using SharpChat.Commands; using SharpChat.Config; using SharpChat.EventStorage; using SharpChat.Packet; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace SharpChat.PacketHandlers { public class SendMessageHandler : IChatPacketHandler { private readonly CachedValue MaxMessageLength; private List Commands { get; } = new(); public SendMessageHandler(CachedValue maxMsgLength) { MaxMessageLength = maxMsgLength ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(maxMsgLength)); } public void AddCommand(IChatCommand command) { Commands.Add(command ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(command))); } public void AddCommands(IEnumerable commands) { Commands.AddRange(commands ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(commands))); } public bool IsMatch(ChatPacketHandlerContext ctx) { return ctx.CheckPacketId("2"); } public void Handle(ChatPacketHandlerContext ctx) { string[] args = ctx.SplitText(3); ChatUser user = ctx.Connection.User; // No longer concats everything after index 1 with \t, no previous implementation did that either string messageText = args.ElementAtOrDefault(2); if(user == null || !user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SendMessage) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageText)) return; // Extra validation step, not necessary at all but enforces proper formatting in SCv1. if(!long.TryParse(args[1], out long mUserId) || user.UserId != mUserId) return; ctx.Chat.ContextAccess.Wait(); try { if(!ctx.Chat.UserLastChannel.TryGetValue(user.UserId, out ChatChannel channel) && !ctx.Chat.IsInChannel(user, channel) /*|| (user.IsSilenced && !user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SilenceUser))*/) return; if(user.Status != ChatUserStatus.Online) ctx.Chat.UpdateUser(user, status: ChatUserStatus.Online); int maxMsgLength = MaxMessageLength; if(messageText.Length > maxMsgLength) messageText = messageText[..maxMsgLength]; messageText = messageText.Trim(); #if DEBUG Logger.Write($"<{ctx.Connection.Id} {user.UserName}> {messageText}"); #endif (string text, bool isAction)? messageInfo = null; if(messageText.StartsWith("/")) { ChatCommandContext context = new(messageText, ctx.Chat, user, ctx.Connection, channel); IChatCommand command = null; foreach(IChatCommand cmd in Commands) if(cmd.IsMatch(context)) { command = cmd; break; } if(command != null) { if(command is ActionCommand actionCommand) messageInfo = actionCommand.ActionDispatch(context); else { command.Dispatch(context); return; } } } messageInfo ??= (messageText, false); long msgId = ctx.Chat.Events.AddEvent( "msg:add", user, channel, new { messageInfo.Value.text }, messageInfo.Value.isAction ? StoredEventFlags.Action : StoredEventFlags.None ); ctx.Chat.SendTo(channel, new ChatMessageAddPacket( msgId, DateTimeOffset.Now, user.UserId, messageInfo.Value.text, messageInfo.Value.isAction, false )); } finally { ctx.Chat.ContextAccess.Release(); } } } }