Postinit reduction and save registered recipes.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 166 additions and 49 deletions
@ -459,7 +459,10 @@ public class GT_Mod
|||"If your Log stops here, you were too impatient. Wait a bit more next time, before killing Minecraft with the Task Manager.", new Object[0]);
||||"Congratulations, you have been waiting long enough. Have a Cake.", new Object[0]);
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: " + GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.size() + " Recipes were left unused.");
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: List of Lists of Tool Recipes: "+GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_list.toString());
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Vanilla Recipe List -> Outputs null or stackSize <=0: " + GT_ModHandler.sVanillaRecipeList_warntOutput.toString());
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Single Non Block Damagable Recipe List -> Outputs null or stackSize <=0: " + GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_warntOutput.toString());
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: sRodMaterialList cycles: " + GT_RecipeRegistrator.sRodMaterialList_cycles);
if (GT_Values.D1) {
IRecipe tRecipe;
for (Iterator i$ = GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.iterator(); i$.hasNext(); GT_Log.out.println("=> " + tRecipe.getRecipeOutput().getDisplayName())) {
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import static gregtech.api.enums.GT_Values.*;
public class GT_ModHandler {
public static final List<IRecipe> sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList = new ArrayList<IRecipe>(1000);
private static final Map<String, ItemStack> sIC2ItemMap = new HashMap<String, ItemStack>();
private static final List<IRecipe> sAllRecipeList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<IRecipe>(5000)), sBufferRecipeList = new ArrayList<IRecipe>(1000);
private static final List<IRecipe> sAllRecipeList = /*Collections.synchronizedList(*/new ArrayList<IRecipe>(5000)/*)*/, sBufferRecipeList = new ArrayList<IRecipe>(1000);
public static volatile int VERSION = 509;
public static Collection<String> sNativeRecipeClasses = new HashSet<String>(), sSpecialRecipeClasses = new HashSet<String>();
public static GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack> sNonReplaceableItems = new GT_HashSet<GT_ItemStack>();
@ -64,6 +64,62 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
private static Map<IRecipeInput, RecipeOutput> sThermalCentrifugeRecipes = new HashMap<IRecipeInput, RecipeOutput>();
private static Map<IRecipeInput, RecipeOutput> sMassfabRecipes = new HashMap<IRecipeInput, RecipeOutput>();
private static boolean sBufferCraftingRecipes = true;
public static List<Integer> sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_list = new ArrayList<Integer>(100);
private static boolean sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_create = true;
private static final ItemStack sMt1 = new ItemStack(Blocks.dirt, 1, 0), sMt2 = new ItemStack(Blocks.dirt, 1, 0);
private static final String s_H = "h", s_F = "f", s_I = "I", s_P = "P", s_R = "R";
private static final ItemStack[][]
sShapes1 = new ItemStack[][]{
{sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, null},
{sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1},
{null, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1},
{sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, null, null, null},
{sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1},
{sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1},
{null, null, null, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1},
{null, sMt1, null, null, sMt1, null, null, sMt2, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null},
{null, sMt1, null, null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null},
{null, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt2, sMt1, null, sMt2, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, null, null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null},
{null, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null},
{null, sMt1, null, sMt1, null, null, null, sMt1, sMt2},
{null, sMt1, null, null, null, sMt1, sMt2, sMt1, null},
{null, sMt1, null, sMt1, null, sMt1, null, null, sMt2},
{null, sMt1, null, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt2, null, null},
{null, sMt2, null, null, sMt1, null, null, sMt1, null},
{null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1},
{null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null, null, sMt1, null},
{null, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt1, null},
{null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1},
{null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt1, null},
{sMt1, null, null, null, sMt2, null, null, null, sMt2},
{null, null, sMt1, null, sMt2, null, sMt2, null, null},
{sMt1, null, null, null, sMt2, null, null, null, null},
{null, null, sMt1, null, sMt2, null, null, null, null},
{sMt1, sMt2, null, null, null, null, null, null, null},
{sMt2, sMt1, null, null, null, null, null, null, null},
{sMt1, null, null, sMt2, null, null, null, null, null},
{sMt2, null, null, sMt1, null, null, null, null, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt2, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt2, sMt1, sMt1, null},
{null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt2, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1},
{null, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1},
{sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt2, sMt1, null, sMt2, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt2, sMt2, sMt1, sMt1, null},
{null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt2, sMt2, sMt1, null, sMt1, sMt1},
{null, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt2, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1},
{sMt1, null, null, null, sMt1, null, null, null, null},
{null, sMt1, null, sMt1, null, null, null, null, null},
{sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt2, null, sMt1, sMt2, null, null},
{null, sMt1, sMt1, sMt1, null, sMt2, null, null, sMt2}
public static List<Integer> sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1 = new ArrayList<Integer>(44);
public static boolean sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1_update = false;
public static List<Integer> sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_warntOutput = new ArrayList<Integer>(50);
public static List<Integer> sVanillaRecipeList_warntOutput = new ArrayList<Integer>(50);
public static final List<IRecipe> sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_verified = new ArrayList<IRecipe>(1000);
static {
@ -696,7 +752,7 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
public static void stopBufferingCraftingRecipes() {
sBufferCraftingRecipes = false;
for (IRecipe tRecipe : sBufferRecipeList) GameRegistry.addRecipe(tRecipe);
for (IRecipe tRecipe : sBufferRecipeList) {GameRegistry.addRecipe(tRecipe);}
@ -1026,11 +1082,11 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
} else if (tObject instanceof String) {
tRecipe[i] = GT_OreDictUnificator.getFirstOre(tObject, 1);
if (tRecipe[i] == null) break;
} else if (tObject instanceof Boolean) {
}/* else if (tObject instanceof Boolean) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
@ -1260,9 +1316,11 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
* This also removes old Recipes from the List.
public static ArrayList<ItemStack> getVanillyToolRecipeOutputs(ItemStack... aRecipe) {
if (!GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted || GregTech_API.sPostloadFinished)
if (sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> rList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
if (aRecipe == null) {return rList;}
if (!GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted || GregTech_API.sPostloadFinished) {
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.clear();sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_create = true;sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.clear();}
if (sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_create/*sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.isEmpty()*/) {
for (IRecipe tRecipe : (ArrayList<IRecipe>) CraftingManager.getInstance().getRecipeList()) {
ItemStack tStack = tRecipe.getRecipeOutput();
if (GT_Utility.isStackValid(tStack) && tStack.getMaxStackSize() == 1 && tStack.getMaxDamage() > 0 && !(tStack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock) && !(tStack.getItem() instanceof IReactorComponent) && !isElectricItem(tStack) && !GT_Utility.isStackInList(tStack, sNonReplaceableItems)) {
@ -1297,10 +1355,29 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
GT_Log.out.println("GT_Mod: Created a List of Tool Recipes containing " + sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.size() + " Recipes for recycling." + (sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.size() > 1024 ? " Scanning all these Recipes is the reason for the startup Lag you receive right now." : E));
int aList_move = sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.size();
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_create = false;
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1_update = true;
InventoryCrafting aCrafting = new InventoryCrafting(new Container() {
public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer var1) {return false;}}, 3, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < aList_move; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < sShapes1.length; j++) {
ItemStack[] sRecipe = sShapes1[j];
for (int l = 0; l < 9 && l < sRecipe.length; l++) {aCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(l, sRecipe[l]);}
IRecipe vRecipe = sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.get(i);
if (vRecipe.matches(aCrafting, DW)) {
if (!(sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.contains(j))) {sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.add(j);}
ArrayList<ItemStack> rList = getRecipeOutputs(sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList, true, aRecipe);
if (!GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted || GregTech_API.sPostloadFinished)
/*ArrayList<ItemStack> */
if (sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_verified.size() != 0) {rList = getRecipeOutputs(sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_verified, true, aRecipe);}
if (!GregTech_API.sPostloadStarted || GregTech_API.sPostloadFinished) {
sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.clear();sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_create = true;sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.clear();}
return rList;
@ -1318,7 +1395,7 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
public static ArrayList<ItemStack> getRecipeOutputs(List<IRecipe> aList, boolean aDeleteFromList, ItemStack... aRecipe) {
ArrayList<ItemStack> rList = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
if (aRecipe == null) return rList;
if (aRecipe == null || aList.size() == 0) return rList;
boolean temp = false;
for (byte i = 0; i < aRecipe.length; i++) {
if (aRecipe[i] != null) {
@ -1333,24 +1410,44 @@ public class GT_ModHandler {
return false;
}, 3, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 9 && i < aRecipe.length; i++) aCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(i, aRecipe[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 9 && i < aRecipe.length; i++) {aCrafting.setInventorySlotContents(i, aRecipe[i]);}
int aList_sS=aList.size();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < aList_sS; i++) {
temp = false;
temp = aList.get(i).matches(aCrafting, DW);
if (temp) {
ItemStack tOutput = aList.get(i).getCraftingResult(aCrafting);
if (tOutput == null || tOutput.stackSize <= 0) {
// Seriously, who would ever do that shit?
if (!GregTech_API.sPostloadFinished)
throw new GT_ItsNotMyFaultException("Seems another Mod added a Crafting Recipe with null Output. Tell the Developer of said Mod to fix that.");
} else {
if (aDeleteFromList) aList.remove(i--); aList_sS=aList.size();
ArrayList<Integer> tempaList_list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if(!aDeleteFromList) {
for (int i = 0; i < aList_sS; i++) {
IRecipe tempALg0 = aList.get(i);
if (tempALg0.matches(aCrafting, DW)) {
ItemStack tOutput = tempALg0.getCraftingResult(aCrafting);
if (tOutput == null || tOutput.stackSize <= 0) {
if (!(sVanillaRecipeList_warntOutput.contains(i))) {sVanillaRecipeList_warntOutput.add(i);}
} else {
if (aDeleteFromList) {tempaList_list.add(i);}
}} catch (Throwable e) {e.printStackTrace(GT_Log.err);}
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < aList_sS; i++) {
IRecipe tempALg0 = aList.get(i);
ItemStack tOutput = tempALg0.getCraftingResult(aCrafting);
if (tOutput == null || tOutput.stackSize <= 0) {
if (!(sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_warntOutput.contains(i))) {sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_warntOutput.add(i);}
} else {
if (aDeleteFromList) {tempaList_list.add(i);}
//boolean tempaList_list_b = tempaList_list.size() != 0 ? true : false;
if (aDeleteFromList && tempaList_list.size() != 0) {
List<IRecipe> tempaList_2 = new ArrayList<IRecipe>();
for (int i = 0; i < aList_sS; i++) {
int k = 0, l = 0;
if (tempaList_list.get(k) == i) {k++;continue;}
aList = tempaList_2;
return rList;
@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ public class GT_RecipeRegistrator {
{"Scythe", s_H + s_P + s_I, s_P + s_F + s_R, " " + " " + s_R}
public static volatile int VERSION = 509;
public static int sRodMaterialList_cycles = 0;
private static int i_count = 0;
public static void registerMaterialRecycling(ItemStack aStack, Materials aMaterial, long aMaterialAmount, MaterialStack aByproduct) {
if (GT_Utility.isStackInvalid(aStack)) return;
@ -272,7 +274,7 @@ public class GT_RecipeRegistrator {
* You give this Function a Material and it will scan almost everything for adding recycling Recipes
* @param aMat a Material, for example an Ingot or a Gem.
* @param aOutput the Dust you usually get from macerating aMat
* @param aPlate the Dust you usually get from macerating aMat
* @param aRecipeReplacing allows to replace the Recipe with a Plate variant
public static synchronized void registerUsagesForMaterials(ItemStack aMat, String aPlate, boolean aRecipeReplacing) {
@ -280,8 +282,11 @@ public class GT_RecipeRegistrator {
aMat = GT_Utility.copy(aMat);
ItemStack tStack;
ItemData aItemData = GT_OreDictUnificator.getItemData(aMat);
if (aItemData == null || aItemData.mPrefix != OrePrefixes.ingot) aPlate = null;
boolean aItemData_b_0 = aItemData != null ? true : false;
if (!aItemData_b_0 || aItemData.mPrefix != OrePrefixes.ingot) {aPlate = null;}
if (aPlate != null && GT_OreDictUnificator.getFirstOre(aPlate, 1) == null) aPlate = null;
boolean aItemData_b_1 = aItemData.hasValidPrefixMaterialData() ? true : false;
boolean aPlate_b_0 = aPlate != null ? true : false;
sMt1.stackSize = 1;
@ -296,12 +301,13 @@ public class GT_RecipeRegistrator {
for (ItemStack tMat : tRecipe) {
if (tMat == sMt1) tAmount1++;
if (aItemData != null && aItemData.hasValidPrefixMaterialData())
if (aItemData_b_0 && aItemData_b_1)
for (ItemStack tCrafted : GT_ModHandler.getRecipeOutputs(tRecipe)) {
GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(tCrafted, new ItemData(aItemData.mMaterial.mMaterial, aItemData.mMaterial.mAmount * tAmount1));
for (Materials tMaterial : sRodMaterialList) {
ItemStack tMt2 = GT_OreDictUnificator.get(OrePrefixes.stick, tMaterial, 1);
if (tMt2 != null) {
@ -309,37 +315,48 @@ public class GT_RecipeRegistrator {
sMt2.stackSize = 1;
Items.feather.setDamage(sMt2, Items.feather.getDamage(tMt2));
for (int i = 0; i < sShapes1.length; i++) {
ItemStack[] tRecipe = sShapes1[i];
if (GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList.size() == 0 || GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.size() == 0 || GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_verified.size() == 0) { sRodMaterialList_cycles++;continue;}
int sShapes1_len = GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.size();
for (int i = 0; i < sShapes1_len; i++) {
int i2 = GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.get(i);
ItemStack[] tRecipe = sShapes1[i2];
if (tRecipe == null) continue;
int tAmount1 = 0, tAmount2 = 0;
for (ItemStack tMat : tRecipe) {
if (tMat == sMt1) tAmount1++;
if (tMat == sMt2) tAmount2++;
for (ItemStack tCrafted : GT_ModHandler.getVanillyToolRecipeOutputs(tRecipe)) {
if (aItemData != null && aItemData.hasValidPrefixMaterialData())
GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(tCrafted, new ItemData(aItemData.mMaterial.mMaterial, aItemData.mMaterial.mAmount * tAmount1, new MaterialStack(tMaterial, OrePrefixes.stick.mMaterialAmount * tAmount2)));
List<ItemStack> tempTest = GT_ModHandler.getVanillyToolRecipeOutputs(tRecipe);
if (GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1_update && GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.size() != 0) {sShapes1_len = GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1.size();GT_ModHandler.sSingleNonBlockDamagableRecipeList_validsShapes1_update = false;}
int tempTest_size_sS = tempTest.size();
if (tempTest_size_sS > 0) {
for (ItemStack tCrafted : tempTest/*GT_ModHandler.getVanillyToolRecipeOutputs(tRecipe)*/) {
if (aItemData_b_0 && aItemData_b_1) {
GT_OreDictUnificator.addItemData(tCrafted, new ItemData(aItemData.mMaterial.mMaterial, aItemData.mMaterial.mAmount * tAmount1, new MaterialStack(tMaterial, OrePrefixes.stick.mMaterialAmount * tAmount2)));
if (aRecipeReplacing && aPlate != null && sShapesA[i] != null && sShapesA[i].length > 1) {
assert aItemData != null;
if (GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get(ConfigCategories.Recipes.recipereplacements, aItemData.mMaterial.mMaterial + "." + sShapesA[i][0], true)) {
if (null != (tStack = GT_ModHandler.removeRecipe(tRecipe))) {
switch (sShapesA[i].length) {
case 2:
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(tStack, GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.BUFFERED, new Object[]{sShapesA[i][1], s_P.charAt(0), aPlate, s_R.charAt(0), OrePrefixes.stick.get(tMaterial), s_I.charAt(0), aItemData});
case 3:
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(tStack, GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.BUFFERED, new Object[]{sShapesA[i][1], sShapesA[i][2], s_P.charAt(0), aPlate, s_R.charAt(0), OrePrefixes.stick.get(tMaterial), s_I.charAt(0), aItemData});
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(tStack, GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.BUFFERED, new Object[]{sShapesA[i][1], sShapesA[i][2], sShapesA[i][3], s_P.charAt(0), aPlate, s_R.charAt(0), OrePrefixes.stick.get(tMaterial), s_I.charAt(0), aItemData});
if (aRecipeReplacing && aPlate_b_0 && sShapesA[i2] != null && sShapesA[i2].length > 1) {
//assert aItemData != null;//dead dev code or decomp JAD?
if (GregTech_API.sRecipeFile.get(ConfigCategories.Recipes.recipereplacements, new StringBuilder().append(aItemData.mMaterial.mMaterial).append('.').append(sShapesA[i2][0]).toString(), true)) {
if (null != (tStack = GT_ModHandler.removeRecipe(tRecipe))) {
switch (sShapesA[i].length) {
case 2:
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(tStack, GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.BUFFERED, new Object[]{sShapesA[i2][1], s_P.charAt(0), aPlate, s_R.charAt(0), OrePrefixes.stick.get(tMaterial), s_I.charAt(0), aItemData});
case 3:
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(tStack, GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.BUFFERED, new Object[]{sShapesA[i2][1], sShapesA[i2][2], s_P.charAt(0), aPlate, s_R.charAt(0), OrePrefixes.stick.get(tMaterial), s_I.charAt(0), aItemData});
GT_ModHandler.addCraftingRecipe(tStack, GT_ModHandler.RecipeBits.BUFFERED, new Object[]{sShapesA[i2][1], sShapesA[i2][2], sShapesA[i2][3], s_P.charAt(0), aPlate, s_R.charAt(0), OrePrefixes.stick.get(tMaterial), s_I.charAt(0), aItemData});
Add table
Reference in a new issue