2018-03-22 02:56:41 +00:00
{% extends '@mio/home/master.twig' %}
2018-07-06 03:28:06 +02:00
{% from '@mio/macros.twig' import navigation %}
2018-04-16 02:33:54 +02:00
{% from '@mio/news/macros.twig' import news_preview %}
2018-03-22 02:56:41 +00:00
2018-04-14 04:58:53 +02:00
{% set canonical_url = '/' %}
2018-03-22 02:56:41 +00:00
{% block content %}
2018-05-16 04:58:21 +02:00
{% if app.hasActiveSession %}
2018-04-16 02:33:54 +02:00
<div class="container">
<div class="container__title">Welcome</div>
<div class="container__content">
<p>You have 0 new messages because the PM system doesn't exist yet, have a nice day.</p>
2018-03-22 02:56:41 +00:00
2018-04-16 02:33:54 +02:00
{% endif %}
<div class="container news__container">
<a class="container__title container__title--link" href="/news.php">Featured News</a>
<div class="container__content news__container__content">
<div class="news__preview__listing">
2018-05-27 02:20:35 +02:00
{% for post in featured_news %}
2018-04-16 02:33:54 +02:00
{{ news_preview(post) }}
{% endfor %}
2018-03-22 02:56:41 +00:00
{{ navigation(mio_navigation, '/') }}
2018-07-06 03:28:06 +02:00
{% if embed_linked_data is defined and embed_linked_data %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "{{ embed_name }}",
"url": "{{ embed_url }}",
"logo": "{{ embed_logo }}",
"sameAs": [
"{{ embed_same_as|join('", "')|raw }}"
{% endif %}
2018-03-22 02:56:41 +00:00
{% endblock %}