/* * Copyright 2011-2022 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bx/blob/master/LICENSE */ #include #include #include #include #include class Bin2cWriter : public bx::WriterI { public: Bin2cWriter(bx::AllocatorI* _allocator, const bx::StringView& _name) : m_mb(_allocator) , m_mw(&m_mb) , m_name(_name) , m_outputAsCStr(false) { } virtual ~Bin2cWriter() { } virtual int32_t write(const void* _data, int32_t _size, bx::Error* _err) override { bool asCStr = true; const char* data = (const char*)_data; for (int32_t ii = 0; ii < _size && asCStr; ++ii) { char ch = data[ii]; asCStr &= false | bx::isPrint(ch) | bx::isSpace(ch) ; } m_outputAsCStr = asCStr; return bx::write(&m_mw, _data, _size, _err); } void output(bx::WriterI* _writer) { if (m_outputAsCStr) { outputString(_writer); } else { outputHex(_writer); } } void outputString(bx::WriterI* _writer) { const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*)m_mb.more(0); uint32_t size = uint32_t(bx::seek(&m_mw) ); bx::Error err; bx::write( _writer , &err , "static const char* %.*s = /* Generated with bin2c. */\n\t\"" , m_name.getLength() , m_name.getPtr() ); if (NULL != data) { bool escaped = false; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { const char ch = char(data[ii]); if (!escaped) { switch (ch) { case '\"': bx::write(_writer, "\\\"", &err); break; case '\n': bx::write(_writer, "\\n\"\n\t\"", &err); break; case '\r': bx::write(_writer, "\\r", &err); break; case '\\': escaped = true; BX_FALLTHROUGH; default: bx::write(_writer, ch, &err); break; } } else { switch (ch) { case '\n': bx::write(_writer, "\\\"\n\t\"", &err); break; case '\r': BX_FALLTHROUGH; case '\t': bx::write(_writer, "\\", &err); BX_FALLTHROUGH; default : bx::write(_writer, ch, &err); break; } escaped = false; } } } bx::write(_writer, &err, "\"\n\t;\n"); } void outputHex(bx::WriterI* _writer) { #define HEX_DUMP_WIDTH 16 #define HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH 96 #define HEX_DUMP_FORMAT "%-" BX_STRINGIZE(HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH) "." BX_STRINGIZE(HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH) "s" const uint8_t* data = (const uint8_t*)m_mb.more(0); uint32_t size = uint32_t(bx::seek(&m_mw) ); bx::Error err; bx::write( _writer , &err , "static const uint8_t %.*s[%d] = /* Generated with bin2c. */\n{\n" , m_name.getLength() , m_name.getPtr() , size ); if (NULL != data) { char hex[HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH+1]; char ascii[HEX_DUMP_WIDTH+1]; uint32_t hexPos = 0; uint32_t asciiPos = 0; for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii) { bx::snprintf(&hex[hexPos], sizeof(hex)-hexPos, "0x%02x, ", data[asciiPos]); hexPos += 6; ascii[asciiPos] = bx::isPrint(data[asciiPos]) && data[asciiPos] != '\\' ? data[asciiPos] : '.'; asciiPos++; if (HEX_DUMP_WIDTH == asciiPos) { ascii[asciiPos] = '\0'; bx::write(_writer, &err, "\t" HEX_DUMP_FORMAT "// %s\n", hex, ascii); data += asciiPos; hexPos = 0; asciiPos = 0; } } if (0 != asciiPos) { ascii[asciiPos] = '\0'; bx::write(_writer, &err, "\t" HEX_DUMP_FORMAT "// %s\n", hex, ascii); } } bx::write(_writer, &err, "};\n"); #undef HEX_DUMP_WIDTH #undef HEX_DUMP_SPACE_WIDTH #undef HEX_DUMP_FORMAT } bx::MemoryBlock m_mb; bx::MemoryWriter m_mw; bx::StringView m_name; bool m_outputAsCStr; }; void error(const char* _format, ...) { bx::WriterI* stdOut = bx::getStdOut(); bx::Error err; va_list argList; va_start(argList, _format); bx::write(stdOut, &err, "Error:\n"); bx::write(stdOut, _format, argList, &err); bx::write(stdOut, &err, "\n\n"); va_end(argList); } void help(const char* _error = NULL) { bx::WriterI* stdOut = bx::getStdOut(); bx::Error err; if (NULL != _error) { error(_error); } bx::write(stdOut, &err , "bin2c, binary to C\n" "Copyright 2011-2022 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bx/blob/master/LICENSE\n\n" ); bx::write(stdOut, &err , "Usage: bin2c -f -o -n \n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -f Input file path.\n" " -o Output file path.\n" " -n Array name.\n" "\n" "For additional information, see https://github.com/bkaradzic/bx\n" ); } int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return bx::kExitFailure; } bx::FilePath filePath = cmdLine.findOption('f'); if (filePath.isEmpty() ) { help("Input file name must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } bx::FilePath outFilePath = cmdLine.findOption('o'); if (outFilePath.isEmpty() ) { help("Output file name must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } bx::StringView name = cmdLine.findOption('n'); if (name.isEmpty() ) { name.set("data"); } void* data = NULL; uint32_t size = 0; bx::FileReader fr; if (bx::open(&fr, filePath) ) { size = uint32_t(bx::getSize(&fr) ); bx::DefaultAllocator allocator; data = BX_ALLOC(&allocator, size); bx::read(&fr, data, size, bx::ErrorAssert{}); bx::close(&fr); bx::FileWriter fw; if (bx::open(&fw, outFilePath) ) { Bin2cWriter writer(&allocator, name); bx::write(&writer, data, size, bx::ErrorAssert{}); writer.output(&fw); bx::close(&fw); } else { bx::StringView path = outFilePath; error("Failed to open output file '%.*s'.\n", path.getLength(), path.getPtr() ); } BX_FREE(&allocator, data); } else { bx::StringView path = filePath; error("Failed to open input file '%.*s'.\n", path.getLength(), path.getPtr() ); } return 0; }