prepare('SELECT `role_id`, `role_name` FROM `msz_roles` WHERE `role_hidden` = 0 ORDER BY `role_id` ASC'); $getRoles->execute(); while(($role = $getRoles->fetch()) !== false) printf(' { name: "%s", key: "R%d" },%s', $role[1], $role[0], PHP_EOL); printf(' ],%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' },%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' {%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' name: "Remove inactive members",%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' key: "inactive",%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' tooltip: "Limits the selection to people who have showed up within the last year.",%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' },%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' {%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' name: "Remove members with no posts",%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' key: "noposts",%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' tooltip: "Removes members that have not made any forum posts yet.",%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' },%s', PHP_EOL); printf('];%s', PHP_EOL); echo PHP_EOL; printf('dataSet[dataSetVersion].characterData = [%s', PHP_EOL); $getUsers = $db->prepare('SELECT `user_id`, `username`, `user_active` > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR AS `user_active`, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `msz_forum_posts` WHERE `user_id` = u.`user_id` AND `post_deleted` IS NULL) AS `user_posts` FROM `msz_users` AS u WHERE `user_deleted` IS NULL ORDER BY `user_id` ASC'); $getUsers->execute(); while(($user = $getUsers->fetch()) !== false) { printf(' {%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' name: "%s",%s', $user[1], PHP_EOL); printf(' img: "",%s', $user[0], PHP_EOL); printf(' opts: {%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' role: [', PHP_EOL); $getRoles = $db->prepare('SELECT `role_id` FROM `msz_user_roles` WHERE `user_id` = :user'); $getRoles->bindValue('user', $user[0]); $getRoles->execute(); while(($role = $getRoles->fetchColumn()) !== false) printf(' "R%d", ', $role); printf('],%s', PHP_EOL); if(!$user[2]) printf(' inactive: true,%s', PHP_EOL); if($user[3] < 1) printf(' noposts: true,%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' },%s', PHP_EOL); printf(' },%s', PHP_EOL); } printf('];%s', PHP_EOL);