/* * Copyright (c), Recep Aslantas. * * MIT License (MIT), http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * Full license can be found in the LICENSE file */ #ifndef cglmc_mat_h #define cglmc_mat_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "../cglm.h" /* DEPRECATED! use _copy, _ucopy versions */ #define glmc_mat4_udup(mat, dest) glmc_mat4_ucopy(mat, dest) #define glmc_mat4_dup(mat, dest) glmc_mat4_copy(mat, dest) CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_ucopy(mat4 mat, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_copy(mat4 mat, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_identity(mat4 mat); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_identity_array(mat4 * __restrict mat, size_t count); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_zero(mat4 mat); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_pick3(mat4 mat, mat3 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_pick3t(mat4 mat, mat3 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_ins3(mat3 mat, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_mul(mat4 m1, mat4 m2, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_mulN(mat4 * __restrict matrices[], uint32_t len, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_mulv(mat4 m, vec4 v, vec4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_mulv3(mat4 m, vec3 v, float last, vec3 dest); CGLM_EXPORT float glmc_mat4_trace(mat4 m); CGLM_EXPORT float glmc_mat4_trace3(mat4 m); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_quat(mat4 m, versor dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_transpose_to(mat4 m, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_transpose(mat4 m); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_scale_p(mat4 m, float s); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_scale(mat4 m, float s); CGLM_EXPORT float glmc_mat4_det(mat4 mat); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_inv(mat4 mat, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_inv_precise(mat4 mat, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_inv_fast(mat4 mat, mat4 dest); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_swap_col(mat4 mat, int col1, int col2); CGLM_EXPORT void glmc_mat4_swap_row(mat4 mat, int row1, int row2); CGLM_EXPORT float glmc_mat4_rmc(vec4 r, mat4 m, vec4 c); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* cglmc_mat_h */