#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; #use HTML::Template; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_; }; =begin comment HOW THE ARGUMENTS ARE PROBABLY GONNA LOOK: --new-post --build=(all|modified) --publish [...] TODO: [ ] everything =end comment =cut my $HELP_TEXT = << "END_HELP_TEXT"; Usage: staticgen.pl [options] Put the stuff here when arguments are actually implemented. END_HELP_TEXT sub LoadConfig { my $filename = shift; open my $cfh, "<$filename" or die "Couldn't open file!"; while (!eof($cfh)) { my $l = <$cfh>; # ^_^ } close $cfh; } sub Main { for my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg =~ m@^(-n|-+new-post)\z@i) { # something next; } if ($arg =~ m@^(-b|-+build)(=(?.+))?\z@i) { if (defined $+{bopt}) { if (lc $+{bopt} eq "all") { next; } elsif (lc $+{bopt} eq "modified") { next; } else { die "Invalid option for --build!"; } } else { next; } } if ($arg =~ m@^-+config=(?.+)\z@i) { die "Specified config file doesn't exist!" unless -f $+{conf}; LoadConfig($+{conf}); next; } if ($arg =~ m@^(-p|-+publish)\z@i) { # something next; } die $HELP_TEXT if ($arg =~ m@^(-h|-+help)\z@i); } } &Main(); exit 0;