2022-07-04 00:07:38 +00:00
< ? php
* ( 21 : 42 : 47 ) malloc_CDLVII : i think that ' s one of the two rules of Flash Wave Development
* ( 21 : 42 : 57 ) malloc_CDLVII : 1. if it is written , it will be rewritten
* ( 21 : 43 : 04 ) malloc_CDLVII : 2. it will have automatic updates
header ( 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' );
ini_set ( 'display_errors' , 'on' );
error_reporting ( - 1 );
if ( $_SERVER [ 'REQUEST_METHOD' ] !== 'POST' )
die ( 'no' );
$config = __DIR__ . '/../config/git-broadcast.ini' ;
if ( ! is_file ( $config ))
die ( 'config missing' );
$config = parse_ini_file ( $config , true );
if ( empty ( $config [ 'tokens' ][ 'token' ]))
die ( 'config invalid' );
$isGitea = isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_GITEA_DELIVERY' ]) && isset ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_GITEA_EVENT' ]);
$rawData = file_get_contents ( 'php://input' );
$sigParts = $isGitea
? [ 'sha256' , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_GITEA_SIGNATURE' ]]
: explode ( '=' , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_HUB_SIGNATURE' ] ? ? '' , 2 );
if ( empty ( $sigParts [ 1 ]))
die ( 'invalid signature' );
$repoAuthenticated = false ;
foreach ( $config [ 'tokens' ][ 'token' ] as $repoName => $repoToken ) {
if ( hash_equals ( hash_hmac ( $sigParts [ 0 ], $rawData , $repoToken ), $sigParts [ 1 ])) {
$repoAuthenticated = true ;
break ;
if ( ! $repoAuthenticated )
die ( 'signature check failed' );
$data = json_decode ( $_SERVER [ 'CONTENT_TYPE' ] === 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
? $_POST [ 'payload' ]
: $rawData );
if ( empty ( $data ))
die ( 'body is corrupt' );
if ( empty ( $data -> repository -> full_name ))
die ( 'body is corrupt' );
if ( $data -> repository -> full_name !== $repoName )
die ( 'invalid repository token' );
$message = '' ;
switch ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_X_GITHUB_EVENT' ]) {
case 'ping' :
$message = " ping received from { $data -> repository -> full_name } ! " ;
break ;
case 'create' :
switch ( $data -> ref_type ) {
case 'tag' :
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url][/b]: [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] created tag [url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } /releases/tag/ { $data -> ref } ] { $data -> ref } [/url] " ;
break ;
case 'branch' :
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url][/b]: [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] created branch [url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } /tree/ { $data -> ref } ] { $data -> ref } [/url] " ;
break ;
case 'repository' :
// doubt we'll ever get here
// TODO: test organisation level webhooks?
break ;
break ;
case 'delete' :
switch ( $data -> ref_type ) {
case 'tag' :
if ( acl_check ( ACL_BROADCAST ))
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url][/b]: [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] deleted tag { $data -> ref } " ;
break ;
case 'branch' :
if ( acl_check ( ACL_BROADCAST ))
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url][/b]: [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] deleted branch { $data -> ref } " ;
break ;
case 'repository' :
if ( acl_check ( ACL_BROADCAST ))
$message = " [b] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/b]: [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] deleted the repository :crying: " ;
break ;
break ;
case 'push' :
$commitCount = count ( $data -> commits );
if ( $commitCount < 1 )
break ;
$message .= " [b] { $data -> repository -> full_name } : " . substr ( $data -> ref , strrpos ( $data -> ref , '/' ) + 1 ) . " [/b] { $commitCount } new commit " . ( $commitCount === 1 ? '' : 's' ) . " \r \n " ;
foreach ( $data -> commits as $commit ) {
$timestamp = strtotime ( $commit -> timestamp );
$commit -> message = trim ( $commit -> message );
$message .= " [b][url= { $commit -> url } ][code] " . substr ( $commit -> id , 0 , 7 ) . " [/code][/url][/b] { $commit -> message } - [url= " . ( $isGitea ? 'https://git.flash.moe/' : 'https://github.com/' ) . " { $commit -> author -> username } ] { $commit -> author -> username } [/url] \r \n " ;
break ;
case 'status' :
$status_colour [ 'failure' ] = '#cb2431' ;
//$status_colour['pending'] = '#b5ab86';
$status_colour [ 'success' ] = '#28a745' ;
$status_colour [ 'error' ] = '#586069' ;
$status_emotes [ 'failure' ] = [ ':angry:' , ':angrier:' , ':angriest:' , ':sad:' , ':ouch:' , ':dizzy:' , ':sweat:' , ':fat:' , ':jew:' ];
$status_emotes [ 'success' ] = [ ':happy:' , ':lol:' , ':yay:' ];
$status_emotes [ 'error' ] = [ ':blank:' ];
$status_name [ 'continuous-integration/travis-ci/push' ] = 'Unit Tests' ;
$status_name [ 'continuous-integration/styleci/push' ] = 'Style Check' ;
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $data -> context , $status_name ) || ! array_key_exists ( $data -> state , $status_colour )) {
//$message = "/msg flash {$data->context}: {$data->state}";
break ;
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> commit -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url] [url= { $data -> target_url } ] " . $status_name [ $data -> context ] . '[/url][/b]: [b][i][color=' . $status_colour [ $data -> state ] . ']' . ucfirst ( $data -> state ) . ' ' . $status_emotes [ $data -> state ][ array_rand ( $status_emotes [ $data -> state ])] . '[/color][/i][/b]' ;
break ;
case 'watch' :
switch ( $data -> action ) {
case 'started' :
$message = " [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] starred [url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url] :love: " ;
break ;
break ;
case 'fork' :
$message = " [url= { $data -> forkee -> html_url } ] { $data -> forkee -> owner -> login } [/url] forked [url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url] :omg: " ;
break ;
case 'issues' :
if ( ! in_array ( $data -> action , [ 'opened' , /*'edited',*/ 'closed' , 'reopened' ]))
break ;
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url] [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] { $data -> action } issue [/b][url= { $data -> issue -> html_url } ][b]# { $data -> issue -> number } [/b]: { $data -> issue -> title } [/url] " ;
break ;
case 'pull_request' :
if ( ! in_array ( $data -> action , [ 'opened' , /*'edited',*/ 'closed' , 'reopened' ]))
break ;
$message = " [b][url= { $data -> repository -> html_url } ] { $data -> repository -> full_name } [/url]: [url= { $data -> sender -> html_url } ] { $data -> sender -> login } [/url] { $data -> action } pull request [/b][url= { $data -> pull_request -> html_url } ][b]# { $data -> pull_request -> number } [/b]: { $data -> pull_request -> title } [/url] " ;
break ;
2023-04-12 02:32:55 +00:00
2022-07-04 00:07:38 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $message )) {
var_dump ( $message );
$sock = fsockopen ( $config [ 'boat' ][ 'host' ], $config [ 'boat' ][ 'port' ], $errno , $errstr , 5 );
2023-04-12 02:29:56 +00:00
$message = chr ( 1 ) . $message ;
$message = hash_hmac ( 'sha256' , $message , $config [ 'boat' ][ 'secret' ], true ) . $message ;
2022-07-04 00:07:38 +00:00
fwrite ( $sock , $message );