Bio Diesel can be produced from Seed Oil or Fish Oil.
Bio Diesel Production yields Glyceryl as a byproduct, which can be used
for Dynamite production.
Alcohols have their fuel value reduced by 20000 per Oxygen atom
Increased the potency of Dynamite in the Implosion Compresser so that
dynamite recipes actually show up.
In return Dynamite now needs more Glyceryl Trinitrate: 150 -> 500
LV, MV, HV recipes accept all rubbers.
EV+ recipes accept only synthetic rubbers.
Affected items: Pump, Conveyor Module, Plunger,
Because it is not easily possible to have this functionality for the
Assembly Line, the Assembly Line still accepts only one type of rubber
for each recipe.
Four tiers of Ore Drilling Plant
I - radius is 3 chunks MV+ (default)
II - radius is 4 chunks HV+
III - radius is 6 chunks EV+
IV - radius is 9 chunks IV+
New behavior:
- pick pipes after mining finish
- extract ore block before moving down
Polymerization now requires Titaniumtetrachloride instead of Titanium
Dust; Can only be performed in a LCM.
Adjusted the visual representation of LCM recipes in NEI
Made it so that all Hydrocarbons have a fuel value of 24000 * C + 20000
* H.
Oxygen for alcohols is ignored.
In particular:
Hydrogen: 15000 -> 20000
Methane: 45000 -> 104000
LPG production no longer yields Methane.
LPG is now produced from Propane or Butane.
Super Fuel from LPG is now a simplified recipe.
Methane from centrifuging food is now a simplified recipe.
Fluid cracking can be done with either Steam or Hydrogen and at 3
different severities for a total of six different recipes.
Cracking severity is controlled with a programmed circuit.
Removed the previously used liquids for cracked light fuel/heavy fuel
Changed the Distillation Tower recipes so they can utilize up to 11
fluid outputs
NEI stack positioning.
Refactored the name of the Large Boiler Fake Fuels so they're in line
with other names.
Fixed a bug where the LCM was checking for the wrong casing type.