{% extends '@mio/changelog/master.twig' %} {% from '@mio/_layout/comments.twig' import comments_section %} {% set is_valid = change|length > 0 %} {% set title = 'Changelog ยป ' ~ (is_valid ? 'Change #' ~ change.change_id : 'Unknown Change') %} {% if is_valid %} {% set canonical_url = '/changelog.php?c=' ~ change.change_id %} {% set manage_link = '/manage/changelog.php?v=change&c=' ~ change.change_id %} {% set description = change.change_log %} {% endif %} {% block content %}
{{ title }}
{% if is_valid %}
{{ change.action_name }}
{{ change.change_log }}
{% if change.change_text|length >= 1 %} {{ change.change_text|parse_text('md')|raw }} {% else %}

This change has no additional notes.

{% endif %}
{% else %}
The requested change could not be found.
{% endif %}
{% if comments is defined %}
Comments for {{ change.change_date }}
{{ comments_section(comments, comments_category, current_user|default(null), comments_perms) }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}