using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Kneesocks { public class Pool where T : Connection { // number of threads that should be started when the pool is created // these threads will run for as long as the pool exists public int InitialCount { get; set; } = 3; // amount of connections that should initially be allowed per thread public int InitialSize { get; set; } = 3; // amount of additional connections that each thread can handle after // a new thread is created public int SizeGrowth { get; set; } = 1; // maximum amount of connections that a single thread will be assigned // 0 means no limit public int MaxSize { get; set; } = 10; // maximum number of threads that will be spawned // 0 means no limit public int MaxCount { get; set; } = 0; // maximum number of connections in a thread that exceeds the calculated // amount for the pool's thread count before the connection redistribution // function is called // 0 means never redistribute public int Tolerance { get; set; } = 0; private bool Disposed = false; private int _fullThreadCount; private volatile bool updateFullThreadCount = true; private List Threads = new List(); private long InternalCounter = 0; private Dictionary Connections = new Dictionary(); public Pool() { for(var i = 0; i < InitialCount; ++i) CreateThread(runWithNoClients: true); } public T this[UInt64 id] { get { if(HasConnection(id)) return Connections[id]; else return null; } } public bool HasConnection(UInt64 id) { return Connections.ContainsKey(id); } private void IndexConnection(T connection) { lock(Connections) { if(connection.IsIdNull) connection.Id = (ulong)Interlocked.Increment(ref InternalCounter); Connections.Add(connection.Id, connection); } } internal void InvalidateConnection(UInt64 id) { lock(Connections) { Connections.Remove(id); } } public void Broadcast(byte[] message) { if(Disposed) return; lock(Connections) { foreach(var conn in Connections) conn.Value.Send(message); } } public bool AddConnection(T connection) { if(Disposed) return false; lock(Threads) { foreach(var thread in Threads) { if(thread.Stack.Count < FullThreadSize) { thread.Stack.AddClient(connection); IndexConnection(connection); return true; } } if(MaxCount == 0 || Threads.Count < MaxCount) { CreateThread(connection); IndexConnection(connection); return true; } } return false; } internal void InvalidateThread(Stack stackRef) { lock(Threads) { var ctx = Threads.FirstOrDefault(x => Object.ReferenceEquals(x.Stack, stackRef)); if(ctx != null) { Threads.Remove(ctx); updateFullThreadCount = true; } } } private ThreadContext CreateThread(T initialConnection = null, bool runWithNoClients = false) { var stack = new Stack(this, runWithNoClients, initialConnection); var ctx = new ThreadContext { Stack = stack, Thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(stack.ManageStack)) }; ctx.Thread.Start(); Threads.Add(ctx); updateFullThreadCount = true; return ctx; } private int FullThreadSize { get { if(updateFullThreadCount) { _fullThreadCount = Math.Min( MaxSize == 0 ? int.MaxValue : MaxSize, InitialSize + SizeGrowth * (Threads.Count - InitialCount) ); } return _fullThreadCount; } } public void Dispose() { if(Disposed) return; Disposed = true; lock(Threads) { foreach(var thread in Threads) thread.Stack.StopThread(); } while(true) { Thread.Sleep(100); lock(Threads) { if(Threads.Count == 0) break; } } lock(Connections) { foreach(var conn in Connections) { conn.Value.Disconnect(Frame.kClosingReason.Normal, "Server shutting down."); } } } ~Pool() { Dispose(); } class ThreadContext { public Thread Thread { get; set; } public Stack Stack { get; set; } } } }