2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
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{% if site_background is defined %}
:root {
--background-width: {{ site_background .width }} px;
--background-height: {{ site_background .height }} px;
--background-image: url(' {{ site_background .url | raw }} ');
{% endif %}
{% if site_logo is defined %}
:root {
--site-logo: url(' {{ site_logo }} ');
{% endif %}
<body class="main {% if site_background is defined %} {{ site_background .classNames ( 'main--bg-%s' ) | join ( ' ' ) }} {% endif %} "
style=" {% if global_accent_colour is defined %} {{ global_accent_colour | html_colour ( '--accent-colour' ) }} {% endif %} " id="container">
{% set site_menu = [
'title': 'Home',
'url': url('index'),
'menu': [
'title': 'Members',
'url': url('user-list'),
'display': current_user is defined,
'title': 'Changelog',
'url': url('changelog-index'),
'title': 'Contact',
'url': url('info', { 'title': 'contact'}),
'title': 'Rules',
'url': url('info', { 'title': 'rules'}),
'title': 'Twitter',
2023-01-31 16:21:19 +00:00
'url': 'https://twitter.com/' ~ globals.site_twitter|default(''),
'display': globals.site_twitter is defined and globals.site_twitter is not empty,
2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
'title': 'News',
'url': url('news-index'),
'title': 'Forum',
'url': url('forum-index'),
'menu': [
'title': 'Leaderboard',
'url': url('forum-leaderboard'),
'display': current_user.legacyPerms.forum|default(0)|perms_check(constant('MSZ_PERM_FORUM_VIEW_LEADERBOARD')),
'title': 'Chat',
2023-01-31 16:21:19 +00:00
'url': globals.site_chat|default(''),
'display': globals.site_chat is defined and globals.site_chat is not empty,
2022-09-13 15:14:49 +02:00
] %}
{% set user_menu =
current_user is defined
? [
'title': 'Profile',
'url': url('user-profile', { 'user': current_user.id}),
'icon': 'fas fa-user fa-fw',
'title': 'Settings',
'url': url('settings-index'),
'icon': 'fas fa-cog fa-fw',
'title': 'Search',
'url': url('search-index'),
'icon': 'fas fa-search fa-fw',
'title': 'Return to Site',
'url': site_link|default(url('index')),
'icon': 'fas fa-door-open fa-fw',
'display': has_manage_access and manage_menu is defined
'title': 'Manage',
'url': manage_link|default(url('manage-index')),
'icon': 'fas fa-door-closed fa-fw',
'display': has_manage_access and manage_menu is not defined
'title': 'Log out',
'url': url('auth-logout'),
'icon': 'fas fa-sign-out-alt fa-fw',
: [
'title': 'Register',
'url': url('auth-register'),
'icon': 'fas fa-user-plus fa-fw',
'title': 'Log in',
'url': url('auth-login'),
'icon': 'fas fa-sign-in-alt fa-fw',
{% block main_header %}
{% include '_layout/header.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="main__wrapper">
{% if current_user .hasActiveWarning | default ( false ) %}
<div class="warning">
<div class="warning__content">
You have been {{ current_user .isSilenced ? 'silenced' : 'banned' }} {% if current_user .isActiveWarningPermanent %} <strong>permanently</strong> {% else %} until <strong> {{ current_user .activeWarningExpiration | date ( 'r' ) }} </strong> {% endif %} , view the account standing table on <a href=" {{ url ( 'user-account-standing' , { 'user' : current_user .id } ) }} " class="warning__link">your profile</a> to view why.
{% endif %}
{% block content %}
<div class="container" style="margin: 2px 0; padding: 2px 5px;">
This page is empty, populate it.
{% endblock %}
{% block main_footer %}
{% include '_layout/footer.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
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