/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as * authorised by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited * (C) COPYRIGHT 2011-2012 ARM Limited * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorised * copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. * * @brief Decompress a block of colors, expressed as a symbolic block, * for ASTC. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include "astc_codec_internals.h" #include "softfloat.h" #include int compute_value_of_texel_int(int texel_to_get, const decimation_table * it, const int *weights) { int i; int summed_value = 8; int weights_to_evaluate = it->texel_num_weights[texel_to_get]; for (i = 0; i < weights_to_evaluate; i++) { summed_value += weights[it->texel_weights[texel_to_get][i]] * it->texel_weights_int[texel_to_get][i]; } return summed_value >> 4; } ushort4 lerp_color_int(astc_decode_mode decode_mode, ushort4 color0, ushort4 color1, int weight, int plane2_weight, int plane2_color_component // -1 in 1-plane mode ) { int4 ecolor0 = int4(color0.x, color0.y, color0.z, color0.w); int4 ecolor1 = int4(color1.x, color1.y, color1.z, color1.w); int4 eweight1 = int4(weight, weight, weight, weight); switch (plane2_color_component) { case 0: eweight1.x = plane2_weight; break; case 1: eweight1.y = plane2_weight; break; case 2: eweight1.z = plane2_weight; break; case 3: eweight1.w = plane2_weight; break; default: break; } int4 eweight0 = int4(64, 64, 64, 64) - eweight1; if (decode_mode == DECODE_LDR_SRGB) { ecolor0 = ecolor0 >> 8; ecolor1 = ecolor1 >> 8; } int4 color = (ecolor0 * eweight0) + (ecolor1 * eweight1) + int4(32, 32, 32, 32); color = color >> 6; if (decode_mode == DECODE_LDR_SRGB) color = color | (color << 8); ushort4 rcolor = ushort4(color.x, color.y, color.z, color.w); return rcolor; } void decompress_symbolic_block(astc_decode_mode decode_mode, int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, // dimensions of block int xpos, int ypos, int zpos, // position of block const symbolic_compressed_block * scb, imageblock * blk) { blk->xpos = xpos; blk->ypos = ypos; blk->zpos = zpos; int i; // if we detected an error-block, blow up immediately. if (scb->error_block) { if (decode_mode == DECODE_LDR_SRGB) { for (i = 0; i < xdim * ydim * zdim; i++) { blk->orig_data[4 * i] = 1.0f; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 1] = 0.0f; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 2] = 1.0f; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 3] = 1.0f; blk->rgb_lns[i] = 0; blk->alpha_lns[i] = 0; blk->nan_texel[i] = 0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < xdim * ydim * zdim; i++) { blk->orig_data[4 * i] = 0.0f; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 1] = 0.0f; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 2] = 0.0f; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 3] = 0.0f; blk->rgb_lns[i] = 0; blk->alpha_lns[i] = 0; blk->nan_texel[i] = 1; } } imageblock_initialize_work_from_orig(blk, xdim * ydim * zdim); update_imageblock_flags(blk, xdim, ydim, zdim); return; } if (scb->block_mode < 0) { float red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0; int use_lns = 0; int use_nan = 0; if (scb->block_mode == -2) { // For sRGB decoding, we should return only the top 8 bits. int mask = (decode_mode == DECODE_LDR_SRGB) ? 0xFF00 : 0xFFFF; red = sf16_to_float(unorm16_to_sf16(scb->constant_color[0] & mask)); green = sf16_to_float(unorm16_to_sf16(scb->constant_color[1] & mask)); blue = sf16_to_float(unorm16_to_sf16(scb->constant_color[2] & mask)); alpha = sf16_to_float(unorm16_to_sf16(scb->constant_color[3] & mask)); use_lns = 0; use_nan = 0; } else { switch (decode_mode) { case DECODE_LDR_SRGB: red = 1.0f; green = 0.0f; blue = 1.0f; alpha = 1.0f; use_lns = 0; use_nan = 0; break; case DECODE_LDR: red = 0.0f; green = 0.0f; blue = 0.0f; alpha = 0.0f; use_lns = 0; use_nan = 1; break; case DECODE_HDR: // constant-color block; unpack from FP16 to FP32. red = sf16_to_float(scb->constant_color[0]); green = sf16_to_float(scb->constant_color[1]); blue = sf16_to_float(scb->constant_color[2]); alpha = sf16_to_float(scb->constant_color[3]); use_lns = 1; use_nan = 0; break; } } for (i = 0; i < xdim * ydim * zdim; i++) { blk->orig_data[4 * i] = red; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 1] = green; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 2] = blue; blk->orig_data[4 * i + 3] = alpha; blk->rgb_lns[i] = use_lns; blk->alpha_lns[i] = use_lns; blk->nan_texel[i] = use_nan; } imageblock_initialize_work_from_orig(blk, xdim * ydim * zdim); update_imageblock_flags(blk, xdim, ydim, zdim); return; } // get the appropriate partition-table entry int partition_count = scb->partition_count; const partition_info *pt = get_partition_table(xdim, ydim, zdim, partition_count); pt += scb->partition_index; // get the appropriate block descriptor const block_size_descriptor *bsd = get_block_size_descriptor(xdim, ydim, zdim); const decimation_table *const *ixtab2 = bsd->decimation_tables; const decimation_table *it = ixtab2[bsd->block_modes[scb->block_mode].decimation_mode]; int is_dual_plane = bsd->block_modes[scb->block_mode].is_dual_plane; int weight_quantization_level = bsd->block_modes[scb->block_mode].quantization_mode; // decode the color endpoints ushort4 color_endpoint0[4]; ushort4 color_endpoint1[4]; int rgb_hdr_endpoint[4]; int alpha_hdr_endpoint[4]; int nan_endpoint[4]; for (i = 0; i < partition_count; i++) unpack_color_endpoints(decode_mode, scb->color_formats[i], scb->color_quantization_level, scb->color_values[i], &(rgb_hdr_endpoint[i]), &(alpha_hdr_endpoint[i]), &(nan_endpoint[i]), &(color_endpoint0[i]), &(color_endpoint1[i])); // first unquantize the weights int uq_plane1_weights[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK]; int uq_plane2_weights[MAX_WEIGHTS_PER_BLOCK]; int weight_count = it->num_weights; const quantization_and_transfer_table *qat = &(quant_and_xfer_tables[weight_quantization_level]); for (i = 0; i < weight_count; i++) { uq_plane1_weights[i] = qat->unquantized_value[scb->plane1_weights[i]]; } if (is_dual_plane) { for (i = 0; i < weight_count; i++) uq_plane2_weights[i] = qat->unquantized_value[scb->plane2_weights[i]]; } // then undecimate them. int weights[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; int plane2_weights[MAX_TEXELS_PER_BLOCK]; int texels_per_block = xdim * ydim * zdim; for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) weights[i] = compute_value_of_texel_int(i, it, uq_plane1_weights); if (is_dual_plane) for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) plane2_weights[i] = compute_value_of_texel_int(i, it, uq_plane2_weights); int plane2_color_component = scb->plane2_color_component; // now that we have endpoint colors and weights, we can unpack actual colors for // each texel. for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) { int partition = pt->partition_of_texel[i]; ushort4 color = lerp_color_int(decode_mode, color_endpoint0[partition], color_endpoint1[partition], weights[i], plane2_weights[i], is_dual_plane ? plane2_color_component : -1); blk->rgb_lns[i] = rgb_hdr_endpoint[partition]; blk->alpha_lns[i] = alpha_hdr_endpoint[partition]; blk->nan_texel[i] = nan_endpoint[partition]; blk->work_data[4 * i] = color.x; blk->work_data[4 * i + 1] = color.y; blk->work_data[4 * i + 2] = color.z; blk->work_data[4 * i + 3] = color.w; } imageblock_initialize_orig_from_work(blk, xdim * ydim * zdim); update_imageblock_flags(blk, xdim, ydim, zdim); } float compute_imageblock_difference(int xdim, int ydim, int zdim, const imageblock * p1, const imageblock * p2, const error_weight_block * ewb) { int i; int texels_per_block = xdim * ydim * zdim; float summa = 0.0f; const float *f1 = p1->work_data; const float *f2 = p2->work_data; for (i = 0; i < texels_per_block; i++) { float rdiff = fabsf(f1[4 * i] - f2[4 * i]); float gdiff = fabs(f1[4 * i + 1] - f2[4 * i + 1]); float bdiff = fabs(f1[4 * i + 2] - f2[4 * i + 2]); float adiff = fabs(f1[4 * i + 3] - f2[4 * i + 3]); rdiff = MIN(rdiff, 1e15f); gdiff = MIN(gdiff, 1e15f); bdiff = MIN(bdiff, 1e15f); adiff = MIN(adiff, 1e15f); summa += rdiff * rdiff * ewb->error_weights[i].x + gdiff * gdiff * ewb->error_weights[i].y + bdiff * bdiff * ewb->error_weights[i].z + adiff * adiff * ewb->error_weights[i].w; } return summa; }