2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
package gregtech.loaders.postload ;
2015-05-16 02:51:56 +02:00
import gregtech.GT_Mod ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API ;
import gregtech.api.enums.ConfigCategories ;
import gregtech.api.enums.ConfigCategories.Recipes ;
import gregtech.api.enums.Dyes ;
import gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values ;
import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList ;
import gregtech.api.enums.Materials ;
import gregtech.api.enums.OrePrefixes ;
import gregtech.api.enums.SubTag ;
import gregtech.api.enums.TC_Aspects ;
//import gregtech.api.enums.TC_Aspects.TC_AspectStack;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.internal.IGT_RecipeAdder ;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.internal.IThaumcraftCompat ;
import gregtech.api.objects.MaterialStack ;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Config ;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_LanguageManager ;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Log ;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_ModHandler ;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_OreDictUnificator ;
import gregtech.api.util.GT_Utility ;
import gregtech.common.GT_DummyWorld ;
import gregtech.common.GT_IteratorRandom ;
import ic2.api.recipe.IMachineRecipeManager ;
import java.io.PrintStream ;
import java.util.Arrays ;
2015-09-05 00:43:17 +02:00
import cofh.api.modhelpers.ThaumcraftHelper ;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader ;
import thaumcraft.api.ThaumcraftApi ;
import thaumcraft.api.ThaumcraftApiHelper ;
import thaumcraft.api.aspects.Aspect ;
import thaumcraft.api.aspects.AspectList ;
import thaumcraft.api.aspects.IEssentiaContainerItem ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks ;
import net.minecraft.init.Items ;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack ;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack ;
public class GT_MachineRecipeLoader
implements Runnable
public void run ( )
GT_Log . out . println ( " GT_Mod: Adding non-OreDict Machine Recipes. " ) ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . metalformerExtruding . getRecipes ( ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Energium_Dust . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . compressor . getRecipes ( ) , GT_Values . NI ) ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . gunpowder ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . extractor . getRecipes ( ) , GT_Values . NI ) ;
2015-05-16 02:51:56 +02:00
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 32767 ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . extractor . getRecipes ( ) , GT_Values . NI ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
catch ( Throwable e ) { }
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . wheat_seeds , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 5L ) , 10000 , 32 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . melon_seeds , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 3L ) , 10000 , 32 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . pumpkin_seeds , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 6L ) , 10000 , 32 , 2 ) ;
GT_DummyWorld tWorld = ( GT_DummyWorld ) GT_Values . DW ;
while ( tWorld . mRandom . mIterationStep > 0 ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1L , new Object [ ] { ForgeHooks . getGrassSeed ( tWorld ) } ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 5L ) , 10000 , 64 , 2 ) ;
catch ( Throwable e )
GT_Log . out . println ( " GT_Mod: failed to iterate somehow, maybe it's your Forge Version causing it. But it's not that important \ n " ) ;
e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addPrinterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plateDouble , Materials . Paper , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " squidink " , 36 ) , GT_Values . NI , ItemList . Paper_Punch_Card_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addPrinterRecipe ( ItemList . Paper_Punch_Card_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " squidink " , 36 ) , ItemList . Tool_DataStick . getWithName ( 0L , " With Punch Card Data " , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Paper_Punch_Card_Encoded . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addPrinterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Paper , 3L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " squidink " , 144 ) , ItemList . Tool_DataStick . getWithName ( 0L , " With Scanned Book Data " , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Paper_Printed_Pages . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addPrinterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . map , 1 , 32767 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " squidink " , 144 ) , ItemList . Tool_DataStick . getWithName ( 0L , " With Scanned Map Data " , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . filled_map , 1 , 0 ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addPrinterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . book , 1 , 32767 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " squidink " , 144 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Utility . getWrittenBook ( " Manual_Printer " , ItemList . Book_Written_01 . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
for ( OrePrefixes tPrefix : Arrays . asList ( new OrePrefixes [ ] { OrePrefixes . dust , OrePrefixes . dustSmall , OrePrefixes . dustTiny } ) )
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . EnderPearl , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Blaze , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . EnderEye , 1L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 100L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Silver , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Electrum , 2L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 200L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Iron , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Invar , 3L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 300L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Iron , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Invar , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Manganese , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Chrome , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . StainlessSteel , 9L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 900L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Chrome , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Kanthal , 3L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 300L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Barium , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Yttrium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . YttriumBariumCuprate , 6L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 600L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Zinc , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Brass , 4L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 400L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Bronze , 4L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 400L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Cupronickel , 2L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 200L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Gold , 4L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . RoseGold , 5L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 500L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Silver , 4L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . SterlingSilver , 5L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 500L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Copper , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Electrum , 2L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . BlackBronze , 5L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 500L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Bismuth , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Brass , 4L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . BismuthBronze , 5L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 500L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . BlackBronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Steel , 3L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . BlackSteel , 5L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 500L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . SterlingSilver , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . BismuthBronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . BlackSteel , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Steel , 2L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . RedSteel , 8L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 800L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . RoseGold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Brass , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . BlackSteel , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Steel , 2L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . BlueSteel , 8L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 800L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Cobalt , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Chrome , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Molybdenum , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Ultimet , 9L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 900L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Brass , 7L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Cobalt , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . CobaltBrass , 9L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 900L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Saltpeter , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Coal , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Gunpowder , 4L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 400L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Saltpeter , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tPrefix , Materials . Charcoal , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Gunpowder , 3L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount ) , ( int ) ( 300L * tPrefix . mMaterialAmount / 3628800L ) , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . rotten_flesh , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . fermented_spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . MeatRaw , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.purpledrink " , 750 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " sludge " , 1000 ) , ItemList . Food_Chum . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Wheat , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Dough . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Chili , 1L ) , ItemList . Food_PotatoChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_ChiliChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Clay , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Stone , 3L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 500L ) , Materials . Concrete . getMolten ( 576L ) , GT_Values . NI , 20 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Redstone , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Ruby , 4L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Energium_Dust . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ruby , 4L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Energium_Dust . get ( 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 900 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . brown_mushroom , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . spider_eye , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , new ItemStack ( Items . fermented_spider_eye , 1 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . LiveRoot , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . IronWood , 2L ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Iron , 9L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . LiveRoot , 9L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . IronWood , 18L ) , 900 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . NetherQuartz , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 500L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Fluix , 2L ) , 20 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . NetherQuartz , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 500L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Fluix , 2L ) , 20 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . dirt , 8 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " soil " , 8L , 0 ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Fertilizer . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . dirt , 8 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " soil " , 8L , 0 ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Compost . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . dirt , 8 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " soil " , 8L , 0 ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Mulch . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . dirt , 8 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " soil " , 9L , 0 ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addMixerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . dirt , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " soil " , 2L , 1 ) , 16 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addExtruderRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Wax . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Extruder_Cell . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . FR_WaxCapsule . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addExtruderRecipe ( ItemList . FR_RefractoryWax . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Extruder_Cell . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . FR_RefractoryCapsule . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . IC2_ReBattery . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 288L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Battery_SU_LV_Mercury . getWithCharge ( 1L , Integer . MAX_VALUE , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Mercury . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Battery_SU_MV_Mercury . getWithCharge ( 1L , Integer . MAX_VALUE , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Mercury . getFluid ( 4000L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Battery_SU_HV_Mercury . getWithCharge ( 1L , Integer . MAX_VALUE , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Mercury . getFluid ( 16000L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Battery_SU_LV_SulfuricAcid . getWithCharge ( 1L , Integer . MAX_VALUE , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Battery_SU_MV_SulfuricAcid . getWithCharge ( 1L , Integer . MAX_VALUE , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 4000L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . Battery_Hull_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Battery_SU_HV_SulfuricAcid . getWithCharge ( 1L , Integer . MAX_VALUE , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16000L ) , GT_Values . NF ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidCannerRecipe ( ItemList . TF_Vial_FieryTears . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Bottle_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , Materials . FierySteel . getFluid ( 250L ) ) ;
Materials tMaterial = Materials . Iron ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Iron . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . WroughtIron ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Iron . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . Gold ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Gold . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . Bronze ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Bronze . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . Copper ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Copper . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . AnnealedCopper ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Copper . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . Tin ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Tin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . Lead ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Lead . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
tMaterial = Materials . Steel ;
if ( tMaterial . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Casing . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMaterial . getMolten ( 72L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Steel . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Ball . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Mercury . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Mercury , 1L ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Ball . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . snowball , 1 , 0 ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Ball . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . snowball , 1 , 0 ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . snow , 1 , 0 ) , 512 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1000L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . snow , 1 , 0 ) , 512 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Lava . getFluid ( 1000L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . obsidian , 1 , 0 ) , 1024 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Concrete . getMolten ( 144L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 8 ) , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Glowstone . getMolten ( 576L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glowstone , 1 , 0 ) , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 144L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass , 1 , 0 ) , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Plate . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 144L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Glass , 1L ) , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Bottle . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 144L ) , ItemList . Bottle_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Cylinder . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Milk . getFluid ( 250L ) , ItemList . Food_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1024 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Cylinder . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Cheese . getMolten ( 144L ) , ItemList . Food_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Anvil . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Iron . getMolten ( 4464L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . anvil , 1 , 0 ) , 128 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Anvil . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . WroughtIron . getMolten ( 4464L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . anvil , 1 , 0 ) , 128 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSolidifierRecipe ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Anvil . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Steel . getMolten ( 4464L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Railcraft " , " tile.railcraft.anvil " , 1L , 0 ) , 128 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Fries . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . FryingOilHot . getFluid ( 10L ) , ItemList . Food_Fries . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " dynamite " , 1L ) , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 10L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " stickyDynamite " , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . frameGt , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , Materials . Concrete . getMolten ( 144L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reinforcedStone " , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Coal , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 125L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . HydratedCoal , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . paper , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Paper , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . paper , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . reeds , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . paper , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Coal , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 125L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . HydratedCoal , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 12 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . paper , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Paper , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . paper , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . reeds , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . paper , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 1 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 2 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 3 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 4 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 5 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 6 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 7 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 8 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 9 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 10 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 11 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 12 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 13 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 14 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 15 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 1 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 2 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 3 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 4 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 5 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 6 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 7 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 8 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 9 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 10 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 11 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 12 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 13 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 14 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 15 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 25L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_hardened_clay , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hardened_clay , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass_pane , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Chlorine . getFluid ( 20L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass_pane , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 8 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 9 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 10 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 2 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 11 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 3 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 12 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 4 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 13 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 5 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 14 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 6 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 15 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 7 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 8 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 9 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 10 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 2 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 11 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 3 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 12 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 4 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 13 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 5 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 14 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 6 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 15 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 250L ) , new ItemStack ( GregTech_API . sBlockConcretes , 1 , 7 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 200 , 4 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < Dyes . dyeRed . getSizeOfFluidList ( ) ; j + + ) {
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) , Dyes . dyeRed . getFluidDye ( j , 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Transport " , " pipeWire " , 4L , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 32 , 16 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < Dyes . dyeBlue . getSizeOfFluidList ( ) ; j + + ) {
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) , Dyes . dyeBlue . getFluidDye ( j , 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Transport " , " pipeWire " , 4L , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 32 , 16 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < Dyes . dyeGreen . getSizeOfFluidList ( ) ; j + + ) {
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) , Dyes . dyeGreen . getFluidDye ( j , 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Transport " , " pipeWire " , 4L , 2 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 32 , 16 ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < Dyes . dyeYellow . getSizeOfFluidList ( ) ; j + + ) {
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) , Dyes . dyeYellow . getFluidDye ( j , 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Transport " , " pipeWire " , 4L , 3 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 32 , 16 ) ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = ( byte ) ( i + 1 ) ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < Dyes . VALUES [ i ] . getSizeOfFluidList ( ) ; j + + )
if ( i ! = 15 ) {
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 0 ) , Dyes . VALUES [ i ] . getFluidDye ( j , 144L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 15 - i ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 64 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass , 1 , 0 ) , Dyes . VALUES [ i ] . getFluidDye ( j , 18L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass , 1 , 15 - i ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 64 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalBathRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . hardened_clay , 1 , 0 ) , Dyes . VALUES [ i ] . getFluidDye ( j , 18L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_hardened_clay , 1 , 15 - i ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 64 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . Dye_SquidInk . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " squidink " , 144 ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . Dye_Indigo . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " indigo " , 144 ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . Crop_Drop_Indigo . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " indigo " , 144 ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . Crop_Drop_MilkWart . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Milk , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getMilk ( 150L ) , 1000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . Crop_Drop_OilBerry . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 100L ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 4L ) , 10000 , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 1 , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 6L ) , 10000 , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 1 , 2 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 7L ) , 10000 , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 1 , 3 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 3L ) , 10000 , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . coal , 1 , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 1L ) , Materials . Creosote . getFluid ( 100L ) , 1000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Plantball . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Creosote . getFluid ( 5L ) , 100 , 16 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . HydratedCoal , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Coal , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 100L ) , 10000 , 32 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Mercury , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Mercury . getFluid ( 1000L ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Monazite , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Helium . getFluid ( 200L ) , 10000 , 64 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSmelterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . snowball , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 250L ) , 10000 , 32 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSmelterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . snow , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSmelterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ice , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Ice . getSolid ( 1000L ) , 10000 , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidSmelterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " phosphor " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphor , 1L ) , Materials . Lava . getFluid ( 800L ) , 1000 , 256 , 128 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Energium_Dust . get ( 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , ItemList . IC2_EnergyCrystal . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 10000 , 500 , 256 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 1L , 0 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 10 ) , 10000 , 2000 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 1L , 600 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 11 ) , 10000 , 2000 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 1L , 1200 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 12 ) , 10000 , 2000 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Energium_Dust . get ( 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1000L ) , ItemList . IC2_EnergyCrystal . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 10000 , 250 , 256 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 10 ) , 10000 , 1000 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 1L , 600 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 11 ) , 10000 , 1000 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAutoclaveRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 1L , 1200 ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 12 ) , 10000 , 1000 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addSlicerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Dough_Chocolate . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Slicer_Flat . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Raw_Cookie . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addSlicerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Baked_Bun . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Slicer_Flat . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bun . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addSlicerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Baked_Bread . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Slicer_Flat . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bread . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addSlicerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Baked_Baguette . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Slicer_Flat . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Baguette . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 1 ) , 100 , 120 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 1 ) , 100 , 120 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 2 ) , 200 , 120 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 3 ) , 100 , 480 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . EnderPearl , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 2L , 4 ) , 200 , 120 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . NetherQuartz , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 5 ) , 300 , 120 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . comparator , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Silicon " , " redstoneChipset " , 1L , 6 ) , 300 , 120 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 10 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 0L , 13 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 16 ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . CertusQuartz , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 0L , 13 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 16 ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 0L , 14 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 17 ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 0L , 15 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 18 ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Silicon , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 0L , 19 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 20 ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Silicon , 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Wiring_Basic . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Board_Basic . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Silicon , 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Wiring_Advanced . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Board_Advanced . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Silicon , 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Wiring_Elite . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Board_Elite . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 256 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Lapis , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glowstone , 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Advanced . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Lazurite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glowstone , 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Advanced . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Dough_Sugar . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Shape_Mold_Cylinder . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Raw_Cake . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 384 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass , 1 , 32767 ) , ItemList . Shape_Mold_Arrow . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Arrow_Head_Glass_Emtpy . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 4 ) ;
for ( Materials tMat : Materials . VALUES ) {
if ( ( tMat . mStandardMoltenFluid ! = null ) & & ( tMat . contains ( SubTag . SOLDERING_MATERIAL ) ) )
int tMultiplier = tMat . contains ( SubTag . SOLDERING_MATERIAL_GOOD ) ? 1 : tMat . contains ( SubTag . SOLDERING_MATERIAL_BAD ) ? 4 : 2 ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Steel . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Primitive . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Board_Basic . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Primitive . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 4L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Basic . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Basic . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Primitive . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 4L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Good . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Board_Advanced . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Advanced . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Advanced . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Board_Advanced . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Crystal_Chip_Elite . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Data . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Board_Elite . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Data . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Elite . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 256 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Board_Elite . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Crystal_Chip_Master . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Master . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 256 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Data . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Plastic , 2L ) , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_DataStick . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 64 ) ;
for ( ItemStack tPlate : new ItemStack [ ] { GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) } )
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . lever , 1 , 32767 ) , tPlate , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Cover_Controller . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . redstone_torch , 1 , 32767 ) , tPlate , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Cover_ActivityDetector . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . heavy_weighted_pressure_plate , 1 , 32767 ) , tPlate , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Cover_FluidDetector . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . light_weighted_pressure_plate , 1 , 32767 ) , tPlate , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Cover_ItemDetector . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " ecMeter " , 1L ) , tPlate , tMat . getMolten ( 144L * tMultiplier / 2L ) , ItemList . Cover_EnergyDetector . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . redstone_torch , 2 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , Materials . Concrete . getMolten ( 144L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . repeater , 1 , 0 ) , 800 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . leather , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . lead , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 50L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . name_tag , 1 , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Paper , 8L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . compass , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NF , new ItemStack ( Items . map , 1 , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Tantalum , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Manganese , 1L ) , Materials . Plastic . getMolten ( 144L ) , ItemList . Battery_RE_ULV_Tantalum . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Elite . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Crystal_Chip_Elite . get ( 18L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Tool_DataOrb . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 512 , 256 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Master . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Parts_Crystal_Chip_Master . get ( 18L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Energy_LapotronicOrb . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 512 , 1024 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Europium , 4L ) , ItemList . Energy_LapotronicOrb . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Energy_LapotronicOrb2 . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 2048 , 4096 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Neutronium , 16L ) , ItemList . Energy_LapotronicOrb2 . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . ZPM2 . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32768 , 4096 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfLife1 " , 4L , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfLife2 " , 1L , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping1 " , 4L , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping2 " , 1L , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping2 " , 4L , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping3 " , 1L , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfLife2 " , 1L , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfLife1 " , 4L , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping2 " , 1L , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping1 " , 4L , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping3 " , 1L , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.charmOfKeeping2 " , 4L , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 16 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 20 ) , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 144L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 23 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 17 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 20 ) , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 144L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 24 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 18 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 20 ) , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 144L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 22 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . CertusQuartz , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 2L , 0 ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . NetherQuartz , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 2L , 600 ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Fluix , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemCrystalSeed " , 2L , 1200 ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Wax . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . string , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 600L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " candle " , 24L , 0 ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Wax . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . FR_Silk . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 200L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " candle " , 8L , 0 ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . FR_Silk . get ( 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 500L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " craftingMaterial " , 1L , 3 ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " propolis " , 5L , 2 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 5L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " craftingMaterial " , 1L , 1 ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " sturdyMachine " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Diamond , 4L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 5000L ) , ItemList . FR_Casing_Hardened . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Bronze , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . FR_Casing_Sturdy . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 32 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 6L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " chipsets " , 1L , 0 ) , 16 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Bronze , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 6L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " chipsets " , 1L , 1 ) , 32 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Iron , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 6L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " chipsets " , 1L , 2 ) , 48 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . WroughtIron , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 6L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " chipsets " , 1L , 2 ) , 48 , 24 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Gold , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 6L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " chipsets " , 1L , 3 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Creosote . getFluid ( 1000L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . torch , 6 , 0 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " craftingMaterial " , 5L , 1 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 5L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . EnderPearl , 1L ) , 64 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . piston , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . slime_ball , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NF , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sticky_piston , 1 , 0 ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . piston , 1 , 32767 ) , ItemList . IC2_Resin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sticky_piston , 1 , 0 ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . piston , 1 , 32767 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 100L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sticky_piston , 1 , 0 ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Rubber , 3L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " carbonMesh " , 3L ) , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 300L ) , ItemList . Duct_Tape . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Paper , 3L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . leather , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 20L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . book , 1 , 0 ) , 32 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Paper_Printed_Pages . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . leather , 1 , 32767 ) , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 20L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . written_book , 1 , 0 ) , 32 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Tin . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass_pane , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Cell_Universal_Fluid . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Baked_Cake . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . egg , 1 , 0 ) , Materials . Milk . getFluid ( 3000L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . cake , 1 , 0 ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bun . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Buns . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bread . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Breads . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Baguette . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Baguettes . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Buns . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bun . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Breads . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bread . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Baguettes . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Baguette . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bun . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . MeatCooked , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Burger_Meat . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Buns . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . MeatCooked , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Burger_Meat . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bun . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Chum . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Burger_Chum . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Buns . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Chum . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Burger_Chum . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Bun . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Cheese . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Burger_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Sliced_Buns . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Cheese . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Burger_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Flat_Dough . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . MeatCooked , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Raw_Pizza_Meat . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Flat_Dough . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Sliced_Cheese . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . Food_Raw_Pizza_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Copper , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 0 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 0 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Tin , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 1 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Bronze , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 2 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Iron , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 3 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . WroughtIron , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 3 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Gold , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 4 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Diamond , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 5 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Blaze , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 7 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Rubber , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 8 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Emerald , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 9 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Apatite , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 10 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Lapis , 5L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 72L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " thermionicTubes " , 4L , 11 ) , 64 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 1L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 15L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
2015-05-10 11:23:53 +02:00
if ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) ! = null ) {
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) , 16 ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) , 16 ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 1L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) , 16 ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 15L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) , 16 ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) , 16 ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oilgc " ) , 64 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 60L ) } , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilLight , 32 ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilLight , 32 ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 1L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilLight , 32 ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 15L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilLight , 32 ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilLight , 32 ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilMedium , 16 ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilMedium , 16 ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 1L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilMedium , 16 ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 15L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilMedium , 16 ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilMedium , 16 ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilHeavy , 8 ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilHeavy , 8 ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 1L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilHeavy , 8 ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 15L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilHeavy , 8 ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilHeavy , 8 ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilExtraHeavy , 4 ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilExtraHeavy , 4 ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 1L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilExtraHeavy , 4 ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 15L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilExtraHeavy , 4 ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilExtraHeavy , 4 ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 16L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new FluidStack ( ItemList . sNaturalGas , 16 ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 30L ) , 32 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Creosote . getFluid ( 3L ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 1L ) , 16 , 24 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 1L ) , 16 , 24 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 3L ) , Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 1L ) , 16 , 24 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Biomass . getFluid ( 40L ) , Materials . Ethanol . getFluid ( 12L ) , 16 , 24 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 5L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Biomass . getFluid ( 40L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 12L ) , 16 , 24 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 5L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 5L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 4L ) , 16 , 8 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.potatojuice " , 2 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.vodka " , 1 ) , 16 , 16 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistilleryRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.lemonade " , 2 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.alcopops " , 1 ) , 16 , 16 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidHeaterRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 6L ) , Materials . Water . getGas ( 960L ) , 30 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidHeaterRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 6L ) , Materials . Water . getGas ( 960L ) , 30 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidHeaterRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . FryingOilHot . getFluid ( 16L ) , 16 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFluidHeaterRecipe ( ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . FryingOilHot . getFluid ( 16L ) , 16 , 32 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Talc , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oil " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Soapstone , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oil " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " oil " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Talc , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " creosote " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Soapstone , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " creosote " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " creosote " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Talc , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " seedoil " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Soapstone , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " seedoil " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " seedoil " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " lubricant " ) , false ) ;
for ( Fluid tFluid : new Fluid [ ] { FluidRegistry . WATER , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1L ) . getFluid ( ) } )
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Milk , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " milk " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Wheat , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.wheatyjuice " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Potassium , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mineralwater " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mineralwater " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mineralwater " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Magnesium , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mineralwater " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Salt , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.saltywater " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . RockSalt , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.saltywater " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glowstone , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Blaze , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . magma_cream , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fermented_spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . speckled_melon , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . ghast_tear , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . nether_wart , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . red_mushroom , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.poison " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 1 , 3 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.poison.strong " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Grin_Powder . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.poison.strong " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . reeds , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.reedwater " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . apple , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.applejuice " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . golden_apple , 1 , 0 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.goldenapplejuice " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . golden_apple , 1 , 1 ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.idunsapplejuice " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Hops . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.hopsjuice " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Coffee , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.darkcoffee " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Chili , 1L ) , tFluid , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.chillysauce " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphorus , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphate , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 3L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphorus , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphate , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 3L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Apatite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Apatite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphorus , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Apatite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphate , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Apatite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 3L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Apatite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glauconite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glauconite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphorus , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glauconite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphate , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glauconite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 3L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glauconite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . GlauconiteSand , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . GlauconiteSand , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphorus , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . GlauconiteSand , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphate , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . GlauconiteSand , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 3L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . GlauconiteSand , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , new FluidStack ( tFluid , 1000 ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Chili , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.chillysauce " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.hotsauce " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Chili , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.hotsauce " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.diabolosauce " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Chili , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.diabolosauce " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.diablosauce " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Coffee , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " milk " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.coffee " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Cocoa , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " milk " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.darkchocolatemilk " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Hops . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.wheatyjuice " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.wheatyhopsjuice " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Wheat , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.hopsjuice " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.wheatyhopsjuice " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.tea " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.sweettea " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.coffee " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.cafeaulait " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.cafeaulait " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.laitaucafe " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.lemonjuice " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.lemonade " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.darkcoffee " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.darkcafeaulait " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.darkchocolatemilk " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.chocolatemilk " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ice , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.tea " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.icetea " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Gunpowder , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.lemonade " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.cavejohnsonsgrenadejuice " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 1 , 3 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.waterbreathing " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . magma_cream , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.fireresistance " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . golden_carrot , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.nightvision " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fermented_spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.weakness " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.poison " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . speckled_melon , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.health " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . ghast_tear , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.regen " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.speed " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Blaze , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.awkward " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.strength " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.purpledrink " ) , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fermented_spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.mundane " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.weakness " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fermented_spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.weakness " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . spider_eye , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.poison.strong " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . speckled_melon , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.health.strong " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . ghast_tear , 1 , 0 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.regen.strong " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sugar , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.speed.strong " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBrewingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Blaze , 1L ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.thick " ) , FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " potion.strength.strong " ) , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " milk " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.mundane " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.lemonjuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.limoncello " , 25 ) , 1024 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.applejuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.cider " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.goldenapplejuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.goldencider " , 25 ) , 1024 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.idunsapplejuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.notchesbrew " , 25 ) , 1024 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.reedwater " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.rum " , 25 ) , 1024 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.rum " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.piratebrew " , 10 ) , 2048 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.grapejuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.wine " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.wine " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.vinegar " , 10 ) , 2048 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.wheatyjuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.scotch " , 25 ) , 1024 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.scotch " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.glenmckenner " , 10 ) , 2048 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.wheatyhopsjuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.beer " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.hopsjuice " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.darkbeer " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.darkbeer " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.dragonblood " , 10 ) , 2048 , true ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.awkward " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.weakness " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.mundane " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.weakness " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.thick " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.weakness " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.poison " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.health " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.waterbreathing " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.nightvision " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.invisibility " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.fireresistance " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.slowness " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.speed " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.slowness " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.strength " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.weakness " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.regen " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.poison " , 25 ) , 1024 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.poison.strong " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage.strong " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.health.strong " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage.strong " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.speed.strong " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.slowness.strong " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.strength.strong " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.weakness.strong " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.regen.strong " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.poison.strong " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.poison.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.waterbreathing.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.damage.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.nightvision.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.invisibility.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.fireresistance.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.slowness.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.speed.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.slowness.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.strength.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.weakness.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFermentingRecipe ( FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.regen.long " , 50 ) , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " potion.poison.long " , 10 ) , 2048 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_PotatoChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_PotatoChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Potato_On_Stick . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Potato_On_Stick_Roasted . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Bun . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Bun . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Bread . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Bread . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Baguette . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Baguette . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Pizza_Veggie . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Pizza_Veggie . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Pizza_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Pizza_Cheese . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Pizza_Meat . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Pizza_Meat . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Baguette . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Baguette . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Cake . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Food_Baked_Cake . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Cookie . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . cookie , 1 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . slime_ball , 1 ) , ItemList . IC2_Resin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . bookshelf , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . book , 3 , 0 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addExtractionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . slime_ball , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Rubber , 2L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Resin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Rubber , 3L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addExtractionRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " rubberSapling " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Rubber , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addExtractionRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " rubberLeaves " , 16L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Rubber , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addExtractionRecipe ( ItemList . Cell_Air . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Compressed_Coal_Chunk . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . IC2_Industrial_Diamond . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uranium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " Uran238 " , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uranium235 , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " Uran235 " , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Plutonium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " Plutonium " , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Uranium235 , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " smallUran235 " , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Plutonium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " smallPlutonium " , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . ice , 2 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . packed_ice , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ice , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . ice , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . CertusQuartz , 4L ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " tile.BlockQuartz " , 1L ) ) ;
2015-07-12 12:45:19 +02:00
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 8L , 10 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " tile.BlockQuartz " , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 8L , 11 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . quartz_block , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 8L , 12 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " tile.BlockFluix " , 1L ) ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . quartz , 4 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . quartz_block , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . wheat , 9 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hay_block , 1 , 0 ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addCompressionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glowstone , 4L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glowstone , 1 ) ) ;
2015-06-27 03:26:08 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . block , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Graphite , 9L ) , GT_Values . NI , 500 , 48 ) ;
2015-06-29 23:03:55 +02:00
GT_ModHandler . removeFurnaceSmelting ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ore , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ore , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeFurnaceSmelting ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreBlackgranite , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreBlackgranite , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeFurnaceSmelting ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreEndstone , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreEndstone , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeFurnaceSmelting ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreNetherrack , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreNetherrack , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeFurnaceSmelting ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreRedgranite , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addSmeltingRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . oreRedgranite , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Graphite , 1L ) ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " tile.BlockSkyStone " , 1L , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 45 ) , GT_Values . NI , 0 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " tile.BlockSkyChest " , 1L , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 8L , 45 ) , GT_Values . NI , 0 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . blaze_rod , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . blaze_powder , 3 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . blaze_powder , 1 ) , 50 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Railcraft " , " cube.crushed.obsidian " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Obsidian , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , 0 , true ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . flint , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Flint , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Flint , 1L ) , 40 , true ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . red_mushroom , 1 , 32767 ) , ItemList . IC2_Grin_Powder . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . item_frame , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . leather , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Wood , OrePrefixes . stick . mMaterialAmount * 4L ) , 95 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addPulverisationRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . bow , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . string , 3 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . getDust ( Materials . Wood , OrePrefixes . stick . mMaterialAmount * 3L ) , 95 , false ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stonebrick , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stonebrick , 1 , 2 ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . cobblestone , 1 , 0 ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . cobblestone , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . gravel , 1 , 0 ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 0 ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . ice , 1 , 0 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ice , 1L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . packed_ice , 1 , 0 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ice , 2L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . hardened_clay , 1 , 0 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Clay , 1L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_hardened_clay , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Clay , 1L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . brick_block , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . brick , 3 , 0 ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . nether_brick , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . netherbrick , 3 , 0 ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glass , 1L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glass , 1L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass_pane , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Glass , 3L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addForgeHammerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass_pane , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Glass , 3L ) , 16 , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAmplifier ( ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 180 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAmplifier ( ItemList . IC2_Scrapbox . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 180 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBoxingRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 9L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Schematic_3by3 . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . IC2_Scrapbox . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 16 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBoxingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Fries . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plateDouble , Materials . Paper , 1L ) , ItemList . Food_Packaged_Fries . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBoxingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_PotatoChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . foil , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) , ItemList . Food_Packaged_PotatoChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBoxingRecipe ( ItemList . Food_ChiliChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . foil , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) , ItemList . Food_Packaged_ChiliChips . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 64 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Steel , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Silicon , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . ElectricalSteel , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 2L ) , ( int ) Math . max ( Materials . ElectricalSteel . getMass ( ) / 40L , 1L ) * Materials . ElectricalSteel . mBlastFurnaceTemp , 480 , Materials . ElectricalSteel . mBlastFurnaceTemp ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Tungsten , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingotHot , Materials . TungstenSteel , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , ( int ) Math . max ( Materials . TungstenSteel . getMass ( ) / 80L , 1L ) * Materials . TungstenSteel . mBlastFurnaceTemp , 480 , Materials . TungstenSteel . mBlastFurnaceTemp ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Vanadium , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Gallium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingotHot , Materials . VanadiumGallium , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 2L ) , ( int ) Math . max ( Materials . VanadiumGallium . getMass ( ) / 40L , 1L ) * Materials . VanadiumGallium . mBlastFurnaceTemp , 480 , Materials . VanadiumGallium . mBlastFurnaceTemp ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Niobium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Titanium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingotHot , Materials . NiobiumTitanium , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , ( int ) Math . max ( Materials . NiobiumTitanium . getMass ( ) / 80L , 1L ) * Materials . NiobiumTitanium . mBlastFurnaceTemp , 480 , Materials . NiobiumTitanium . mBlastFurnaceTemp ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Nickel , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Chrome , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingotHot , Materials . Nichrome , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 2L ) , ( int ) Math . max ( Materials . Nichrome . getMass ( ) / 32L , 1L ) * Materials . Nichrome . mBlastFurnaceTemp , 480 , Materials . Nichrome . mBlastFurnaceTemp ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ruby , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 400 , 100 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Ruby , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 320 , 100 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . GreenSapphire , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 400 , 100 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . GreenSapphire , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 320 , 100 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sapphire , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , GT_Values . NI , 400 , 100 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Sapphire , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , GT_Values . NI , 320 , 100 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ilmenite , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . WroughtIron , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Titanium , 4L ) , 800 , 500 , 1700 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Ilmenite , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . WroughtIron , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Titanium , 5L ) , 640 , 500 , 1700 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Galena , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Silver , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Lead , 4L ) , 400 , 500 , 1500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Galena , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Silver , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Lead , 5L ) , 320 , 500 , 1500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Magnetite , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . WroughtIron , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 400 , 500 , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Magnetite , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . WroughtIron , 5L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Ash , 1L ) , 320 , 500 , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 500 , 120 , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . PigIron , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 100 , 120 , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 100 , 120 , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . ShadowIron , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . ShadowSteel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 500 , 120 , 1100 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . MeteoricIron , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . MeteoricSteel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . DarkAsh , 1L ) , 500 , 120 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , 500 , 120 , 1200 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , 500 , 120 , 1200 ) ;
2015-05-28 00:29:03 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addBlastRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . ElectricalSteel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Obsidian , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . DarkSteel , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , 4000 , 360 , 2000 ) ;
2015-06-07 21:25:40 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Lithium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Tungsten . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Iridium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 32 , 32768 , 300000000 ) ;
2015-05-25 23:04:14 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Deuterium . getGas ( 125 ) , Materials . Tritium . getGas ( 125 ) , Materials . Helium . getPlasma ( 125 ) , 16 , 4096 , 40000000 ) ; //Mark 1 Cheap //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Deuterium . getGas ( 125 ) , Materials . Helium_3 . getGas ( 125 ) , Materials . Helium . getPlasma ( 125 ) , 16 , 2048 , 60000000 ) ; //Mark 1 Expensive //
GT_Values . RA . addCannerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " fuelRod " , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Lithium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorLithiumCell " , 1 ) , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
2015-06-07 21:25:40 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " TritiumCell " , 1 ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " fuelRod " , 1 ) , Materials . Tritium . getGas ( 32 ) , 10000 , 16 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Carbon . getMolten ( 125 ) , Materials . Helium_3 . getGas ( 125 ) , Materials . Oxygen . getPlasma ( 125 ) , 32 , 4096 , 80000000 ) ; //Mark 1 Expensive //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Aluminium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Lithium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Sulfur . getPlasma ( 125 ) , 32 , 10240 , 240000000 ) ; //Mark 2 Cheap
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Beryllium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Deuterium . getGas ( 375 ) , Materials . Nitrogen . getPlasma ( 175 ) , 16 , 16384 , 180000000 ) ; //Mark 2 Expensive //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Silicon . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Magnesium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Iron . getPlasma ( 125 ) , 32 , 8192 , 360000000 ) ; //Mark 3 Cheap //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Potassium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Fluorine . getGas ( 125 ) , Materials . Nickel . getPlasma ( 125 ) , 16 , 32768 , 480000000 ) ; //Mark 3 Expensive //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Beryllium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Tungsten . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Platinum . getMolten ( 16 ) , 32 , 32768 , 150000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Neodymium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 48 ) , Materials . Europium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 64 , 24576 , 150000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Lutetium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Chrome . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Americium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 96 , 49152 , 200000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Plutonium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Thorium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Naquadah . getMolten ( 16 ) , 64 , 32768 , 300000000 ) ; //
2015-05-25 23:04:14 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Americium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Naquadria . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Neutronium . getMolten ( 1 ) , 1200 , 98304 , 600000000 ) ; //
2015-06-07 21:25:40 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Tungsten . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Helium . getGas ( 16 ) , Materials . Osmium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 64 , 24578 , 150000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Manganese . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 16 ) , Materials . Iron . getMolten ( 16 ) , 64 , 8192 , 120000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Mercury . getFluid ( 16 ) , Materials . Magnesium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Uranium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 64 , 49152 , 240000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Gold . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Aluminium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Uranium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 64 , 49152 , 240000000 ) ; //
GT_Values . RA . addFusionReactorRecipe ( Materials . Uranium . getMolten ( 16 ) , Materials . Helium . getGas ( 16 ) , Materials . Plutonium . getMolten ( 16 ) , 128 , 49152 , 480000000 ) ; //
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-05-10 11:23:53 +02:00
GT_ModHandler . removeRecipeByOutput ( ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addImplosionRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Compressed_Coal_Chunk . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 8 , ItemList . IC2_Industrial_Diamond . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . DarkAsh , 4L ) ) ;
2015-06-22 22:59:03 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFluidExtractionRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Quartzite , 1L ) , null , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 250 ) , 10000 , 600 , 28 ) ; //(GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.cell, Materials.SiliconDioxide,1L), GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.dust,Materials.SiliconDioxide,2L),GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.cell, Materials.Glass,1L)/** GT_Utility.fillFluidContainer(Materials.Glass.getMolten(1000), ItemList.Cell_Empty.get(1, new Object[0]), true, true)**/, 600, 16);
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-04-26 02:04:07 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 64L ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 60L ) } , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilLight , 128 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 60L ) } , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilMedium , 64 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 60L ) } , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilHeavy , 32 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 60L ) } , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . HydratedCoal , 1L ) , 24 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( ItemList . sOilExtraHeavy , 16 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 16L ) , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 64L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 60L ) } , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . HydratedCoal , 1L ) , 24 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( ItemList . sNaturalGas , 64 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Methane . getGas ( 120L ) } , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( Materials . Creosote . getFluid ( 24L ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 12L ) } , null , 16 , 96 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( Materials . SeedOil . getFluid ( 32L ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 12L ) } , null , 16 , 96 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( Materials . FishOil . getFluid ( 24L ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Lubricant . getFluid ( 12L ) } , null , 16 , 96 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( Materials . Biomass . getFluid ( 150L ) , new FluidStack [ ] { Materials . Ethanol . getFluid ( 60L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 60L ) } , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , 25 , 64 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( Materials . Water . getFluid ( 288L ) , new FluidStack [ ] { GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 260L ) } , null , 16 , 64 ) ;
2015-05-10 11:23:53 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addDistillationTowerRecipe ( new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " ic2biomass " ) , 250 ) , new FluidStack [ ] { new FluidStack ( FluidRegistry . getFluid ( " ic2biogas " ) , 8000 ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 125L ) } , ItemList . IC2_Fertilizer . get ( 1 , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 150 , 512 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " biogasCell " , 1L ) , null , 32 , 1 ) ;
2015-09-05 00:43:17 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Thaumcraft " , " ItemShard " , 1L , 6 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " GluttonyShard " , 1L ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " FMResource " , 1L , 3 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L , 1 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L , 2 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L , 3 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L , 4 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L , 5 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ForbiddenMagic " , " NetherShard " , 1L , 6 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TaintedMagic " , " WarpedShard " , 1L ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TaintedMagic " , " FluxShard " , 1L ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TaintedMagic " , " EldritchShard " , 1L ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ThaumicTinkerer " , " kamiResource " , 1L , 6 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFuel ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " ThaumicTinkerer " , " kamiResource " , 1L , 7 ) , null , 720 , 5 ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addElectrolyzerRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 3000L ) , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Oxygen , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 1500 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addElectrolyzerRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 3000L ) , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Oxygen , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 1500 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addElectrolyzerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " electrolyzedWaterCell " , 3L ) , 0 , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Hydrogen , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Oxygen , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 30 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addElectrolyzerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Water , 1L ) , 0 , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " electrolyzedWaterCell " , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , 490 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addElectrolyzerRecipe ( ItemList . Dye_Bonemeal . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 0 , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , 98 , 26 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addElectrolyzerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 8 ) , 0 , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . SiliconDioxide , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , 500 , 25 ) ;
2015-05-10 11:23:53 +02:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . NetherQuartz , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . NetherQuartz , 3L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . CertusQuartz , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . CertusQuartz , 3L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Quartzite , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Quartzite , 3L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . NetherQuartz , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . NetherQuartz , 3L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . CertusQuartz , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . CertusQuartz , 3L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Quartzite , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Quartzite , 3L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uraninite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uranium , 1L ) , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uraninite , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Magnesium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uranium , 1L ) , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Carbon , 1L ) , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 3000L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Calcite , 5L ) , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Carbon , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 4000L ) , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 5000L ) , GT_Values . NI , 3500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 2000L ) , Materials . SulfuricAcid . getFluid ( 3000L ) , GT_Values . NI , 1150 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sodium , 1L ) , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 4000L ) , Materials . SodiumPersulfate . getFluid ( 6000L ) , GT_Values . NI , 8000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Nitrogen , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Carbon , 1L ) , Materials . Water . getFluid ( 2000L ) , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 4000L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 2700 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Fuel , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Glyceryl . getFluid ( 250L ) , Materials . NitroFuel . getFluid ( 1250L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 250 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Glyceryl , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Fuel . getFluid ( 4000L ) , Materials . NitroFuel . getFluid ( 5000L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1000 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Nitrogen , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 2000L ) , Materials . NitrogenDioxide . getGas ( 3000L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1250 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Oxygen , 2L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Nitrogen . getGas ( 1000L ) , Materials . NitrogenDioxide . getGas ( 3000L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1250 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Oxygen , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 2000L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 3000L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 10 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Hydrogen , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Oxygen . getGas ( 500L ) , GT_ModHandler . getDistilledWater ( 1500L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Saltpeter , 1L ) , Materials . Glass . getMolten ( 864L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Railcraft " , " tile.railcraft.glass " , 6L ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Gold , 8L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . melon , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . speckled_melon , 1 , 0 ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Gold , 8L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . carrot , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_carrot , 1 , 0 ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Gold , 8L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . apple , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_apple , 1 , 0 ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . block , Materials . Gold , 8L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . apple , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_apple , 1 , 1 ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Blaze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . EnderPearl , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . EnderEye , 1L ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addChemicalRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Blaze , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . slime_ball , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . magma_cream , 1 , 0 ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Mixed_Metal_Ingot . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plateAlloy , Materials . Advanced , 1L ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Aluminium , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Iron , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . WroughtIron , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 5L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Bronze , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Steel , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . StainlessSteel , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 12L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1200 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Titanium , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 16L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . TungstenSteel , 6L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Reinforced . get ( 24L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 2400 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Aluminium , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Iron , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . WroughtIron , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 10L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Bronze , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Steel , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 16L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . StainlessSteel , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 24L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1200 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Titanium , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 32L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . TungstenSteel , 12L ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 48L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 2400 , 15 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Tin , 12L ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1200 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 12L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . bucket , 4 , 0 ) , 800 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 12L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . bucket , 4 , 0 ) , 800 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Iron . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " fuelRod " , 1L ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addBenderRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Tin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . IC2_Food_Can_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addVacuumFreezerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorCoolantSimple " , 1L , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorCoolantSimple " , 1L ) , 100 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addVacuumFreezerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorCoolantTriple " , 1L , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorCoolantTriple " , 1L ) , 300 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addVacuumFreezerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorCoolantSix " , 1L , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " reactorCoolantSix " , 1L ) , 600 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addVacuumFreezerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Water , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Ice , 1L ) , 50 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Lead , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Obsidian , 2L ) , ItemList . TE_Hardened_Glass . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Lead , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Obsidian , 2L ) , ItemList . TE_Hardened_Glass . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Transport " , " item.buildcraftPipe.pipestructurecobblestone " , 1L , 0 ) , GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " BuildCraft|Transport " , " pipePlug " , 8L , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , 32 , 16 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i + + ) {
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass , 3 , i ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stained_glass_pane , 8 , i ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass , 3 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . glass_pane , 8 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . cobblestone , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 3 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . brick_block , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 4 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stonebrick , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 5 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . nether_brick , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 6 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . quartz_block , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 2 , 7 ) , GT_Values . NI , 25 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . glowstone , 1 , 0 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Glowstone , 4L ) , GT_Values . NI , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Iron . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Iron . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Gold . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Bronze . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Copper . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Copper . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Tin . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Lead , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Lead . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Item_Casing_Steel . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 16 ) ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i = ( byte ) ( i + 1 ) ) {
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wool , 2 , i ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . carpet , 3 , i ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wooden_slab , 1 , 0 ) , ItemList . Plank_Oak . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wooden_slab , 1 , 1 ) , ItemList . Plank_Spruce . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wooden_slab , 1 , 2 ) , ItemList . Plank_Birch . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wooden_slab , 1 , 3 ) , ItemList . Plank_Jungle . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wooden_slab , 1 , 4 ) , ItemList . Plank_Acacia . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . wooden_slab , 1 , 5 ) , ItemList . Plank_DarkOak . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 0 ) , ItemList . Plank_Larch . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 1 ) , ItemList . Plank_Teak . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 2 ) , ItemList . Plank_Acacia_Green . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 3 ) , ItemList . Plank_Lime . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 4 ) , ItemList . Plank_Chestnut . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 5 ) , ItemList . Plank_Wenge . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 6 ) , ItemList . Plank_Baobab . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs1 " , 1L , 7 ) , ItemList . Plank_Sequoia . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 0 ) , ItemList . Plank_Kapok . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 1 ) , ItemList . Plank_Ebony . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 2 ) , ItemList . Plank_Mahagony . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 3 ) , ItemList . Plank_Balsa . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 4 ) , ItemList . Plank_Willow . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 5 ) , ItemList . Plank_Walnut . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 6 ) , ItemList . Plank_Greenheart . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs2 " , 1L , 7 ) , ItemList . Plank_Cherry . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 0 ) , ItemList . Plank_Mahoe . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 1 ) , ItemList . Plank_Poplar . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 2 ) , ItemList . Plank_Palm . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 3 ) , ItemList . Plank_Papaya . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 4 ) , ItemList . Plank_Pine . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 5 ) , ItemList . Plank_Plum . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 6 ) , ItemList . Plank_Maple . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCutterRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Forestry " , " slabs3 " , 1L , 7 ) , ItemList . Plank_Citrus . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , 50 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Cupronickel , 1L ) , ItemList . Shape_Mold_Credit . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Credit_Greg_Cupronickel . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Brass , 1L ) , ItemList . Shape_Mold_Credit . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Coin_Doge . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , ItemList . Shape_Mold_Credit . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Credit_Iron . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addFormingPressRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , ItemList . Shape_Mold_Credit . get ( 0L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Credit_Iron . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
2015-05-16 02:51:56 +02:00
if ( ! GT_Mod . gregtechproxy . mDisableIC2Cables ) {
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " copperCableItem " , 3L ) , 100 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " copperCableItem " , 3L ) , 100 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " tinCableItem " , 4L ) , 150 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " ironCableItem " , 6L ) , 200 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " ironCableItem " , 6L ) , 200 , 2 ) ;
2015-05-16 02:51:56 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " goldCableItem " , 6L ) , 200 , 1 ) ; }
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Carbon , 8L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " carbonFiber " , 1L ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addWiremillRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Graphene , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . Graphene , 1L ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Recipes . disabledrecipes , " torchesFromCoal " , false ) ) {
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . coal , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . torch , 4 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . light_weighted_pressure_plate , 1 ) , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . heavy_weighted_pressure_plate , 1 ) , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 6L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_door , 1 ) , 600 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 7L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 7L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . cauldron , 1 ) , 700 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " ironFence " , 1L ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Iron , 3L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . iron_bars , 4 ) , 300 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . heavy_weighted_pressure_plate , 1 ) , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 6L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_door , 1 ) , 600 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 7L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 7L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . cauldron , 1 ) , 700 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " ironFence " , 1L ) , 100 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . WroughtIron , 3L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . iron_bars , 4 ) , 300 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 3L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . fence , 1 ) , 300 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ring , Materials . Iron , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tripwire_hook , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ring , Materials . WroughtIron , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tripwire_hook , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 3L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . string , 3 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . bow , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 3L ) , ItemList . Component_Minecart_Wheels_Iron . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , 500 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 3L ) , ItemList . Component_Minecart_Wheels_Iron . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Steel , 3L ) , ItemList . Component_Minecart_Wheels_Steel . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , 300 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ring , Materials . Iron , 2L ) , ItemList . Component_Minecart_Wheels_Iron . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 500 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ring , Materials . WroughtIron , 2L ) , ItemList . Component_Minecart_Wheels_Iron . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ring , Materials . Steel , 2L ) , ItemList . Component_Minecart_Wheels_Steel . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 300 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hopper , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . hopper_minecart , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tnt , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . tnt_minecart , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . chest_minecart , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . trapped_chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . chest_minecart , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . minecart , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . furnace , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . furnace_minecart , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . tripwire_hook , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . trapped_chest , 1 ) , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone , 1 , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . stonebrick , 1 , 0 ) , 50 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 0 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 2 ) , 50 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 1 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 0 ) , 50 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 2 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sandstone , 1 , 0 ) , 50 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_ULV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 25 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Steel , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Aluminium , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . StainlessSteel , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Titanium , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_EV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . TungstenSteel , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_IV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Chrome , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_LuV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iridium , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_ZPM . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Neutronium , 8L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Casing_MAX . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Lead , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_ULV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_ULV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 25 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Tin , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Copper , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Gold , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Aluminium , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_EV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_EV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
2015-07-12 12:45:19 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt02 , Materials . Tungsten , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_IV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_IV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt04 , Materials . Tungsten , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_LuV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_LuV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt04 , Materials . Osmium , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_ZPM . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_ZPM . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt16 , Materials . Osmium , 2L ) , ItemList . Casing_UV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_UV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt16 , Materials . Osmium , 8L ) , ItemList . Casing_MAX . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Hull_MAX . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . BatteryAlloy , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , ItemList . Battery_Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . BatteryAlloy , 6L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Copper , 2L ) , ItemList . Battery_Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 2400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . BatteryAlloy , 6L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 2L ) , ItemList . Battery_Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 2400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . BatteryAlloy , 18L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cableGt01 , Materials . Gold , 4L ) , ItemList . Battery_Hull_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 3200 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . string , 4 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . slime_ball , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . lead , 2 ) , 200 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Compressed_Coal_Ball . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . brick_block , 1 ) , ItemList . IC2_Compressed_Coal_Chunk . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " waterMill " , 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " generator " , 1L ) , 6400 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " batPack " , 1L , 32767 ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . IC2_ReBattery . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 800 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 3 , 0 ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Tie_Stone . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . stone_slab , 3 , 7 ) , ItemList . RC_Rebar . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Tie_Stone . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 128 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . Copper , 9L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Lead , 2L ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . RC_ShuntingWire . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 9L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Lead , 2L ) , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . RC_ShuntingWire . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Steel , 3L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 3L ) , Materials . Blaze . getMolten ( 432L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_HS . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 3L ) , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 432L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Adv . get ( 8L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Electric . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . wireGt01 , Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Electric . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 50 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Tie_Wood . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Wooden . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Tie_Wood . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Wooden . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Tie_Wood . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Bed_Wood . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . RC_Tie_Stone . get ( 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 4L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Bed_Stone . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 200 , 4 ) ;
for ( ItemStack tRail : new ItemStack [ ] { ItemList . RC_Rail_Standard . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Adv . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Reinforced . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Electric . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_HS . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Rail_Wooden . get ( 6L , new Object [ 0 ] ) } ) {
for ( ItemStack tBed : new ItemStack [ ] { ItemList . RC_Bed_Wood . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . RC_Bed_Stone . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) } )
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( tBed , tRail , GT_ModHandler . getRecipeOutput ( new ItemStack [ ] { tRail , GT_Values . NI , tRail , tRail , tBed , tRail , tRail , GT_Values . NI , tRail } ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( tBed , tRail , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 144L ) , GT_ModHandler . getRecipeOutput ( new ItemStack [ ] { tRail , GT_Values . NI , tRail , tRail , tBed , tRail , tRail , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , tRail } ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( tBed , tRail , Materials . Redstone . getMolten ( 288L ) , GT_ModHandler . getRecipeOutput ( new ItemStack [ ] { tRail , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , tRail , tRail , tBed , tRail , tRail , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , tRail } ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " carbonFiber " , 2L ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " carbonMesh " , 1L ) , 800 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( ItemList . NC_SensorCard . getWildcard ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0L , 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , ItemList . Circuit_Basic . get ( 3L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Aluminium , 4L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " generator " , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " waterMill " , 2L ) , 6400 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 5L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hopper ) , 800 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 5L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . trapped_chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hopper ) , 800 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 5L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hopper ) , 800 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 5L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . trapped_chest , 1 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . hopper ) , 800 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Magnalium , 2L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " generator " , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " windMill " , 1L ) , 6400 , 8 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . EnderPearl , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . blaze_powder , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . ender_eye , 1 , 0 ) , 400 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . EnderPearl , 6L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . blaze_rod , 1 , 0 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . ender_eye , 6 , 0 ) , 2500 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gear , Materials . CobaltBrass , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , ItemList . Component_Sawblade_Diamond . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 1600 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Flint , 5L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tnt , 3 , 32767 ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " industrialTnt " , 5L ) , 800 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Gunpowder , 4L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 4 , 32767 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tnt , 1 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 4L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glowstone , 4L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . redstone_lamp , 1 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . redstone_torch , 1 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iron , 4L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . compass , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . WroughtIron , 4L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . compass , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Gold , 4L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . clock , 1 ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . torch , 2 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Phosphorus , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . torch , 6 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Resin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . torch , 6 ) , 400 , 1 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Coal , 8L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . flint , 1 ) , ItemList . IC2_Compressed_Coal_Ball . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 400 , 4 ) ;
2015-05-16 02:51:56 +02:00
if ( ! GT_Mod . gregtechproxy . mDisableIC2Cables ) {
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " tinCableItem " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Rubber , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " insulatedTinCableItem " , 1L ) , 100 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " copperCableItem " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Rubber , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " insulatedCopperCableItem " , 1L ) , 100 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " goldCableItem " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Rubber , 2L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " insulatedGoldCableItem " , 1L ) , 200 , 2 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " ironCableItem " , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Rubber , 3L ) , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " insulatedIronCableItem " , 1L ) , 300 , 2 ) ;
2015-05-16 02:51:56 +02:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . wooden_sword , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Stone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . stone_sword , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_sword , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_sword , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . diamond_sword , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , ItemList . Tool_Sword_Bronze . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadSword , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , ItemList . Tool_Sword_Steel . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . wooden_pickaxe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Stone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . stone_pickaxe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_pickaxe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_pickaxe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . diamond_pickaxe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Pickaxe_Bronze . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadPickaxe , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Pickaxe_Steel . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . wooden_shovel , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Stone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . stone_shovel , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_shovel , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_shovel , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . diamond_shovel , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Shovel_Bronze . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadShovel , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Shovel_Steel . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . wooden_axe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Stone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . stone_axe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_axe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_axe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . diamond_axe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Axe_Bronze . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadAxe , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Axe_Steel . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Wood , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . wooden_hoe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Stone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . stone_hoe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . iron_hoe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . golden_hoe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . diamond_hoe , 1 ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Hoe_Bronze . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addAssemblerRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . toolHeadHoe , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . stick , Materials . Wood , 2L ) , ItemList . Tool_Hoe_Steel . getUndamaged ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , 100 , 16 ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeRecipe ( new ItemStack [ ] { new ItemStack ( Items . lava_bucket ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) } ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeRecipe ( new ItemStack [ ] { new ItemStack ( Items . water_bucket ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) } ) ;
GT_ModHandler . removeFurnaceSmelting ( ItemList . IC2_Resin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . golden_apple , 1 , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 9216L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . gold_ingot , 64 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 9216 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . golden_apple , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . gold_ingot , 7 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 9216 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . golden_carrot , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . gold_nugget , 6 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 9216 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . speckled_melon , 1 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . gold_nugget , 6 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 9216 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . mushroom_stew , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , new ItemStack ( Items . bowl , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . apple , 32 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . bread , 64 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . porkchop , 12 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . cooked_porkchop , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . beef , 12 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . cooked_beef , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . fish , 12 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . cooked_fished , 16 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . chicken , 12 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . cooked_chicken , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . melon , 64 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . pumpkin , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . rotten_flesh , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . spider_eye , 32 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . carrot , 16 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Raw_Potato . get ( 16L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Poisonous_Potato . get ( 12L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( ItemList . Food_Baked_Potato . get ( 24L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . cookie , 64 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . cake , 8 , 0 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . brown_mushroom_block , 12 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . red_mushroom_block , 12 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . brown_mushroom , 32 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . red_mushroom , 32 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . nether_wart , 32 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " terraWart " , 16L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.meefRaw " , 12L , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.meefSteak " , 16L , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.venisonRaw " , 12L , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " TwilightForest " , " item.venisonCooked " , 16L , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Methane . getGas ( 1152L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 4608 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Diamond , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 5000 , 100 , 5000 } , 50 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . dirt , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Plantball . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Clay , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 1250 , 5000 , 5000 } , 250 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . grass , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , ItemList . IC2_Plantball . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Clay , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 2500 , 5000 , 5000 } , 250 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . mycelium , 1 , 32767 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , new ItemStack ( Blocks . brown_mushroom , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . red_mushroom , 1 ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Clay , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 2500 , 2500 , 5000 , 5000 } , 650 , 30 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( ItemList . IC2_Resin . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Glue . getFluid ( 100L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Rubber , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Plastic , 1L ) , ItemList . IC2_Plantball . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 10000 , 5000 , 5000 } , 300 , 5 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . DarkAsh , 2L ) , 0 , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 1L ) , ItemList . TE_Slag . get ( 1L , new Object [ ] { GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Ash , 1L ) } ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , 250 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Items . magma_cream , 1 ) , 0 , new ItemStack ( Items . blaze_powder , 1 ) , new ItemStack ( Items . slime_ball , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , 500 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Uranium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Uranium235 , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Plutonium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 2000 , 200 } , 800 , 320 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Plutonium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Plutonium241 , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Uranium , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 2000 , 3000 } , 1600 , 320 ) ;
2015-05-18 23:56:48 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Naquadah , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . NaquadahEnriched , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Naquadria , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 5000 , 1000 } , 3200 , 320 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . NaquadahEnriched , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Naquadria , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Naquadah , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 2000 , 3000 } , 6400 , 640 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Hydrogen . getGas ( 160L ) , Materials . Deuterium . getGas ( 40L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 160 , 20 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Deuterium . getGas ( 160L ) , Materials . Tritium . getGas ( 40L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 160 , 80 ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Helium . getGas ( 80L ) , Materials . Helium_3 . getGas ( 5L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 160 , 80 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Glowstone , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Redstone , 2L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Gold , 2L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , null , 488 , 80 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Endstone , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Helium . getGas ( 120L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Tungsten , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Platinum , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 625 , 625 , 9000 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , 320 , 20 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Netherrack , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Redstone , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Sulfur , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Coal , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 5625 , 9900 , 5625 , 625 , 0 , 0 } , 160 , 20 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . soul_sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , Materials . Oil . getFluid ( 80L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Saltpeter , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Coal , 1L ) , new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , new int [ ] { 8000 , 2000 , 9000 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , 200 , 80 ) ;
2015-05-25 23:04:14 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , Materials . Lava . getFluid ( 100L ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Silver , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Tantalum , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Tungsten , 1L ) , new int [ ] { 2000 , 1000 , 250 , 250 , 250 , 125 } , 80 , 80 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NI , FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " ic2pahoehoelava " , 100 ) , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Copper , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Tin , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Gold , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Silver , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Tantalum , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustTiny , Materials . Tungsten , 1L ) , new int [ ] { 2000 , 1000 , 250 , 250 , 250 , 125 } , 40 , 80 ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . RareEarth , 1L ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Neodymium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Yttrium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Lanthanum , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Cerium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Cadmium , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Caesium , 1L ) , new int [ ] { 2500 , 2500 , 2500 , 2500 , 2500 , 2500 } , 64 , 20 ) ;
GT_Values . RA . addCentrifugeRecipe ( GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " appliedenergistics2 " , " item.ItemMultiMaterial " , 1L , 45 ) , GT_Values . NI , GT_Values . NF , GT_Values . NF , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . BasalticMineralSand , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Olivine , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Obsidian , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Basalt , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . Flint , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dustSmall , Materials . RareEarth , 1L ) , new int [ ] { 2000 , 2000 , 2000 , 2000 , 2000 , 2000 } , 64 , 20 ) ;
2015-06-22 22:59:03 +02:00
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( new ItemStack ( Blocks . cobblestone ) , GT_ModHandler . getMaceratorRecipeList ( ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , Materials . Stone , 1L ) ) ;
2015-07-25 18:34:52 +02:00
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Lapis , 1L ) , GT_ModHandler . getMaceratorRecipeList ( ) , ItemList . IC2_Plantball . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ) ;
2015-06-22 22:59:03 +02:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
if ( GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat ! = null )
String tKey = " GT_WOOD_TO_CHARCOAL " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way of making charcoal magically instead of using regular ovens for this purpose.<BR><BR>To create charcoal from wood you first need an air-free environment, some vacuus essentia is needed for that, then you need to incinerate the wood using ignis essentia and wait until all the water inside the wood is burned away.<BR><BR>This method however doesn't create creosote oil as byproduct. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Charcoal Transmutation " , " Turning wood into charcoal " , new String [ ] { " ALUMENTUM " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Charcoal , 1L ) , 2 , 0 , 13 , 5 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ARBOR , 10L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VACUOS , 8L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 8L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . log . get ( Materials . Wood ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Charcoal , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VACUOS , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way of filling a bucket with aqua essentia in order to simply get water. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Water Transmutation " , " Filling buckets with water " , null , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . bucket , Materials . Water , 1L ) , 2 , 0 , 16 , 5 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 4L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 4L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . bucket , Materials . Empty , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . bucket , Materials . Water , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . capsule , Materials . Empty , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . capsule , Materials . Water , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Empty , 1L ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . cell , Materials . Water , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 4L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_TRANSZINC " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way to multiply zinc by steeping zinc nuggets in metallum harvested from other metals. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Zinc Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into zinc " , new String [ ] { " TRANSTIN " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Zinc , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 9 , 13 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . SANO , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Zinc ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Zinc , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . SANO , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way to multiply antimony by steeping antimony nuggets in metallum harvested from other metals. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Antimony Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into antimony " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSZINC " , " TRANSLEAD " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Antimony , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 9 , 14 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Antimony ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Antimony , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way to multiply nickel by steeping nickel nuggets in metallum harvested from other metals. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Nickel Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into nickel " , new String [ ] { " TRANSLEAD " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 9 , 15 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Nickel ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Nickel , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way to multiply cobalt by steeping cobalt nuggets in metallum harvested from other metals. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Cobalt Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into cobalt " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSNICKEL " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Cobalt , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 9 , 16 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Cobalt ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Cobalt , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way to multiply bismuth by steeping bismuth nuggets in metallum harvested from other metals. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Bismuth Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into bismuth " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSCOBALT " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Bismuth , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 17 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Bismuth ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Bismuth , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_IRON_TO_STEEL " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way of making Iron harder by just re-ordering its components.<BR><BR>This Method can be used to create a Material called Steel, which is used in many non-Thaumaturgic applications. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Steel Transmutation " , " Transforming iron to steel " , new String [ ] { " TRANSIRON " , " GT_WOOD_TO_CHARCOAL " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , 3 , 0 , 13 , 8 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ORDO , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Iron ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Steel , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ORDO , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way of creating Alloys using the already known transmutations of Copper and Tin.<BR><BR>This Method can be used to create a Bronze directly without having to go through an alloying process. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Bronze Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into bronze " , new String [ ] { " TRANSTIN " , " TRANSCOPPER " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Bronze , 1L ) , 2 , 0 , 13 , 11 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Bronze ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Bronze , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Your discovery of Bronze Transmutation has lead you to the conclusion it works with other Alloys such as Electrum as well. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Electrum Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into electrum " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBRONZE " , " TRANSGOLD " , " TRANSSILVER " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Electrum , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 11 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . LUCRUM , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Electrum ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Electrum , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . LUCRUM , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_TRANSBRASS " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Your discovery of Bronze Transmutation has lead you to the conclusion it works with other Alloys such as Brass as well. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Brass Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into brass " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBRONZE " , " GT_TRANSZINC " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Brass , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 12 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Brass ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Brass , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_TRANSINVAR " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Your discovery of Bronze Transmutation has lead you to the conclusion it works with other Alloys such as Invar as well. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Invar Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into invar " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBRONZE " , " GT_TRANSNICKEL " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Invar , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 15 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . GELUM , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Invar ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Invar , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . GELUM , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Your discovery of Bronze Transmutation has lead you to the conclusion it works with other Alloys such as Cupronickel as well. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Cupronickel Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into cupronickel " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBRONZE " , " GT_TRANSNICKEL " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Cupronickel , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 16 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Cupronickel ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Cupronickel , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 1L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Your discovery of Bronze Transmutation has lead you to the conclusion it works with other Alloys such as Battery Alloy as well. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Battery Alloy Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into battery alloy " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBRONZE " , " GT_TRANSANTIMONY " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . BatteryAlloy , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 13 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . BatteryAlloy ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . BatteryAlloy , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 1L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ORDO , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Your discovery of Bronze Transmutation has lead you to the conclusion it works with other Alloys such as Soldering Alloy as well. " ) ;
2015-07-12 12:45:19 +02:00
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Soldering Alloy Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into soldering alloy " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBRONZE " , " GT_TRANSANTIMONY " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . SolderingAlloy , 1L ) , 2 , 1 , 11 , 14 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . SolderingAlloy ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . SolderingAlloy , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . AQUA , 1L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Now that you have discovered all the basic metals, you can finally move on to the next Level of magic metallurgy and create more advanced metals " ) ;
2015-07-12 12:45:19 +02:00
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Advanced Metallurgic Transmutation " , " Mastering the basic metals " , new String [ ] { " GT_TRANSBISMUTH " , " GT_IRON_TO_STEEL " , " GT_TRANSSOLDERINGALLOY " , " GT_TRANSBATTERYALLOY " , " GT_TRANSBRASS " , " GT_TRANSELECTRUM " , " GT_TRANSCUPRONICKEL " , " GT_TRANSINVAR " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , Materials . Iron , 1L ) , 3 , 0 , 16 , 14 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 50L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 20L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . COGNITO , 20L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PRAECANTIO , 20L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . NEBRISUM , 20L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MAGNETO , 20L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey } ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " You have discovered a way to multiply aluminium by steeping aluminium nuggets in metallum harvested from other metals.<BR><BR>This transmutation is slightly harder to achieve, because aluminium has special properties, which require more order to achieve the desired result. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Aluminium Transmutation " , " Transformation of metals into aluminium " , new String [ ] { " GT_ADVANCEDMETALLURGY " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 1L ) , 4 , 0 , 19 , 14 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VOLATUS , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ORDO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . nugget . get ( Materials . Aluminium ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . nugget , Materials . Aluminium , 3L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . METALLUM , 2L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VOLATUS , 1L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ORDO , 1L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . IGNIS , 1L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , " Sometimes when processing your Crystal Shards they become a pile of Dust instead of the mostly required Shard.<BR><BR>You have finally found a way to reverse this Process by using Vitreus Essentia for recrystallising the Shards. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey , " Shard Recrystallisation " , " Fixing your precious crystals " , new String [ ] { " ALCHEMICALMANUFACTURE " } , " ALCHEMY " , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedOrder , 1L ) , 3 , 0 , - 11 , - 3 , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 5L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . PERMUTATIO , 3L ) , new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ORDO , 3L ) } ) , null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . Amber ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . Amber , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . InfusedOrder ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedOrder , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . InfusedEntropy ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedEntropy , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . InfusedAir ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedAir , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . InfusedEarth ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedEarth , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . InfusedFire ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedFire , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) , GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addCrucibleRecipe ( tKey , OrePrefixes . dust . get ( Materials . InfusedWater ) , GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . gem , Materials . InfusedWater , 1L ) , Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] { new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VITREUS , 4L ) } ) ) } ) ;
2015-08-02 13:00:23 +02:00
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
" While trying to find new ways to integrate magic into your industrial factories, you have discovered a way to convert magical energy into electrical power. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey ,
" Magic Energy Conversion " ,
" Magic to Power " ,
new String [ ] { " ARCANEBORE " } ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
3 , 0 , - 3 , 10 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . COGNITO , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 20L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 10L ) } ) ,
null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
new ItemStack ( Blocks . beacon ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Advanced , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Thaumium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Sensor_MV . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Advanced , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Thaumium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Sensor_MV . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
5 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 16L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 32L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_MAGICENERGY2 " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
" Attempts to increase the output of your Magic Energy generators have resulted in significant improvements. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey ,
" Adept Magic Energy Conversion " ,
" Magic to Power " ,
new String [ ] { " GT_MAGICENERGY " } ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
1 , 1 , - 4 , 12 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . COGNITO , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 20L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 10L ) } ) ,
null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
new ItemStack ( Blocks . beacon ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Data , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Thaumium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Sensor_HV . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Data , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Iridium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Sensor_HV . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
6 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 64L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_MAGICENERGY3 " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
" Attempts to further increase the output of your Magic Energy generators have resulted in great improvements. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey ,
" Master Magic Energy Conversion " ,
" Magic to Power " ,
new String [ ] { " GT_MAGICENERGY2 " } ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
1 , 1 , - 4 , 14 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 20L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . COGNITO , 20L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 40L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 20L ) } ) ,
null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
new ItemStack ( Blocks . beacon ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Elite , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plateDouble , Materials . Thaumium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Field_Generator_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Elite , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plateDouble , Materials . Europium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Field_Generator_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
8 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 128L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 128L ) } ) ) } ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
" Research into magical energy conversion methods has identified a way to convert surrounding energies into electrical power. " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey ,
" Magic Energy Absorption " ,
" Harvesting Magic " ,
new String [ ] { " GT_MAGICENERGY " } ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyAbsorber_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
3 , 0 , - 2 , 12 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . COGNITO , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 20L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 10L ) } ) ,
null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Advanced , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Thaumium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Sensor_MV . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyAbsorber_LV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
6 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 16L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VACUOS , 16L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . STRONTIO , 4L ) } ) ) } ) ;
tKey = " GT_MAGICABSORB2 " ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
" Moar output! Drain all the Magic! " ) ;
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addResearch ( tKey ,
" Improved Magic Energy Absorption " ,
" Harvesting Magic " ,
new String [ ] { " GT_MAGICABSORB " } ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyAbsorber_EV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
3 , 1 , - 2 , 14 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . COGNITO , 10L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 20L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 10L ) } ) ,
null , new Object [ ] { " gt.research.page.1. " + tKey ,
GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Advanced , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Thaumium , 1L ) ,
ItemList . Sensor_HV . get ( 2L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Advanced , 1L ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . plate , Materials . Thaumium , 1L )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyAbsorber_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
6 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VACUOS , 32L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . STRONTIO , 8L ) } ) )
, GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Elite , 1L ) ,
GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Thaumcraft " , " ItemResource " , 1 , 16 ) ,
ItemList . Field_Generator_MV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Elite , 1L ) ,
GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Thaumcraft " , " ItemResource " , 1 , 16 )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyAbsorber_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
8 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 128L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 128L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VACUOS , 64L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 128L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . STRONTIO , 16L ) } ) )
, GregTech_API . sThaumcraftCompat . addInfusionRecipe ( tKey ,
ItemList . Hull_EV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
new ItemStack [ ] {
ItemList . MagicEnergyConverter_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Master , 1L ) ,
GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Thaumcraft " , " ItemResource " , 1 , 16 ) ,
ItemList . Field_Generator_HV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . circuit , Materials . Master , 1L ) ,
GT_ModHandler . getModItem ( " Thaumcraft " , " ItemResource " , 1 , 16 )
} ,
ItemList . MagicEnergyAbsorber_EV . get ( 1L , new Object [ 0 ] ) ,
10 ,
Arrays . asList ( new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack [ ] {
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . POTENTIA , 256L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . ELECTRUM , 128L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . MACHINA , 256L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . VACUOS , 128L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . INSTRUMENTUM , 256L ) ,
new TC_Aspects . TC_AspectStack ( TC_Aspects . STRONTIO , 64L ) } ) )
} ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
for ( MaterialStack [ ] tMats : this . mAlloySmelterList )
ItemStack tDust1 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , tMats [ 0 ] . mMaterial , tMats [ 0 ] . mAmount ) ;
ItemStack tDust2 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . dust , tMats [ 1 ] . mMaterial , tMats [ 1 ] . mAmount ) ;
ItemStack tIngot1 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , tMats [ 0 ] . mMaterial , tMats [ 0 ] . mAmount ) ;
ItemStack tIngot2 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , tMats [ 1 ] . mMaterial , tMats [ 1 ] . mAmount ) ;
ItemStack tOutputIngot = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( OrePrefixes . ingot , tMats [ 2 ] . mMaterial , tMats [ 2 ] . mAmount ) ;
if ( tOutputIngot ! = GT_Values . NI )
GT_ModHandler . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( tIngot1 , tDust2 , tOutputIngot , ( int ) tMats [ 2 ] . mAmount * 50 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( tIngot1 , tIngot2 , tOutputIngot , ( int ) tMats [ 2 ] . mAmount * 50 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( tDust1 , tIngot2 , tOutputIngot , ( int ) tMats [ 2 ] . mAmount * 50 , 16 , false ) ;
GT_ModHandler . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( tDust1 , tDust2 , tOutputIngot , ( int ) tMats [ 2 ] . mAmount * 50 , 16 , false ) ;
private final MaterialStack [ ] [ ] mAlloySmelterList = { { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tetrahedrite , 3L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tin , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Bronze , 3L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tetrahedrite , 3L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Zinc , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Brass , 3L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Copper , 3L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tin , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Bronze , 4L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Copper , 3L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Zinc , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Brass , 4L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Copper , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Cupronickel , 2L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Copper , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Redstone , 4L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . AnnealedCopper , 3L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tin , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Bronze , 4L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . AnnealedCopper , 3L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Zinc , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Brass , 4L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Cupronickel , 2L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . AnnealedCopper , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Redstone , 4L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . RedAlloy , 1L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Iron , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tin , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . TinAlloy , 2L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . WroughtIron , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tin , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . TinAlloy , 2L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Iron , 2L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Invar , 3L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . WroughtIron , 2L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Nickel , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Invar , 3L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Tin , 9L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Antimony , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . SolderingAlloy , 10L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Lead , 4L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Antimony , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . BatteryAlloy , 5L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Gold , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Silver , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Electrum , 2L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Magnesium , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Aluminium , 2L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Magnalium , 3L ) } , { new MaterialStack ( Materials . Silver , 1L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . Nikolite , 4L ) , new MaterialStack ( Materials . BlueAlloy , 1L ) } } ;