2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
package gregtech.api.util ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInterModComms ;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API ;
import gregtech.api.enums.* ;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.IDamagableItem ;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.IItemContainer ;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.internal.IGT_CraftingRecipe ;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_HashSet ;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack ;
import gregtech.api.objects.ItemData ;
import ic2.api.item.IBoxable ;
import ic2.api.item.IC2Items ;
import ic2.api.item.IElectricItem ;
import ic2.api.reactor.IReactorComponent ;
import ic2.api.recipe.IRecipeInput ;
import ic2.api.recipe.RecipeInputItemStack ;
import ic2.api.recipe.RecipeOutput ;
import net.minecraft.block.Block ;
import net.minecraft.enchantment.Enchantment ;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase ;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer ;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks ;
import net.minecraft.init.Items ;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Container ;
import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting ;
import net.minecraft.item.Item ;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock ;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack ;
import net.minecraft.item.crafting.* ;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound ;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityFurnace ;
import net.minecraft.world.World ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidRegistry ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack ;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapedOreRecipe ;
import net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
import java.util.* ;
import java.util.Map.Entry ;
import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.* ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
* < p / >
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
* This is the Interface I use for interacting with other Mods .
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
* < p / >
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
* Due to the many imports , this File can cause compile Problems if not all the APIs are installed
* /
public class GT_ModHandler {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
public static final List < IRecipe > sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList = new ArrayList < IRecipe > ( 1000 ) ;
private static final Map < String , ItemStack > sIC2ItemMap = new HashMap < String , ItemStack > ( ) ;
private static final List < IRecipe > sAllRecipeList = Collections . synchronizedList ( new ArrayList < IRecipe > ( 5000 ) ) , sBufferRecipeList = new ArrayList < IRecipe > ( 1000 ) ;
public static volatile int VERSION = 509 ;
public static Collection < String > sNativeRecipeClasses = new HashSet < String > ( ) , sSpecialRecipeClasses = new HashSet < String > ( ) ;
public static GT_HashSet < GT_ItemStack > sNonReplaceableItems = new GT_HashSet < GT_ItemStack > ( ) ;
public static Object sBoxableWrapper = GT_Utility . callConstructor ( " gregtechmod.api.util.GT_IBoxableWrapper " , 0 , null , false ) ;
private static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > sExtractorRecipes = new HashMap < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > ( ) ;
private static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > sMaceratorRecipes = new HashMap < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > ( ) ;
private static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > sCompressorRecipes = new HashMap < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > ( ) ;
private static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > sOreWashingRecipes = new HashMap < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > ( ) ;
private static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > sThermalCentrifugeRecipes = new HashMap < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > ( ) ;
private static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > sMassfabRecipes = new HashMap < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > ( ) ;
private static boolean sBufferCraftingRecipes = true ;
static {
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( ShapedRecipes . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( ShapedOreRecipe . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( GT_Shaped_Recipe . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( ShapelessRecipes . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( ShapelessOreRecipe . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( GT_Shapeless_Recipe . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( ic2 . core . AdvRecipe . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( ic2 . core . AdvShapelessRecipe . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( " appeng.recipes.game.ShapedRecipe " ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( " appeng.recipes.game.ShapelessRecipe " ) ;
sNativeRecipeClasses . add ( " forestry.core.utils.ShapedRecipeCustom " ) ;
// Recipe Classes, which should never be removed.
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( net . minecraft . item . crafting . RecipeFireworks . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( net . minecraft . item . crafting . RecipesArmorDyes . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( net . minecraft . item . crafting . RecipeBookCloning . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( net . minecraft . item . crafting . RecipesMapCloning . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( net . minecraft . item . crafting . RecipesMapExtending . class . getName ( ) ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " jds.bibliocraft.BiblioSpecialRecipes " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " dan200.qcraft.shared.EntangledQBlockRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " dan200.qcraft.shared.EntangledQuantumComputerRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " dan200.qcraft.shared.QBlockRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " appeng.recipes.game.FacadeRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " appeng.recipes.game.DisassembleRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.carts.LocomotivePaintingRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.util.crafting.RotorRepairRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.util.crafting.RoutingTableCopyRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.util.crafting.RoutingTicketCopyRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.util.crafting.TankCartFilterRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.emblems.LocomotiveEmblemRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.emblems.EmblemPostColorRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.railcraft.common.emblems.EmblemPostEmblemRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " mods.immibis.redlogic.interaction.RecipeDyeLumarButton " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " thaumcraft.common.items.armor.RecipesRobeArmorDyes " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " thaumcraft.common.items.armor.RecipesVoidRobeArmorDyes " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " thaumcraft.common.lib.crafting.ShapelessNBTOreRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " twilightforest.item.TFMapCloningRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " forestry.lepidopterology.MatingRecipe " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.planets.asteroids.recipe.CanisterRecipes " ) ;
sSpecialRecipeClasses . add ( " shedar.mods.ic2.nuclearcontrol.StorageArrayRecipe " ) ;
/ * *
* Returns if that Liquid is Water or Distilled Water
* /
public static boolean isWater ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
if ( aFluid = = null ) return false ;
return aFluid . isFluidEqual ( getWater ( 1 ) ) | | aFluid . isFluidEqual ( getDistilledWater ( 1 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a Liquid Stack with given amount of Water .
* /
public static FluidStack getWater ( long aAmount ) {
return FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " water " , ( int ) aAmount ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a Liquid Stack with given amount of distilled Water .
* /
public static FluidStack getDistilledWater ( long aAmount ) {
return FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " ic2distilledwater " , ( int ) aAmount ) ;
/ * *
* Returns if that Liquid is Lava
* /
public static boolean isLava ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
if ( aFluid = = null ) return false ;
return aFluid . isFluidEqual ( getLava ( 1 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a Liquid Stack with given amount of Lava .
* /
public static FluidStack getLava ( long aAmount ) {
return FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " lava " , ( int ) aAmount ) ;
/ * *
* Returns if that Liquid is Steam
* /
public static boolean isSteam ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
if ( aFluid = = null ) return false ;
return aFluid . isFluidEqual ( getSteam ( 1 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a Liquid Stack with given amount of Steam .
* /
public static FluidStack getSteam ( long aAmount ) {
return FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " steam " , ( int ) aAmount ) ;
/ * *
* Returns if that Liquid is Milk
* /
public static boolean isMilk ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
if ( aFluid = = null ) return false ;
return aFluid . isFluidEqual ( getMilk ( 1 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Returns a Liquid Stack with given amount of Milk .
* /
public static FluidStack getMilk ( long aAmount ) {
return FluidRegistry . getFluidStack ( " milk " , ( int ) aAmount ) ;
public static ItemStack getEmptyFuelCan ( long aAmount ) {
return ItemList . IC2_Fuel_Can_Empty . get ( aAmount ) ;
public static ItemStack getEmptyCell ( long aAmount ) {
return ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( aAmount ) ;
public static ItemStack getAirCell ( long aAmount ) {
return ItemList . Cell_Air . get ( aAmount ) ;
public static ItemStack getWaterCell ( long aAmount ) {
return ItemList . Cell_Water . get ( aAmount ) ;
public static ItemStack getLavaCell ( long aAmount ) {
return ItemList . Cell_Lava . get ( aAmount ) ;
/ * *
* @param aValue the Value of this Stack , when burning inside a Furnace ( 200 = 1 Burn Process = 500 EU , max = 32767 ( that is 81917 . 5 EU ) ) , limited to Short because the vanilla Furnace otherwise can ' t handle it properly , stupid Mojang . . .
* /
public static ItemStack setFuelValue ( ItemStack aStack , short aValue ) {
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
aStack . setTagCompound ( GT_Utility . getNBTContainingShort ( aStack . getTagCompound ( ) , " GT.ItemFuelValue " , aValue ) ) ;
return aStack ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* @return the Value of this Stack , when burning inside a Furnace ( 200 = 1 Burn Process = 500 EU , max = 32767 ( that is 81917 . 5 EU ) ) , limited to Short because the vanilla Furnace otherwise can ' t handle it properly , stupid Mojang . . .
* /
2016-07-27 01:58:32 +02:00
public static int getFuelValue ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return TileEntityFurnace . getItemBurnTime ( aStack ) ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* @param aValue Fuel value in EU
* /
public static ItemStack getFuelCan ( int aValue ) {
if ( aValue < 5 ) return ItemList . IC2_Fuel_Can_Empty . get ( 1 ) ;
ItemStack rFuelCanStack = ItemList . IC2_Fuel_Can_Filled . get ( 1 ) ;
if ( rFuelCanStack = = null ) return null ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
tNBT . setInteger ( " value " , aValue / 5 ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
rFuelCanStack . setTagCompound ( tNBT ) ;
return rFuelCanStack ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* @param aFuelCan the Item you want to check
* @return the exact Value in EU the Fuel Can is worth if its even a Fuel Can .
* /
public static int getFuelCanValue ( ItemStack aFuelCan ) {
if ( GT_Utility . isStackInvalid ( aFuelCan ) | | ! ItemList . IC2_Fuel_Can_Filled . isStackEqual ( aFuelCan , false , true ) )
return 0 ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = aFuelCan . getTagCompound ( ) ;
return tNBT = = null ? 0 : tNBT . getInteger ( " value " ) * 5 ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from IndustrialCraft , and returns a Replacement Item if not possible
* /
public static ItemStack getIC2Item ( String aItem , long aAmount , ItemStack aReplacement ) {
if ( GT_Utility . isStringInvalid ( aItem ) | | ! GregTech_API . sPreloadStarted ) return null ;
//if (D1) GT_Log.out.println("Requested the Item '" + aItem + "' from the IC2-API");
if ( ! sIC2ItemMap . containsKey ( aItem ) ) try {
ItemStack tStack = IC2Items . getItem ( aItem ) ;
sIC2ItemMap . put ( aItem , tStack ) ;
if ( tStack = = null & & D1 ) GT_Log . err . println ( aItem + " is not found in the IC2 Items! " ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aAmount , sIC2ItemMap . get ( aItem ) , aReplacement ) ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from IndustrialCraft , but the Damage Value can be specified , and returns a Replacement Item with the same Damage if not possible
* /
public static ItemStack getIC2Item ( String aItem , long aAmount , int aMeta , ItemStack aReplacement ) {
ItemStack rStack = getIC2Item ( aItem , aAmount , aReplacement ) ;
if ( rStack = = null ) return null ;
Items . feather . setDamage ( rStack , aMeta ) ;
return rStack ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from IndustrialCraft , but the Damage Value can be specified
* /
public static ItemStack getIC2Item ( String aItem , long aAmount , int aMeta ) {
return getIC2Item ( aItem , aAmount , aMeta , null ) ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from IndustrialCraft
* /
public static ItemStack getIC2Item ( String aItem , long aAmount ) {
return getIC2Item ( aItem , aAmount , null ) ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from RailCraft
* /
public static ItemStack getModItem ( String aModID , String aItem , long aAmount ) {
return getModItem ( aModID , aItem , aAmount , null ) ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from RailCraft , and returns a Replacement Item if not possible
* /
public static ItemStack getModItem ( String aModID , String aItem , long aAmount , ItemStack aReplacement ) {
if ( GT_Utility . isStringInvalid ( aItem ) | | ! GregTech_API . sPreloadStarted ) return null ;
return GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aAmount , GameRegistry . findItemStack ( aModID , aItem , ( int ) aAmount ) , aReplacement ) ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from RailCraft , but the Damage Value can be specified
* /
public static ItemStack getModItem ( String aModID , String aItem , long aAmount , int aMeta ) {
ItemStack rStack = getModItem ( aModID , aItem , aAmount ) ;
if ( rStack = = null ) return null ;
Items . feather . setDamage ( rStack , aMeta ) ;
return rStack ;
/ * *
* Gets an Item from RailCraft , but the Damage Value can be specified , and returns a Replacement Item with the same Damage if not possible
* /
public static ItemStack getModItem ( String aModID , String aItem , long aAmount , int aMeta , ItemStack aReplacement ) {
ItemStack rStack = getModItem ( aModID , aItem , aAmount , aReplacement ) ;
if ( rStack = = null ) return null ;
Items . feather . setDamage ( rStack , aMeta ) ;
return rStack ;
/ * *
* /
public static boolean getModeKeyDown ( EntityPlayer aPlayer ) {
return false ;
/ * *
* /
public static boolean getBoostKeyDown ( EntityPlayer aPlayer ) {
return false ;
/ * *
* /
public static boolean getJumpKeyDown ( EntityPlayer aPlayer ) {
return false ;
/ * *
* Adds a Valuable Ore to the Miner
* /
public static boolean addValuableOre ( Block aBlock , int aMeta , int aValue ) {
if ( aValue < = 0 ) return false ;
try {
Class . forName ( " ic2.core.IC2 " ) . getMethod ( " addValuableOre " , IRecipeInput . class , int . class ) . invoke ( null , new RecipeInputItemStack ( new ItemStack ( aBlock , 1 , aMeta ) ) , aValue ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* Adds a Scrapbox Drop . Fails at April first for the " suddenly Hoes " - Feature of IC2
* /
public static boolean addScrapboxDrop ( float aChance , ItemStack aOutput ) {
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput ) ;
if ( aOutput = = null | | aChance < = 0 ) return false ;
aOutput . stackSize = 1 ;
if ( GT_Config . troll & & ! GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( aOutput , new ItemStack ( Items . wooden_hoe , 1 , 0 ) ) ) return false ;
aChance = ( float ) GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . scrapboxdrops , aOutput , aChance ) ;
if ( aChance < = 0 ) return false ;
try {
GT_Utility . callMethod ( GT_Utility . getFieldContent ( " ic2.api.recipe.Recipes " , " scrapboxDrops " , true , true ) , " addDrop " , true , false , true , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput ) , aChance ) ;
GT_Utility . callMethod ( GT_Utility . getFieldContent ( " ic2.api.recipe.Recipes " , " scrapboxDrops " , true , true ) , " addRecipe " , true , true , false , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput ) , aChance ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* Adds an Item to the Recycler Blacklist
* /
public static boolean addToRecyclerBlackList ( ItemStack aRecycledStack ) {
if ( aRecycledStack = = null ) return false ;
try {
ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . recyclerBlacklist . add ( new RecipeInputItemStack ( aRecycledStack ) ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* Just simple Furnace smelting . Unbelievable how Minecraft fails at making a simple ItemStack - > ItemStack mapping . . .
* /
public static boolean addSmeltingRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput ) {
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput ) ;
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null | | GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( aInput , false ) ! = null ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . smelting , aInput , true ) ) return false ;
FurnaceRecipes . smelting ( ) . func_151394_a ( aInput , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput ) , 0 . 0F ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Adds to Furnace AND Alloysmelter AND Induction Smelter
* /
2016-03-20 16:47:17 +01:00
public static boolean addSmeltingAndAlloySmeltingRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput , boolean hidden ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null ) return false ;
boolean temp = false ;
if ( aInput . stackSize = = 1 & & addSmeltingRecipe ( aInput , aOutput ) ) temp = true ;
2016-03-20 16:47:17 +01:00
if ( RA . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( aInput , OrePrefixes . ingot . contains ( aOutput ) ? ItemList . Shape_Mold_Ingot . get ( 0 ) : OrePrefixes . block . contains ( aOutput ) ? ItemList . Shape_Mold_Block . get ( 0 ) : OrePrefixes . nugget . contains ( aOutput ) ? ItemList . Shape_Mold_Nugget . get ( 0 ) : null , aOutput , 130 , 3 , hidden ) )
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
temp = true ;
if ( addInductionSmelterRecipe ( aInput , null , aOutput , null , aOutput . stackSize * 1600 , 0 ) ) temp = true ;
return temp ;
/ * *
* LiquidTransposer Recipe for both directions
* /
public static boolean addLiquidTransposerRecipe ( ItemStack aEmptyContainer , FluidStack aLiquid , ItemStack aFullContainer , int aMJ ) {
aFullContainer = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aFullContainer ) ;
if ( aEmptyContainer = = null | | aFullContainer = = null | | aLiquid = = null ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . liquidtransposer , aFullContainer , true ) )
return false ;
try {
ThermalExpansion . addTransposerFill ( aMJ * 10 , aEmptyContainer , aFullContainer , aLiquid , true ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* LiquidTransposer Recipe for filling Containers
* /
public static boolean addLiquidTransposerFillRecipe ( ItemStack aEmptyContainer , FluidStack aLiquid , ItemStack aFullContainer , int aMJ ) {
aFullContainer = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aFullContainer ) ;
if ( aEmptyContainer = = null | | aFullContainer = = null | | aLiquid = = null ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . liquidtransposerfilling , aFullContainer , true ) )
return false ;
try {
ThermalExpansion . addTransposerFill ( aMJ * 10 , aEmptyContainer , aFullContainer , aLiquid , false ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* LiquidTransposer Recipe for emptying Containers
* /
public static boolean addLiquidTransposerEmptyRecipe ( ItemStack aFullContainer , FluidStack aLiquid , ItemStack aEmptyContainer , int aMJ ) {
aEmptyContainer = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aEmptyContainer ) ;
if ( aFullContainer = = null | | aEmptyContainer = = null | | aLiquid = = null ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . liquidtransposeremptying , aFullContainer , true ) )
return false ;
try {
ThermalExpansion . addTransposerExtract ( aMJ * 10 , aFullContainer , aEmptyContainer , aLiquid , 100 , false ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* IC2 - Extractor Recipe . Overloads old Recipes automatically
* /
public static boolean addExtractionRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput ) {
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput ) ;
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null ) return false ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getExtractorRecipeList ( ) , null ) ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . extractor , aInput , true ) ) return false ;
GT_Utility . addSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getExtractorRecipeList ( ) , null , aOutput ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* RC - BlastFurnace Recipes
* /
public static boolean addRCBlastFurnaceRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput , int aTime ) {
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput ) ;
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null | | aTime < = 0 ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . rcblastfurnace , aInput , true ) ) return false ;
aInput = GT_Utility . copy ( aInput ) ;
aOutput = GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput ) ;
try {
mods . railcraft . api . crafting . RailcraftCraftingManager . blastFurnace . addRecipe ( aInput , true , false , aTime , aOutput ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
return false ;
return true ;
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 ) {
return addPulverisationRecipe ( aInput , aOutput1 , null , 0 , false ) ;
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 ) {
return addPulverisationRecipe ( aInput , aOutput1 , aOutput2 , 100 , false ) ;
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , int aChance ) {
return addPulverisationRecipe ( aInput , aOutput1 , aOutput2 , aChance , false ) ;
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 , boolean aOverwrite ) {
return addPulverisationRecipe ( aInput , aOutput1 , null , 0 , aOverwrite ) ;
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , boolean aOverwrite ) {
return addPulverisationRecipe ( aInput , aOutput1 , aOutput2 , 100 , aOverwrite ) ;
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , int aChance , boolean aOverwrite ) {
return addPulverisationRecipe ( aInput , aOutput1 , aOutput2 , aChance , null , 0 , aOverwrite ) ;
/ * *
* Adds Several Pulverizer - Type Recipes .
* /
public static boolean addPulverisationRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , int aChance2 , ItemStack aOutput3 , int aChance3 , boolean aOverwrite ) {
aOutput1 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput1 ) ;
aOutput2 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput2 ) ;
if ( GT_Utility . isStackInvalid ( aInput ) | | GT_Utility . isStackInvalid ( aOutput1 ) ) return false ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getMaceratorRecipeList ( ) , null ) ;
if ( GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( aInput , false ) = = null ) {
if ( GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . maceration , aInput , true ) ) {
GT_Utility . addSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getMaceratorRecipeList ( ) , null , aOutput1 ) ;
RA . addPulveriserRecipe ( aInput , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 , aOutput2 , aOutput3 } , new int [ ] { 10000 , aChance2 < = 0 ? 1000 : 100 * aChance2 , aChance3 < = 0 ? 1000 : 100 * aChance3 } , 400 , 2 ) ;
if ( ! OrePrefixes . log . contains ( aInput ) ) {
if ( Materials . Wood . contains ( aOutput1 ) ) {
if ( GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . pulverization , aInput , true ) ) {
if ( aOutput2 = = null )
ThermalExpansion . addSawmillRecipe ( 32000 , GT_Utility . copy ( aInput ) , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput1 ) ) ;
ThermalExpansion . addSawmillRecipe ( 32000 , GT_Utility . copy ( aInput ) , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput1 ) , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput2 ) , aChance2 < = 0 ? 10 : aChance2 ) ;
} else {
if ( GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . rockcrushing , aInput , true ) ) {
try {
if ( GT_Utility . getBlockFromStack ( aInput ) ! = Blocks . obsidian & & GT_Utility . getBlockFromStack ( aInput ) ! = Blocks . gravel ) {
mods . railcraft . api . crafting . IRockCrusherRecipe tRecipe = mods . railcraft . api . crafting . RailcraftCraftingManager . rockCrusher . createNewRecipe ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInput ) , aInput . getItemDamage ( ) ! = W , false ) ;
tRecipe . addOutput ( GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput1 ) , 1 . 0F / aInput . stackSize ) ;
if ( aOutput2 ! = null )
tRecipe . addOutput ( GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput2 ) , ( 0 . 01F * ( aChance2 < = 0 ? 10 : aChance2 ) ) / aInput . stackSize ) ;
if ( aOutput3 ! = null )
tRecipe . addOutput ( GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput3 ) , ( 0 . 01F * ( aChance3 < = 0 ? 10 : aChance3 ) ) / aInput . stackSize ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
if ( GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . pulverization , aInput , true ) ) {
if ( aOutput2 = = null )
ThermalExpansion . addPulverizerRecipe ( 32000 , GT_Utility . copy ( aInput ) , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput1 ) ) ;
ThermalExpansion . addPulverizerRecipe ( 32000 , GT_Utility . copy ( aInput ) , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput1 ) , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput2 ) , aChance2 < = 0 ? 10 : aChance2 ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Adds a Recipe to the Sawmills of GregTech and ThermalCraft
* /
public static boolean addSawmillRecipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 ) {
aOutput1 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput1 ) ;
aOutput2 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput2 ) ;
if ( aInput1 = = null | | aOutput1 = = null ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . sawmill , aInput1 , true ) ) return false ;
try {
ThermalExpansion . addSawmillRecipe ( 1600 , aInput1 , aOutput1 , aOutput2 , 100 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* Induction Smelter Recipes and Alloy Smelter Recipes
* /
public static boolean addAlloySmelterRecipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aInput2 , ItemStack aOutput1 , int aDuration , int aEUt , boolean aAllowSecondaryInputEmpty ) {
if ( aInput1 = = null | | ( aInput2 = = null & & ! aAllowSecondaryInputEmpty ) | | aOutput1 = = null ) return false ;
aOutput1 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput1 ) ;
boolean temp = false ;
if ( RA . addAlloySmelterRecipe ( aInput1 , aInput2 , aOutput1 , aDuration , aEUt ) ) temp = true ;
if ( addInductionSmelterRecipe ( aInput1 , aInput2 , aOutput1 , null , aDuration * aEUt * 2 , 0 ) ) temp = true ;
return temp ;
/ * *
* Induction Smelter Recipes for TE
* /
public static boolean addInductionSmelterRecipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aInput2 , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , int aEnergy , int aChance ) {
aOutput1 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput1 ) ;
aOutput2 = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput2 ) ;
if ( aInput1 = = null | | aOutput1 = = null | | GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( aInput1 , false ) ! = null ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . inductionsmelter , aInput2 = = null ? aInput1 : aOutput1 , true ) )
return false ;
try {
ThermalExpansion . addSmelterRecipe ( aEnergy * 10 , GT_Utility . copy ( aInput1 ) , aInput2 = = null ? new ItemStack ( Blocks . sand , 1 , 0 ) : aInput2 , aOutput1 , aOutput2 , aChance ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* Smelts Ores to Ingots
* /
public static boolean addOreToIngotSmeltingRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput ) {
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput ) ;
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null ) return false ;
FurnaceRecipes . smelting ( ) . func_151394_a ( aInput , GT_Utility . copy ( aOutput ) , 0 . 0F ) ;
return true ;
public static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > getExtractorRecipeList ( ) {
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . extractor . getRecipes ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return sExtractorRecipes ;
public static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > getCompressorRecipeList ( ) {
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . compressor . getRecipes ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return sCompressorRecipes ;
public static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > getMaceratorRecipeList ( ) {
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . macerator . getRecipes ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return sMaceratorRecipes ;
public static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > getThermalCentrifugeRecipeList ( ) {
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . centrifuge . getRecipes ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return sThermalCentrifugeRecipes ;
public static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > getOreWashingRecipeList ( ) {
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . oreWashing . getRecipes ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return sOreWashingRecipes ;
public static Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > getMassFabricatorList ( ) {
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . matterAmplifier . getRecipes ( ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return sMassfabRecipes ;
/ * *
* IC2 - ThermalCentrifuge Recipe . Overloads old Recipes automatically
* /
public static boolean addThermalCentrifugeRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , int aHeat , Object . . . aOutput ) {
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null | | aOutput . length < = 0 | | aOutput [ 0 ] = = null ) return false ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getThermalCentrifugeRecipeList ( ) , null ) ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . thermalcentrifuge , aInput , true ) ) return false ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
tNBT . setInteger ( " minHeat " , aHeat ) ;
GT_Utility . addSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getThermalCentrifugeRecipeList ( ) , tNBT , aOutput ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* IC2 - OreWasher Recipe . Overloads old Recipes automatically
* /
public static boolean addOreWasherRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , int aWaterAmount , Object . . . aOutput ) {
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null | | aOutput . length < = 0 | | aOutput [ 0 ] = = null ) return false ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getOreWashingRecipeList ( ) , null ) ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . orewashing , aInput , true ) ) return false ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
tNBT . setInteger ( " amount " , aWaterAmount ) ;
GT_Utility . addSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getOreWashingRecipeList ( ) , tNBT , aOutput ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* IC2 - Compressor Recipe . Overloads old Recipes automatically
* /
public static boolean addCompressionRecipe ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput ) {
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aOutput ) ;
if ( aInput = = null | | aOutput = = null ) return false ;
GT_Utility . removeSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getCompressorRecipeList ( ) , null ) ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . compression , aInput , true ) ) return false ;
GT_Utility . addSimpleIC2MachineRecipe ( aInput , getCompressorRecipeList ( ) , null , aOutput ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* @param aValue Scrap = 5000 , Scrapbox = 45000 , Diamond Dust 125000
* /
public static boolean addIC2MatterAmplifier ( ItemStack aAmplifier , int aValue ) {
if ( aAmplifier = = null | | aValue < = 0 ) return false ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sRecipeFile . get ( ConfigCategories . Machines . massfabamplifier , aAmplifier , true ) ) return false ;
try {
NBTTagCompound tNBT = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
tNBT . setInteger ( " amplification " , aValue ) ;
GT_Utility . callMethod ( ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . matterAmplifier , " addRecipe " , false , false , false , aAmplifier , tNBT ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return true ;
/ * *
* Rolling Machine Crafting Recipe
* /
public static boolean addRollingMachineRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
aResult = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aResult ) ;
if ( aResult = = null | | aRecipe = = null | | aResult . stackSize < = 0 ) return false ;
try {
mods . railcraft . api . crafting . RailcraftCraftingManager . rollingMachine . getRecipeList ( ) . add ( new ShapedOreRecipe ( GT_Utility . copy ( aResult ) , aRecipe ) ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
return addCraftingRecipe ( GT_Utility . copy ( aResult ) , aRecipe ) ;
return true ;
public static void stopBufferingCraftingRecipes ( ) {
sBufferCraftingRecipes = false ;
for ( IRecipe tRecipe : sBufferRecipeList ) GameRegistry . addRecipe ( tRecipe ) ;
sBufferRecipeList . clear ( ) ;
/ * *
* Shapeless Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* /
public static boolean addCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Enchantment [ ] aEnchantmentsAdded , int [ ] aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
return addCraftingRecipe ( aResult , aEnchantmentsAdded , aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , false , true , false , false , false , false , false , false , false , false , false , false , true , aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Regular Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* < p / >
* You can insert instances of IItemContainer into the Recipe Input Array directly without having to call " get(1) " on them .
* < p / >
* Enums are automatically getting their " name() " - Method called in order to deliver an OreDict String .
* < p / >
* Lowercase Letters are reserved for Tools . They are as follows :
* < p / >
* 'b' ToolDictNames . craftingToolBlade
* 'c' ToolDictNames . craftingToolCrowbar ,
* 'd' ToolDictNames . craftingToolScrewdriver ,
* 'f' ToolDictNames . craftingToolFile ,
* 'h' ToolDictNames . craftingToolHardHammer ,
* 'i' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSolderingIron ,
* 'j' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSolderingMetal ,
* 'k' ToolDictNames . craftingToolKnive
* 'm' ToolDictNames . craftingToolMortar ,
* 'p' ToolDictNames . craftingToolDrawplate ,
* 'r' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSoftHammer ,
* 's' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSaw ,
* 'w' ToolDictNames . craftingToolWrench ,
* 'x' ToolDictNames . craftingToolWireCutter ,
* /
public static boolean addCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
return addCraftingRecipe ( aResult , 0 , aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Regular Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* < p / >
* You can insert instances of IItemContainer into the Recipe Input Array directly without having to call " get(1) " on them .
* < p / >
* Enums are automatically getting their " name() " - Method called in order to deliver an OreDict String .
* < p / >
* Lowercase Letters are reserved for Tools . They are as follows :
* < p / >
* 'b' ToolDictNames . craftingToolBlade
* 'c' ToolDictNames . craftingToolCrowbar ,
* 'd' ToolDictNames . craftingToolScrewdriver ,
* 'f' ToolDictNames . craftingToolFile ,
* 'h' ToolDictNames . craftingToolHardHammer ,
* 'i' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSolderingIron ,
* 'j' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSolderingMetal ,
* 'k' ToolDictNames . craftingToolKnive
* 'm' ToolDictNames . craftingToolMortar ,
* 'p' ToolDictNames . craftingToolDrawplate ,
* 'r' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSoftHammer ,
* 's' ToolDictNames . craftingToolSaw ,
* 'w' ToolDictNames . craftingToolWrench ,
* 'x' ToolDictNames . craftingToolWireCutter ,
* /
public static boolean addCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , long aBitMask , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
return addCraftingRecipe ( aResult , new Enchantment [ 0 ] , new int [ 0 ] , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . MIRRORED ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . BUFFERED ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . KEEPNBT ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DISMANTLEABLE ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . NOT_REMOVABLE ) = = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . REVERSIBLE ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DELETE_ALL_OTHER_RECIPES ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DELETE_ALL_OTHER_RECIPES_IF_SAME_NBT ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DELETE_ALL_OTHER_SHAPED_RECIPES ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DELETE_ALL_OTHER_NATIVE_RECIPES ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DO_NOT_CHECK_FOR_COLLISIONS ) = = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . ONLY_ADD_IF_THERE_IS_ANOTHER_RECIPE_FOR_IT ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . ONLY_ADD_IF_RESULT_IS_NOT_NULL ) ! = 0 , aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Internal realisation of the Crafting Recipe adding Process .
* /
private static boolean addCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Enchantment [ ] aEnchantmentsAdded , int [ ] aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , boolean aMirrored , boolean aBuffered , boolean aKeepNBT , boolean aDismantleable , boolean aRemovable , boolean aReversible , boolean aRemoveAllOthersWithSameOutput , boolean aRemoveAllOthersWithSameOutputIfTheyHaveSameNBT , boolean aRemoveAllOtherShapedsWithSameOutput , boolean aRemoveAllOtherNativeRecipes , boolean aCheckForCollisions , boolean aOnlyAddIfThereIsAnyRecipeOutputtingThis , boolean aOnlyAddIfResultIsNotNull , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
aResult = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aResult ) ;
if ( aOnlyAddIfResultIsNotNull & & aResult = = null ) return false ;
if ( aResult ! = null & & Items . feather . getDamage ( aResult ) = = W ) Items . feather . setDamage ( aResult , 0 ) ;
if ( aRecipe = = null | | aRecipe . length < = 0 ) return false ;
boolean tThereWasARecipe = false ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) {
if ( aRecipe [ i ] instanceof IItemContainer )
aRecipe [ i ] = ( ( IItemContainer ) aRecipe [ i ] ) . get ( 1 ) ;
else if ( aRecipe [ i ] instanceof Enum )
aRecipe [ i ] = ( ( Enum ) aRecipe [ i ] ) . name ( ) ;
else if ( ! ( aRecipe [ i ] = = null | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof ItemStack | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof ItemData | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof String | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof Character ) )
aRecipe [ i ] = aRecipe [ i ] . toString ( ) ;
try {
String shape = E ;
int idx = 0 ;
if ( aRecipe [ idx ] instanceof Boolean ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ;
ArrayList < Object > tRecipeList = new ArrayList < Object > ( Arrays . asList ( aRecipe ) ) ;
while ( aRecipe [ idx ] instanceof String ) {
String s = ( String ) aRecipe [ idx + + ] ;
shape + = s ;
while ( s . length ( ) < 3 ) s + = " " ;
if ( s . length ( ) > 3 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ;
for ( char c : s . toCharArray ( ) ) {
switch ( c ) {
case 'b' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolBlade . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'c' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolCrowbar . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'd' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolScrewdriver . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'f' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolFile . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'h' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolHardHammer . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'i' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolSolderingIron . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'j' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolSolderingMetal . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'k' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolKnife . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'm' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolMortar . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'p' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolDrawplate . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'r' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolSoftHammer . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 's' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolSaw . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'w' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolWrench . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
case 'x' :
tRecipeList . add ( c ) ;
tRecipeList . add ( ToolDictNames . craftingToolWireCutter . name ( ) ) ;
break ;
aRecipe = tRecipeList . toArray ( ) ;
if ( aRecipe [ idx ] instanceof Boolean ) {
idx + + ;
HashMap < Character , ItemStack > tItemStackMap = new HashMap < Character , ItemStack > ( ) ;
HashMap < Character , ItemData > tItemDataMap = new HashMap < Character , ItemData > ( ) ;
tItemStackMap . put ( ' ' , null ) ;
boolean tRemoveRecipe = true ;
for ( ; idx < aRecipe . length ; idx + = 2 ) {
if ( aRecipe [ idx ] = = null | | aRecipe [ idx + 1 ] = = null ) {
if ( D1 ) {
GT_Log . err . println ( " WARNING: Missing Item for shaped Recipe: " + ( aResult = = null ? " null " : aResult . getDisplayName ( ) ) ) ;
for ( Object tContent : aRecipe ) GT_Log . err . println ( tContent ) ;
return false ;
Character chr = ( Character ) aRecipe [ idx ] ;
Object in = aRecipe [ idx + 1 ] ;
if ( in instanceof ItemStack ) {
tItemStackMap . put ( chr , GT_Utility . copy ( ( ItemStack ) in ) ) ;
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , GT_OreDictUnificator . getItemData ( ( ItemStack ) in ) ) ;
} else if ( in instanceof ItemData ) {
String tString = in . toString ( ) ;
if ( tString . equals ( " plankWood " ) ) {
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Wood , M ) ) ;
} else if ( tString . equals ( " stoneNetherrack " ) ) {
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Netherrack , M ) ) ;
} else if ( tString . equals ( " stoneObsidian " ) ) {
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Obsidian , M ) ) ;
} else if ( tString . equals ( " stoneEndstone " ) ) {
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Endstone , M ) ) ;
} else {
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , ( ItemData ) in ) ;
ItemStack tStack = GT_OreDictUnificator . getFirstOre ( in , 1 ) ;
if ( tStack = = null ) tRemoveRecipe = false ;
else tItemStackMap . put ( chr , tStack ) ;
in = aRecipe [ idx + 1 ] = in . toString ( ) ;
} else if ( in instanceof String ) {
if ( in . equals ( OreDictNames . craftingChest . toString ( ) ) )
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Wood , M * 8 ) ) ;
else if ( in . equals ( OreDictNames . craftingBook . toString ( ) ) )
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Paper , M * 3 ) ) ;
else if ( in . equals ( OreDictNames . craftingPiston . toString ( ) ) )
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Stone , M * 4 , Materials . Wood , M * 3 ) ) ;
else if ( in . equals ( OreDictNames . craftingFurnace . toString ( ) ) )
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Stone , M * 8 ) ) ;
else if ( in . equals ( OreDictNames . craftingIndustrialDiamond . toString ( ) ) )
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Diamond , M ) ) ;
else if ( in . equals ( OreDictNames . craftingAnvil . toString ( ) ) )
tItemDataMap . put ( chr , new ItemData ( Materials . Iron , M * 10 ) ) ;
ItemStack tStack = GT_OreDictUnificator . getFirstOre ( in , 1 ) ;
if ( tStack = = null ) tRemoveRecipe = false ;
else tItemStackMap . put ( chr , tStack ) ;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ;
if ( aReversible & & aResult ! = null ) {
ItemData [ ] tData = new ItemData [ 9 ] ;
int x = - 1 ;
for ( char chr : shape . toCharArray ( ) ) tData [ + + x ] = tItemDataMap . get ( chr ) ;
if ( GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( tData ) )
GT_OreDictUnificator . addItemData ( aResult , new ItemData ( tData ) ) ;
if ( aCheckForCollisions & & tRemoveRecipe ) {
ItemStack [ ] tRecipe = new ItemStack [ 9 ] ;
int x = - 1 ;
for ( char chr : shape . toCharArray ( ) ) {
tRecipe [ + + x ] = tItemStackMap . get ( chr ) ;
if ( tRecipe [ x ] ! = null & & Items . feather . getDamage ( tRecipe [ x ] ) = = W )
Items . feather . setDamage ( tRecipe [ x ] , 0 ) ;
tThereWasARecipe = removeRecipe ( tRecipe ) ! = null | | tThereWasARecipe ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
if ( aResult = = null | | aResult . stackSize < = 0 ) return false ;
if ( aRemoveAllOthersWithSameOutput | | aRemoveAllOthersWithSameOutputIfTheyHaveSameNBT | | aRemoveAllOtherShapedsWithSameOutput | | aRemoveAllOtherNativeRecipes )
tThereWasARecipe = removeRecipeByOutput ( aResult , ! aRemoveAllOthersWithSameOutputIfTheyHaveSameNBT , aRemoveAllOtherShapedsWithSameOutput , aRemoveAllOtherNativeRecipes ) | | tThereWasARecipe ;
if ( aOnlyAddIfThereIsAnyRecipeOutputtingThis & & ! tThereWasARecipe ) {
ArrayList < IRecipe > tList = ( ArrayList < IRecipe > ) CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tList . size ( ) & & ! tThereWasARecipe ; i + + ) {
IRecipe tRecipe = tList . get ( i ) ;
if ( sSpecialRecipeClasses . contains ( tRecipe . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) continue ;
if ( GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tRecipe . getRecipeOutput ( ) ) , aResult , true ) ) {
tList . remove ( i - - ) ;
tThereWasARecipe = true ;
if ( Items . feather . getDamage ( aResult ) = = W | | Items . feather . getDamage ( aResult ) < 0 )
Items . feather . setDamage ( aResult , 0 ) ;
GT_Utility . updateItemStack ( aResult ) ;
if ( tThereWasARecipe | | ! aOnlyAddIfThereIsAnyRecipeOutputtingThis ) {
if ( sBufferCraftingRecipes & & aBuffered )
sBufferRecipeList . add ( new GT_Shaped_Recipe ( GT_Utility . copy ( aResult ) , aDismantleable , aRemovable , aKeepNBT , aEnchantmentsAdded , aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , aRecipe ) . setMirrored ( aMirrored ) ) ;
GameRegistry . addRecipe ( new GT_Shaped_Recipe ( GT_Utility . copy ( aResult ) , aDismantleable , aRemovable , aKeepNBT , aEnchantmentsAdded , aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , aRecipe ) . setMirrored ( aMirrored ) ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Shapeless Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* /
public static boolean addShapelessEnchantingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Enchantment [ ] aEnchantmentsAdded , int [ ] aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
return addShapelessCraftingRecipe ( aResult , aEnchantmentsAdded , aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , true , false , false , false , aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Shapeless Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* /
public static boolean addShapelessCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
return addShapelessCraftingRecipe ( aResult , RecipeBits . DO_NOT_CHECK_FOR_COLLISIONS | RecipeBits . BUFFERED , aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Shapeless Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* /
public static boolean addShapelessCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , long aBitMask , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
return addShapelessCraftingRecipe ( aResult , new Enchantment [ 0 ] , new int [ 0 ] , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . BUFFERED ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . KEEPNBT ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . DISMANTLEABLE ) ! = 0 , ( aBitMask & RecipeBits . NOT_REMOVABLE ) = = 0 , aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Shapeless Crafting Recipes . Deletes conflicting Recipes too .
* /
private static boolean addShapelessCraftingRecipe ( ItemStack aResult , Enchantment [ ] aEnchantmentsAdded , int [ ] aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , boolean aBuffered , boolean aKeepNBT , boolean aDismantleable , boolean aRemovable , Object [ ] aRecipe ) {
aResult = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( true , aResult ) ;
if ( aRecipe = = null | | aRecipe . length < = 0 ) return false ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) {
if ( aRecipe [ i ] instanceof IItemContainer )
aRecipe [ i ] = ( ( IItemContainer ) aRecipe [ i ] ) . get ( 1 ) ;
else if ( aRecipe [ i ] instanceof Enum )
aRecipe [ i ] = ( ( Enum ) aRecipe [ i ] ) . name ( ) ;
else if ( ! ( aRecipe [ i ] = = null | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof ItemStack | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof String | | aRecipe [ i ] instanceof Character ) )
aRecipe [ i ] = aRecipe [ i ] . toString ( ) ;
try {
ItemStack [ ] tRecipe = new ItemStack [ 9 ] ;
int i = 0 ;
for ( Object tObject : aRecipe ) {
if ( tObject = = null ) {
if ( D1 )
GT_Log . err . println ( " WARNING: Missing Item for shapeless Recipe: " + ( aResult = = null ? " null " : aResult . getDisplayName ( ) ) ) ;
for ( Object tContent : aRecipe ) GT_Log . err . println ( tContent ) ;
return false ;
if ( tObject instanceof ItemStack ) {
tRecipe [ i ] = ( ItemStack ) tObject ;
} else if ( tObject instanceof String ) {
tRecipe [ i ] = GT_OreDictUnificator . getFirstOre ( tObject , 1 ) ;
if ( tRecipe [ i ] = = null ) break ;
} else if ( tObject instanceof Boolean ) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ;
i + + ;
removeRecipe ( tRecipe ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
if ( aResult = = null | | aResult . stackSize < = 0 ) return false ;
if ( Items . feather . getDamage ( aResult ) = = W | | Items . feather . getDamage ( aResult ) < 0 )
Items . feather . setDamage ( aResult , 0 ) ;
GT_Utility . updateItemStack ( aResult ) ;
if ( sBufferCraftingRecipes & & aBuffered )
sBufferRecipeList . add ( new GT_Shapeless_Recipe ( GT_Utility . copy ( aResult ) , aDismantleable , aRemovable , aKeepNBT , aEnchantmentsAdded , aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , aRecipe ) ) ;
GameRegistry . addRecipe ( new GT_Shapeless_Recipe ( GT_Utility . copy ( aResult ) , aDismantleable , aRemovable , aKeepNBT , aEnchantmentsAdded , aEnchantmentLevelsAdded , aRecipe ) ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Removes a Smelting Recipe
* /
public static boolean removeFurnaceSmelting ( ItemStack aInput ) {
if ( aInput ! = null ) {
for ( Object tInput : FurnaceRecipes . smelting ( ) . getSmeltingList ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
if ( GT_Utility . isStackValid ( tInput ) & & GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( aInput , ( ItemStack ) tInput , true ) ) {
FurnaceRecipes . smelting ( ) . getSmeltingList ( ) . remove ( tInput ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Removes a Crafting Recipe and gives you the former output of it .
* @param aRecipe The content of the Crafting Grid as ItemStackArray with length 9
* @return the output of the old Recipe or null if there was nothing .
* /
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
public static ItemStack removeRecipe ( ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aRecipe = = null ) return null ;
boolean temp = false ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) {
if ( aRecipe [ i ] ! = null ) {
temp = true ;
break ;
if ( ! temp ) return null ;
ItemStack rReturn = null ;
InventoryCrafting aCrafting = new InventoryCrafting ( new Container ( ) {
public boolean canInteractWith ( EntityPlayer var1 ) {
return false ;
} , 3 , 3 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length & & i < 9 ; i + + ) aCrafting . setInventorySlotContents ( i , aRecipe [ i ] ) ;
ArrayList < IRecipe > tList = ( ArrayList < IRecipe > ) CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tList . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
try {
for ( ; i < tList . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( ( ! ( tList . get ( i ) instanceof IGT_CraftingRecipe ) | | ( ( IGT_CraftingRecipe ) tList . get ( i ) ) . isRemovable ( ) ) & & tList . get ( i ) . matches ( aCrafting , DW ) ) {
rReturn = tList . get ( i ) . getCraftingResult ( aCrafting ) ;
if ( rReturn ! = null ) tList . remove ( i - - ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
return rReturn ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
public static boolean removeRecipeByOutput ( ItemStack aOutput ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return removeRecipeByOutput ( aOutput , true , false , false ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* Removes a Crafting Recipe .
* @param aOutput The output of the Recipe .
* @return if it has removed at least one Recipe .
* /
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
public static boolean removeRecipeByOutput ( ItemStack aOutput , boolean aIgnoreNBT , boolean aNotRemoveShapelessRecipes , boolean aOnlyRemoveNativeHandlers ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aOutput = = null ) return false ;
boolean rReturn = false ;
ArrayList < IRecipe > tList = ( ArrayList < IRecipe > ) CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) ;
aOutput = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( aOutput ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tList . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
IRecipe tRecipe = tList . get ( i ) ;
if ( aNotRemoveShapelessRecipes & & ( tRecipe instanceof ShapelessRecipes | | tRecipe instanceof ShapelessOreRecipe ) )
continue ;
if ( aOnlyRemoveNativeHandlers ) {
if ( ! sNativeRecipeClasses . contains ( tRecipe . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) continue ;
} else {
if ( sSpecialRecipeClasses . contains ( tRecipe . getClass ( ) . getName ( ) ) ) continue ;
ItemStack tStack = tRecipe . getRecipeOutput ( ) ;
if ( ( ! ( tRecipe instanceof IGT_CraftingRecipe ) | | ( ( IGT_CraftingRecipe ) tRecipe ) . isRemovable ( ) ) & & GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( tStack ) , aOutput , aIgnoreNBT ) ) {
tList . remove ( i - - ) ;
rReturn = true ;
return rReturn ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Checks all Crafting Handlers for Recipe Output
* Used for the Autocrafting Table
* /
public static ItemStack getAllRecipeOutput ( World aWorld , ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aRecipe = = null | | aRecipe . length = = 0 ) return null ;
if ( aWorld = = null ) aWorld = DW ;
boolean temp = false ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) {
if ( aRecipe [ i ] ! = null ) {
temp = true ;
break ;
if ( ! temp ) return null ;
InventoryCrafting aCrafting = new InventoryCrafting ( new Container ( ) {
public boolean canInteractWith ( EntityPlayer var1 ) {
return false ;
} , 3 , 3 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 & & i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) aCrafting . setInventorySlotContents ( i , aRecipe [ i ] ) ;
List < IRecipe > tList = CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) ;
synchronized ( sAllRecipeList ) {
if ( sAllRecipeList . size ( ) ! = tList . size ( ) ) {
sAllRecipeList . clear ( ) ;
sAllRecipeList . addAll ( tList ) ;
for ( int i = 0 , j = sAllRecipeList . size ( ) ; i < j ; i + + ) {
IRecipe tRecipe = sAllRecipeList . get ( i ) ;
if ( tRecipe . matches ( aCrafting , aWorld ) ) {
if ( i > 10 ) {
sAllRecipeList . remove ( i ) ;
sAllRecipeList . add ( i - 10 , tRecipe ) ;
return tRecipe . getCraftingResult ( aCrafting ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
int tIndex = 0 ;
ItemStack tStack1 = null , tStack2 = null ;
for ( int i = 0 , j = aCrafting . getSizeInventory ( ) ; i < j ; i + + ) {
ItemStack tStack = aCrafting . getStackInSlot ( i ) ;
if ( tStack ! = null ) {
if ( tIndex = = 0 ) tStack1 = tStack ;
if ( tIndex = = 1 ) tStack2 = tStack ;
tIndex + + ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
if ( tIndex = = 2 ) {
assert tStack1 ! = null & & tStack2 ! = null ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( tStack1 . getItem ( ) = = tStack2 . getItem ( ) & & tStack1 . stackSize = = 1 & & tStack2 . stackSize = = 1 & & tStack1 . getItem ( ) . isRepairable ( ) ) {
int tNewDamage = tStack1 . getMaxDamage ( ) + tStack1 . getItemDamage ( ) - tStack2 . getItemDamage ( ) + tStack1 . getMaxDamage ( ) / 20 ;
return new ItemStack ( tStack1 . getItem ( ) , 1 , tNewDamage < 0 ? 0 : tNewDamage ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return null ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Gives you a copy of the Output from a Crafting Recipe
* Used for Recipe Detection .
* /
public static ItemStack getRecipeOutput ( ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return getRecipeOutput ( false , aRecipe ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Gives you a copy of the Output from a Crafting Recipe
* Used for Recipe Detection .
* /
public static ItemStack getRecipeOutput ( boolean aUncopiedStack , ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aRecipe = = null ) return null ;
boolean temp = false ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) {
if ( aRecipe [ i ] ! = null ) {
temp = true ;
break ;
if ( ! temp ) return null ;
InventoryCrafting aCrafting = new InventoryCrafting ( new Container ( ) {
public boolean canInteractWith ( EntityPlayer var1 ) {
return false ;
} , 3 , 3 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 & & i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) aCrafting . setInventorySlotContents ( i , aRecipe [ i ] ) ;
ArrayList < IRecipe > tList = ( ArrayList < IRecipe > ) CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tList . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
temp = false ;
try {
temp = tList . get ( i ) . matches ( aCrafting , DW ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
if ( temp ) {
ItemStack tOutput = aUncopiedStack ? tList . get ( i ) . getRecipeOutput ( ) : tList . get ( i ) . getCraftingResult ( aCrafting ) ;
if ( tOutput = = null | | tOutput . stackSize < = 0 ) {
// Seriously, who would ever do that shit?
if ( ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
throw new GT_ItsNotMyFaultException ( " Seems another Mod added a Crafting Recipe with null Output. Tell the Developer of said Mod to fix that. " ) ;
} else {
if ( aUncopiedStack ) return tOutput ;
return GT_Utility . copy ( tOutput ) ;
return null ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Gives you a list of the Outputs from a Crafting Recipe
* If you have multiple Mods , which add Bronze Armor for example
* This also removes old Recipes from the List .
* /
public static ArrayList < ItemStack > getVanillyToolRecipeOutputs ( ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( ! GregTech_API . sPostloadStarted | | GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . clear ( ) ;
if ( sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . isEmpty ( ) ) {
for ( IRecipe tRecipe : ( ArrayList < IRecipe > ) CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) ) {
ItemStack tStack = tRecipe . getRecipeOutput ( ) ;
if ( GT_Utility . isStackValid ( tStack ) & & tStack . getMaxStackSize ( ) = = 1 & & tStack . getMaxDamage ( ) > 0 & & ! ( tStack . getItem ( ) instanceof ItemBlock ) & & ! ( tStack . getItem ( ) instanceof IReactorComponent ) & & ! isElectricItem ( tStack ) & & ! GT_Utility . isStackInList ( tStack , sNonReplaceableItems ) ) {
if ( ! ( tRecipe instanceof ShapelessRecipes | | tRecipe instanceof ShapelessOreRecipe ) ) {
if ( tRecipe instanceof ShapedOreRecipe ) {
boolean temp = true ;
for ( Object tObject : ( ( ShapedOreRecipe ) tRecipe ) . getInput ( ) )
if ( tObject ! = null ) {
if ( tObject instanceof ItemStack & & ( ( ( ItemStack ) tObject ) . getItem ( ) = = null | | ( ( ItemStack ) tObject ) . getMaxStackSize ( ) < 2 | | ( ( ItemStack ) tObject ) . getMaxDamage ( ) > 0 | | ( ( ItemStack ) tObject ) . getItem ( ) instanceof ItemBlock ) ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
if ( tObject instanceof List & & ( ( List ) tObject ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
if ( temp ) sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . add ( tRecipe ) ;
} else if ( tRecipe instanceof ShapedRecipes ) {
boolean temp = true ;
for ( ItemStack tObject : ( ( ShapedRecipes ) tRecipe ) . recipeItems ) {
if ( tObject ! = null & & ( tObject . getItem ( ) = = null | | tObject . getMaxStackSize ( ) < 2 | | tObject . getMaxDamage ( ) > 0 | | tObject . getItem ( ) instanceof ItemBlock ) ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
if ( temp ) sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . add ( tRecipe ) ;
} else {
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . add ( tRecipe ) ;
GT_Log . out . println ( " GT_Mod: Created a List of Tool Recipes containing " + sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . size ( ) + " Recipes for recycling. " + ( sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . size ( ) > 1024 ? " Scanning all these Recipes is the reason for the startup Lag you receive right now. " : E ) ) ;
ArrayList < ItemStack > rList = getRecipeOutputs ( sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList , true , aRecipe ) ;
if ( ! GregTech_API . sPostloadStarted | | GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList . clear ( ) ;
return rList ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Gives you a list of the Outputs from a Crafting Recipe
* If you have multiple Mods , which add Bronze Armor for example
* /
public static ArrayList < ItemStack > getRecipeOutputs ( ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return getRecipeOutputs ( CraftingManager . getInstance ( ) . getRecipeList ( ) , false , aRecipe ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Gives you a list of the Outputs from a Crafting Recipe
* If you have multiple Mods , which add Bronze Armor for example
* /
public static ArrayList < ItemStack > getRecipeOutputs ( List < IRecipe > aList , boolean aDeleteFromList , ItemStack . . . aRecipe ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
ArrayList < ItemStack > rList = new ArrayList < ItemStack > ( ) ;
if ( aRecipe = = null ) return rList ;
boolean temp = false ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) {
if ( aRecipe [ i ] ! = null ) {
temp = true ;
break ;
if ( ! temp ) return rList ;
InventoryCrafting aCrafting = new InventoryCrafting ( new Container ( ) {
public boolean canInteractWith ( EntityPlayer var1 ) {
return false ;
} , 3 , 3 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 & & i < aRecipe . length ; i + + ) aCrafting . setInventorySlotContents ( i , aRecipe [ i ] ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < aList . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
temp = false ;
try {
temp = aList . get ( i ) . matches ( aCrafting , DW ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
if ( temp ) {
ItemStack tOutput = aList . get ( i ) . getCraftingResult ( aCrafting ) ;
if ( tOutput = = null | | tOutput . stackSize < = 0 ) {
// Seriously, who would ever do that shit?
if ( ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
throw new GT_ItsNotMyFaultException ( " Seems another Mod added a Crafting Recipe with null Output. Tell the Developer of said Mod to fix that. " ) ;
} else {
rList . add ( GT_Utility . copy ( tOutput ) ) ;
if ( aDeleteFromList ) aList . remove ( i - - ) ;
return rList ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Used in my own Macerator . Decreases StackSize of the Input if wanted .
* /
public static ItemStack getMaceratorOutput ( ItemStack aInput , boolean aRemoveInput , ItemStack aOutputSlot ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return GT_Utility . copy ( getMachineOutput ( aInput , getMaceratorRecipeList ( ) , aRemoveInput , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , aOutputSlot ) [ 0 ] ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Used in my own Extractor . Decreases StackSize of the Input if wanted .
* /
public static ItemStack getExtractorOutput ( ItemStack aInput , boolean aRemoveInput , ItemStack aOutputSlot ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return GT_Utility . copy ( getMachineOutput ( aInput , getExtractorRecipeList ( ) , aRemoveInput , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , aOutputSlot ) [ 0 ] ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Used in my own Compressor . Decreases StackSize of the Input if wanted .
* /
public static ItemStack getCompressorOutput ( ItemStack aInput , boolean aRemoveInput , ItemStack aOutputSlot ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return GT_Utility . copy ( getMachineOutput ( aInput , getCompressorRecipeList ( ) , aRemoveInput , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , aOutputSlot ) [ 0 ] ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Used in my own Furnace .
* /
public static ItemStack getSmeltingOutput ( ItemStack aInput , boolean aRemoveInput , ItemStack aOutputSlot ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aInput = = null | | aInput . stackSize < 1 ) return null ;
ItemStack rStack = GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( FurnaceRecipes . smelting ( ) . getSmeltingResult ( aInput ) ) ;
if ( rStack ! = null & & ( aOutputSlot = = null | | ( GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( rStack , aOutputSlot ) & & rStack . stackSize + aOutputSlot . stackSize < = aOutputSlot . getMaxStackSize ( ) ) ) ) {
if ( aRemoveInput ) aInput . stackSize - - ;
return rStack ;
return null ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Used in my own Machines . Decreases StackSize of the Input if wanted .
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
* < p / >
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
* Checks also if there is enough Space in the Output Slots .
* /
public static ItemStack [ ] getMachineOutput ( ItemStack aInput , Map < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > aRecipeList , boolean aRemoveInput , NBTTagCompound rRecipeMetaData , ItemStack . . . aOutputSlots ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aOutputSlots = = null | | aOutputSlots . length < = 0 ) return new ItemStack [ 0 ] ;
if ( aInput = = null ) return new ItemStack [ aOutputSlots . length ] ;
try {
for ( Entry < IRecipeInput , RecipeOutput > tEntry : aRecipeList . entrySet ( ) ) {
if ( tEntry . getKey ( ) . matches ( aInput ) ) {
if ( tEntry . getKey ( ) . getAmount ( ) < = aInput . stackSize ) {
ItemStack [ ] tList = ( ItemStack [ ] ) tEntry . getValue ( ) . items . toArray ( ) ;
if ( tList . length = = 0 ) break ;
ItemStack [ ] rList = new ItemStack [ aOutputSlots . length ] ;
rRecipeMetaData . setTag ( " return " , tEntry . getValue ( ) . metadata ) ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < aOutputSlots . length & & i < tList . length ; i + + ) {
if ( tList [ i ] ! = null ) {
if ( aOutputSlots [ i ] = = null | | ( GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tList [ i ] , aOutputSlots [ i ] ) & & tList [ i ] . stackSize + aOutputSlots [ i ] . stackSize < = aOutputSlots [ i ] . getMaxStackSize ( ) ) ) {
rList [ i ] = GT_Utility . copy ( tList [ i ] ) ;
} else {
return new ItemStack [ aOutputSlots . length ] ;
if ( aRemoveInput ) aInput . stackSize - = tEntry . getKey ( ) . getAmount ( ) ;
return rList ;
break ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) {
if ( D1 ) e . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
return new ItemStack [ aOutputSlots . length ] ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* Used in my own Recycler .
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
* < p / >
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
* Only produces Scrap if aScrapChance = = 0 . aScrapChance is usually the random Number I give to the Function
* If you directly insert 0 as aScrapChance then you can check if its Recycler - Blacklisted or similar
* /
public static ItemStack getRecyclerOutput ( ItemStack aInput , int aScrapChance ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aInput = = null | | aScrapChance ! = 0 ) return null ;
try {
if ( ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . recyclerWhitelist . isEmpty ( ) )
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . recyclerBlacklist . contains ( aInput ) ? null : ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 1 ) ;
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . recyclerWhitelist . contains ( aInput ) ? ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 1 ) : null ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
try {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . recyclerBlacklist . contains ( aInput ) ? null : ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 1 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return null ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
* For the Scrapboxinator
* /
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
public static ItemStack getRandomScrapboxDrop ( ) {
return ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . scrapboxDrops . getDrop ( ItemList . IC2_Scrapbox . get ( 1 ) , false ) ;
/ * *
* Charges an Electric Item . Only if it ' s a valid Electric Item of course .
* This forces the Usage of proper Voltages ( so not the transfer limits defined by the Items ) unless you ignore the Transfer Limit .
* If aTier is Integer . MAX_VALUE it will ignore Tier based Limitations .
* @return the actually used Energy .
* /
public static int chargeElectricItem ( ItemStack aStack , int aCharge , int aTier , boolean aIgnoreLimit , boolean aSimulate ) {
try {
if ( isElectricItem ( aStack ) ) {
int tTier = ( ( ic2 . api . item . IElectricItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . getTier ( aStack ) ;
if ( tTier < 0 | | tTier = = aTier | | aTier = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) {
if ( ! aIgnoreLimit & & tTier > = 0 )
aCharge = ( int ) Math . min ( aCharge , V [ Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( V . length - 1 , tTier ) ) ] ) ;
if ( aCharge > 0 ) {
int rCharge = ( int ) Math . max ( 0 . 0 , ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . charge ( aStack , aCharge , tTier , true , aSimulate ) ) ;
return rCharge + ( rCharge * 4 > aTier ? aTier : 0 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return 0 ;
/ * *
* Discharges an Electric Item . Only if it ' s a valid Electric Item for that of course .
* This forces the Usage of proper Voltages ( so not the transfer limits defined by the Items ) unless you ignore the Transfer Limit .
* If aTier is Integer . MAX_VALUE it will ignore Tier based Limitations .
* @return the Energy got from the Item .
* /
public static int dischargeElectricItem ( ItemStack aStack , int aCharge , int aTier , boolean aIgnoreLimit , boolean aSimulate , boolean aIgnoreDischargability ) {
try {
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
// if (isElectricItem(aStack) && (aIgnoreDischargability || ((ic2.api.item.IElectricItem)aStack.getItem()).canProvideEnergy(aStack))) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( isElectricItem ( aStack ) ) {
int tTier = ( ( ic2 . api . item . IElectricItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . getTier ( aStack ) ;
if ( tTier < 0 | | tTier = = aTier | | aTier = = Integer . MAX_VALUE ) {
if ( ! aIgnoreLimit & & tTier > = 0 )
aCharge = ( int ) Math . min ( aCharge , V [ Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( V . length - 1 , tTier ) ) ] ) ;
if ( aCharge > 0 ) {
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
// int rCharge = Math.max(0, ic2.api.item.ElectricItem.manager.discharge(aStack, aCharge + (aCharge * 4 > aTier ? aTier : 0), tTier, T, aSimulate));
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
int rCharge = ( int ) Math . max ( 0 , ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . discharge ( aStack , aCharge + ( aCharge * 4 > aTier ? aTier : 0 ) , tTier , true , ! aIgnoreDischargability , aSimulate ) ) ;
return rCharge - ( rCharge * 4 > aTier ? aTier : 0 ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return 0 ;
/ * *
* Uses an Electric Item . Only if it ' s a valid Electric Item for that of course .
* @return if the action was successful
* /
public static boolean canUseElectricItem ( ItemStack aStack , int aCharge ) {
try {
if ( isElectricItem ( aStack ) ) {
return ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . canUse ( aStack , aCharge ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return false ;
/ * *
* Uses an Electric Item . Only if it ' s a valid Electric Item for that of course .
* @return if the action was successful
* /
public static boolean useElectricItem ( ItemStack aStack , int aCharge , EntityPlayer aPlayer ) {
try {
if ( isElectricItem ( aStack ) ) {
ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . use ( aStack , 0 , aPlayer ) ;
if ( ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . canUse ( aStack , aCharge ) ) {
return ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . use ( aStack , aCharge , aPlayer ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return false ;
/ * *
* Uses an Item . Tries to discharge in case of Electric Items
* /
public static boolean damageOrDechargeItem ( ItemStack aStack , int aDamage , int aDecharge , EntityLivingBase aPlayer ) {
if ( GT_Utility . isStackInvalid ( aStack ) | | ( aStack . getMaxStackSize ( ) < = 1 & & aStack . stackSize > 1 ) ) return false ;
if ( aPlayer ! = null & & aPlayer instanceof EntityPlayer & & ( ( EntityPlayer ) aPlayer ) . capabilities . isCreativeMode )
return true ;
if ( aStack . getItem ( ) instanceof IDamagableItem ) {
return ( ( IDamagableItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . doDamageToItem ( aStack , aDamage ) ;
} else if ( GT_ModHandler . isElectricItem ( aStack ) ) {
if ( canUseElectricItem ( aStack , aDecharge ) ) {
if ( aPlayer ! = null & & aPlayer instanceof EntityPlayer ) {
return GT_ModHandler . useElectricItem ( aStack , aDecharge , ( EntityPlayer ) aPlayer ) ;
return GT_ModHandler . dischargeElectricItem ( aStack , aDecharge , Integer . MAX_VALUE , true , false , true ) > = aDecharge ;
} else if ( aStack . getItem ( ) . isDamageable ( ) ) {
if ( aPlayer = = null ) {
aStack . setItemDamage ( aStack . getItemDamage ( ) + aDamage ) ;
} else {
aStack . damageItem ( aDamage , aPlayer ) ;
if ( aStack . getItemDamage ( ) > = aStack . getMaxDamage ( ) ) {
aStack . setItemDamage ( aStack . getMaxDamage ( ) + 1 ) ;
ItemStack tStack = GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( aStack , true ) ;
if ( tStack ! = null ) {
aStack . func_150996_a ( tStack . getItem ( ) ) ;
aStack . setItemDamage ( tStack . getItemDamage ( ) ) ;
aStack . stackSize = tStack . stackSize ;
aStack . setTagCompound ( tStack . getTagCompound ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Uses a Soldering Iron
* /
public static boolean useSolderingIron ( ItemStack aStack , EntityLivingBase aPlayer ) {
if ( aPlayer = = null | | aStack = = null ) return false ;
if ( GT_Utility . isStackInList ( aStack , GregTech_API . sSolderingToolList ) ) {
if ( aPlayer instanceof EntityPlayer ) {
EntityPlayer tPlayer = ( EntityPlayer ) aPlayer ;
if ( tPlayer . capabilities . isCreativeMode ) return true ;
if ( isElectricItem ( aStack ) & & ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . getCharge ( aStack ) > 1000 . 0d ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tPlayer . inventory . mainInventory . length ; i + + ) {
if ( GT_Utility . isStackInList ( tPlayer . inventory . mainInventory [ i ] , GregTech_API . sSolderingMetalList ) ) {
if ( tPlayer . inventory . mainInventory [ i ] . stackSize < 1 ) return false ;
if ( tPlayer . inventory . mainInventory [ i ] . stackSize = = 1 ) {
tPlayer . inventory . mainInventory [ i ] = null ;
} else {
tPlayer . inventory . mainInventory [ i ] . stackSize - - ;
if ( tPlayer . inventoryContainer ! = null ) tPlayer . inventoryContainer . detectAndSendChanges ( ) ;
if ( canUseElectricItem ( aStack , 10000 ) ) {
return GT_ModHandler . useElectricItem ( aStack , 10000 , ( EntityPlayer ) aPlayer ) ;
GT_ModHandler . useElectricItem ( aStack , ( int ) ic2 . api . item . ElectricItem . manager . getCharge ( aStack ) , ( EntityPlayer ) aPlayer ) ;
return false ;
} else {
damageOrDechargeItem ( aStack , 1 , 1000 , aPlayer ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Is this an electric Item , which can charge other Items ?
* /
public static boolean isChargerItem ( ItemStack aStack ) {
try {
if ( isElectricItem ( aStack ) ) {
return ( ( ic2 . api . item . IElectricItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . canProvideEnergy ( aStack ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return false ;
/ * *
* Is this an electric Item ?
* /
public static boolean isElectricItem ( ItemStack aStack ) {
try {
return aStack ! = null & & aStack . getItem ( ) instanceof ic2 . api . item . IElectricItem & & ( ( IElectricItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . getTier ( aStack ) < Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return false ;
public static boolean isElectricItem ( ItemStack aStack , byte aTier ) {
try {
return aStack ! = null & & aStack . getItem ( ) instanceof ic2 . api . item . IElectricItem & & ( ( IElectricItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . getTier ( aStack ) = = aTier ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
return false ;
public static void registerBoxableItemToToolBox ( ItemStack aStack ) {
if ( aStack ! = null ) registerBoxableItemToToolBox ( aStack . getItem ( ) ) ;
public static void registerBoxableItemToToolBox ( Item aItem ) {
if ( aItem ! = null & & sBoxableWrapper ! = null ) {
try {
ic2 . api . item . ItemWrapper . registerBoxable ( aItem , ( IBoxable ) sBoxableWrapper ) ;
} catch ( Throwable e ) { /*Do nothing*/ }
public static int getCapsuleCellContainerCountMultipliedWithStackSize ( ItemStack . . . aStacks ) {
int rAmount = 0 ;
for ( ItemStack tStack : aStacks )
if ( tStack ! = null ) rAmount + = getCapsuleCellContainerCount ( tStack ) * tStack . stackSize ;
return rAmount ;
public static int getCapsuleCellContainerCount ( ItemStack aStack ) {
if ( aStack = = null ) return 0 ;
return GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( GT_Utility . getContainerForFilledItem ( aStack , true ) , ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( 1 ) ) | | OrePrefixes . cell . contains ( aStack ) | | OrePrefixes . cellPlasma . contains ( aStack ) | | GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( aStack , getIC2Item ( " waterCell " , 1 , W ) ) ? 1 : 0 ;
public static class RecipeBits {
/ * *
* Mirrors the Recipe
* /
public static long MIRRORED = B [ 0 ] ;
/ * *
* Buffers the Recipe for later addition . This makes things more efficient .
* /
public static long BUFFERED = B [ 1 ] ;
/ * *
* This is a special Tag I used for crafting Coins up and down .
* /
public static long KEEPNBT = B [ 2 ] ;
/ * *
* Makes the Recipe Reverse Craftable in the Disassembler .
* /
public static long DISMANTLEABLE = B [ 3 ] ;
/ * *
* Prevents the Recipe from accidentally getting removed by my own Handlers .
* /
public static long NOT_REMOVABLE = B [ 4 ] ;
/ * *
* Reverses the Output of the Recipe for smelting and pulverising .
* /
public static long REVERSIBLE = B [ 5 ] ;
/ * *
* Removes all Recipes with the same Output Item regardless of NBT , unless another Recipe Deletion Bit is added too .
* /
public static long DELETE_ALL_OTHER_RECIPES = B [ 6 ] ;
/ * *
* Removes all Recipes with the same Output Item limited to the same NBT .
* /
public static long DELETE_ALL_OTHER_RECIPES_IF_SAME_NBT = B [ 7 ] ;
/ * *
* Removes all Recipes with the same Output Item limited to Shaped Recipes .
* /
public static long DELETE_ALL_OTHER_SHAPED_RECIPES = B [ 8 ] ;
/ * *
* Removes all Recipes with the same Output Item limited to native Recipe Handlers .
* /
public static long DELETE_ALL_OTHER_NATIVE_RECIPES = B [ 9 ] ;
/ * *
* Disables the check for colliding Recipes .
* /
public static long DO_NOT_CHECK_FOR_COLLISIONS = B [ 10 ] ;
/ * *
* Only adds the Recipe if there is another Recipe having that Output
* /
public static long ONLY_ADD_IF_THERE_IS_ANOTHER_RECIPE_FOR_IT = B [ 11 ] ;
/ * *
* Only adds the Recipe if it has an Output
* /
public static long ONLY_ADD_IF_RESULT_IS_NOT_NULL = B [ 12 ] ;
/ * *
* Copy of the original Helper Class of Thermal Expansion , just to make sure it works even when other Mods include TE - APIs
* /
public static class ThermalExpansion {
public static void addFurnaceRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack output ) {
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " input " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " output " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
input . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " input " ) ) ;
output . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " output " ) ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " FurnaceRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addPulverizerRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack primaryOutput ) {
addPulverizerRecipe ( energy , input , primaryOutput , null , 0 ) ;
public static void addPulverizerRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack primaryOutput , ItemStack secondaryOutput ) {
addPulverizerRecipe ( energy , input , primaryOutput , secondaryOutput , 100 ) ;
public static void addPulverizerRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack primaryOutput , ItemStack secondaryOutput , int secondaryChance ) {
if ( input = = null | | primaryOutput = = null ) return ;
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " input " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " primaryOutput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " secondaryOutput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
input . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " input " ) ) ;
primaryOutput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " primaryOutput " ) ) ;
if ( secondaryOutput ! = null ) secondaryOutput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " secondaryOutput " ) ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " secondaryChance " , secondaryChance ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " PulverizerRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addSawmillRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack primaryOutput ) {
addSawmillRecipe ( energy , input , primaryOutput , null , 0 ) ;
public static void addSawmillRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack primaryOutput , ItemStack secondaryOutput ) {
addSawmillRecipe ( energy , input , primaryOutput , secondaryOutput , 100 ) ;
public static void addSawmillRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack primaryOutput , ItemStack secondaryOutput , int secondaryChance ) {
if ( input = = null | | primaryOutput = = null ) return ;
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " input " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " primaryOutput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " secondaryOutput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
input . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " input " ) ) ;
primaryOutput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " primaryOutput " ) ) ;
if ( secondaryOutput ! = null ) secondaryOutput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " secondaryOutput " ) ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " secondaryChance " , secondaryChance ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " SawmillRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addSmelterRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack primaryInput , ItemStack secondaryInput , ItemStack primaryOutput ) {
addSmelterRecipe ( energy , primaryInput , secondaryInput , primaryOutput , null , 0 ) ;
public static void addSmelterRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack primaryInput , ItemStack secondaryInput , ItemStack primaryOutput , ItemStack secondaryOutput ) {
addSmelterRecipe ( energy , primaryInput , secondaryInput , primaryOutput , secondaryOutput , 100 ) ;
public static void addSmelterRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack primaryInput , ItemStack secondaryInput , ItemStack primaryOutput , ItemStack secondaryOutput , int secondaryChance ) {
if ( primaryInput = = null | | secondaryInput = = null | | primaryOutput = = null ) return ;
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " primaryInput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " secondaryInput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " primaryOutput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " secondaryOutput " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
primaryInput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " primaryInput " ) ) ;
secondaryInput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " secondaryInput " ) ) ;
primaryOutput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " primaryOutput " ) ) ;
if ( secondaryOutput ! = null ) secondaryOutput . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " secondaryOutput " ) ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " secondaryChance " , secondaryChance ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " SmelterRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addSmelterBlastOre ( Materials aMaterial ) {
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setString ( " oreType " , aMaterial . toString ( ) ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " SmelterBlastOreType " , toSend ) ;
public static void addCrucibleRecipe ( int energy , ItemStack input , FluidStack output ) {
if ( input = = null | | output = = null ) return ;
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " input " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " output " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
input . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " input " ) ) ;
output . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " output " ) ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " CrucibleRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addTransposerFill ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack output , FluidStack fluid , boolean reversible ) {
if ( input = = null | | output = = null | | fluid = = null ) return ;
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " input " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " output " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " fluid " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
input . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " input " ) ) ;
output . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " output " ) ) ;
toSend . setBoolean ( " reversible " , reversible ) ;
fluid . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " fluid " ) ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " TransposerFillRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addTransposerExtract ( int energy , ItemStack input , ItemStack output , FluidStack fluid , int chance , boolean reversible ) {
if ( input = = null | | output = = null | | fluid = = null ) return ;
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " input " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " output " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
toSend . setTag ( " fluid " , new NBTTagCompound ( ) ) ;
input . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " input " ) ) ;
output . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " output " ) ) ;
toSend . setBoolean ( " reversible " , reversible ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " chance " , chance ) ;
fluid . writeToNBT ( toSend . getCompoundTag ( " fluid " ) ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " TransposerExtractRecipe " , toSend ) ;
public static void addMagmaticFuel ( String fluidName , int energy ) {
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setString ( " fluidName " , fluidName ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " MagmaticFuel " , toSend ) ;
public static void addCompressionFuel ( String fluidName , int energy ) {
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setString ( " fluidName " , fluidName ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " CompressionFuel " , toSend ) ;
public static void addCoolant ( String fluidName , int energy ) {
NBTTagCompound toSend = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
toSend . setString ( " fluidName " , fluidName ) ;
toSend . setInteger ( " energy " , energy ) ;
FMLInterModComms . sendMessage ( " ThermalExpansion " , " Coolant " , toSend ) ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00