2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
package gregtech.api.util ;
import gregtech.api.GregTech_API ;
import gregtech.api.enums.Dyes ;
import gregtech.api.enums.ItemList ;
import gregtech.api.enums.Materials ;
import gregtech.api.enums.SubTag ;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IGregTechTileEntity ;
import gregtech.api.interfaces.tileentity.IHasWorldObjectAndCoords ;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_FluidStack ;
import gregtech.api.objects.GT_ItemStack ;
import gregtech.api.objects.ItemData ;
import gregtech.api.objects.MaterialStack ;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks ;
import net.minecraft.init.Items ;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack ;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound ;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityFurnace ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.Fluid ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack ;
import net.minecraftforge.fluids.IFluidContainerItem ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
import java.util.* ;
import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.* ;
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
/ * *
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
* < p / >
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
* This File contains the functions used for Recipes . Please do not include this File AT ALL in your Moddownload as it ruins compatibility
* This is just the Core of my Recipe System , if you just want to GET the Recipes I add , then you can access this File .
* Do NOT add Recipes using the Constructors inside this Class , The GregTech_API File calls the correct Functions for these Constructors .
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
* < p / >
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
* I know this File causes some Errors , because of missing Main Functions , but if you just need to compile Stuff , then remove said erroreous Functions .
* /
public class GT_Recipe {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
public static volatile int VERSION = 509 ;
/ * *
* If you want to change the Output , feel free to modify or even replace the whole ItemStack Array , for Inputs , please add a new Recipe , because of the HashMaps .
* /
public ItemStack [ ] mInputs , mOutputs ;
/ * *
* If you want to change the Output , feel free to modify or even replace the whole ItemStack Array , for Inputs , please add a new Recipe , because of the HashMaps .
* /
public FluidStack [ ] mFluidInputs , mFluidOutputs ;
/ * *
* If you changed the amount of Array - Items inside the Output Array then the length of this Array must be larger or equal to the Output Array . A chance of 10000 equals 100 %
* /
public int [ ] mChances ;
/ * *
* An Item that needs to be inside the Special Slot , like for example the Copy Slot inside the Printer . This is only useful for Fake Recipes in NEI , since findRecipe ( ) and containsInput ( ) don ' t give a shit about this Field . Lists are also possible .
* /
public Object mSpecialItems ;
public int mDuration , mEUt , mSpecialValue ;
/ * *
* Use this to just disable a specific Recipe , but the Configuration enables that already for every single Recipe .
* /
public boolean mEnabled = true ;
/ * *
* If this Recipe is hidden from NEI
* /
public boolean mHidden = false ;
/ * *
* If this Recipe is Fake and therefore doesn ' t get found by the findRecipe Function ( It is still in the HashMaps , so that containsInput does return T on those fake Inputs )
* /
public boolean mFakeRecipe = false ;
/ * *
* If this Recipe can be stored inside a Machine in order to make Recipe searching more Efficient by trying the previously used Recipe first . In case you have a Recipe Map overriding things and returning one time use Recipes , you have to set this to F .
* /
public boolean mCanBeBuffered = true ;
/ * *
* If this Recipe needs the Output Slots to be completely empty . Needed in case you have randomised Outputs
* /
public boolean mNeedsEmptyOutput = false ;
private GT_Recipe ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
mInputs = GT_Utility . copyStackArray ( ( Object [ ] ) aRecipe . mInputs ) ;
mOutputs = GT_Utility . copyStackArray ( ( Object [ ] ) aRecipe . mOutputs ) ;
mSpecialItems = aRecipe . mSpecialItems ;
mChances = aRecipe . mChances ;
mFluidInputs = GT_Utility . copyFluidArray ( aRecipe . mFluidInputs ) ;
mFluidOutputs = GT_Utility . copyFluidArray ( aRecipe . mFluidOutputs ) ;
mDuration = aRecipe . mDuration ;
mSpecialValue = aRecipe . mSpecialValue ;
mEUt = aRecipe . mEUt ;
mNeedsEmptyOutput = aRecipe . mNeedsEmptyOutput ;
mCanBeBuffered = aRecipe . mCanBeBuffered ;
mFakeRecipe = aRecipe . mFakeRecipe ;
mEnabled = aRecipe . mEnabled ;
mHidden = aRecipe . mHidden ;
protected GT_Recipe ( boolean aOptimize , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecialItems , int [ ] aChances , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
if ( aInputs = = null ) aInputs = new ItemStack [ 0 ] ;
if ( aOutputs = = null ) aOutputs = new ItemStack [ 0 ] ;
if ( aFluidInputs = = null ) aFluidInputs = new FluidStack [ 0 ] ;
if ( aFluidOutputs = = null ) aFluidOutputs = new FluidStack [ 0 ] ;
if ( aChances = = null ) aChances = new int [ aOutputs . length ] ;
if ( aChances . length < aOutputs . length ) aChances = Arrays . copyOf ( aChances , aOutputs . length ) ;
aInputs = GT_Utility . getArrayListWithoutTrailingNulls ( aInputs ) . toArray ( new ItemStack [ 0 ] ) ;
aOutputs = GT_Utility . getArrayListWithoutTrailingNulls ( aOutputs ) . toArray ( new ItemStack [ 0 ] ) ;
aFluidInputs = GT_Utility . getArrayListWithoutNulls ( aFluidInputs ) . toArray ( new FluidStack [ 0 ] ) ;
aFluidOutputs = GT_Utility . getArrayListWithoutNulls ( aFluidOutputs ) . toArray ( new FluidStack [ 0 ] ) ;
GT_OreDictUnificator . setStackArray ( true , aInputs ) ;
GT_OreDictUnificator . setStackArray ( true , aOutputs ) ;
for ( ItemStack tStack : aOutputs ) GT_Utility . updateItemStack ( tStack ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < aChances . length ; i + + ) if ( aChances [ i ] < = 0 ) aChances [ i ] = 10000 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < aFluidInputs . length ; i + + ) aFluidInputs [ i ] = new GT_FluidStack ( aFluidInputs [ i ] ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < aFluidOutputs . length ; i + + ) aFluidOutputs [ i ] = new GT_FluidStack ( aFluidOutputs [ i ] ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < aInputs . length ; i + + )
if ( aInputs [ i ] ! = null & & Items . feather . getDamage ( aInputs [ i ] ) ! = W )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < aOutputs . length ; j + + ) {
if ( GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( aInputs [ i ] , aOutputs [ j ] ) ) {
if ( aInputs [ i ] . stackSize > = aOutputs [ j ] . stackSize ) {
aInputs [ i ] . stackSize - = aOutputs [ j ] . stackSize ;
aOutputs [ j ] = null ;
} else {
aOutputs [ j ] . stackSize - = aInputs [ i ] . stackSize ;
if ( aOptimize & & aDuration > = 32 ) {
ArrayList < ItemStack > tList = new ArrayList < ItemStack > ( ) ;
tList . addAll ( Arrays . asList ( aInputs ) ) ;
tList . addAll ( Arrays . asList ( aOutputs ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tList . size ( ) ; i + + ) if ( tList . get ( i ) = = null ) tList . remove ( i - - ) ;
for ( byte i = ( byte ) Math . min ( 64 , aDuration / 16 ) ; i > 1 ; i - - )
if ( aDuration / i > = 16 ) {
boolean temp = true ;
for ( int j = 0 , k = tList . size ( ) ; temp & & j < k ; j + + )
if ( tList . get ( j ) . stackSize % i ! = 0 ) temp = false ;
for ( int j = 0 ; temp & & j < aFluidInputs . length ; j + + )
if ( aFluidInputs [ j ] . amount % i ! = 0 ) temp = false ;
for ( int j = 0 ; temp & & j < aFluidOutputs . length ; j + + )
if ( aFluidOutputs [ j ] . amount % i ! = 0 ) temp = false ;
if ( temp ) {
for ( int j = 0 , k = tList . size ( ) ; j < k ; j + + ) tList . get ( j ) . stackSize / = i ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < aFluidInputs . length ; j + + ) aFluidInputs [ j ] . amount / = i ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < aFluidOutputs . length ; j + + ) aFluidOutputs [ j ] . amount / = i ;
aDuration / = i ;
mInputs = aInputs ;
mOutputs = aOutputs ;
mSpecialItems = aSpecialItems ;
mChances = aChances ;
mFluidInputs = aFluidInputs ;
mFluidOutputs = aFluidOutputs ;
mDuration = aDuration ;
mSpecialValue = aSpecialValue ;
mEUt = aEUt ;
// checkCellBalance();
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aOutput1 , int aFuelValue , int aType ) {
this ( aInput1 , aOutput1 , null , null , null , aFuelValue , aType ) ;
// aSpecialValue = EU per Liter! If there is no Liquid for this Object, then it gets multiplied with 1000!
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , ItemStack aOutput3 , ItemStack aOutput4 , int aSpecialValue , int aType ) {
this ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 , aOutput2 , aOutput3 , aOutput4 } , null , null , null , null , 0 , 0 , Math . max ( 1 , aSpecialValue ) ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & aSpecialValue > 0 ) {
switch ( aType ) {
// Diesel Generator
case 0 :
GT_Recipe_Map . sDieselFuels . addRecipe ( this ) ;
break ;
// Gas Turbine
case 1 :
GT_Recipe_Map . sTurbineFuels . addRecipe ( this ) ;
break ;
// Thermal Generator
case 2 :
GT_Recipe_Map . sHotFuels . addRecipe ( this ) ;
break ;
// Plasma Generator
case 4 :
GT_Recipe_Map . sPlasmaFuels . addRecipe ( this ) ;
break ;
// Magic Generator
case 5 :
GT_Recipe_Map . sMagicFuels . addRecipe ( this ) ;
break ;
// Fluid Generator. Usually 3. Every wrong Type ends up in the Semifluid Generator
default :
GT_Recipe_Map . sDenseLiquidFuels . addRecipe ( this ) ;
break ;
public GT_Recipe ( FluidStack aInput1 , FluidStack aInput2 , FluidStack aOutput1 , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
this ( true , null , null , null , null , new FluidStack [ ] { aInput1 , aInput2 } , new FluidStack [ ] { aOutput1 } , Math . max ( aDuration , 1 ) , aEUt , Math . max ( Math . min ( aSpecialValue , 160000000 ) , 0 ) ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 1 ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sFusionRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , int aDuration , int aEUt ) {
this ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 , aOutput2 } , null , null , null , null , aDuration , aEUt , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sLatheRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , int aCellAmount , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 , ItemStack aOutput3 , ItemStack aOutput4 , int aDuration , int aEUt ) {
this ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 , aCellAmount > 0 ? ItemList . Cell_Empty . get ( Math . min ( 64 , Math . max ( 1 , aCellAmount ) ) ) : null } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 , aOutput2 , aOutput3 , aOutput4 } , null , null , null , null , Math . max ( aDuration , 1 ) , Math . max ( aEUt , 1 ) , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sDistillationRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , int aInput2 , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 ) {
this ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 , GT_ModHandler . getIC2Item ( " industrialTnt " , aInput2 > 0 ? aInput2 < 64 ? aInput2 : 64 : 1 , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tnt , aInput2 > 0 ? aInput2 < 64 ? aInput2 : 64 : 1 ) ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 , aOutput2 } , null , null , null , null , 20 , 30 , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sImplosionRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( int aEUt , int aDuration , ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aOutput1 ) {
this ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 , ItemList . Circuit_Integrated . getWithDamage ( 0 , aInput1 . stackSize ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 } , null , null , null , null , Math . max ( aDuration , 1 ) , Math . max ( aEUt , 1 ) , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sBenderRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aInput2 , int aEUt , int aDuration , ItemStack aOutput1 ) {
this ( true , aInput2 = = null ? new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 } : new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 , aInput2 } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 } , null , null , null , null , Math . max ( aDuration , 1 ) , Math . max ( aEUt , 1 ) , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sAlloySmelterRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , int aEUt , ItemStack aInput2 , int aDuration , ItemStack aOutput1 , ItemStack aOutput2 ) {
this ( true , aInput2 = = null ? new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 } : new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 , aInput2 } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 , aOutput2 } , null , null , null , null , Math . max ( aDuration , 1 ) , Math . max ( aEUt , 1 ) , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sCannerRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public GT_Recipe ( ItemStack aInput1 , ItemStack aOutput1 , int aDuration ) {
this ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput1 } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput1 } , null , null , null , null , Math . max ( aDuration , 1 ) , 120 , 0 ) ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & mOutputs [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
GT_Recipe_Map . sVacuumRecipes . addRecipe ( this ) ;
public static void reInit ( ) {
2015-04-23 18:14:22 +02:00
GT_Log . out . println ( " GT_Mod: Re-Unificating Recipes. " ) ;
for ( GT_Recipe_Map tMapEntry : GT_Recipe_Map . sMappings ) tMapEntry . reInit ( ) ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
// -----
// Old Constructors, do not use!
// -----
public ItemStack getRepresentativeInput ( int aIndex ) {
if ( aIndex < 0 | | aIndex > = mInputs . length ) return null ;
return GT_Utility . copy ( mInputs [ aIndex ] ) ;
public ItemStack getOutput ( int aIndex ) {
if ( aIndex < 0 | | aIndex > = mOutputs . length ) return null ;
return GT_Utility . copy ( mOutputs [ aIndex ] ) ;
public int getOutputChance ( int aIndex ) {
if ( aIndex < 0 | | aIndex > = mChances . length ) return 10000 ;
return mChances [ aIndex ] ;
public FluidStack getRepresentativeFluidInput ( int aIndex ) {
if ( aIndex < 0 | | aIndex > = mFluidInputs . length | | mFluidInputs [ aIndex ] = = null ) return null ;
return mFluidInputs [ aIndex ] . copy ( ) ;
public FluidStack getFluidOutput ( int aIndex ) {
if ( aIndex < 0 | | aIndex > = mFluidOutputs . length | | mFluidOutputs [ aIndex ] = = null ) return null ;
return mFluidOutputs [ aIndex ] . copy ( ) ;
public void checkCellBalance ( ) {
if ( ! D2 | | mInputs . length < 1 ) return ;
int tInputAmount = GT_ModHandler . getCapsuleCellContainerCountMultipliedWithStackSize ( mInputs ) ;
int tOutputAmount = GT_ModHandler . getCapsuleCellContainerCountMultipliedWithStackSize ( mOutputs ) ;
if ( tInputAmount < tOutputAmount ) {
if ( ! Materials . Tin . contains ( mInputs ) ) {
GT_Log . err . println ( " You get more Cells, than you put in? There must be something wrong. " ) ;
new Exception ( ) . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
} else if ( tInputAmount > tOutputAmount ) {
if ( ! Materials . Tin . contains ( mOutputs ) ) {
GT_Log . err . println ( " You get less Cells, than you put in? GT Machines usually don't destroy Cells. " ) ;
new Exception ( ) . printStackTrace ( GT_Log . err ) ;
public GT_Recipe copy ( ) {
return new GT_Recipe ( this ) ;
public boolean isRecipeInputEqual ( boolean aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
return isRecipeInputEqual ( aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess , false , aFluidInputs , aInputs ) ;
public boolean isRecipeInputEqual ( boolean aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess , boolean aDontCheckStackSizes , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( mFluidInputs . length > 0 & & aFluidInputs = = null ) return false ;
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
int amt ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
for ( FluidStack tFluid : mFluidInputs )
if ( tFluid ! = null ) {
boolean temp = true ;
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
amt = tFluid . amount ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
for ( FluidStack aFluid : aFluidInputs )
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
if ( aFluid ! = null & & aFluid . isFluidEqual ( tFluid ) ) {
if ( aDontCheckStackSizes ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
amt - = aFluid . amount ;
if ( amt < 1 ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( temp ) return false ;
if ( mInputs . length > 0 & & aInputs = = null ) return false ;
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
for ( ItemStack tStack : mInputs ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( tStack ! = null ) {
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
amt = tStack . stackSize ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
boolean temp = true ;
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
for ( ItemStack aStack : aInputs ) {
if ( ( GT_Utility . areUnificationsEqual ( aStack , tStack , true ) | | GT_Utility . areUnificationsEqual ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( false , aStack ) , tStack , true ) ) ) {
if ( aDontCheckStackSizes ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
amt - = aStack . stackSize ;
if ( amt < 1 ) {
temp = false ;
break ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( temp ) return false ;
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aDecreaseStacksizeBySuccess ) {
if ( aFluidInputs ! = null ) {
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
for ( FluidStack tFluid : mFluidInputs ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( tFluid ! = null ) {
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
amt = tFluid . amount ;
for ( FluidStack aFluid : aFluidInputs ) {
if ( aFluid ! = null & & aFluid . isFluidEqual ( tFluid ) ) {
if ( aDontCheckStackSizes ) {
aFluid . amount - = amt ;
break ;
if ( aFluid . amount < amt ) {
amt - = aFluid . amount ;
aFluid . amount = 0 ;
} else {
aFluid . amount - = amt ;
amt = 0 ;
break ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( aInputs ! = null ) {
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
for ( ItemStack tStack : mInputs ) {
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
if ( tStack ! = null ) {
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
amt = tStack . stackSize ;
for ( ItemStack aStack : aInputs ) {
if ( ( GT_Utility . areUnificationsEqual ( aStack , tStack , true ) | | GT_Utility . areUnificationsEqual ( GT_OreDictUnificator . get ( false , aStack ) , tStack , true ) ) ) {
if ( aDontCheckStackSizes ) {
aStack . stackSize - = amt ;
break ;
if ( aStack . stackSize < amt ) {
amt - = aStack . stackSize ;
aStack . stackSize = 0 ;
} else {
aStack . stackSize - = amt ;
amt = 0 ;
break ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
return true ;
2016-06-30 00:12:00 +02:00
public static class GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine {
public static final ArrayList < GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine > sAssemblylineRecipes = new ArrayList < GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine > ( ) ;
public ItemStack mResearchItem ;
public int mResearchTime ;
public ItemStack [ ] mInputs ;
public FluidStack [ ] mFluidInputs ;
public ItemStack mOutput ;
public int mDuration ;
public int mEUt ;
public GT_Recipe_AssemblyLine ( ItemStack aResearchItem , int aResearchTime , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , ItemStack aOutput , int aDuration , int aEUt ) {
mResearchItem = aResearchItem ;
mResearchTime = aResearchTime ;
mInputs = aInputs ;
mFluidInputs = aFluidInputs ;
mOutput = aOutput ;
mDuration = aDuration ;
mEUt = aEUt ;
2016-06-12 10:41:52 -07:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
public static class GT_Recipe_Map {
/ * *
* Contains all Recipe Maps
* /
public static final Collection < GT_Recipe_Map > sMappings = new ArrayList < GT_Recipe_Map > ( ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sOreWasherRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_OreWasher ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " ic.recipe.orewasher " , " Ore Washer " , " ic2.blockOreWashingPlant " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/OreWasher " , 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sThermalCentrifugeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_ThermalCentrifuge ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " ic.recipe.thermalcentrifuge " , " Thermal Centrifuge " , " ic2.blockCentrifuge " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/ThermalCentrifuge " , 1 , 3 , 1 , 0 , 2 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCompressorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Compressor ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " ic.recipe.compressor " , " Compressor " , " ic2.compressor " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Compressor " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sExtractorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Extractor ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " ic.recipe.extractor " , " Extractor " , " ic2.extractor " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Extractor " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sRecyclerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Recycler ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " ic.recipe.recycler " , " Recycler " , " ic2.recycler " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Recycler " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFurnaceRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Furnace ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " mc.recipe.furnace " , " Furnace " , " smelting " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/E_Furnace " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sMicrowaveRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Microwave ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 0 ) , " gt.recipe.microwave " , " Microwave " , " smelting " , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/E_Furnace " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , false ) ;
2016-04-11 23:14:57 +02:00
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sScannerFakeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 300 ) , " gt.recipe.scanner " , " Scanner " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Scanner " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sRockBreakerFakeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 3 ) , " gt.recipe.rockbreaker " , " Rock Breaker " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/RockBreaker " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sByProductList = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 1000 ) , " gt.recipe.byproductlist " , " Ore Byproduct List " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 6 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sRepicatorFakeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.replicator " , " Replicator " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Replicator " , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
2016-04-11 23:14:57 +02:00
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAssemblylineFakeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 30 ) , " gt.recipe.scanner " , " Scanner " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPlasmaArcFurnaceRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10000 ) , " gt.recipe.plasmaarcfurnace " , " Plasma Arc Furnace " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/PlasmaArcFurnace " , 1 , 4 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sArcFurnaceRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10000 ) , " gt.recipe.arcfurnace " , " Arc Furnace " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/ArcFurnace " , 1 , 4 , 1 , 1 , 3 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPrinterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Printer ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.printer " , " Printer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Printer " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sSifterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.sifter " , " Sifter " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Sifter " , 1 , 9 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPressRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_FormingPress ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.press " , " Forming Press " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Press " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sLaserEngraverRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.laserengraver " , " Precision Laser Engraver " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/LaserEngraver " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sMixerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.mixer " , " Mixer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Mixer " , 4 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAutoclaveRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 200 ) , " gt.recipe.autoclave " , " Autoclave " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Autoclave " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sElectroMagneticSeparatorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.electromagneticseparator " , " Electromagnetic Separator " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/ElectromagneticSeparator " , 1 , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPolarizerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.polarizer " , " Electromagnetic Polarizer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Polarizer " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sMaceratorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Macerator ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10000 ) , " gt.recipe.macerator " , " Pulverization " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Macerator4 " , 1 , 4 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sChemicalBathRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 200 ) , " gt.recipe.chemicalbath " , " Chemical Bath " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/ChemicalBath " , 1 , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFluidCannerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_FluidCanner ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.fluidcanner " , " Fluid Canning Machine " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/FluidCannerNEI " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sBrewingRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.brewer " , " Brewing Machine " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/PotionBrewer " , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFluidHeaterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.fluidheater " , " Fluid Heater " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/FluidHeater " , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sDistilleryRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.distillery " , " Distillery " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Distillery " , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFermentingRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.fermenter " , " Fermenter " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Fermenter " , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFluidSolidficationRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.fluidsolidifier " , " Fluid Solidifier " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/FluidSolidifier " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFluidExtractionRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.fluidextractor " , " Fluid Extractor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/FluidExtractor " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sBoxinatorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 2500 ) , " gt.recipe.packager " , " Packager " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Packager " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sUnboxinatorRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Unboxinator ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 2500 ) , " gt.recipe.unpackager " , " Unpackager " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Unpackager " , 1 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sFusionRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.fusionreactor " , " Fusion Reactor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 1 , " Start: " , 1 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCentrifugeRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 1000 ) , " gt.recipe.centrifuge " , " Centrifuge " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Centrifuge " , 2 , 6 , 0 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sElectrolyzerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 200 ) , " gt.recipe.electrolyzer " , " Electrolyzer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Electrolyzer " , 2 , 6 , 0 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sBlastRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 500 ) , " gt.recipe.blastfurnace " , " Blast Furnace " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , " Heat Capacity: " , 1 , " K " , false , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sImplosionRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.implosioncompressor " , " Implosion Compressor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 2 , 2 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sVacuumRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.vacuumfreezer " , " Vacuum Freezer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sChemicalRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.chemicalreactor " , " Chemical Reactor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/ChemicalReactor " , 2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sDistillationRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.distillationtower " , " Distillation Tower " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 2 , 4 , 0 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCrakingRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.craker " , " Oil Cracker " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sPyrolyseRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.pyro " , " Pyrolyse Oven " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sWiremillRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 50 ) , " gt.recipe.wiremill " , " Wiremill " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Wiremill " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sBenderRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 400 ) , " gt.recipe.metalbender " , " Metal Bender " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Bender " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAlloySmelterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 3000 ) , " gt.recipe.alloysmelter " , " Alloy Smelter " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/AlloySmelter " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAssemblerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map_Assembler ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 300 ) , " gt.recipe.assembler " , " Assembler " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Assembler " , 2 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCannerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 300 ) , " gt.recipe.canner " , " Canning Machine " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Canner " , 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCNCRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 100 ) , " gt.recipe.cncmachine " , " CNC Machine " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sLatheRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 400 ) , " gt.recipe.lathe " , " Lathe " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Lathe " , 1 , 2 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sCutterRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 200 ) , " gt.recipe.cuttingsaw " , " Cutting Saw " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Cutter " , 1 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sSlicerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 200 ) , " gt.recipe.slicer " , " Slicer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Slicer " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sExtruderRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 1000 ) , " gt.recipe.extruder " , " Extruder " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Extruder " , 2 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sHammerRecipes = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 200 ) , " gt.recipe.hammer " , " Hammer " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Hammer " , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map sAmplifiers = new GT_Recipe_Map ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.uuamplifier " , " UU Amplifier " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Amplifabricator " , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , E , 1 , E , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sDieselFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.dieselgeneratorfuel " , " Diesel Generator Fuel " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sTurbineFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.gasturbinefuel " , " Gas Turbine Fuel " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sHotFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.thermalgeneratorfuel " , " Thermal Generator Fuel " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , false ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sDenseLiquidFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.semifluidboilerfuels " , " Semifluid Boiler Fuels " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sPlasmaFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.plasmageneratorfuels " , " Plasma generator Fuels " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sMagicFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.magicfuels " , " Magic Fuels " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sSmallNaquadahReactorFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.smallnaquadahreactor " , " Small Naquadah Reactor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sLargeNaquadahReactorFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.largenaquadahreactor " , " Large Naquadah Reactor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
public static final GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel sFluidNaquadahReactorFuels = new GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 10 ) , " gt.recipe.fluidnaquadahreactor " , " Fluid Naquadah Reactor " , null , RES_PATH_GUI + " basicmachines/Default " , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 , " Fuel Value: " , 1000 , " EU " , true , true ) ;
2016-04-11 23:14:57 +02:00
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* HashMap of Recipes based on their Items
* /
2016-08-13 08:28:24 +01:00
public final Map < GT_ItemStack , Collection < GT_Recipe > > mRecipeItemMap = new /*Concurrent*/ HashMap < GT_ItemStack , Collection < GT_Recipe > > ( ) ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* HashMap of Recipes based on their Fluids
* /
2016-08-13 08:28:24 +01:00
public final Map < Fluid , Collection < GT_Recipe > > mRecipeFluidMap = new /*Concurrent*/ HashMap < Fluid , Collection < GT_Recipe > > ( ) ;
2015-10-21 22:06:25 -04:00
/ * *
* The List of all Recipes
* /
public final Collection < GT_Recipe > mRecipeList ;
/ * *
* String used as an unlocalised Name .
* /
public final String mUnlocalizedName ;
/ * *
* String used in NEI for the Recipe Lists . If null it will use the unlocalised Name instead
* /
public final String mNEIName ;
/ * *
* GUI used for NEI Display . Usually the GUI of the Machine itself
* /
public final String mNEIGUIPath ;
public final String mNEISpecialValuePre , mNEISpecialValuePost ;
public final int mUsualInputCount , mUsualOutputCount , mNEISpecialValueMultiplier , mMinimalInputItems , mMinimalInputFluids , mAmperage ;
public final boolean mNEIAllowed , mShowVoltageAmperageInNEI ;
/ * *
* Initialises a new type of Recipe Handler .
* @param aRecipeList a List you specify as Recipe List . Usually just an ArrayList with a pre - initialised Size .
* @param aUnlocalizedName the unlocalised Name of this Recipe Handler , used mainly for NEI .
* @param aLocalName the displayed Name inside the NEI Recipe GUI .
* @param aNEIGUIPath the displayed GUI Texture , usually just a Machine GUI . Auto - Attaches " .png " if forgotten .
* @param aUsualInputCount the usual amount of Input Slots this Recipe Class has .
* @param aUsualOutputCount the usual amount of Output Slots this Recipe Class has .
* @param aNEISpecialValuePre the String in front of the Special Value in NEI .
* @param aNEISpecialValueMultiplier the Value the Special Value is getting Multiplied with before displaying
* @param aNEISpecialValuePost the String after the Special Value . Usually for a Unit or something .
* @param aNEIAllowed if NEI is allowed to display this Recipe Handler in general .
* /
public GT_Recipe_Map ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
sMappings . add ( this ) ;
mNEIAllowed = aNEIAllowed ;
mShowVoltageAmperageInNEI = aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI ;
mRecipeList = aRecipeList ;
mNEIName = aNEIName = = null ? aUnlocalizedName : aNEIName ;
mNEIGUIPath = aNEIGUIPath . endsWith ( " .png " ) ? aNEIGUIPath : aNEIGUIPath + " .png " ;
mNEISpecialValuePre = aNEISpecialValuePre ;
mNEISpecialValueMultiplier = aNEISpecialValueMultiplier ;
mNEISpecialValuePost = aNEISpecialValuePost ;
mAmperage = aAmperage ;
mUsualInputCount = aUsualInputCount ;
mUsualOutputCount = aUsualOutputCount ;
mMinimalInputItems = aMinimalInputItems ;
mMinimalInputFluids = aMinimalInputFluids ;
GregTech_API . sFluidMappings . add ( mRecipeFluidMap ) ;
GregTech_API . sItemStackMappings . add ( mRecipeItemMap ) ;
GT_LanguageManager . addStringLocalization ( mUnlocalizedName = aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName ) ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( boolean aOptimize , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , int [ ] aOutputChances , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return addRecipe ( new GT_Recipe ( aOptimize , aInputs , aOutputs , aSpecial , aOutputChances , aFluidInputs , aFluidOutputs , aDuration , aEUt , aSpecialValue ) ) ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( int [ ] aOutputChances , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return addRecipe ( new GT_Recipe ( false , null , null , null , aOutputChances , aFluidInputs , aFluidOutputs , aDuration , aEUt , aSpecialValue ) , false , false , false ) ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( boolean aOptimize , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return addRecipe ( new GT_Recipe ( aOptimize , aInputs , aOutputs , aSpecial , null , aFluidInputs , aFluidOutputs , aDuration , aEUt , aSpecialValue ) ) ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
return addRecipe ( aRecipe , true , false , false ) ;
protected GT_Recipe addRecipe ( GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aCheckForCollisions , boolean aFakeRecipe , boolean aHidden ) {
aRecipe . mHidden = aHidden ;
aRecipe . mFakeRecipe = aFakeRecipe ;
if ( aRecipe . mFluidInputs . length < mMinimalInputFluids & & aRecipe . mInputs . length < mMinimalInputItems )
return null ;
if ( aCheckForCollisions & & findRecipe ( null , false , Long . MAX_VALUE , aRecipe . mFluidInputs , aRecipe . mInputs ) ! = null )
return null ;
return add ( aRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* Only used for fake Recipe Handlers to show something in NEI , do not use this for adding actual Recipes ! findRecipe wont find fake Recipes , containsInput WILL find fake Recipes
* /
public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe ( boolean aCheckForCollisions , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , int [ ] aOutputChances , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return addFakeRecipe ( aCheckForCollisions , new GT_Recipe ( false , aInputs , aOutputs , aSpecial , aOutputChances , aFluidInputs , aFluidOutputs , aDuration , aEUt , aSpecialValue ) ) ;
/ * *
* Only used for fake Recipe Handlers to show something in NEI , do not use this for adding actual Recipes ! findRecipe wont find fake Recipes , containsInput WILL find fake Recipes
* /
public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe ( boolean aCheckForCollisions , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return addFakeRecipe ( aCheckForCollisions , new GT_Recipe ( false , aInputs , aOutputs , aSpecial , null , aFluidInputs , aFluidOutputs , aDuration , aEUt , aSpecialValue ) ) ;
/ * *
* Only used for fake Recipe Handlers to show something in NEI , do not use this for adding actual Recipes ! findRecipe wont find fake Recipes , containsInput WILL find fake Recipes
* /
public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe ( boolean aCheckForCollisions , GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
return addRecipe ( aRecipe , aCheckForCollisions , true , false ) ;
public GT_Recipe add ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
mRecipeList . add ( aRecipe ) ;
for ( FluidStack aFluid : aRecipe . mFluidInputs )
if ( aFluid ! = null ) {
Collection < GT_Recipe > tList = mRecipeFluidMap . get ( aFluid . getFluid ( ) ) ;
if ( tList = = null ) mRecipeFluidMap . put ( aFluid . getFluid ( ) , tList = new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 1 ) ) ;
tList . add ( aRecipe ) ;
return addToItemMap ( aRecipe ) ;
public void reInit ( ) {
Map < GT_ItemStack , Collection < GT_Recipe > > tMap = mRecipeItemMap ;
if ( tMap ! = null ) tMap . clear ( ) ;
for ( GT_Recipe tRecipe : mRecipeList ) {
GT_OreDictUnificator . setStackArray ( true , tRecipe . mInputs ) ;
GT_OreDictUnificator . setStackArray ( true , tRecipe . mOutputs ) ;
if ( tMap ! = null ) addToItemMap ( tRecipe ) ;
/ * *
* @return if this Item is a valid Input for any for the Recipes
* /
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return aStack ! = null & & ( mRecipeItemMap . containsKey ( new GT_ItemStack ( aStack ) ) | | mRecipeItemMap . containsKey ( new GT_ItemStack ( GT_Utility . copyMetaData ( W , aStack ) ) ) ) ;
/ * *
* @return if this Fluid is a valid Input for any for the Recipes
* /
public boolean containsInput ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
return aFluid ! = null & & containsInput ( aFluid . getFluid ( ) ) ;
/ * *
* @return if this Fluid is a valid Input for any for the Recipes
* /
public boolean containsInput ( Fluid aFluid ) {
return aFluid ! = null & & mRecipeFluidMap . containsKey ( aFluid ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
return findRecipe ( aTileEntity , null , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , null , aInputs ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
return findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , null , aInputs ) ;
/ * *
* finds a Recipe matching the aFluid and ItemStack Inputs .
* @param aTileEntity an Object representing the current coordinates of the executing Block / Entity / Whatever . This may be null , especially during Startup .
* @param aRecipe in case this is ! = null it will try to use this Recipe first when looking things up .
* @param aNotUnificated if this is T the Recipe searcher will unificate the ItemStack Inputs
* @param aVoltage Voltage of the Machine or Long . MAX_VALUE if it has no Voltage
* @param aFluids the Fluid Inputs
* @param aSpecialSlot the content of the Special Slot , the regular Manager doesn ' t do anything with this , but some custom ones do .
* @param aInputs the Item Inputs
* @return the Recipe it has found or null for no matching Recipe
* /
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
// No Recipes? Well, nothing to be found then.
if ( mRecipeList . isEmpty ( ) ) return null ;
// Some Recipe Classes require a certain amount of Inputs of certain kinds. Like "at least 1 Fluid + 1 Stack" or "at least 2 Stacks" before they start searching for Recipes.
// This improves Performance massively, especially if people leave things like Circuits, Molds or Shapes in their Machines to select Sub Recipes.
if ( GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished ) {
if ( mMinimalInputFluids > 0 ) {
if ( aFluids = = null ) return null ;
int tAmount = 0 ;
for ( FluidStack aFluid : aFluids ) if ( aFluid ! = null ) tAmount + + ;
if ( tAmount < mMinimalInputFluids ) return null ;
if ( mMinimalInputItems > 0 ) {
if ( aInputs = = null ) return null ;
int tAmount = 0 ;
for ( ItemStack aInput : aInputs ) if ( aInput ! = null ) tAmount + + ;
if ( tAmount < mMinimalInputItems ) return null ;
// Unification happens here in case the Input isn't already unificated.
if ( aNotUnificated ) aInputs = GT_OreDictUnificator . getStackArray ( true , ( Object [ ] ) aInputs ) ;
// Check the Recipe which has been used last time in order to not have to search for it again, if possible.
if ( aRecipe ! = null )
if ( ! aRecipe . mFakeRecipe & & aRecipe . mCanBeBuffered & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) )
return aRecipe . mEnabled & & aVoltage * mAmperage > = aRecipe . mEUt ? aRecipe : null ;
// Now look for the Recipes inside the Item HashMaps, but only when the Recipes usually have Items.
if ( mUsualInputCount > 0 & & aInputs ! = null ) for ( ItemStack tStack : aInputs )
if ( tStack ! = null ) {
Collection < GT_Recipe >
tRecipes = mRecipeItemMap . get ( new GT_ItemStack ( tStack ) ) ;
if ( tRecipes ! = null ) for ( GT_Recipe tRecipe : tRecipes )
if ( ! tRecipe . mFakeRecipe & & tRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) )
return tRecipe . mEnabled & & aVoltage * mAmperage > = tRecipe . mEUt ? tRecipe : null ;
tRecipes = mRecipeItemMap . get ( new GT_ItemStack ( GT_Utility . copyMetaData ( W , tStack ) ) ) ;
if ( tRecipes ! = null ) for ( GT_Recipe tRecipe : tRecipes )
if ( ! tRecipe . mFakeRecipe & & tRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) )
return tRecipe . mEnabled & & aVoltage * mAmperage > = tRecipe . mEUt ? tRecipe : null ;
// If the minimal Amount of Items for the Recipe is 0, then it could be a Fluid-Only Recipe, so check that Map too.
if ( mMinimalInputItems = = 0 & & aFluids ! = null ) for ( FluidStack aFluid : aFluids )
if ( aFluid ! = null ) {
Collection < GT_Recipe >
tRecipes = mRecipeFluidMap . get ( aFluid . getFluid ( ) ) ;
if ( tRecipes ! = null ) for ( GT_Recipe tRecipe : tRecipes )
if ( ! tRecipe . mFakeRecipe & & tRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) )
return tRecipe . mEnabled & & aVoltage * mAmperage > = tRecipe . mEUt ? tRecipe : null ;
// And nothing has been found.
return null ;
protected GT_Recipe addToItemMap ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
for ( ItemStack aStack : aRecipe . mInputs )
if ( aStack ! = null ) {
GT_ItemStack tStack = new GT_ItemStack ( aStack ) ;
Collection < GT_Recipe > tList = mRecipeItemMap . get ( tStack ) ;
if ( tList = = null ) mRecipeItemMap . put ( tStack , tList = new HashSet < GT_Recipe > ( 1 ) ) ;
tList . add ( aRecipe ) ;
return aRecipe ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here are a few Classes I use for Special Cases in some Machines without having to write a separate Machine Class.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/ * *
* Abstract Class for general Recipe Handling of non GT Recipes
* /
public static abstract class GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return false ;
public boolean containsInput ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
return false ;
public boolean containsInput ( Fluid aFluid ) {
return false ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( boolean aOptimize , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , int [ ] aOutputChances , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return null ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( boolean aOptimize , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return null ;
public GT_Recipe addRecipe ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
return null ;
public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe ( boolean aCheckForCollisions , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , int [ ] aOutputChances , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return null ;
public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe ( boolean aCheckForCollisions , ItemStack [ ] aInputs , ItemStack [ ] aOutputs , Object aSpecial , FluidStack [ ] aFluidInputs , FluidStack [ ] aFluidOutputs , int aDuration , int aEUt , int aSpecialValue ) {
return null ;
public GT_Recipe addFakeRecipe ( boolean aCheckForCollisions , GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
return null ;
public GT_Recipe add ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
return null ;
public void reInit ( ) { /**/ }
protected GT_Recipe addToItemMap ( GT_Recipe aRecipe ) {
return null ;
/ * *
* Just a Recipe Map with Utility specifically for Fuels .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Fuel ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe addFuel ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput , int aFuelValueInEU ) {
return addFuel ( aInput , aOutput , null , null , 10000 , aFuelValueInEU ) ;
public GT_Recipe addFuel ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput , int aChance , int aFuelValueInEU ) {
return addFuel ( aInput , aOutput , null , null , aChance , aFuelValueInEU ) ;
public GT_Recipe addFuel ( FluidStack aFluidInput , FluidStack aFluidOutput , int aFuelValueInEU ) {
return addFuel ( null , null , aFluidInput , aFluidOutput , 10000 , aFuelValueInEU ) ;
public GT_Recipe addFuel ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput , FluidStack aFluidInput , FluidStack aFluidOutput , int aFuelValueInEU ) {
return addFuel ( aInput , aOutput , aFluidInput , aFluidOutput , 10000 , aFuelValueInEU ) ;
public GT_Recipe addFuel ( ItemStack aInput , ItemStack aOutput , FluidStack aFluidInput , FluidStack aFluidOutput , int aChance , int aFuelValueInEU ) {
return addRecipe ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { aInput } , new ItemStack [ ] { aOutput } , null , new int [ ] { aChance } , new FluidStack [ ] { aFluidInput } , new FluidStack [ ] { aFluidOutput } , 0 , 0 , aFuelValueInEU ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Furnace Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Furnace extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Furnace ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null ) return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
ItemStack tOutput = GT_ModHandler . getSmeltingOutput ( aInputs [ 0 ] , false , null ) ;
return tOutput = = null ? null : new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , null , null , 128 , 4 , 0 ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_ModHandler . getSmeltingOutput ( aStack , false , null ) ! = null ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Microwave Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Microwave extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Microwave ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null ) return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
ItemStack tOutput = GT_ModHandler . getSmeltingOutput ( aInputs [ 0 ] , false , null ) ;
if ( GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( aInputs [ 0 ] , new ItemStack ( Items . book , 1 , W ) ) ) {
return new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . getWrittenBook ( " Manual_Microwave " , ItemList . Book_Written_03 . get ( 1 ) ) } , null , null , null , null , 32 , 4 , 0 ) ;
// Check Container Item of Input since it is around the Input, then the Input itself, then Container Item of Output and last check the Output itself
for ( ItemStack tStack : new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( aInputs [ 0 ] , true ) , aInputs [ 0 ] , GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( tOutput , true ) , tOutput } )
if ( tStack ! = null ) {
if ( GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tStack , new ItemStack ( Blocks . netherrack , 1 , W ) , true )
| | GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tStack , new ItemStack ( Blocks . tnt , 1 , W ) , true )
| | GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tStack , new ItemStack ( Items . egg , 1 , W ) , true )
| | GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tStack , new ItemStack ( Items . firework_charge , 1 , W ) , true )
| | GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tStack , new ItemStack ( Items . fireworks , 1 , W ) , true )
| | GT_Utility . areStacksEqual ( tStack , new ItemStack ( Items . fire_charge , 1 , W ) , true )
) {
if ( aTileEntity instanceof IGregTechTileEntity )
( ( IGregTechTileEntity ) aTileEntity ) . doExplosion ( aVoltage * 4 ) ;
return null ;
ItemData tData = GT_OreDictUnificator . getItemData ( tStack ) ;
if ( tData ! = null ) {
if ( tData . mMaterial ! = null & & tData . mMaterial . mMaterial ! = null ) {
if ( tData . mMaterial . mMaterial . contains ( SubTag . METAL ) | | tData . mMaterial . mMaterial . contains ( SubTag . EXPLOSIVE ) ) {
if ( aTileEntity instanceof IGregTechTileEntity )
( ( IGregTechTileEntity ) aTileEntity ) . doExplosion ( aVoltage * 4 ) ;
return null ;
if ( tData . mMaterial . mMaterial . contains ( SubTag . FLAMMABLE ) ) {
if ( aTileEntity instanceof IGregTechTileEntity )
( ( IGregTechTileEntity ) aTileEntity ) . setOnFire ( ) ;
return null ;
for ( MaterialStack tMaterial : tData . mByProducts )
if ( tMaterial ! = null ) {
if ( tMaterial . mMaterial . contains ( SubTag . METAL ) | | tMaterial . mMaterial . contains ( SubTag . EXPLOSIVE ) ) {
if ( aTileEntity instanceof IGregTechTileEntity )
( ( IGregTechTileEntity ) aTileEntity ) . doExplosion ( aVoltage * 4 ) ;
return null ;
if ( tMaterial . mMaterial . contains ( SubTag . FLAMMABLE ) ) {
if ( aTileEntity instanceof IGregTechTileEntity )
( ( IGregTechTileEntity ) aTileEntity ) . setOnFire ( ) ;
return null ;
if ( TileEntityFurnace . getItemBurnTime ( tStack ) > 0 ) {
if ( aTileEntity instanceof IGregTechTileEntity ) ( ( IGregTechTileEntity ) aTileEntity ) . setOnFire ( ) ;
return null ;
return tOutput = = null ? null : new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , null , null , 32 , 4 , 0 ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_ModHandler . getSmeltingOutput ( aStack , false , null ) ! = null ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Unboxinator handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Unboxinator extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Unboxinator ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | ! ItemList . IC2_Scrapbox . isStackEqual ( aInputs [ 0 ] , false , true ) )
return super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
ItemStack tOutput = GT_ModHandler . getRandomScrapboxDrop ( ) ;
if ( tOutput = = null )
return super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
GT_Recipe rRecipe = new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { ItemList . IC2_Scrapbox . get ( 1 ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , null , null , 16 , 1 , 0 ) ;
// It is not allowed to be buffered due to the random Output
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
// Due to its randomness it is not good if there are Items in the Output Slot, because those Items could manipulate the outcome.
rRecipe . mNeedsEmptyOutput = true ;
return rRecipe ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return ItemList . IC2_Scrapbox . isStackEqual ( aStack , false , true ) | | super . containsInput ( aStack ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Fluid Canner handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_FluidCanner extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_FluidCanner ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
GT_Recipe rRecipe = super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null | | rRecipe ! = null | | ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
return rRecipe ;
if ( aFluids ! = null & & aFluids . length > 0 & & aFluids [ 0 ] ! = null ) {
ItemStack tOutput = GT_Utility . fillFluidContainer ( aFluids [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] , false , true ) ;
FluidStack tFluid = GT_Utility . getFluidForFilledItem ( tOutput , true ) ;
if ( tFluid ! = null )
rRecipe = new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , new FluidStack [ ] { tFluid } , null , Math . max ( tFluid . amount / 64 , 16 ) , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( rRecipe = = null ) {
FluidStack tFluid = GT_Utility . getFluidForFilledItem ( aInputs [ 0 ] , true ) ;
if ( tFluid ! = null )
rRecipe = new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . getContainerItem ( aInputs [ 0 ] , true ) } , null , null , null , new FluidStack [ ] { tFluid } , Math . max ( tFluid . amount / 64 , 16 ) , 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( rRecipe ! = null ) rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
return rRecipe ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return aStack ! = null & & ( super . containsInput ( aStack ) | | ( aStack . getItem ( ) instanceof IFluidContainerItem & & ( ( IFluidContainerItem ) aStack . getItem ( ) ) . getCapacity ( aStack ) > 0 ) ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
return true ;
public boolean containsInput ( Fluid aFluid ) {
return true ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Recycler Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Recycler extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Recycler ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null ) return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
return new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , GT_ModHandler . getRecyclerOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) , 0 ) = = null ? null : new ItemStack [ ] { ItemList . IC2_Scrap . get ( 1 ) } , null , new int [ ] { 1250 } , null , null , 45 , 1 , 0 ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_ModHandler . getRecyclerOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aStack ) , 0 ) ! = null ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Compressor Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Compressor extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Compressor ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null ) return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
ItemStack tComparedInput = GT_Utility . copy ( aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
ItemStack [ ] tOutputItems = GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( tComparedInput , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . compressor . getRecipes ( ) , true , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ;
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( tOutputItems ) ? new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aInputs [ 0 ] . stackSize - tComparedInput . stackSize , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , tOutputItems , null , null , null , null , 400 , 2 , 0 ) : null ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aStack ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . compressor . getRecipes ( ) , false , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Extractor Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Extractor extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Extractor ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null ) return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
ItemStack tComparedInput = GT_Utility . copy ( aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
ItemStack [ ] tOutputItems = GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( tComparedInput , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . extractor . getRecipes ( ) , true , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ;
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( tOutputItems ) ? new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aInputs [ 0 ] . stackSize - tComparedInput . stackSize , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , tOutputItems , null , null , null , null , 400 , 2 , 0 ) : null ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aStack ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . extractor . getRecipes ( ) , false , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Thermal Centrifuge Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_ThermalCentrifuge extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_ThermalCentrifuge ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null ) return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
ItemStack tComparedInput = GT_Utility . copy ( aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
ItemStack [ ] tOutputItems = GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( tComparedInput , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . centrifuge . getRecipes ( ) , true , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ;
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( tOutputItems ) ? new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aInputs [ 0 ] . stackSize - tComparedInput . stackSize , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , tOutputItems , null , null , null , null , 400 , 48 , 0 ) : null ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aStack ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . centrifuge . getRecipes ( ) , false , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Ore Washer Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_OreWasher extends GT_Recipe_Map_NonGTRecipes {
public GT_Recipe_Map_OreWasher ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null | | aFluids = = null | | aFluids . length < 1 | | ! GT_ModHandler . isWater ( aFluids [ 0 ] ) )
return null ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null & & aRecipe . isRecipeInputEqual ( false , true , aFluids , aInputs ) ) return aRecipe ;
ItemStack tComparedInput = GT_Utility . copy ( aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
NBTTagCompound aRecipeMetaData = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
ItemStack [ ] tOutputItems = GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( tComparedInput , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . oreWashing . getRecipes ( ) , true , aRecipeMetaData , null , null , null ) ;
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( tOutputItems ) ? new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aInputs [ 0 ] . stackSize - tComparedInput . stackSize , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , tOutputItems , null , null , new FluidStack [ ] { new FluidStack ( aFluids [ 0 ] . getFluid ( ) , ( ( NBTTagCompound ) aRecipeMetaData . getTag ( " return " ) ) . getInteger ( " amount " ) ) } , null , 400 , 16 , 0 ) : null ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aStack ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . oreWashing . getRecipes ( ) , false , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
return GT_ModHandler . isWater ( aFluid ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( Fluid aFluid ) {
return GT_ModHandler . isWater ( new FluidStack ( aFluid , 0 ) ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Macerator / RockCrusher Recipe handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Macerator extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Macerator ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null | | ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
return super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
aRecipe = super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
if ( aRecipe ! = null ) return aRecipe ;
try {
List < ItemStack > tRecipeOutputs = mods . railcraft . api . crafting . RailcraftCraftingManager . rockCrusher . getRecipe ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) ) . getRandomizedOuputs ( ) ;
if ( tRecipeOutputs ! = null ) {
aRecipe = new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , tRecipeOutputs . toArray ( new ItemStack [ tRecipeOutputs . size ( ) ] ) , null , null , null , null , 800 , 2 , 0 ) ;
aRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
aRecipe . mNeedsEmptyOutput = true ;
return aRecipe ;
} catch ( NoClassDefFoundError e ) {
if ( D1 ) GT_Log . err . println ( " Railcraft Not loaded " ) ;
} catch ( NullPointerException e ) { /**/ }
ItemStack tComparedInput = GT_Utility . copy ( aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
ItemStack [ ] tOutputItems = GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( tComparedInput , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . macerator . getRecipes ( ) , true , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ;
return GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( tOutputItems ) ? new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( aInputs [ 0 ] . stackSize - tComparedInput . stackSize , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , tOutputItems , null , null , null , null , 400 , 2 , 0 ) : null ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return super . containsInput ( aStack ) | | GT_Utility . arrayContainsNonNull ( GT_ModHandler . getMachineOutput ( GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 64 , aStack ) , ic2 . api . recipe . Recipes . macerator . getRecipes ( ) , false , new NBTTagCompound ( ) , null , null , null ) ) ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Assembler handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Assembler extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Assembler ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
GT_Recipe rRecipe = super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null | | rRecipe = = null | | ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
return rRecipe ;
for ( ItemStack aInput : aInputs ) {
if ( ItemList . Paper_Printed_Pages . isStackEqual ( aInput , false , true ) ) {
rRecipe = rRecipe . copy ( ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
rRecipe . mOutputs [ 0 ] . setTagCompound ( aInput . getTagCompound ( ) ) ;
return rRecipe ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Forming Press handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_FormingPress extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_FormingPress ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
GT_Recipe rRecipe = super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < 2 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null | | aInputs [ 1 ] = = null | | ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
return rRecipe ;
if ( rRecipe = = null ) {
if ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Name . isStackEqual ( aInputs [ 0 ] , false , true ) ) {
ItemStack tOutput = GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 1 ] ) ;
tOutput . setStackDisplayName ( aInputs [ 0 ] . getDisplayName ( ) ) ;
rRecipe = new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { ItemList . Shape_Mold_Name . get ( 0 ) , GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 1 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , null , null , 128 , 8 , 0 ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
return rRecipe ;
if ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Name . isStackEqual ( aInputs [ 1 ] , false , true ) ) {
ItemStack tOutput = GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
tOutput . setStackDisplayName ( aInputs [ 1 ] . getDisplayName ( ) ) ;
rRecipe = new GT_Recipe ( false , new ItemStack [ ] { ItemList . Shape_Mold_Name . get ( 0 ) , GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , null , null , 128 , 8 , 0 ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
return rRecipe ;
return null ;
for ( ItemStack aMold : aInputs ) {
if ( ItemList . Shape_Mold_Credit . isStackEqual ( aMold , false , true ) ) {
NBTTagCompound tNBT = aMold . getTagCompound ( ) ;
if ( tNBT = = null ) tNBT = new NBTTagCompound ( ) ;
if ( ! tNBT . hasKey ( " credit_security_id " ) ) tNBT . setLong ( " credit_security_id " , System . nanoTime ( ) ) ;
aMold . setTagCompound ( tNBT ) ;
rRecipe = rRecipe . copy ( ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
rRecipe . mOutputs [ 0 ] . setTagCompound ( tNBT ) ;
return rRecipe ;
return rRecipe ;
/ * *
* Special Class for Printer handling .
* /
public static class GT_Recipe_Map_Printer extends GT_Recipe_Map {
public GT_Recipe_Map_Printer ( Collection < GT_Recipe > aRecipeList , String aUnlocalizedName , String aLocalName , String aNEIName , String aNEIGUIPath , int aUsualInputCount , int aUsualOutputCount , int aMinimalInputItems , int aMinimalInputFluids , int aAmperage , String aNEISpecialValuePre , int aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , String aNEISpecialValuePost , boolean aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , boolean aNEIAllowed ) {
super ( aRecipeList , aUnlocalizedName , aLocalName , aNEIName , aNEIGUIPath , aUsualInputCount , aUsualOutputCount , aMinimalInputItems , aMinimalInputFluids , aAmperage , aNEISpecialValuePre , aNEISpecialValueMultiplier , aNEISpecialValuePost , aShowVoltageAmperageInNEI , aNEIAllowed ) ;
public GT_Recipe findRecipe ( IHasWorldObjectAndCoords aTileEntity , GT_Recipe aRecipe , boolean aNotUnificated , long aVoltage , FluidStack [ ] aFluids , ItemStack aSpecialSlot , ItemStack . . . aInputs ) {
GT_Recipe rRecipe = super . findRecipe ( aTileEntity , aRecipe , aNotUnificated , aVoltage , aFluids , aSpecialSlot , aInputs ) ;
if ( aInputs = = null | | aInputs . length < = 0 | | aInputs [ 0 ] = = null | | aFluids = = null | | aFluids . length < = 0 | | aFluids [ 0 ] = = null | | ! GregTech_API . sPostloadFinished )
return rRecipe ;
Dyes aDye = null ;
for ( Dyes tDye : Dyes . VALUES )
if ( tDye . isFluidDye ( aFluids [ 0 ] ) ) {
aDye = tDye ;
break ;
if ( aDye = = null ) return rRecipe ;
if ( rRecipe = = null ) {
tOutput = GT_ModHandler . getAllRecipeOutput ( aTileEntity = = null ? null : aTileEntity . getWorld ( ) , aInputs [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] , ItemList . DYE_ONLY_ITEMS [ aDye . mIndex ] . get ( 1 ) , aInputs [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] , aInputs [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( tOutput ! = null )
return addRecipe ( new GT_Recipe ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 8 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , new FluidStack [ ] { new FluidStack ( aFluids [ 0 ] . getFluid ( ) , ( int ) L ) } , null , 256 , 2 , 0 ) , false , false , true ) ;
tOutput = GT_ModHandler . getAllRecipeOutput ( aTileEntity = = null ? null : aTileEntity . getWorld ( ) , aInputs [ 0 ] , ItemList . DYE_ONLY_ITEMS [ aDye . mIndex ] . get ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( tOutput ! = null )
return addRecipe ( new GT_Recipe ( true , new ItemStack [ ] { GT_Utility . copyAmount ( 1 , aInputs [ 0 ] ) } , new ItemStack [ ] { tOutput } , null , null , new FluidStack [ ] { new FluidStack ( aFluids [ 0 ] . getFluid ( ) , ( int ) L ) } , null , 32 , 2 , 0 ) , false , false , true ) ;
} else {
if ( aInputs [ 0 ] . getItem ( ) = = Items . paper ) {
if ( ! ItemList . Tool_DataStick . isStackEqual ( aSpecialSlot , false , true ) ) return null ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = aSpecialSlot . getTagCompound ( ) ;
if ( tNBT = = null | | GT_Utility . isStringInvalid ( tNBT . getString ( " title " ) ) | | GT_Utility . isStringInvalid ( tNBT . getString ( " author " ) ) )
return null ;
rRecipe = rRecipe . copy ( ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
rRecipe . mOutputs [ 0 ] . setTagCompound ( tNBT ) ;
return rRecipe ;
if ( aInputs [ 0 ] . getItem ( ) = = Items . map ) {
if ( ! ItemList . Tool_DataStick . isStackEqual ( aSpecialSlot , false , true ) ) return null ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = aSpecialSlot . getTagCompound ( ) ;
if ( tNBT = = null | | ! tNBT . hasKey ( " map_id " ) ) return null ;
rRecipe = rRecipe . copy ( ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
rRecipe . mOutputs [ 0 ] . setItemDamage ( tNBT . getShort ( " map_id " ) ) ;
return rRecipe ;
if ( ItemList . Paper_Punch_Card_Empty . isStackEqual ( aInputs [ 0 ] , false , true ) ) {
if ( ! ItemList . Tool_DataStick . isStackEqual ( aSpecialSlot , false , true ) ) return null ;
NBTTagCompound tNBT = aSpecialSlot . getTagCompound ( ) ;
if ( tNBT = = null | | ! tNBT . hasKey ( " GT.PunchCardData " ) ) return null ;
rRecipe = rRecipe . copy ( ) ;
rRecipe . mCanBeBuffered = false ;
rRecipe . mOutputs [ 0 ] . setTagCompound ( GT_Utility . getNBTContainingString ( new NBTTagCompound ( ) , " GT.PunchCardData " , tNBT . getString ( " GT.PunchCardData " ) ) ) ;
return rRecipe ;
return rRecipe ;
public boolean containsInput ( ItemStack aStack ) {
return true ;
public boolean containsInput ( FluidStack aFluid ) {
return super . containsInput ( aFluid ) | | Dyes . isAnyFluidDye ( aFluid ) ;
public boolean containsInput ( Fluid aFluid ) {
return super . containsInput ( aFluid ) | | Dyes . isAnyFluidDye ( aFluid ) ;
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