/* * Copyright 2011-2022 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved. * License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bimg/blob/master/LICENSE */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if 0 # define DBG(_format, ...) bx::printf("" _format "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) #else # define DBG(...) BX_NOOP() #endif // DEBUG #include #include #include #include #define BIMG_TEXTUREC_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define BIMG_TEXTUREC_VERSION_MINOR 18 BX_ERROR_RESULT(TEXTRUREC_ERROR, BX_MAKEFOURCC('t', 'c', 0, 0) ); struct Options { void dump() { DBG("Options:\n" "\t maxSize: %d\n" "\t mipSkip: %d\n" "\t edge: %f\n" "\t format: %s\n" "\t mips: %s\n" "\tnormalMap: %s\n" "\t iqa: %s\n" "\t pma: %s\n" "\t sdf: %s\n" "\t radiance: %s\n" "\t equirect: %s\n" "\t strip: %s\n" "\t linear: %s\n" , maxSize , mipSkip , edge , bimg::getName(format) , mips ? "true" : "false" , normalMap ? "true" : "false" , iqa ? "true" : "false" , pma ? "true" : "false" , sdf ? "true" : "false" , radiance ? "true" : "false" , equirect ? "true" : "false" , strip ? "true" : "false" , linear ? "true" : "false" ); } uint32_t maxSize = UINT32_MAX; uint32_t mipSkip = 0; float edge = 0.0f; bimg::TextureFormat::Enum format = bimg::TextureFormat::Count; bimg::Quality::Enum quality = bimg::Quality::Default; bimg::LightingModel::Enum radiance = bimg::LightingModel::Count; bool mips = false; bool normalMap = false; bool equirect = false; bool strip = false; bool iqa = false; bool pma = false; bool sdf = false; bool alphaTest = false; bool linear = false; }; void imageRgba32fNormalize(void* _dst, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _srcPitch, const void* _src) { const uint8_t* src = (const uint8_t*)_src; uint8_t* dst = (uint8_t*)_dst; for (uint32_t yy = 0, ystep = _srcPitch; yy < _height; ++yy, src += ystep) { const float* rgba = (const float*)&src[0]; for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < _width; ++xx, rgba += 4, dst += 16) { const bx::Vec3 xyz = bx::load(rgba); bx::store(dst, bx::normalize(xyz) ); } } } void imagePremultiplyAlpha(void* _inOut, uint32_t _width, uint32_t _height, uint32_t _depth, bimg::TextureFormat::Enum _format) { uint8_t* inOut = (uint8_t*)_inOut; uint32_t bpp = bimg::getBitsPerPixel(_format); uint32_t pitch = _width*bpp/8; bimg::PackFn pack = bimg::getPack(_format); bimg::UnpackFn unpack = bimg::getUnpack(_format); for (uint32_t zz = 0; zz < _depth; ++zz) { for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < _height; ++yy) { for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < _width; ++xx) { const uint32_t offset = yy*pitch + xx*bpp/8; float rgba[4]; unpack(rgba, &inOut[offset]); const float alpha = rgba[3]; rgba[0] = bx::toGamma(bx::toLinear(rgba[0]) * alpha); rgba[1] = bx::toGamma(bx::toLinear(rgba[1]) * alpha); rgba[2] = bx::toGamma(bx::toLinear(rgba[2]) * alpha); pack(&inOut[offset], rgba); } } } } bimg::ImageContainer* convert(bx::AllocatorI* _allocator, const void* _inputData, uint32_t _inputSize, const Options& _options, bx::Error* _err) { BX_ERROR_SCOPE(_err); const uint8_t* inputData = (uint8_t*)_inputData; bimg::ImageContainer* output = NULL; bimg::ImageContainer* input = bimg::imageParse(_allocator, inputData, _inputSize, bimg::TextureFormat::Count, _err); if (!_err->isOk() ) { return NULL; } if (NULL != input) { bimg::TextureFormat::Enum inputFormat = input->m_format; bimg::TextureFormat::Enum outputFormat = input->m_format; if (bimg::TextureFormat::Count != _options.format) { outputFormat = _options.format; } if (_options.sdf) { outputFormat = bimg::TextureFormat::R8; } const bimg::ImageBlockInfo& inputBlockInfo = bimg::getBlockInfo(inputFormat); const bimg::ImageBlockInfo& outputBlockInfo = bimg::getBlockInfo(outputFormat); const uint32_t blockWidth = outputBlockInfo.blockWidth; const uint32_t blockHeight = outputBlockInfo.blockHeight; const uint32_t minBlockX = outputBlockInfo.minBlockX; const uint32_t minBlockY = outputBlockInfo.minBlockY; uint32_t outputWidth = bx::max(blockWidth * minBlockX, ( (input->m_width + blockWidth - 1) / blockWidth )*blockWidth); uint32_t outputHeight = bx::max(blockHeight * minBlockY, ( (input->m_height + blockHeight - 1) / blockHeight)*blockHeight); uint32_t outputDepth = input->m_depth; if (_options.mips && _options.mipSkip != 0) { for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < _options.mipSkip; ++ii) { outputWidth = bx::max(blockWidth * minBlockX, ( ( (outputWidth>>1) + blockWidth - 1) / blockWidth )*blockWidth); outputHeight = bx::max(blockHeight * minBlockY, ( ( (outputHeight>>1) + blockHeight - 1) / blockHeight)*blockHeight); outputDepth = bx::max(outputDepth>>1, 1u); } } if (_options.equirect) { if (outputDepth == 1 && outputWidth/2 == outputHeight) { if (outputWidth/2 > _options.maxSize) { outputWidth = _options.maxSize*4; outputHeight = _options.maxSize*2; } } else { bimg::imageFree(input); BX_ERROR_SET(_err, TEXTRUREC_ERROR, "Input image format is not equirectangular projection."); return NULL; } } else if (_options.strip) { if (outputDepth == 1 && ( (outputWidth == outputHeight*6) || (outputWidth*6 == outputHeight) ) ) { const bool horizontal = outputWidth == outputHeight*6; outputWidth = bx::min(outputWidth, horizontal ? _options.maxSize*6 : _options.maxSize); outputHeight = bx::min(outputHeight, horizontal ? _options.maxSize : _options.maxSize*6); } else { bimg::imageFree(input); BX_ERROR_SET(_err, TEXTRUREC_ERROR, "Input image format is not horizontal or vertical strip."); return NULL; } } else if (outputWidth > _options.maxSize || outputHeight > _options.maxSize || outputDepth > _options.maxSize) { if (outputDepth > outputWidth && outputDepth > outputHeight) { outputWidth = outputWidth * _options.maxSize / outputDepth; outputHeight = outputHeight * _options.maxSize / outputDepth; outputDepth = _options.maxSize; } else if (outputWidth > outputHeight) { outputDepth = outputDepth * _options.maxSize / outputWidth; outputHeight = outputHeight * _options.maxSize / outputWidth; outputWidth = _options.maxSize; } else { outputDepth = outputDepth * _options.maxSize / outputHeight; outputWidth = outputWidth * _options.maxSize / outputHeight; outputHeight = _options.maxSize; } } const bool needResize = false || input->m_width != outputWidth || input->m_height != outputHeight ; const bool passThru = true && !needResize && (1 < input->m_numMips) == _options.mips && !_options.sdf && !_options.alphaTest && !_options.normalMap && !(_options.equirect || _options.strip) && !_options.iqa && !_options.pma && (bimg::LightingModel::Count == _options.radiance) ; if (!_options.sdf && needResize) { bimg::ImageContainer* src = bimg::imageConvert(_allocator, bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F, *input, false); bimg::ImageContainer* dst = bimg::imageAlloc( _allocator , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F , uint16_t(outputWidth) , uint16_t(outputHeight) , uint16_t(outputDepth) , input->m_numLayers , input->m_cubeMap , false ); if (!_options.linear) { bimg::imageRgba32fToLinear(src); } bimg::imageResizeRgba32fLinear(dst, src); if (!_options.linear) { bimg::imageRgba32fToGamma(dst); } bimg::imageFree(src); bimg::imageFree(input); if (bimg::isCompressed(inputFormat) ) { if (inputFormat == bimg::TextureFormat::BC6H) { inputFormat = bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F; } else { inputFormat = bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8; } } input = bimg::imageConvert(_allocator, inputFormat, *dst); bimg::imageFree(dst); } if (passThru) { if (inputFormat != outputFormat && bimg::isCompressed(outputFormat) ) { output = bimg::imageEncode(_allocator, outputFormat, _options.quality, *input); } else { output = bimg::imageConvert(_allocator, outputFormat, *input); } bimg::imageFree(input); return output; } if (_options.equirect || _options.strip) { bimg::ImageContainer* src = bimg::imageConvert(_allocator, bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F, *input); bimg::imageFree(input); bimg::ImageContainer* dst; if (outputWidth == outputHeight*2) { dst = bimg::imageCubemapFromLatLongRgba32F(_allocator, *src, true, _err); bimg::imageFree(src); } else { dst = bimg::imageCubemapFromStripRgba32F(_allocator, *src, _err); bimg::imageFree(src); } if (!_err->isOk() ) { return NULL; } input = bimg::imageConvert(_allocator, inputFormat, *dst); bimg::imageFree(dst); } if (bimg::LightingModel::Count != _options.radiance) { output = bimg::imageCubemapRadianceFilter(_allocator, *input, _options.radiance, _err); if (!_err->isOk() ) { return NULL; } if (bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F != outputFormat) { bimg::ImageContainer* temp = bimg::imageEncode(_allocator, outputFormat, _options.quality, *output); bimg::imageFree(output); output = temp; } bimg::imageFree(input); return output; } output = bimg::imageAlloc( _allocator , outputFormat , uint16_t(input->m_width) , uint16_t(input->m_height) , uint16_t(input->m_depth) , input->m_numLayers , input->m_cubeMap , _options.mips ); const uint8_t numMips = output->m_numMips; const uint16_t numSides = output->m_numLayers * (output->m_cubeMap ? 6 : 1); for (uint16_t side = 0; side < numSides && _err->isOk(); ++side) { bimg::ImageMip mip; if (bimg::imageGetRawData(*input, side, 0, input->m_data, input->m_size, mip) ) { bimg::ImageMip dstMip; bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, 0, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); uint8_t* dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); void* temp = NULL; // Normal map. if (_options.normalMap) { uint32_t size = bimg::imageGetSize( NULL , uint16_t(dstMip.m_width) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_height) , 0 , false , false , 1 , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F ); temp = BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); float* rgba = (float*)temp; float* rgbaDst = (float*)BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); bimg::imageDecodeToRgba32f(_allocator , rgba , mip.m_data , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , dstMip.m_width*16 , mip.m_format ); if (bimg::TextureFormat::BC5 != mip.m_format) { for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < mip.m_height; ++yy) { for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < mip.m_width; ++xx) { const uint32_t offset = (yy*mip.m_width + xx) * 4; float* inout = &rgba[offset]; inout[0] = inout[0] * 2.0f - 1.0f; inout[1] = inout[1] * 2.0f - 1.0f; inout[2] = inout[2] * 2.0f - 1.0f; inout[3] = inout[3] * 2.0f - 1.0f; } } } imageRgba32fNormalize(rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_width*16 , rgba ); bimg::imageRgba32f11to01(rgbaDst , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , dstMip.m_width*16 , rgba ); bimg::Quality::Enum nmapQuality = bimg::Quality::Enum(_options.quality + bimg::Quality::NormalMapDefault); bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba32f(_allocator , dstData , rgbaDst , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , outputFormat , nmapQuality , _err ); for (uint8_t lod = 1; lod < numMips && _err->isOk(); ++lod) { bimg::imageRgba32fDownsample2x2NormalMap(rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_width*16 , bx::strideAlign(dstMip.m_width/2, blockWidth)*16 , rgba ); bimg::imageRgba32f11to01(rgbaDst , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , dstMip.m_width*16 , rgba ); bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, lod, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba32f(_allocator , dstData , rgbaDst , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , outputFormat , nmapQuality , _err ); } BX_FREE(_allocator, rgbaDst); } // HDR else if ( (!bimg::isCompressed(inputFormat) && 8 != inputBlockInfo.rBits) || outputFormat == bimg::TextureFormat::BC6H || outputFormat == bimg::TextureFormat::BC7 ) { uint32_t size = bimg::imageGetSize( NULL , uint16_t(dstMip.m_width) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_height) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_depth) , false , false , 1 , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F ); temp = BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); float* rgba32f = (float*)temp; float* rgbaDst = (float*)BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); bimg::imageDecodeToRgba32f(_allocator , rgba32f , mip.m_data , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_depth , mip.m_width*16 , mip.m_format ); if (_options.pma) { imagePremultiplyAlpha( rgba32f , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F ); } bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba32f(_allocator , dstData , rgba32f , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , outputFormat , _options.quality , _err ); if (1 < numMips && _err->isOk() ) { bimg::imageRgba32fToLinear(rgba32f , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_depth , mip.m_width*16 , rgba32f ); for (uint8_t lod = 1; lod < numMips && _err->isOk(); ++lod) { bimg::imageRgba32fLinearDownsample2x2(rgba32f , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , dstMip.m_width*16 , rgba32f ); if (_options.pma) { imagePremultiplyAlpha( rgba32f , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA32F ); } bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, lod, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); bimg::imageRgba32fToGamma(rgbaDst , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_depth , mip.m_width*16 , rgba32f ); bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba32f(_allocator , dstData , rgbaDst , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , outputFormat , _options.quality , _err ); } } BX_FREE(_allocator, rgbaDst); } // SDF else if (_options.sdf) { uint32_t size = bimg::imageGetSize( NULL , uint16_t(dstMip.m_width) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_height) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_depth) , false , false , 1 , bimg::TextureFormat::R8 ); temp = BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); uint8_t* r8 = (uint8_t*)temp; bimg::imageDecodeToR8(_allocator , r8 , mip.m_data , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_depth , mip.m_width , mip.m_format ); bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, 0, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); bimg::imageMakeDist(_allocator , dstData , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width , r8 ); if (_options.mips) { const float alphaRef = 0.5f; float coverage = bimg::imageAlphaTestCoverage(bimg::TextureFormat::A8 , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width , r8 , alphaRef ); size = bimg::imageGetSize( NULL , uint16_t(dstMip.m_width) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_height) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_depth) , false , false , 1 , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 ); void* rgbaTemp = BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); uint8_t* rgba = (uint8_t*)rgbaTemp; bimg::imageDecodeToRgba8( _allocator , rgba , dstMip.m_data , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_width * 4 , bimg::TextureFormat::A8 ); for (uint8_t lod = 1; lod < numMips && _err->isOk(); ++lod) { bimg::imageRgba8Downsample2x2(rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , dstMip.m_width * 4 , bx::strideAlign(dstMip.m_width / 2, blockWidth) * 4 , rgba ); // For each mip, upscale to original size, // scale image alpha to get same coverage as mip0 uint32_t upsample = 1 << lod; uint32_t destWidth = dstMip.m_width / 2; uint32_t destHeight = dstMip.m_height / 2; bimg::imageScaleAlphaToCoverage(bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 , destWidth , destHeight , destWidth * 4 , rgba , coverage , alphaRef , upsample ); bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, lod, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba8( _allocator , dstData , rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , bimg::TextureFormat::A8 , _options.quality , _err ); } BX_FREE(_allocator, rgbaTemp); } } // RGBA8 else { uint32_t size = bimg::imageGetSize( NULL , uint16_t(dstMip.m_width) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_height) , uint16_t(dstMip.m_depth) , false , false , 1 , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 ); temp = BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); uint8_t* rgba = (uint8_t*)temp; bimg::imageDecodeToRgba8( _allocator , rgba , mip.m_data , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*4 , mip.m_format ); float coverage = 0.0f; if (_options.alphaTest) { coverage = bimg::imageAlphaTestCoverage(bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*4 , rgba , _options.edge ); } void* ref = NULL; if (_options.iqa) { ref = BX_ALLOC(_allocator, size); bx::memCopy(ref, rgba, size); } if (_options.pma) { imagePremultiplyAlpha( rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 ); } bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, 0, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba8( _allocator , dstData , rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , outputFormat , _options.quality , _err ); for (uint8_t lod = 1; lod < numMips && _err->isOk(); ++lod) { bimg::imageRgba8Downsample2x2(rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , dstMip.m_width*4 , bx::strideAlign(dstMip.m_width/2, blockWidth)*4 , rgba ); if (_options.alphaTest) { bimg::imageScaleAlphaToCoverage(bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_width*4 , rgba , coverage , _options.edge ); } if (_options.pma) { imagePremultiplyAlpha( rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8 ); } bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, lod, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); dstData = const_cast(dstMip.m_data); bimg::imageEncodeFromRgba8( _allocator , dstData , rgba , dstMip.m_width , dstMip.m_height , dstMip.m_depth , outputFormat , _options.quality , _err ); } if (NULL != ref) { bimg::imageDecodeToRgba8( _allocator , rgba , output->m_data , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*mip.m_bpp/8 , outputFormat ); float result = bimg::imageQualityRgba8( ref , rgba , uint16_t(mip.m_width) , uint16_t(mip.m_height) ); bx::printf("%f\n", result); BX_FREE(_allocator, ref); } } BX_FREE(_allocator, temp); } } bimg::imageFree(input); } if (!_err->isOk() && NULL != output) { bimg::imageFree(output); output = NULL; } return output; } void help(const char* _error = NULL, bool _showHelp = true) { if (NULL != _error) { bx::printf("Error:\n%s\n\n", _error); if (!_showHelp) { return; } } bx::printf( "texturec, bgfx texture compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" "Copyright 2011-2022 Branimir Karadzic. All rights reserved.\n" "License: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bimg/blob/master/LICENSE\n\n" , BIMG_TEXTUREC_VERSION_MAJOR , BIMG_TEXTUREC_VERSION_MINOR , BIMG_API_VERSION ); bx::printf( "Usage: texturec -f -o [-t ]\n" "\n" "Supported file formats:\n" " *.bmp (input) Windows Bitmap.\n" " *.dds (input, output) Direct Draw Surface.\n" " *.exr (input, output) OpenEXR.\n" " *.gif (input) Graphics Interchange Format.\n" " *.jpg (input) JPEG Interchange Format.\n" " *.hdr (input, output) Radiance RGBE.\n" " *.ktx (input, output) Khronos Texture.\n" " *.png (input, output) Portable Network Graphics.\n" " *.psd (input) Photoshop Document.\n" " *.pvr (input) PowerVR.\n" " *.tga (input) Truevision TGA.\n" "\n" "Options:\n" " -h, --help Help.\n" " -v, --version Version information only.\n" " -f Input file path.\n" " -o Output file path.\n" " -t Output format type (BC1/2/3/4/5, ETC1, PVR14, etc.).\n" " -q Encoding quality (default, fastest, highest).\n" " -m, --mips Generate mip-maps.\n" " --mipskip Skip number of mips.\n" " -n, --normalmap Input texture is normal map. (Implies --linear)\n" " --equirect Input texture is equirectangular projection of cubemap.\n" " --strip Input texture is horizontal or vertical strip of cubemap.\n" " --sdf Compute SDF texture.\n" " --ref Alpha reference value.\n" " --iqa Image Quality Assessment\n" " --pma Premultiply alpha into RGB channel.\n" " --linear Input and output texture is linear color space (gamma correction won't be applied).\n" " --max Maximum width/height (image will be scaled down and\n" " aspect ratio will be preserved)\n" " --radiance Radiance cubemap filter. (Lighting model: Phong, PhongBrdf, Blinn, BlinnBrdf, GGX)\n" " --as Save as.\n" " --formats List all supported formats.\n" " --validate *DEBUG* Validate that output image produced matches after loading.\n" "\n" "For additional information, see https://github.com/bkaradzic/bimg\n" ); } void help(const bx::StringView _str, const bx::Error& _err) { std::string str; if (!_str.isEmpty() ) { str.append(_str.getPtr(), _str.getTerm() - _str.getPtr() ); str.append(": "); } const bx::StringView& sv = _err.getMessage(); str.append("'"); str.append(sv.getPtr(), sv.getTerm() - sv.getPtr() ); str.append("'"); help(str.c_str(), false); } class AlignedAllocator : public bx::AllocatorI { public: AlignedAllocator(bx::AllocatorI* _allocator, size_t _minAlignment) : m_allocator(_allocator) , m_minAlignment(_minAlignment) { } virtual void* realloc( void* _ptr , size_t _size , size_t _align , const char* _file , uint32_t _line ) { return m_allocator->realloc(_ptr, _size, bx::max(_align, m_minAlignment), _file, _line); } bx::AllocatorI* m_allocator; size_t m_minAlignment; }; int main(int _argc, const char* _argv[]) { bx::CommandLine cmdLine(_argc, _argv); if (cmdLine.hasArg('v', "version") ) { bx::printf( "texturec, bgfx texture compiler tool, version %d.%d.%d.\n" , BIMG_TEXTUREC_VERSION_MAJOR , BIMG_TEXTUREC_VERSION_MINOR , BIMG_API_VERSION ); return bx::kExitSuccess; } if (cmdLine.hasArg('h', "help") ) { help(); return bx::kExitFailure; } if (cmdLine.hasArg("formats")) { bx::printf("Uncompressed formats:\n"); for (int format = bimg::TextureFormat::Unknown + 1; format < bimg::TextureFormat::UnknownDepth; format++) { bx::printf(" %s\n", bimg::getName((bimg::TextureFormat::Enum) format)); } for (int format = bimg::TextureFormat::UnknownDepth + 1; format < bimg::TextureFormat::Count; format++) { bx::printf(" %s\n", bimg::getName((bimg::TextureFormat::Enum) format)); } bx::printf("Compressed formats:\n"); for (int format = 0; format < bimg::TextureFormat::Unknown; format++) { bx::printf(" %s\n", bimg::getName((bimg::TextureFormat::Enum) format)); } return bx::kExitSuccess; } const char* inputFileName = cmdLine.findOption('f'); if (NULL == inputFileName) { help("Input file must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } const char* outputFileName = cmdLine.findOption('o'); if (NULL == outputFileName) { help("Output file must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } bx::StringView saveAs = cmdLine.findOption("as"); saveAs = saveAs.isEmpty() ? bx::strFindI(outputFileName, ".ktx") : saveAs; saveAs = saveAs.isEmpty() ? bx::strFindI(outputFileName, ".dds") : saveAs; saveAs = saveAs.isEmpty() ? bx::strFindI(outputFileName, ".png") : saveAs; saveAs = saveAs.isEmpty() ? bx::strFindI(outputFileName, ".exr") : saveAs; saveAs = saveAs.isEmpty() ? bx::strFindI(outputFileName, ".hdr") : saveAs; if (saveAs.isEmpty() ) { help("Output file format must be specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } Options options; const char* alphaRef = cmdLine.findOption("ref"); if (NULL != alphaRef) { options.alphaTest = true; if (!bx::fromString(&options.edge, alphaRef)) { options.edge = 0.5f; } } options.sdf = cmdLine.hasArg("sdf"); options.mips = cmdLine.hasArg('m', "mips"); options.normalMap = cmdLine.hasArg('n', "normalmap"); options.equirect = cmdLine.hasArg("equirect"); options.strip = cmdLine.hasArg("strip"); options.iqa = cmdLine.hasArg("iqa"); options.pma = cmdLine.hasArg("pma"); options.linear = cmdLine.hasArg("linear"); if (options.equirect && options.strip) { help("Image can't be equirect and strip at the same time."); return bx::kExitFailure; } // Normal maps are always linear if (options.normalMap) { options.linear = true; } const char* maxSize = cmdLine.findOption("max"); if (NULL != maxSize) { if (!bx::fromString(&options.maxSize, maxSize) ) { help("Parsing `--max` failed."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } const char* mipSkip = cmdLine.findOption("mipskip"); if (NULL != mipSkip) { if (!bx::fromString(&options.mipSkip, mipSkip) ) { help("Parsing `--mipskip` failed."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } options.format = bimg::TextureFormat::Count; const char* type = cmdLine.findOption('t'); if (NULL != type) { options.format = bimg::getFormat(type); if (!bimg::isValid(options.format) ) { help("Invalid format specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "png").isEmpty() ) { if (options.format == bimg::TextureFormat::Count) { options.format = bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8; } else if (options.format != bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8) { help("Output PNG format must be RGBA8."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } else if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "exr").isEmpty() ) { if (options.format == bimg::TextureFormat::Count) { options.format = bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA16F; } else if (options.format != bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA16F) { help("Output EXR format must be RGBA16F."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } const char* quality = cmdLine.findOption('q'); if (NULL != quality) { switch (bx::toLower(quality[0]) ) { case 'h': options.quality = bimg::Quality::Highest; break; case 'f': options.quality = bimg::Quality::Fastest; break; case 'd': options.quality = bimg::Quality::Default; break; default: help("Invalid quality specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } const char* radiance = cmdLine.findOption("radiance"); if (NULL != radiance) { if (0 == bx::strCmpI(radiance, "phong" ) ) { options.radiance = bimg::LightingModel::Phong; } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(radiance, "phongbrdf") ) { options.radiance = bimg::LightingModel::PhongBrdf; } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(radiance, "blinn" ) ) { options.radiance = bimg::LightingModel::Blinn; } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(radiance, "blinnbrdf") ) { options.radiance = bimg::LightingModel::BlinnBrdf; } else if (0 == bx::strCmpI(radiance, "ggx" ) ) { options.radiance = bimg::LightingModel::Ggx; } else { help("Invalid radiance lighting model specified."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } const bool validate = cmdLine.hasArg("validate"); bx::Error err; bx::FileReader reader; if (!bx::open(&reader, inputFileName, &err) ) { help("Failed to open input file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } uint32_t inputSize = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&reader); if (0 == inputSize) { help("Failed to read input file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } bx::DefaultAllocator defaultAllocator; AlignedAllocator allocator(&defaultAllocator, 16); uint8_t* inputData = (uint8_t*)BX_ALLOC(&allocator, inputSize); bx::read(&reader, inputData, inputSize, &err); bx::close(&reader); if (!err.isOk() ) { help("Failed to read input file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } bimg::ImageContainer* output = convert(&allocator, inputData, inputSize, options, &err); BX_FREE(&allocator, inputData); if (NULL != output) { output->m_srgb = !options.linear; bx::FileWriter writer; if (bx::open(&writer, outputFileName, false, &err) ) { if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "ktx").isEmpty() ) { bimg::imageWriteKtx(&writer, *output, output->m_data, output->m_size, &err); } else if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "dds").isEmpty() ) { bimg::imageWriteDds(&writer, *output, output->m_data, output->m_size, &err); } else if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "png").isEmpty() ) { if (output->m_format != bimg::TextureFormat::RGBA8) { help("Incompatible output texture format. Output PNG format must be RGBA8.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } bimg::ImageMip mip; bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, 0, 0, output->m_data, output->m_size, mip); bimg::imageWritePng(&writer , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*4 , mip.m_data , output->m_format , false , &err ); } else if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "exr").isEmpty() ) { bimg::ImageMip mip; bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, 0, 0, output->m_data, output->m_size, mip); bimg::imageWriteExr(&writer , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*8 , mip.m_data , output->m_format , false , &err ); } else if (!bx::strFindI(saveAs, "hdr").isEmpty() ) { bimg::ImageMip mip; bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, 0, 0, output->m_data, output->m_size, mip); bimg::imageWriteHdr(&writer , mip.m_width , mip.m_height , mip.m_width*getBitsPerPixel(mip.m_format)/8 , mip.m_data , output->m_format , false , &err ); } bx::close(&writer); if (!err.isOk() ) { help("", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } } else { help("Failed to open output file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } if (validate) { if (!bx::open(&reader, outputFileName, &err) ) { help("Failed to validate file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } inputSize = (uint32_t)bx::getSize(&reader); if (0 == inputSize) { help("Failed to validate file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } inputData = (uint8_t*)BX_ALLOC(&allocator, inputSize); bx::read(&reader, inputData, inputSize, &err); bx::close(&reader); bimg::ImageContainer* input = bimg::imageParse(&allocator, inputData, inputSize, bimg::TextureFormat::Count, &err); if (!err.isOk() ) { help("Failed to validate file.", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } if (false || input->m_format != output->m_format || input->m_size != output->m_size || input->m_width != output->m_width || input->m_height != output->m_height || input->m_depth != output->m_depth || input->m_numLayers != output->m_numLayers || input->m_numMips != output->m_numMips || input->m_hasAlpha != output->m_hasAlpha || input->m_cubeMap != output->m_cubeMap ) { help("Validation failed, image headers are different."); return bx::kExitFailure; } { const uint8_t numMips = output->m_numMips; const uint16_t numSides = output->m_numLayers * (output->m_cubeMap ? 6 : 1); for (uint8_t lod = 0; lod < numMips; ++lod) { for (uint16_t side = 0; side < numSides; ++side) { bimg::ImageMip srcMip; bool hasSrc = bimg::imageGetRawData(*input, side, lod, input->m_data, input->m_size, srcMip); bimg::ImageMip dstMip; bool hasDst = bimg::imageGetRawData(*output, side, lod, output->m_data, output->m_size, dstMip); if (false || hasSrc != hasDst || srcMip.m_size != dstMip.m_size ) { help("Validation failed, image mip/layer/side are different."); return bx::kExitFailure; } if (0 != bx::memCmp(srcMip.m_data, dstMip.m_data, srcMip.m_size) ) { help("Validation failed, image content are different."); return bx::kExitFailure; } } } } BX_FREE(&allocator, inputData); } bimg::imageFree(output); } else { help("Failed to create output", err); return bx::kExitFailure; } return bx::kExitSuccess; }