2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
{% macro forum_category_listing(forums, title, colour, id, icon) %}
{% from _self import forum_category_entry %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %}
<div class="container forum__categories"
{% if colour is not null %}style="{{ colour|html_colour('--accent-colour') }}"{% endif %}
{% if id|length > 0 %}id="{{ id }}"{% endif %}>
{{ container_title('<span class="' ~ icon|default('fas fa-folder fa-fw') ~ '"></span> ' ~ title) }}
{% if forums|length > 0 %}
<div class="forum__categories__list">
{% for forum in forums %}
{{ forum_category_entry(forum) }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class="forum__categories__empty">
This category is empty.
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_header(title, breadcrumbs, omit_last_breadcrumb, title_url, actions) %}
<div class="container forum__header">
{% if breadcrumbs is iterable and breadcrumbs|length > 0 %}
<div class="forum__header__breadcrumbs">
{% for name, url in breadcrumbs %}
{% if url != breadcrumbs|first %}
<div class="forum__header__breadcrumb__separator">
<i class="fas fa-chevron-right"></i>
{% endif %}
{% if not (omit_last_breadcrumb|default(false) and url == breadcrumbs|last) %}
<a href="{{ url }}" class="forum__header__breadcrumb">{{ name }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if title|length > 0 %}
{% if title_url|length > 0 %}
<a class="forum__header__title" href="{{ title_url }}">
{{ title }}
{% else %}
<div class="forum__header__title forum__header__title--fill">
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if actions is iterable and actions|length > 0 %}
<div class="forum__header__actions">
{% for action in actions %}
{% if action.display is not defined or action.display %}
<a class="forum__header__action{% if action.class is defined %}{{ action.class }}{% endif %}" href="{{ action.url }}"{% if action.method is defined %} data-msz-method="{{ action.method }}"{% endif %}>
{{ action.html|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_category_tools(info, perms, pagination_info) %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import pagination %}
{% set is_locked = info.forum_archived != 0 %}
{% set can_topic = not is_locked and perms|perms_check(constant('MSZ_FORUM_PERM_CREATE_TOPIC')) %}
{% set pag = pagination(pagination_info, url('forum-category'), null, {'f': info.forum_id}) %}
{% if can_topic or pag|trim|length > 0 %}
<div class="container forum__actions">
<div class="forum__actions__buttons">
{% if can_topic %}
2023-01-01 05:01:18 +00:00
<a href="{{ url('forum-topic-new', {'forum': info.forum_id}) }}" class="input__button forum__actions__button">New Topic</a>
2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__actions__pagination">
{{ pag }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_topic_tools(info, pagination_info, can_reply) %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import pagination %}
{% set pag = pagination(pagination_info, url('forum-topic'), null, {'t': info.topic_id}, 'page') %}
{% if can_reply or pag|trim|length > 0 %}
<div class="container forum__actions">
<div class="forum__actions__buttons">
{% if can_reply %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-reply-new', {'topic': info.topic_id}) }}" class="input__button">Reply</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__actions__pagination">
{{ pag }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_category_entry(forum, forum_unread, forum_icon) %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import avatar %}
{% set forum_unread = forum_unread|default(forum.forum_unread|default(false)) ? 'unread' : 'read' %}
{% if forum_icon is empty %}
{% if forum.forum_icon is defined and forum.forum_icon is not empty %}
{% set forum_icon = forum.forum_icon %}
{% elseif forum.forum_archived is defined and forum.forum_archived %}
{% set forum_icon = 'fas fa-archive fa-fw' %}
{% elseif forum.forum_type is defined and forum.forum_type != constant('MSZ_FORUM_TYPE_DISCUSSION') %}
2023-01-01 05:01:18 +00:00
{% if forum.forum_type == constant('MSZ_FORUM_TYPE_LINK') %}
2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
{% set forum_icon = 'fas fa-link fa-fw' %}
{% elseif forum.forum_type == constant('MSZ_FORUM_TYPE_CATEGORY') %}
{% set forum_icon = 'fas fa-folder fa-fw' %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set forum_icon = 'fas fa-comments fa-fw' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__category">
<a href="{{ url('forum-category', {'forum': forum.forum_id}) }}" class="forum__category__link"></a>
<div class="forum__category__container">
<div class="forum__category__icon forum__category__icon--{{ forum_unread }}">
<span class="{{ forum_icon }}"></span>
<div class="forum__category__details">
<div class="forum__category__title">
{{ forum.forum_name }}
<div class="forum__category__description">
{{ forum.forum_description|nl2br }}
{% if forum.forum_subforums is defined and forum.forum_subforums|length > 0 %}
<div class="forum__category__subforums">
{% for subforum in forum.forum_subforums %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-category', {'forum': subforum.forum_id}) }}"
class="forum__category__subforum{% if subforum.forum_unread %} forum__category__subforum--unread{% endif %}">
{{ subforum.forum_name }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if forum.forum_type == constant('MSZ_FORUM_TYPE_LINK') %}
{% if forum.forum_link_clicks is not null %}
<div class="forum__category__stats">
<div class="forum__category__stat" title="Clicks">{{ forum.forum_link_clicks|number_format }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% elseif forum_may_have_children(forum.forum_type) %}
<div class="forum__category__stats">
<div class="forum__category__stat" title="Topics">{{ forum.forum_count_topics|number_format }}</div>
<div class="forum__category__stat" title="Posts">{{ forum.forum_count_posts|number_format }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if forum_may_have_topics(forum.forum_type) or forum.forum_link_clicks is not null %}
<div class="forum__category__activity{% if forum.forum_link_clicks is not null %} forum__category__activity--empty{% endif %}">
{% if forum.forum_type != constant('MSZ_FORUM_TYPE_LINK') %}
{% if forum.recent_topic_id is not defined %}
<div class="forum__category__activity__none">
There are no posts in this forum yet.
{% else %}
<div class="forum__category__activity__details">
<a class="forum__category__activity__post"
href="{{ url('forum-post', {'post': forum.recent_post_id, 'post_fragment': 'p' ~ forum.recent_post_id}) }}">
{{ forum.recent_topic_title }}
<div class="forum__category__activity__info">
<time datetime="{{ forum.recent_post_created|date('c') }}"
title="{{ forum.recent_post_created|date('r') }}">{{ forum.recent_post_created|time_diff }}</time>
{% if forum.recent_post_user_id is not null %}
<a href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': forum.recent_post_user_id}) }}" class="forum__category__username"
style="{{ forum.recent_post_user_colour|html_colour }}">
{{ forum.recent_post_username }}
{% endif %}
{% if forum.recent_post_user_id is not null %}
<a href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': forum.recent_post_user_id}) }}" class="avatar forum__category__avatar">
{{ avatar(forum.recent_post_user_id, 40, forum.recent_post_username) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_topic_locked(locked, archived) %}
{% if locked is not null or archived %}
<div class="container forum__status">
<div class="forum__status__icon">
<div class="forum__status__icon__background"></div>
<i class="fas fa-{{ archived ? 'archive' : 'lock' }}"></i>
<div class="forum__status__text">
{% if archived %}
This topic has been <span class="forum__status__emphasis">archived</span>.
{% else %}
This topic was locked
<time class="forum__status__emphasis"
datetime="{{ locked|date('c') }}"
title="{{ locked|date('r') }}">{{ locked|time_diff }}</time>.
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_topic_listing(topics, title) %}
{% from _self import forum_topic_entry %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %}
<div class="container forum__topics">
{{ container_title('<i class="fas fa-comments fa-fw"></i> ' ~ title|default('Topics')) }}
<div class="forum__topics__list">
{% if topics|length > 0 %}
{% for topic in topics %}
{{ forum_topic_entry(topic) }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class="forum__topics__empty">
There are no topics in this forum.
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_topic_entry(topic, topic_icon, topic_unread) %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import avatar %}
{% set topic_unread = topic_unread|default(topic.topic_unread|default(false)) %}
{% set topic_important = topic.topic_type == constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_STICKY') or topic.topic_type == constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT') or topic.topic_type == constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT') %}
{% if topic_icon is null %}
{% if topic.topic_deleted is defined and topic.topic_deleted is not null %}
{% set topic_icon = 'fas fa-trash-alt' %}
{% elseif topic.topic_type is defined and topic.topic_type != constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_DISCUSSION') %}
{% if topic.topic_type == constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT') or topic.topic_type == constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_GLOBAL_ANNOUNCEMENT') %}
{% set topic_icon = 'fas fa-bullhorn' %}
{% elseif topic.topic_type == constant('MSZ_TOPIC_TYPE_STICKY') %}
{% set topic_icon = 'fas fa-thumbtack' %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif topic.topic_locked is defined and topic.topic_locked is not null %}
{% set topic_icon = 'fas fa-lock' %}
{% else %}
{% set topic_icon = (topic_unread ? 'fas' : 'far') ~ ' fa-comment' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__topic{% if topic.topic_deleted is not null %} forum__topic--deleted{% elseif topic.topic_locked is not null and not topic_important %} forum__topic--locked{% endif %}">
<a href="{{ url('forum-topic', {'topic': topic.topic_id}) }}" class="forum__topic__link"></a>
<div class="forum__topic__container">
2023-01-01 05:01:18 +00:00
<div class="forum__topic__icon forum__topic__icon--{{ topic_unread ? 'unread' : 'read' }}">
<i class="{{ topic_icon }} fa-fw"></i>
2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
{% if topic.topic_participated %}
<div class="forum__topic__icon__participated" title="You have posted in this topic"></div>
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__topic__details">
<div class="forum__topic__title">
<span class="forum__topic__title__inner">
{{ topic.topic_title }}
<div class="forum__topic__info">
{% if topic.author_id is not null %}
by <a
href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': topic.author_id}) }}"
style="{{ topic.author_colour|html_colour }}">{{ topic.author_name }}</a>,
{% endif %}
<time datetime="{{ topic.topic_created|date('c') }}" title="{{ topic.topic_created|date('r') }}">{{ topic.topic_created|time_diff }}</time>
{% if topic.topic_pages|default(0) > 1 %}
<div class="forum__topic__pagination">
{% for i in 1..topic.topic_pages|clamp(0, 3) %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-topic', {'topic': topic.topic_id, 'page': i}) }}" class="forum__topic__pagination__item">
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% if topic.topic_pages > 3 %}
{% if topic.topic_pages > 6 %}
<div class="forum__topic__pagination__separator">
<i class="fas fa-ellipsis-h"></i>
{% endif %}
{% for i in (topic.topic_pages - 2)|clamp(4, topic.topic_pages)..topic.topic_pages %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-topic', {'topic': topic.topic_id, 'page': i}) }}" class="forum__topic__pagination__item">
{{ i }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__topic__stats">
<div class="forum__topic__stat" title="Posts">{{ topic.topic_count_posts|number_format }}</div>
<div class="forum__topic__stat" title="Views">{{ topic.topic_count_views|number_format }}</div>
<div class="forum__topic__activity">
<div class="forum__topic__activity__details">
{% if topic.respondent_id is not null %}
<a href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': topic.respondent_id}) }}" class="forum__topic__username"
style="{{ topic.respondent_colour|html_colour }}">{{ topic.respondent_name }}</a>
{% endif %}
<a class="forum__topic__activity__post"
href="{{ url('forum-post', {'post': topic.response_id, 'post_fragment': 'p' ~ topic.response_id}) }}">
<time datetime="{{ topic.response_created|date('c') }}"
title="{{ topic.response_created|date('r') }}">{{ topic.response_created|time_diff }}</time>
{% if topic.respondent_id is not null %}
<a href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': topic.respondent_id}) }}" class="forum__topic__avatar">
{{ avatar(topic.respondent_id, 30, topic.respondent_name) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_post_listing(posts, user_id, perms) %}
{% from _self import forum_post_entry %}
{% for post in posts %}
{{ forum_post_entry(post, user_id, perms) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro forum_post_entry(post, user_id, perms) %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import avatar %}
{% set is_deleted = post.post_deleted is not null %}
{% set can_post = perms|perms_check(constant('MSZ_FORUM_PERM_CREATE_POST')) %}
{% set can_edit = perms|perms_check(constant('MSZ_FORUM_PERM_EDIT_ANY_POST')) or (
user_id == post.poster_id
and perms|perms_check(constant('MSZ_FORUM_PERM_EDIT_POST'))
) %}
{% set can_delete = not post.is_opening_post and (
perms|perms_check(constant('MSZ_FORUM_PERM_DELETE_ANY_POST')) or (
user_id == post.poster_id
and perms|perms_check(constant('MSZ_FORUM_PERM_DELETE_POST'))
and post.post_created|date('U') > ''|date('U') - constant('MSZ_FORUM_POST_DELETE_LIMIT')
) %}
<div class="container forum__post{% if is_deleted %} forum__post--deleted{% endif %}" id="p{{ post.post_id }}" style="{{ post.poster_colour|html_colour('--accent-colour') }}">
<div class="forum__post__info">
<div class="forum__post__info__background"></div>
<div class="forum__post__info__content">
{% if post.poster_id is not null %}
<a class="forum__post__avatar" href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': post.poster_id}) }}">
{{ avatar(post.poster_id, 120, post.poster_name) }}
<a class="forum__post__username" href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user': post.poster_id}) }}">{{ post.poster_name }}</a>
{% if post.poster_title|length > 0 %}
<div class="forum__post__usertitle">{{ post.poster_title }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__post__icons">
<div class="flag flag--{{ post.poster_country|lower }}" title="{{ post.poster_country|country_name }}"></div>
<div class="forum__post__posts-count">{{ post.poster_post_count|number_format }} posts</div>
{% if post.is_original_poster %}
<div class="forum__post__badge forum__post__badge--original-poster">
<div class="forum__post__badge__desktop">Original Poster</div>
<div class="forum__post__badge__mobile">OP</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__post__joined">
joined <time datetime="{{ post.poster_joined|date('c') }}" title="{{ post.poster_joined|date('r') }}">{{ post.poster_joined|time_diff }}</time>
{% else %}
<div class="forum__post__username">Deleted User</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="forum__post__content">
{% set post_link = url(post.is_opening_post ? 'forum-topic' : 'forum-post', {'topic': post.topic_id, 'post': post.post_id, 'post_fragment': 'p%d'|format(post.post_id)}) %}
<div class="forum__post__details">
<a class="forum__post__datetime" href="{{ post_link }}">
<time datetime="{{ post.post_created|date('c') }}" title="{{ post.post_created|date('r') }}">{{ post.post_created|time_diff }}</time>
{% if post.post_edited is not null %}
(edited <time datetime="{{ post.post_edited|date('c') }}" title="{{ post.post_edited|date('r') }}">{{ post.post_edited|time_diff }}</time>)
{% endif %}
<a class="forum__post__id" href="{{ post_link }}">
#{{ post.post_id }}
<div class="forum__post__text{% if post.post_parse == constant('\\Misuzu\\Parsers\\Parser::MARKDOWN') %} markdown{% endif %}">
{{ post.post_text|escape|parse_text(post.post_parse)|raw }}
{% if can_post or can_edit or can_delete %}
<div class="forum__post__actions">
{% if is_deleted %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-post-restore', {'post': post.post_id}) }}" class="forum__post__action forum__post__action--restore"><i class="fas fa-magic fa-fw"></i> Restore</a>
<a href="{{ url('forum-post-nuke', {'post': post.post_id}) }}" class="forum__post__action forum__post__action--nuke"><i class="fas fa-radiation-alt fa-fw"></i> Permanently Delete</a>
{% else %}
{# if can_post %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-post-quote', {'post': post.post_id}) }}" class="forum__post__action forum__post__action--quote"><i class="fas fa-quote-left fa-fw"></i> Quote</a>
{% endif #}
{% if can_edit %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-post-edit', {'post': post.post_id}) }}" class="forum__post__action forum__post__action--edit"><i class="fas fa-edit fa-fw"></i> Edit</a>
{% endif %}
{% if can_delete %}
<a href="{{ url('forum-post-delete', {'post': post.post_id}) }}" class="forum__post__action forum__post__action--delete"><i class="far fa-trash-alt fa-fw"></i> Delete</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.post_display_signature and post.poster_signature_content|length > 0 %}
<div class="forum__post__signature{% if post.poster_signature_parser == constant('\\Misuzu\\Parsers\\Parser::MARKDOWN') %} markdown{% endif %}">
{{ post.poster_signature_content|escape|parse_text(post.poster_signature_parser)|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}