0) { echo render_info_or_json($isXHR, 'You have been banned, check your profile for more information.', 403); return; } if (user_warning_check_expiration($currentUserId, MSZ_WARN_SILENCE) > 0) { echo render_info_or_json($isXHR, 'You have been silenced, check your profile for more information.', 403); return; } header(csrf_http_header('forum_poll')); if (empty($_POST['poll']['id']) || !ctype_digit($_POST['poll']['id'])) { echo render_info_or_json($isXHR, "Invalid request.", 400); return; } $poll = forum_poll_get($_POST['poll']['id']); if (empty($poll)) { echo "Poll {$poll['poll_id']} doesn't exist.
"; return; } $topicInfo = forum_poll_get_topic($poll['poll_id']); if (!is_null($topicInfo['topic_locked'])) { echo "The topic associated with this poll has been locked.
"; return; } if (!forum_perms_check_user( MSZ_FORUM_PERMS_GENERAL, $topicInfo['forum_id'], $currentUserId, MSZ_FORUM_PERM_SET_READ )) { echo "You aren't allowed to vote on this poll.
"; return; } if ($poll['poll_expired']) { echo "Voting for poll {$poll['poll_id']} has closed.
"; return; } if (!$poll['poll_change_vote'] && forum_poll_has_voted($currentUserId, $poll['poll_id'])) { echo "Can't change vote for {$poll['poll_id']}
"; return; } $answers = !empty($_POST['poll']['answers']) && is_array($_POST['poll']['answers']) ? $_POST['poll']['answers'] : []; if (count($answers) > $poll['poll_max_votes']) { echo "Too many votes for poll {$poll['poll_id']}
"; return; } forum_poll_vote_remove($currentUserId, $poll['poll_id']); foreach ($answers as $answerId) { if (!is_string($answerId) || !ctype_digit($answerId) || !forum_poll_validate_option($poll['poll_id'], (int)$answerId)) { echo "Vote {$answerId} was invalid for {$poll['poll_id']}
"; continue; } forum_poll_vote_cast($currentUserId, $poll['poll_id'], (int)$answerId); } header('Location: ' . url('forum-topic', ['topic' => $topicInfo['topic_id']]));