# CMakeList.txt : CMake project for NouVeL, include source and define # project specific logic here. # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8) project (ADVect) add_executable (Game "ADVect.cpp" "Graphics.cpp" "Track.h" "Audio.cpp" "Audio.h") # TODO: Add tests and install targets if needed. include_directories ("include" "../NVL/") add_subdirectory("ext/freetype") add_subdirectory("ext/bgfx") add_subdirectory("ext/SDL") if (WIN32) include_directories("include_windows" "include_windows/SDL2") target_link_libraries (Game PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/SDL2.lib ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/SDL2main.lib NVL freetype bgfx bx) elseif (APPLE) set_target_properties(Game PROPERTIES XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BITCODE "NO") find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED) target_link_libraries (Game PRIVATE NVL freetype bgfx bx SDL2::SDL2) else () find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED) target_link_libraries (Game PRIVATE NVL freetype bgfx bx SDL2::SDL2 SDL2::SDL2main) endif ()