{% extends 'user/master.twig' %} {% set image = '/profile.php?u=' ~ profile.user_id ~ '&m=avatar' %} {% set canonical_url = '/profile.php?u=' ~ profile.user_id %} {% set title = 'Profile of ' ~ profile.username %} {% set manage_link = '/manage/users.php?v=view&u=' ~ profile.user_id %} {% if has_background %} {% set site_background_url = '/profile.php?m=background&u=' ~ profile.user_id %} {% endif %} {% set stats = [ { 'title': 'Joined', 'is_date': true, 'value': profile.created_at, }, { 'title': 'Last seen', 'is_date': true, 'value': profile.last_seen, }, { 'title': 'Topics', 'value': profile.forum_topic_count, }, { 'title': 'Posts', 'value': profile.forum_post_count, }, { 'title': 'Comments', 'value': profile.comments_count, }, { 'title': 'Changes', 'value': profile.changelog_count, }, ] %} {% block content %} {% if is_editing %}
{{ 'settings'|csrf|raw }} {% if perms.edit_avatar %} {% endif %} {% else %}
{% endif %} {% include 'user/_layout/header.twig' %} {% if is_editing %}
  • General
  • Keep things sane and generally suitable for all ages.
  • Make sure to adhere to the rules.
{% if perms.edit_avatar %}
  • Avatar
  • May not exceed the {{ guidelines.avatar.max_size|byte_symbol(true) }} file size limit.
  • May not be larger than {{ guidelines.avatar.max_width }}x{{ guidelines.avatar.max_height }}.
  • Will be centre cropped and scaled to 200x200.
  • Animated gif images are allowed.
{% endif %} {% if perms.edit_background %}
  • Background
  • May not exceed the {{ guidelines.background.max_size|byte_symbol(true) }} file size limit.
  • May not be larger than {{ guidelines.background.max_width }}x{{ guidelines.background.max_height }}.
  • Gif images, in general, are only allowed when tiling.
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if profile_notices is defined %}
{% for notice in profile_notices %} {{ notice }} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if current_user is not defined %}
You must log in to view full profiles!
{% elseif is_editing ? perms.edit_profile : profile_fields|default([])|length > 0 %}
{% for name, data in profile_fields %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if (is_editing and perms.edit_about) or profile.user_about_content|length > 0 %}
About {{ profile.username }}
{% if is_editing %} {% else %} {{ profile.user_about_content|escape|parse_text(profile.user_about_parser)|raw }} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_editing %} {% else %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}