission.Delete)) { if(onFail) onFail("You aren't allowed to delete comments."); return; } const xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', () => { if(xhr.readyState !== 4) return; updateCSRF(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Misuzu-CSRF')); let json: CommentDeletionInfo = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) as CommentDeletionInfo, message = json.error || json.message; if(message && onFail) onFail(message); else if(!message && onSuccess) onSuccess(json); }); xhr.open('GET', urlFormat('comments-delete', [{name:'comment',value:commentId}])); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Misuzu-XHR', 'comments'); xhr.send(); } function commentPostEventHandler(ev: Event): void { const form: HTMLFormElement = ev.target as HTMLFormElement; if(form.dataset.disabled) return; form.dataset.disabled = '1'; form.style.opacity = '0.5'; commentPost( extractFormData(form, true), info => commentPostSuccess(form, info), message => commentPostFail(form, message) ); } function commentPost(formData: FormData, onSuccess: (comment: CommentPostInfo) => void = null, onFail: (message: string) => void = null): void { if(!checkUserPerm('comments', CommentPermission.Create)) { if(onFail) onFail("You aren't allowed to post comments."); return; } const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', () => { if(xhr.readyState !== 4) return; updateCSRF(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Misuzu-CSRF')); const json: CommentPostInfo = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) as CommentPostInfo, message: string = json.error || json.message; if(message && onFail) onFail(message); else if(!message && onSuccess) onSuccess(json); }); xhr.open('POST', urlFormat('comment-create')); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Misuzu-XHR', 'comments'); xhr.send(formData); } function commentPostSuccess(form: HTMLFormElement, comment: CommentPostInfo): void { if(form.classList.contains('comment--reply')) (form.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('label.comment__action') as HTMLLabelElement).click(); commentInsert(comment, form); form.style.opacity = '1'; form.dataset.disabled = ''; } function commentPostFail(form: HTMLFormElement, message: string): void { messageBox(message); form.style.opacity = '1'; form.dataset.disabled = ''; } function commentsInit(): void { const commentDeletes: HTMLCollectionOf = document.getElementsByClassName('comment__action--delete') as HTMLCollectionOf; for(let i = 0; i < commentDeletes.length; i++) { commentDeletes[i].addEventListener('click', commentDeleteEventHandler); commentDeletes[i].dataset.href = commentDeletes[i].href; commentDeletes[i].href = 'javascript:void(0);'; } const commentInputs: HTMLCollectionOf = document.getElementsByClassName('comment__text--input') as HTMLCollectionOf; for(let i = 0; i < commentInputs.length; i++) { commentInputs[i].form.action = 'javascript:void(0);'; commentInputs[i].form.addEventListener('submit', commentPostEventHandler); commentInputs[i].addEventListener('keydown', commentInputEventHandler); } const voteButtons: HTMLCollectionOf = document.getElementsByClassName('comment__action--vote') as HTMLCollectionOf; for(let i = 0; i < voteButtons.length; i++) { voteButtons[i].href = 'javascript:void(0);'; voteButtons[i].addEventListener('click', commentVoteEventHandler); } const pinButtons: HTMLCollectionOf = document.getElementsByClassName('comment__action--pin') as HTMLCollectionOf; for(let i = 0; i < pinButtons.length; i++) { pinButtons[i].href = 'javascript:void(0);'; pinButtons[i].addEventListener('click', commentPinEventHandler); } } function commentInputEventHandler(ev: KeyboardEvent): void { if(ev.code === 'Enter' && ev.ctrlKey && !ev.altKey && !ev.shiftKey && !ev.metaKey) { const form: HTMLFormElement = (ev.target as HTMLTextAreaElement).form; commentPost( extractFormData(form, true), info => commentPostSuccess(form, info), message => commentPostFail ); } } function commentConstruct(comment: CommentPostInfo, layer: number = 0): HTMLElement { const commentDate = new Date(comment.comment_created + 'Z'), commentTime: HTMLElement = ; let actions: HTMLElement[] = []; if(checkUserPerm('comments', CommentPermission.Vote)) { actions.push(); actions.push(Dislike); } const commentText: HTMLDivElement =
, commentColour: Colour = new Colour(comment.user_colour); if(comment.comment_html) commentText.innerHTML = comment.comment_html; else commentText.textContent = comment.comment_text; const commentElement: HTMLDivElement =
; timeago.render(commentTime); return commentElement; } function commentInsert(comment: CommentPostInfo, form: HTMLFormElement): void { const isReply: boolean = form.classList.contains('comment--reply'), parent: Element = isReply ? form.parentElement : form.parentElement.parentElement.getElementsByClassName('comments__listing')[0], repliesIndent: number = isReply ? (parseInt(parent.classList[1].substr(25)) + 1) : 1, commentElement: HTMLElement = commentConstruct(comment, repliesIndent); if(isReply) parent.appendChild(commentElement); else parent.insertBefore(commentElement, parent.firstElementChild); const placeholder: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('_no_comments_notice_' + comment.category_id); if(placeholder) placeholder.parentNode.removeChild(placeholder); } function commentVoteEventHandler(ev: Event): void { const target: HTMLAnchorElement = this as HTMLAnchorElement, commentId: number = parseInt(target.dataset.commentId), voteType: CommentVoteType = parseInt(target.dataset.commentVote), buttons: NodeListOf = document.querySelectorAll(`.comment__action--vote[data-comment-id="${commentId}"]`), likeButton: HTMLAnchorElement = document.querySelector(`.comment__action--like[data-comment-id="${commentId}"]`), dislikeButton: HTMLAnchorElement = document.querySelector(`.comment__action--dislike[data-comment-id="${commentId}"]`), classVoted: string = 'comment__action--voted'; for(let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { let button: HTMLAnchorElement = buttons[i]; button.textContent = button === target ? '...' : ''; button.classList.remove(classVoted); if(button === likeButton) { button.dataset.commentVote = (voteType === CommentVoteType.Like ? CommentVoteType.Indifferent : CommentVoteType.Like).toString(); } else if(button === dislikeButton) { button.dataset.commentVote = (voteType === CommentVoteType.Dislike ? CommentVoteType.Indifferent : CommentVoteType.Dislike).toString(); } } commentVote( commentId, voteType, info => { switch(voteType) { case CommentVoteType.Like: likeButton.classList.add(classVoted); break; case CommentVoteType.Dislike: dislikeButton.classList.add(classVoted); break; } likeButton.textContent = info.likes > 0 ? `Like (${info.likes.toLocaleString()})` : 'Like'; dislikeButton.textContent = info.dislikes > 0 ? `Dislike (${info.dislikes.toLocaleString()})` : 'Dislike'; }, message => { likeButton.textContent = 'Like'; dislikeButton.textContent = 'Dislike'; messageBox(message); } ); } function commentVote( commentId: number, vote: CommentVoteType, onSuccess: (voteInfo: CommentVotesInfo) => void = null, onFail: (message: string) => void = null ): void { if(!checkUserPerm('comments', CommentPermission.Vote)) { if(onFail) onFail("You aren't allowed to vote on comments."); return; } const xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.onreadystatechange = () => { if(xhr.readyState !== 4) return; updateCSRF(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Misuzu-CSRF')); const json: CommentVotesInfo = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), message: string = json.error || json.message; if(message && onFail) onFail(message); else if(!message && onSuccess) onSuccess(json); }; xhr.open('GET', urlFormat('comment-vote', [{name: 'comment', value: commentId}, {name: 'vote', value: vote}])); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Misuzu-XHR', 'comments'); xhr.send(); } function commentPinEventHandler(ev: Event): void { const target: HTMLAnchorElement = this as HTMLAnchorElement, commentId: number = parseInt(target.dataset.commentId), isPinned: boolean = target.dataset.commentPinned !== '0'; target.textContent = '...'; commentPin( commentId, !isPinned, info => { if(info.comment_pinned === null) { target.textContent = 'Pin'; target.dataset.commentPinned = '0'; const pinElement: HTMLDivElement = document.querySelector(`#comment-${info.comment_id} .comment__pin`); pinElement.parentElement.removeChild(pinElement); } else { target.textContent = 'Unpin'; target.dataset.commentPinned = '1'; const pinInfo: HTMLDivElement = document.querySelector(`#comment-${info.comment_id} .comment__info`), pinElement: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div'), pinTime: HTMLTimeElement = document.createElement('time'), pinDateTime = new Date(info.comment_pinned + 'Z'); pinTime.title = pinDateTime.toLocaleString(); pinTime.dateTime = pinDateTime.toISOString(); pinTime.textContent = timeago().format(pinDateTime); timeago().render(pinTime); pinElement.className = 'comment__pin'; pinElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Pinned ')); pinElement.appendChild(pinTime); pinInfo.appendChild(pinElement); } }, message => { target.textContent = isPinned ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin'; messageBox(message); } ); } function commentPin( commentId: number, pin: boolean, onSuccess: (commentInfo: CommentPostInfo) => void = null, onFail: (message: string) => void = null ): void { if(!checkUserPerm('comments', CommentPermission.Pin)) { if(onFail) onFail("You aren't allowed to pin comments."); return; } const mode: string = pin ? 'pin' : 'unpin'; const xhr: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest; xhr.onreadystatechange = () => { if(xhr.readyState !== 4) return; updateCSRF(xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Misuzu-CSRF')); const json: CommentPostInfo = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), message: string = json.error || json.message; if(message && onFail) onFail(message); else if(!message && onSuccess) onSuccess(json); }; xhr.open('GET', urlFormat(`comment-${mode}`, [{name: 'comment', value: commentId}])); xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Misuzu-XHR', 'comments'); xhr.send(); }