{% extends 'auth/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %} {% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_text %} {% from 'auth/macros.twig' import auth_login %} {% block content %} {{ auth_login( auth_username|default(''), auth_register_message|default(auth_login_error|default('')), auth_register_message is defined, auth_redirect|default('/'), auth_mode == 'login' ) }} {% if can_create_account %}
{{ input_hidden('auth[mode]', 'register') }} {{ input_csrf('register') }} {{ container_title(' Register') }} {% if auth_restricted %}
{% if auth_restricted == 2 %} A user is currently in a banned and/or silenced state from the same IP address you're currently visiting the site from. If said user isn't you and you wish to create an account, please contact us! {% else %} The IP address from which you are visiting the website appears on our blacklist, you are not allowed to register from this address but if you already have an account you can log in just fine using the form above. If you think this blacklisting is a mistake, please contact us! {% endif %}
{% else %} {% if auth_register_error is defined %}
{{ auth_register_error }}
{% endif %}
{{ input_text('auth[username]', 'auth__input', auth_username|default(''), 'text', 'Username', true, null, 0, auth_mode == 'register') }} {{ input_text('auth[password]', 'auth__input', '', 'password', 'Password', true) }} {{ input_text('auth[email]', 'auth__input', auth_email|default(''), 'text', 'E-mail', true) }} {{ input_text('auth[meow]', 'auth__input', '', 'text', 'What is the outcome of nine plus ten?', true) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if can_reset_password %}
{{ input_hidden('auth[mode]', 'forgot') }} {{ input_csrf('passforgot') }} {{ container_title(' Forgot password') }} {% if auth_forgot_error is defined %}
{{ auth_forgot_error }}
{% endif %}
{{ input_text('auth[email]', 'auth__input', auth_email|default(''), 'text', 'E-mail', true, null, 0, auth_mode == 'forgot') }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}