{% extends 'settings/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %} {% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_text, input_select %} {% set title = 'Settings / Account' %} {% block settings_content %}
{{ container_title(' Account') }} {{ input_csrf() }}

Here you can change your e-mail address and/or your password, please make sure your e-mail is accurate and your password is strong in order to protect your account. For convenience your current e-mail address is displayed. You are required to verify yourself by entering your current password to change either value.

{% if not is_restricted %}
{{ container_title(' Roles') }}

This is a listing of the user roles you're a part of, you can select which you want to leave or which one you want to boast as your main role which will change your username colour accordingly.

{% for role in settings_user.roles %} {% set is_display_role = settings_user.isDisplayRole(role) %}
{{ role.name }}
{{ role.description }}
{{ input_csrf() }} {{ input_hidden('role[id]', role.id) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ container_title(' Two Factor Authentication') }} {{ input_csrf() }}

Secure your account by requiring a second step during log in in the form of a time based code. You can use applications like Authy, Google or Microsoft Authenticator or other compliant TOTP applications.

{% if settings_2fa_image is defined and settings_2fa_code is defined %}
{{ settings_2fa_code }}
{{ settings_2fa_code }}
{% endif %}
{% if settings_2fa_enabled %}
Two Factor Authentication is enabled!
{% else %}
Two Factor Authentication is disabled.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}