Added a new Casing for the Bricked Blast Furnace, GT_Block_Casings4, ID
Refactored the non-electric Blast Furnaces:
The Bronze Blast Furnace and the Bricked Blast Furnace extend a
superclass to ensure consistent behavior.
Subclasses only differ in texture, description, and Casing Block.
Bio Diesel can be produced from Seed Oil or Fish Oil.
Bio Diesel Production yields Glyceryl as a byproduct, which can be used
for Dynamite production.
Alcohols have their fuel value reduced by 20000 per Oxygen atom
Increased the potency of Dynamite in the Implosion Compresser so that
dynamite recipes actually show up.
In return Dynamite now needs more Glyceryl Trinitrate: 150 -> 500
LV, MV, HV recipes accept all rubbers.
EV+ recipes accept only synthetic rubbers.
Affected items: Pump, Conveyor Module, Plunger,
Because it is not easily possible to have this functionality for the
Assembly Line, the Assembly Line still accepts only one type of rubber
for each recipe.
Removed the previously added Material AnyDielectric because it cannot be
sensibly used.
Added Polydimethylsiloxane, Polystyrene, and Styrene-Butadiene Rubber to
the list of Materials with plastic-like local names.
Added foils for Polyvinylchloride, Styrene-Butadiene Rubber.
Fixed a bug where foils were missing for Polyvinyl Chloride
All rubbers are now made by first producing the polymer and then
vulcanizing it with Sulfur (equivalent to natural rubber).
Rewrote WireProcessing to reduce the amount of duplicate code.
Implemented recipes that utilize a combination of a dielectric and a
synthetic rubber to make cables.
This halves total insulation cost for below-EV cables and reduces it to
75% for EV+ cables (conductive polymer not yet implemented).
Four tiers of Ore Drilling Plant
I - radius is 3 chunks MV+ (default)
II - radius is 4 chunks HV+
III - radius is 6 chunks EV+
IV - radius is 9 chunks IV+
New behavior:
- pick pipes after mining finish
- extract ore block before moving down