getUrls(); $authInfo = $msz->getAuthInfo(); if($authInfo->isLoggedIn()) { Tools::redirect($urls->format('index')); return; } $authCtx = $msz->getAuthContext(); $usersCtx = $msz->getUsersContext(); $users = $usersCtx->getUsers(); $roles = $usersCtx->getRoles(); $config = $msz->getConfig(); $register = !empty($_POST['register']) && is_array($_POST['register']) ? $_POST['register'] : []; $notices = []; $ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $countryCode = $_SERVER['COUNTRY_CODE'] ?? 'XX'; // there is currently no ip banning system. // because people can have a wide variety of ip address // it doesn't make sense to include a single row for it // in the user bans table // add better ip tracking and reintroduce the blacklist // was thinking of having both a storage table and an expanded table // with the storage table contains range syntaxes and whatnot // and the expanded table just having seas of raw ips in it with a primary key // for fast matching $restricted = ''; $loginAttempts = $authCtx->getLoginAttempts(); $remainingAttempts = $loginAttempts->countRemainingAttempts($ipAddress); while(!$restricted && !empty($register)) { if(!CSRF::validateRequest()) { $notices[] = 'Was unable to verify the request, please try again!'; break; } if($remainingAttempts < 1) { $notices[] = "There are too many failed login attempts from your IP address, you may not create an account right now."; break; } if(empty($register['username']) || empty($register['password']) || empty($register['email']) || empty($register['question']) || !is_string($register['username']) || !is_string($register['password']) || !is_string($register['email']) || !is_string($register['question'])) { $notices[] = "You haven't filled in all fields."; break; } $checkSpamBot = mb_strtolower($register['question']); $spamBotValid = [ '21', 'twentyone', 'twenty-one', 'twenty one', ]; $spamBotHint = [ '19', 'nineteen', 'nine-teen', 'nine teen', ]; if(!in_array($checkSpamBot, $spamBotValid)) { if(in_array($checkSpamBot, $spamBotHint)) $notices[] = '_play_hint'; $notices[] = 'Human only cool club, robots begone.'; break; } $usernameValidation = $users->validateName($register['username']); if($usernameValidation !== '') $notices[] = $users->validateNameText($usernameValidation); $emailValidation = $users->validateEMailAddress($register['email']); if($emailValidation !== '') $notices[] = $users->validateEMailAddressText($emailValidation); if($register['password_confirm'] !== $register['password']) $notices[] = 'The given passwords don\'t match.'; $passwordValidation = $users->validatePassword($register['password']); if($passwordValidation !== '') $notices[] = $users->validatePasswordText($passwordValidation); if(!empty($notices)) break; $defaultRoleInfo = $roles->getDefaultRole(); try { $userInfo = $users->createUser( $register['username'], $register['password'], $register['email'], $ipAddress, $countryCode, $defaultRoleInfo ); } catch(RuntimeException $ex) { $notices[] = 'Something went wrong while creating your account, please alert an administrator or a developer about this!'; break; } $users->addRoles($userInfo, $defaultRoleInfo); $config->setString('users.newest', $userInfo->getId()); $msz->getPerms()->precalculatePermissions( $msz->getForumContext()->getCategories(), [$userInfo->getId()] ); Tools::redirect($urls->format('auth-login-welcome', ['username' => $userInfo->getName()])); return; } Template::render('auth.register', [ 'register_notices' => $notices, 'register_username' => !empty($register['username']) && is_string($register['username']) ? $register['username'] : '', 'register_email' => !empty($register['email']) && is_string($register['email']) ? $register['email'] : '', 'register_restricted' => $restricted, ]);