This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 15144 additions and 168 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Font.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Framebuffer.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Game.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Geometry.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_InputMap.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_IOEvents.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Log.h" />
@ -173,6 +174,9 @@
<ClCompile Include="ext\include\misc\freetype\imgui_freetype.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clip2tri\clip2tri.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper2\clipper.engine.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper2\clipper.offset.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper2\clipper.rectclip.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper\clipper.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\imgui\imgui.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\imgui\imgui_demo.cpp" />
@ -193,6 +197,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Font.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Framebuffer.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Game.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Geometry.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Log.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Map.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Mat4.cpp" />
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Console.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Map.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Noise.h" />
<ClInclude Include="src\KP3D_Geometry.h" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Vec2.cpp" />
@ -88,6 +89,10 @@
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\poly2tri\sweep_context.cc" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper\clipper.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Noise.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper2\clipper.engine.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper2\clipper.offset.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ext\src\clipper2\clipper.rectclip.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="src\KP3D_Geometry.cpp" />
<None Include=".clang-format" />
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 5 July 2024 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2024 *
* Purpose : This is the main polygon clipping module *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdint.h> //#541
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <memory>
#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
struct Scanline;
struct IntersectNode;
struct Active;
struct Vertex;
struct LocalMinima;
struct OutRec;
struct HorzSegment;
//Note: all clipping operations except for Difference are commutative.
enum class ClipType { None, Intersection, Union, Difference, Xor };
enum class PathType { Subject, Clip };
enum class JoinWith { None, Left, Right };
enum class VertexFlags : uint32_t {
None = 0, OpenStart = 1, OpenEnd = 2, LocalMax = 4, LocalMin = 8
constexpr enum VertexFlags operator &(enum VertexFlags a, enum VertexFlags b)
return (enum VertexFlags)(uint32_t(a) & uint32_t(b));
constexpr enum VertexFlags operator |(enum VertexFlags a, enum VertexFlags b)
return (enum VertexFlags)(uint32_t(a) | uint32_t(b));
struct Vertex {
Point64 pt;
Vertex* next = nullptr;
Vertex* prev = nullptr;
VertexFlags flags = VertexFlags::None;
struct OutPt {
Point64 pt;
OutPt* next = nullptr;
OutPt* prev = nullptr;
OutRec* outrec;
HorzSegment* horz = nullptr;
OutPt(const Point64& pt_, OutRec* outrec_): pt(pt_), outrec(outrec_) {
next = this;
prev = this;
class PolyPath;
class PolyPath64;
class PolyPathD;
using PolyTree64 = PolyPath64;
using PolyTreeD = PolyPathD;
struct OutRec;
typedef std::vector<OutRec*> OutRecList;
//OutRec: contains a path in the clipping solution. Edges in the AEL will
//have OutRec pointers assigned when they form part of the clipping solution.
struct OutRec {
size_t idx = 0;
OutRec* owner = nullptr;
Active* front_edge = nullptr;
Active* back_edge = nullptr;
OutPt* pts = nullptr;
PolyPath* polypath = nullptr;
OutRecList* splits = nullptr;
OutRec* recursive_split = nullptr;
Rect64 bounds = {};
Path64 path;
bool is_open = false;
~OutRec() {
if (splits) delete splits;
// nb: don't delete the split pointers
// as these are owned by ClipperBase's outrec_list_
//Important: UP and DOWN here are premised on Y-axis positive down
//displays, which is the orientation used in Clipper's development.
struct Active {
Point64 bot;
Point64 top;
int64_t curr_x = 0; //current (updated at every new scanline)
double dx = 0.0;
int wind_dx = 1; //1 or -1 depending on winding direction
int wind_cnt = 0;
int wind_cnt2 = 0; //winding count of the opposite polytype
OutRec* outrec = nullptr;
//AEL: 'active edge list' (Vatti's AET - active edge table)
// a linked list of all edges (from left to right) that are present
// (or 'active') within the current scanbeam (a horizontal 'beam' that
// sweeps from bottom to top over the paths in the clipping operation).
Active* prev_in_ael = nullptr;
Active* next_in_ael = nullptr;
//SEL: 'sorted edge list' (Vatti's ST - sorted table)
// linked list used when sorting edges into their new positions at the
// top of scanbeams, but also (re)used to process horizontals.
Active* prev_in_sel = nullptr;
Active* next_in_sel = nullptr;
Active* jump = nullptr;
Vertex* vertex_top = nullptr;
LocalMinima* local_min = nullptr; // the bottom of an edge 'bound' (also Vatti)
bool is_left_bound = false;
JoinWith join_with = JoinWith::None;
struct LocalMinima {
Vertex* vertex;
PathType polytype;
bool is_open;
LocalMinima(Vertex* v, PathType pt, bool open) :
vertex(v), polytype(pt), is_open(open){}
struct IntersectNode {
Point64 pt;
Active* edge1;
Active* edge2;
IntersectNode() : pt(Point64(0,0)), edge1(NULL), edge2(NULL) {}
IntersectNode(Active* e1, Active* e2, Point64& pt_) :
pt(pt_), edge1(e1), edge2(e2) {}
struct HorzSegment {
OutPt* left_op;
OutPt* right_op = nullptr;
bool left_to_right = true;
HorzSegment() : left_op(nullptr) { }
explicit HorzSegment(OutPt* op) : left_op(op) { }
struct HorzJoin {
OutPt* op1 = nullptr;
OutPt* op2 = nullptr;
HorzJoin() {};
explicit HorzJoin(OutPt* ltr, OutPt* rtl) : op1(ltr), op2(rtl) { }
#ifdef USINGZ
typedef std::function<void(const Point64& e1bot, const Point64& e1top,
const Point64& e2bot, const Point64& e2top, Point64& pt)> ZCallback64;
typedef std::function<void(const PointD& e1bot, const PointD& e1top,
const PointD& e2bot, const PointD& e2top, PointD& pt)> ZCallbackD;
typedef std::vector<HorzSegment> HorzSegmentList;
typedef std::unique_ptr<LocalMinima> LocalMinima_ptr;
typedef std::vector<LocalMinima_ptr> LocalMinimaList;
typedef std::vector<IntersectNode> IntersectNodeList;
// ReuseableDataContainer64 ------------------------------------------------
class ReuseableDataContainer64 {
friend class ClipperBase;
LocalMinimaList minima_list_;
std::vector<Vertex*> vertex_lists_;
void AddLocMin(Vertex& vert, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
virtual ~ReuseableDataContainer64();
void Clear();
void AddPaths(const Paths64& paths, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
// ClipperBase -------------------------------------------------------------
class ClipperBase {
ClipType cliptype_ = ClipType::None;
FillRule fillrule_ = FillRule::EvenOdd;
FillRule fillpos = FillRule::Positive;
int64_t bot_y_ = 0;
bool minima_list_sorted_ = false;
bool using_polytree_ = false;
Active* actives_ = nullptr;
Active *sel_ = nullptr;
LocalMinimaList minima_list_; //pointers in case of memory reallocs
LocalMinimaList::iterator current_locmin_iter_;
std::vector<Vertex*> vertex_lists_;
std::priority_queue<int64_t> scanline_list_;
IntersectNodeList intersect_nodes_;
HorzSegmentList horz_seg_list_;
std::vector<HorzJoin> horz_join_list_;
void Reset();
inline void InsertScanline(int64_t y);
inline bool PopScanline(int64_t &y);
inline bool PopLocalMinima(int64_t y, LocalMinima*& local_minima);
void DisposeAllOutRecs();
void DisposeVerticesAndLocalMinima();
void DeleteEdges(Active*& e);
inline void AddLocMin(Vertex &vert, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
bool IsContributingClosed(const Active &e) const;
inline bool IsContributingOpen(const Active &e) const;
void SetWindCountForClosedPathEdge(Active &edge);
void SetWindCountForOpenPathEdge(Active &e);
void InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(int64_t bot_y);
void InsertLeftEdge(Active &e);
inline void PushHorz(Active &e);
inline bool PopHorz(Active *&e);
inline OutPt* StartOpenPath(Active &e, const Point64& pt);
inline void UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(Active *e);
void IntersectEdges(Active &e1, Active &e2, const Point64& pt);
inline void DeleteFromAEL(Active &e);
inline void AdjustCurrXAndCopyToSEL(const int64_t top_y);
void DoIntersections(const int64_t top_y);
void AddNewIntersectNode(Active &e1, Active &e2, const int64_t top_y);
bool BuildIntersectList(const int64_t top_y);
void ProcessIntersectList();
void SwapPositionsInAEL(Active& edge1, Active& edge2);
OutRec* NewOutRec();
OutPt* AddOutPt(const Active &e, const Point64& pt);
OutPt* AddLocalMinPoly(Active &e1, Active &e2,
const Point64& pt, bool is_new = false);
OutPt* AddLocalMaxPoly(Active &e1, Active &e2, const Point64& pt);
void DoHorizontal(Active &horz);
bool ResetHorzDirection(const Active &horz, const Vertex* max_vertex,
int64_t &horz_left, int64_t &horz_right);
void DoTopOfScanbeam(const int64_t top_y);
Active *DoMaxima(Active &e);
void JoinOutrecPaths(Active &e1, Active &e2);
void FixSelfIntersects(OutRec* outrec);
void DoSplitOp(OutRec* outRec, OutPt* splitOp);
inline void AddTrialHorzJoin(OutPt* op);
void ConvertHorzSegsToJoins();
void ProcessHorzJoins();
void Split(Active& e, const Point64& pt);
inline void CheckJoinLeft(Active& e,
const Point64& pt, bool check_curr_x = false);
inline void CheckJoinRight(Active& e,
const Point64& pt, bool check_curr_x = false);
bool preserve_collinear_ = true;
bool reverse_solution_ = false;
int error_code_ = 0;
bool has_open_paths_ = false;
bool succeeded_ = true;
OutRecList outrec_list_; //pointers in case list memory reallocated
bool ExecuteInternal(ClipType ct, FillRule ft, bool use_polytrees);
void CleanCollinear(OutRec* outrec);
bool CheckBounds(OutRec* outrec);
bool CheckSplitOwner(OutRec* outrec, OutRecList* splits);
void RecursiveCheckOwners(OutRec* outrec, PolyPath* polypath);
#ifdef USINGZ
ZCallback64 zCallback_ = nullptr;
void SetZ(const Active& e1, const Active& e2, Point64& pt);
void CleanUp(); // unlike Clear, CleanUp preserves added paths
void AddPath(const Path64& path, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
void AddPaths(const Paths64& paths, PathType polytype, bool is_open);
virtual ~ClipperBase();
int ErrorCode() const { return error_code_; };
void PreserveCollinear(bool val) { preserve_collinear_ = val; };
bool PreserveCollinear() const { return preserve_collinear_;};
void ReverseSolution(bool val) { reverse_solution_ = val; };
bool ReverseSolution() const { return reverse_solution_; };
void Clear();
void AddReuseableData(const ReuseableDataContainer64& reuseable_data);
#ifdef USINGZ
int64_t DefaultZ = 0;
// PolyPath / PolyTree --------------------------------------------------------
//PolyTree: is intended as a READ-ONLY data structure for CLOSED paths returned
//by clipping operations. While this structure is more complex than the
//alternative Paths structure, it does preserve path 'ownership' - ie those
//paths that contain (or own) other paths. This will be useful to some users.
class PolyPath {
PolyPath* parent_;
PolyPath(PolyPath* parent = nullptr): parent_(parent){}
virtual ~PolyPath() {};
PolyPath(const PolyPath&) = delete;
PolyPath& operator=(const PolyPath&) = delete;
unsigned Level() const
unsigned result = 0;
const PolyPath* p = parent_;
while (p) { ++result; p = p->parent_; }
return result;
virtual PolyPath* AddChild(const Path64& path) = 0;
virtual void Clear() = 0;
virtual size_t Count() const { return 0; }
const PolyPath* Parent() const { return parent_; }
bool IsHole() const
unsigned lvl = Level();
//Even levels except level 0
return lvl && !(lvl & 1);
typedef typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PolyPath64>> PolyPath64List;
typedef typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PolyPathD>> PolyPathDList;
class PolyPath64 : public PolyPath {
PolyPath64List childs_;
Path64 polygon_;
explicit PolyPath64(PolyPath64* parent = nullptr) : PolyPath(parent) {}
explicit PolyPath64(PolyPath64* parent, const Path64& path) : PolyPath(parent) { polygon_ = path; }
~PolyPath64() {
PolyPath64* operator [] (size_t index) const
return childs_[index].get(); //std::unique_ptr
PolyPath64* Child(size_t index) const
return childs_[index].get();
PolyPath64List::const_iterator begin() const { return childs_.cbegin(); }
PolyPath64List::const_iterator end() const { return childs_.cend(); }
PolyPath64* AddChild(const Path64& path) override
return childs_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<PolyPath64>(this, path)).get();
void Clear() override
size_t Count() const override
return childs_.size();
const Path64& Polygon() const { return polygon_; };
double Area() const
return std::accumulate(childs_.cbegin(), childs_.cend(),
[](double a, const auto& child) {return a + child->Area(); });
class PolyPathD : public PolyPath {
PolyPathDList childs_;
double scale_;
PathD polygon_;
explicit PolyPathD(PolyPathD* parent = nullptr) : PolyPath(parent)
scale_ = parent ? parent->scale_ : 1.0;
explicit PolyPathD(PolyPathD* parent, const Path64& path) : PolyPath(parent)
scale_ = parent ? parent->scale_ : 1.0;
int error_code = 0;
polygon_ = ScalePath<double, int64_t>(path, scale_, error_code);
explicit PolyPathD(PolyPathD* parent, const PathD& path) : PolyPath(parent)
scale_ = parent ? parent->scale_ : 1.0;
polygon_ = path;
~PolyPathD() {
PolyPathD* operator [] (size_t index) const
return childs_[index].get();
PolyPathD* Child(size_t index) const
return childs_[index].get();
PolyPathDList::const_iterator begin() const { return childs_.cbegin(); }
PolyPathDList::const_iterator end() const { return childs_.cend(); }
void SetScale(double value) { scale_ = value; }
double Scale() const { return scale_; }
PolyPathD* AddChild(const Path64& path) override
return childs_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<PolyPathD>(this, path)).get();
PolyPathD* AddChild(const PathD& path)
return childs_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<PolyPathD>(this, path)).get();
void Clear() override
size_t Count() const override
return childs_.size();
const PathD& Polygon() const { return polygon_; };
double Area() const
return std::accumulate(childs_.begin(), childs_.end(),
[](double a, const auto& child) {return a + child->Area(); });
class Clipper64 : public ClipperBase
void BuildPaths64(Paths64& solutionClosed, Paths64* solutionOpen);
void BuildTree64(PolyPath64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths);
#ifdef USINGZ
void SetZCallback(ZCallback64 cb) { zCallback_ = cb; }
void AddSubject(const Paths64& subjects)
AddPaths(subjects, PathType::Subject, false);
void AddOpenSubject(const Paths64& open_subjects)
AddPaths(open_subjects, PathType::Subject, true);
void AddClip(const Paths64& clips)
AddPaths(clips, PathType::Clip, false);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, Paths64& closed_paths)
Paths64 dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule,
Paths64& closed_paths, Paths64& open_paths)
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, false))
BuildPaths64(closed_paths, &open_paths);
return succeeded_;
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree)
Paths64 dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, polytree, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTree64& polytree, Paths64& open_paths)
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, true))
BuildTree64(polytree, open_paths);
return succeeded_;
class ClipperD : public ClipperBase {
double scale_ = 1.0, invScale_ = 1.0;
#ifdef USINGZ
ZCallbackD zCallbackD_ = nullptr;
void BuildPathsD(PathsD& solutionClosed, PathsD* solutionOpen);
void BuildTreeD(PolyPathD& polytree, PathsD& open_paths);
explicit ClipperD(int precision = 2) : ClipperBase()
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code_);
// to optimize scaling / descaling precision
// set the scale to a power of double's radix (2) (#25)
scale_ = std::pow(std::numeric_limits<double>::radix,
std::ilogb(std::pow(10, precision)) + 1);
invScale_ = 1 / scale_;
#ifdef USINGZ
void SetZCallback(ZCallbackD cb) { zCallbackD_ = cb; };
void ZCB(const Point64& e1bot, const Point64& e1top,
const Point64& e2bot, const Point64& e2top, Point64& pt)
// de-scale (x & y)
// temporarily convert integers to their initial float values
// this will slow clipping marginally but will make it much easier
// to understand the coordinates passed to the callback function
PointD tmp = PointD(pt) * invScale_;
PointD e1b = PointD(e1bot) * invScale_;
PointD e1t = PointD(e1top) * invScale_;
PointD e2b = PointD(e2bot) * invScale_;
PointD e2t = PointD(e2top) * invScale_;
zCallbackD_(e1b,e1t, e2b, e2t, tmp);
pt.z = tmp.z; // only update 'z'
void CheckCallback()
// if the user defined float point callback has been assigned
// then assign the proxy callback function
ClipperBase::zCallback_ =
std::bind(&ClipperD::ZCB, this, std::placeholders::_1,
std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5);
ClipperBase::zCallback_ = nullptr;
void AddSubject(const PathsD& subjects)
AddPaths(ScalePaths<int64_t, double>(subjects, scale_, error_code_), PathType::Subject, false);
void AddOpenSubject(const PathsD& open_subjects)
AddPaths(ScalePaths<int64_t, double>(open_subjects, scale_, error_code_), PathType::Subject, true);
void AddClip(const PathsD& clips)
AddPaths(ScalePaths<int64_t, double>(clips, scale_, error_code_), PathType::Clip, false);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PathsD& closed_paths)
PathsD dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, closed_paths, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PathsD& closed_paths, PathsD& open_paths)
#ifdef USINGZ
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, false))
BuildPathsD(closed_paths, &open_paths);
return succeeded_;
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type, FillRule fill_rule, PolyTreeD& polytree)
PathsD dummy;
return Execute(clip_type, fill_rule, polytree, dummy);
bool Execute(ClipType clip_type,
FillRule fill_rule, PolyTreeD& polytree, PathsD& open_paths)
#ifdef USINGZ
if (ExecuteInternal(clip_type, fill_rule, true))
BuildTreeD(polytree, open_paths);
return succeeded_;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 14 May 2024 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2024 *
* Purpose : This module exports the Clipper2 Library (ie DLL/so) *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
Boolean clipping:
cliptype: None=0, Intersection=1, Union=2, Difference=3, Xor=4
fillrule: EvenOdd=0, NonZero=1, Positive=2, Negative=3
Polygon offsetting (inflate/deflate):
jointype: Square=0, Bevel=1, Round=2, Miter=3
endtype: Polygon=0, Joined=1, Butt=2, Square=3, Round=4
The path structures used extensively in other parts of this library are all
based on std::vector classes. Since C++ classes can't be accessed by other
languages, these paths are converted into very simple array data structures
(of either int64_t for CPath64 or double for CPathD) that can be parsed by
just about any programming language.
CPath64 and CPathD:
These are arrays of consecutive x and y path coordinates preceeded by
a pair of values containing the path's length (N) and a 0 value.
|N, 0 |x1, y1|x2, y2|...|xN, yN|
CPaths64 and CPathsD:
These are also arrays containing any number of consecutive CPath64 or
CPathD structures. But preceeding these consecutive paths, there is pair of
values that contain the total length of the array structure (A) and the
number of CPath64 or CPathD it contains (C). The space these structures will
occupy in memory = A * sizeof(int64_t) or A * sizeof(double) respectively.
|A , C | |
CPolytree64 and CPolytreeD:
These are also arrays consisting of CPolyPath structures that represent
individual paths in a tree structure. However, the very first (ie top)
CPolyPath is just the tree container that doesn't have a path. And because
of that, its structure will be very slightly different from the remaining
CPolyPath. This difference will be discussed below.
CPolyPath64 and CPolyPathD:
These are simple arrays consisting of a series of path coordinates followed
by any number of child (ie nested) CPolyPath. Preceeding these are two values
indicating the length of the path (N) and the number of child CPolyPath (C).
|counter|coord1|coord2|...|coordN| child1|child2|...|childC|
|N , C |x1, y1|x2, y2|...|xN, yN| |
As mentioned above, the very first CPolyPath structure is just a container
that owns (both directly and indirectly) every other CPolyPath in the tree.
Since this first CPolyPath has no path, instead of a path length, its very
first value will contain the total length of the CPolytree array (not its
total bytes length).
Again, all theses exported structures (CPaths64, CPathsD, CPolyTree64 &
CPolyTreeD) are arrays of either type int64_t or double, and the first
value in these arrays will always be the length of that array.
These array structures are allocated in heap memory which will eventually
need to be released. However, since applications dynamically linking to
these functions may use different memory managers, the only safe way to
free up this memory is to use the exported DisposeArray64 and
DisposeArrayD functions (see below).
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.engine.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.offset.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.rectclip.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
typedef int64_t* CPath64;
typedef int64_t* CPaths64;
typedef double* CPathD;
typedef double* CPathsD;
typedef int64_t* CPolyPath64;
typedef int64_t* CPolyTree64;
typedef double* CPolyPathD;
typedef double* CPolyTreeD;
template <typename T>
struct CRect {
T left;
T top;
T right;
T bottom;
typedef CRect<int64_t> CRect64;
typedef CRect<double> CRectD;
template <typename T>
inline bool CRectIsEmpty(const CRect<T>& rect)
return (rect.right <= rect.left) || (rect.bottom <= rect.top);
template <typename T>
inline Rect<T> CRectToRect(const CRect<T>& rect)
Rect<T> result;
result.left = rect.left;
result.top = rect.top;
result.right = rect.right;
result.bottom = rect.bottom;
return result;
#ifdef _WIN32
#define EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT extern "C"
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT const char* Version();
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeArray64(int64_t*& p)
delete[] p;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT void DisposeArrayD(double*& p)
delete[] p;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp64(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPaths64 subjects,
const CPaths64 subjects_open, const CPaths64 clips,
CPaths64& solution, CPaths64& solution_open,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp_PolyTree64(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPaths64 subjects,
const CPaths64 subjects_open, const CPaths64 clips,
CPolyTree64& sol_tree, CPaths64& solution_open,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOpD(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPathsD subjects,
const CPathsD subjects_open, const CPathsD clips,
CPathsD& solution, CPathsD& solution_open, int precision = 2,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp_PolyTreeD(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPathsD subjects,
const CPathsD subjects_open, const CPathsD clips,
CPolyTreeD& solution, CPathsD& solution_open, int precision = 2,
bool preserve_collinear = true, bool reverse_solution = false);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 InflatePaths64(const CPaths64 paths,
double delta, uint8_t jointype, uint8_t endtype,
double miter_limit = 2.0, double arc_tolerance = 0.0,
bool reverse_solution = false);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD InflatePathsD(const CPathsD paths,
double delta, uint8_t jointype, uint8_t endtype,
int precision = 2, double miter_limit = 2.0,
double arc_tolerance = 0.0, bool reverse_solution = false);
// RectClip & RectClipLines:
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 RectClip64(const CRect64& rect,
const CPaths64 paths);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD RectClipD(const CRectD& rect,
const CPathsD paths, int precision = 2);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 RectClipLines64(const CRect64& rect,
const CPaths64 paths);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD RectClipLinesD(const CRectD& rect,
const CPathsD paths, int precision = 2);
template <typename T>
static void GetPathCountAndCPathsArrayLen(const Paths<T>& paths,
size_t& cnt, size_t& array_len)
array_len = 2;
cnt = 0;
for (const Path<T>& path : paths)
if (path.size())
array_len += path.size() * 2 + 2;
static size_t GetPolyPath64ArrayLen(const PolyPath64& pp)
size_t result = 2; // poly_length + child_count
result += pp.Polygon().size() * 2;
//plus nested children :)
for (size_t i = 0; i < pp.Count(); ++i)
result += GetPolyPath64ArrayLen(*pp[i]);
return result;
static void GetPolytreeCountAndCStorageSize(const PolyTree64& tree,
size_t& cnt, size_t& array_len)
cnt = tree.Count(); // nb: top level count only
array_len = GetPolyPath64ArrayLen(tree);
template <typename T>
static T* CreateCPaths(const Paths<T>& paths)
size_t cnt = 0, array_len = 0;
GetPathCountAndCPathsArrayLen(paths, cnt, array_len);
T* result = new T[array_len], * v = result;
*v++ = array_len;
*v++ = cnt;
for (const Path<T>& path : paths)
if (!path.size()) continue;
*v++ = path.size();
*v++ = 0;
for (const Point<T>& pt : path)
*v++ = pt.x;
*v++ = pt.y;
return result;
CPathsD CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(const Paths64& paths, double scale)
if (!paths.size()) return nullptr;
size_t cnt, array_len;
GetPathCountAndCPathsArrayLen(paths, cnt, array_len);
CPathsD result = new double[array_len], v = result;
*v++ = (double)array_len;
*v++ = (double)cnt;
for (const Path64& path : paths)
if (!path.size()) continue;
*v = (double)path.size();
++v; *v++ = 0;
for (const Point64& pt : path)
*v++ = pt.x * scale;
*v++ = pt.y * scale;
return result;
template <typename T>
static Path<T> ConvertCPath(T* path)
Path<T> result;
if (!path) return result;
T* v = path;
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(*v);
v += 2; // skip 0 value
for (size_t j = 0; j < cnt; ++j)
T x = *v++, y = *v++;
result.push_back(Point<T>(x, y));
return result;
template <typename T>
static Paths<T> ConvertCPaths(T* paths)
Paths<T> result;
if (!paths) return result;
T* v = paths; ++v;
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(*v++);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
size_t cnt2 = static_cast<size_t>(*v);
v += 2;
Path<T> path;
for (size_t j = 0; j < cnt2; ++j)
T x = *v++, y = *v++;
path.push_back(Point<T>(x, y));
return result;
static Paths64 ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(const CPathsD paths, double scale)
Paths64 result;
if (!paths) return result;
double* v = paths;
++v; // skip the first value (0)
size_t cnt = static_cast<size_t>(*v++);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
size_t cnt2 = static_cast<size_t>(*v);
v += 2;
Path64 path;
for (size_t j = 0; j < cnt2; ++j)
double x = *v++ * scale;
double y = *v++ * scale;
path.push_back(Point64(x, y));
return result;
template <typename T>
static void CreateCPolyPath(const PolyPath64* pp, T*& v, T scale)
*v++ = static_cast<T>(pp->Polygon().size());
*v++ = static_cast<T>(pp->Count());
for (const Point64& pt : pp->Polygon())
*v++ = static_cast<T>(pt.x * scale);
*v++ = static_cast<T>(pt.y * scale);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pp->Count(); ++i)
CreateCPolyPath(pp->Child(i), v, scale);
template <typename T>
static T* CreateCPolyTree(const PolyTree64& tree, T scale)
if (scale == 0) scale = 1;
size_t cnt, array_len;
GetPolytreeCountAndCStorageSize(tree, cnt, array_len);
if (!cnt) return nullptr;
// allocate storage
T* result = new T[array_len];
T* v = result;
*v++ = static_cast<T>(array_len);
*v++ = static_cast<T>(tree.Count());
for (size_t i = 0; i < tree.Count(); ++i)
CreateCPolyPath(tree.Child(i), v, scale);
return result;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT const char* Version()
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp64(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPaths64 subjects,
const CPaths64 subjects_open, const CPaths64 clips,
CPaths64& solution, CPaths64& solution_open,
bool preserve_collinear, bool reverse_solution)
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPaths(subjects);
sub_open = ConvertCPaths(subjects_open);
clp = ConvertCPaths(clips);
Clipper64 clipper;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0) clipper.AddOpenSubject(sub_open);
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype), FillRule(fillrule), sol, sol_open))
return -1; // clipping bug - should never happen :)
solution = CreateCPaths(sol);
solution_open = CreateCPaths(sol_open);
return 0; //success !!
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp_PolyTree64(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPaths64 subjects,
const CPaths64 subjects_open, const CPaths64 clips,
CPolyTree64& sol_tree, CPaths64& solution_open,
bool preserve_collinear, bool reverse_solution)
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPaths(subjects);
sub_open = ConvertCPaths(subjects_open);
clp = ConvertCPaths(clips);
PolyTree64 tree;
Clipper64 clipper;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0) clipper.AddOpenSubject(sub_open);
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype), FillRule(fillrule), tree, sol_open))
return -1; // clipping bug - should never happen :)
sol_tree = CreateCPolyTree(tree, (int64_t)1);
solution_open = CreateCPaths(sol_open);
return 0; //success !!
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOpD(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPathsD subjects,
const CPathsD subjects_open, const CPathsD clips,
CPathsD& solution, CPathsD& solution_open, int precision,
bool preserve_collinear, bool reverse_solution)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return -5;
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(subjects, scale);
sub_open = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(subjects_open, scale);
clp = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(clips, scale);
Clipper64 clipper;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0) clipper.AddOpenSubject(sub_open);
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype),
FillRule(fillrule), sol, sol_open)) return -1;
solution = CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(sol, 1 / scale);
solution_open = CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(sol_open, 1 / scale);
return 0;
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT int BooleanOp_PolyTreeD(uint8_t cliptype,
uint8_t fillrule, const CPathsD subjects,
const CPathsD subjects_open, const CPathsD clips,
CPolyTreeD& solution, CPathsD& solution_open, int precision,
bool preserve_collinear, bool reverse_solution)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return -5;
if (cliptype > static_cast<uint8_t>(ClipType::Xor)) return -4;
if (fillrule > static_cast<uint8_t>(FillRule::Negative)) return -3;
double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
int err = 0;
Paths64 sub, sub_open, clp, sol_open;
sub = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(subjects, scale);
sub_open = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(subjects_open, scale);
clp = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(clips, scale);
PolyTree64 tree;
Clipper64 clipper;
if (sub.size() > 0) clipper.AddSubject(sub);
if (sub_open.size() > 0) clipper.AddOpenSubject(sub_open);
if (clp.size() > 0) clipper.AddClip(clp);
if (!clipper.Execute(ClipType(cliptype), FillRule(fillrule), tree, sol_open))
return -1; // clipping bug - should never happen :)
solution = CreateCPolyTree(tree, 1/scale);
solution_open = CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(sol_open, 1 / scale);
return 0; //success !!
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 InflatePaths64(const CPaths64 paths,
double delta, uint8_t jointype, uint8_t endtype, double miter_limit,
double arc_tolerance, bool reverse_solution)
Paths64 pp;
pp = ConvertCPaths(paths);
ClipperOffset clip_offset( miter_limit,
arc_tolerance, reverse_solution);
clip_offset.AddPaths(pp, JoinType(jointype), EndType(endtype));
Paths64 result;
clip_offset.Execute(delta, result);
return CreateCPaths(result);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD InflatePathsD(const CPathsD paths,
double delta, uint8_t jointype, uint8_t endtype,
int precision, double miter_limit,
double arc_tolerance, bool reverse_solution)
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8 || !paths) return nullptr;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
ClipperOffset clip_offset(miter_limit, arc_tolerance, reverse_solution);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(paths, scale);
clip_offset.AddPaths(pp, JoinType(jointype), EndType(endtype));
Paths64 result;
clip_offset.Execute(delta * scale, result);
return CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(result, 1 / scale);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 RectClip64(const CRect64& rect, const CPaths64 paths)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
Rect64 r64 = CRectToRect(rect);
class RectClip64 rc(r64);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPaths(paths);
Paths64 result = rc.Execute(pp);
return CreateCPaths(result);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD RectClipD(const CRectD& rect, const CPathsD paths, int precision)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return nullptr;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
RectD r = CRectToRect(rect);
Rect64 rec = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(r, scale);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(paths, scale);
class RectClip64 rc(rec);
Paths64 result = rc.Execute(pp);
return CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(result, 1 / scale);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 RectClipLines64(const CRect64& rect,
const CPaths64 paths)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
Rect64 r = CRectToRect(rect);
class RectClipLines64 rcl (r);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPaths(paths);
Paths64 result = rcl.Execute(pp);
return CreateCPaths(result);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPathsD RectClipLinesD(const CRectD& rect,
const CPathsD paths, int precision)
if (CRectIsEmpty(rect) || !paths) return nullptr;
if (precision < -8 || precision > 8) return nullptr;
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(CRectToRect(rect), scale);
class RectClipLines64 rcl(r);
Paths64 pp = ConvertCPathsDToPaths64(paths, scale);
Paths64 result = rcl.Execute(pp);
return CreateCPathsDFromPaths64(result, 1 / scale);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 MinkowskiSum64(const CPath64& cpattern, const CPath64& cpath, bool is_closed)
Path64 path = ConvertCPath(cpath);
Path64 pattern = ConvertCPath(cpattern);
Paths64 solution = MinkowskiSum(pattern, path, is_closed);
return CreateCPaths(solution);
EXTERN_DLL_EXPORT CPaths64 MinkowskiDiff64(const CPath64& cpattern, const CPath64& cpath, bool is_closed)
Path64 path = ConvertCPath(cpath);
Path64 pattern = ConvertCPath(cpattern);
Paths64 solution = MinkowskiDiff(pattern, path, is_closed);
return CreateCPaths(solution);
} // end Clipper2Lib namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 27 April 2024 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2024 *
* Purpose : This module provides a simple interface to the Clipper Library *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#ifndef CLIPPER_H
#define CLIPPER_H
#include <cstdlib>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.engine.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.offset.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.minkowski.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.rectclip.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
inline Paths64 BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips)
Paths64 result;
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.Execute(cliptype, fillrule, result);
return result;
inline void BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, PolyTree64& solution)
Paths64 sol_open;
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.Execute(cliptype, fillrule, solution, sol_open);
inline PathsD BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, int precision = 2)
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
PathsD result;
if (error_code) return result;
ClipperD clipper(precision);
clipper.Execute(cliptype, fillrule, result);
return result;
inline void BooleanOp(ClipType cliptype, FillRule fillrule,
const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips,
PolyTreeD& polytree, int precision = 2)
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
if (error_code) return;
ClipperD clipper(precision);
clipper.Execute(cliptype, fillrule, polytree);
inline Paths64 Intersect(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Intersection, fillrule, subjects, clips);
inline PathsD Intersect(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Intersection, fillrule, subjects, clips, decimal_prec);
inline Paths64 Union(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Union, fillrule, subjects, clips);
inline PathsD Union(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Union, fillrule, subjects, clips, decimal_prec);
inline Paths64 Union(const Paths64& subjects, FillRule fillrule)
Paths64 result;
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.Execute(ClipType::Union, fillrule, result);
return result;
inline PathsD Union(const PathsD& subjects, FillRule fillrule, int precision = 2)
PathsD result;
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
if (error_code) return result;
ClipperD clipper(precision);
clipper.Execute(ClipType::Union, fillrule, result);
return result;
inline Paths64 Difference(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Difference, fillrule, subjects, clips);
inline PathsD Difference(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Difference, fillrule, subjects, clips, decimal_prec);
inline Paths64 Xor(const Paths64& subjects, const Paths64& clips, FillRule fillrule)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Xor, fillrule, subjects, clips);
inline PathsD Xor(const PathsD& subjects, const PathsD& clips, FillRule fillrule, int decimal_prec = 2)
return BooleanOp(ClipType::Xor, fillrule, subjects, clips, decimal_prec);
inline Paths64 InflatePaths(const Paths64& paths, double delta,
JoinType jt, EndType et, double miter_limit = 2.0,
double arc_tolerance = 0.0)
if (!delta) return paths;
ClipperOffset clip_offset(miter_limit, arc_tolerance);
clip_offset.AddPaths(paths, jt, et);
Paths64 solution;
clip_offset.Execute(delta, solution);
return solution;
inline PathsD InflatePaths(const PathsD& paths, double delta,
JoinType jt, EndType et, double miter_limit = 2.0,
int precision = 2, double arc_tolerance = 0.0)
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
if (!delta) return paths;
if (error_code) return PathsD();
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
ClipperOffset clip_offset(miter_limit, arc_tolerance);
clip_offset.AddPaths(ScalePaths<int64_t,double>(paths, scale, error_code), jt, et);
if (error_code) return PathsD();
Paths64 solution;
clip_offset.Execute(delta * scale, solution);
return ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(solution, 1 / scale, error_code);
template <typename T>
inline Path<T> TranslatePath(const Path<T>& path, T dx, T dy)
Path<T> result;
std::transform(path.begin(), path.end(), back_inserter(result),
[dx, dy](const auto& pt) { return Point<T>(pt.x + dx, pt.y +dy); });
return result;
inline Path64 TranslatePath(const Path64& path, int64_t dx, int64_t dy)
return TranslatePath<int64_t>(path, dx, dy);
inline PathD TranslatePath(const PathD& path, double dx, double dy)
return TranslatePath<double>(path, dx, dy);
template <typename T>
inline Paths<T> TranslatePaths(const Paths<T>& paths, T dx, T dy)
Paths<T> result;
std::transform(paths.begin(), paths.end(), back_inserter(result),
[dx, dy](const auto& path) { return TranslatePath(path, dx, dy); });
return result;
inline Paths64 TranslatePaths(const Paths64& paths, int64_t dx, int64_t dy)
return TranslatePaths<int64_t>(paths, dx, dy);
inline PathsD TranslatePaths(const PathsD& paths, double dx, double dy)
return TranslatePaths<double>(paths, dx, dy);
inline Paths64 RectClip(const Rect64& rect, const Paths64& paths)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || paths.empty()) return Paths64();
RectClip64 rc(rect);
return rc.Execute(paths);
inline Paths64 RectClip(const Rect64& rect, const Path64& path)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || path.empty()) return Paths64();
RectClip64 rc(rect);
return rc.Execute(Paths64{ path });
inline PathsD RectClip(const RectD& rect, const PathsD& paths, int precision = 2)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || paths.empty()) return PathsD();
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
if (error_code) return PathsD();
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(rect, scale);
RectClip64 rc(r);
Paths64 pp = ScalePaths<int64_t, double>(paths, scale, error_code);
if (error_code) return PathsD(); // ie: error_code result is lost
return ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(
rc.Execute(pp), 1 / scale, error_code);
inline PathsD RectClip(const RectD& rect, const PathD& path, int precision = 2)
return RectClip(rect, PathsD{ path }, precision);
inline Paths64 RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect, const Paths64& lines)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || lines.empty()) return Paths64();
RectClipLines64 rcl(rect);
return rcl.Execute(lines);
inline Paths64 RectClipLines(const Rect64& rect, const Path64& line)
return RectClipLines(rect, Paths64{ line });
inline PathsD RectClipLines(const RectD& rect, const PathsD& lines, int precision = 2)
if (rect.IsEmpty() || lines.empty()) return PathsD();
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
if (error_code) return PathsD();
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Rect64 r = ScaleRect<int64_t, double>(rect, scale);
RectClipLines64 rcl(r);
Paths64 p = ScalePaths<int64_t, double>(lines, scale, error_code);
if (error_code) return PathsD();
p = rcl.Execute(p);
return ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(p, 1 / scale, error_code);
inline PathsD RectClipLines(const RectD& rect, const PathD& line, int precision = 2)
return RectClipLines(rect, PathsD{ line }, precision);
namespace details
inline void PolyPathToPaths64(const PolyPath64& polypath, Paths64& paths)
for (const auto& child : polypath)
PolyPathToPaths64(*child, paths);
inline void PolyPathToPathsD(const PolyPathD& polypath, PathsD& paths)
for (const auto& child : polypath)
PolyPathToPathsD(*child, paths);
inline bool PolyPath64ContainsChildren(const PolyPath64& pp)
for (const auto& child : pp)
// return false if this child isn't fully contained by its parent
// checking for a single vertex outside is a bit too crude since
// it doesn't account for rounding errors. It's better to check
// for consecutive vertices found outside the parent's polygon.
int outsideCnt = 0;
for (const Point64& pt : child->Polygon())
PointInPolygonResult result = PointInPolygon(pt, pp.Polygon());
if (result == PointInPolygonResult::IsInside) --outsideCnt;
else if (result == PointInPolygonResult::IsOutside) ++outsideCnt;
if (outsideCnt > 1) return false;
else if (outsideCnt < -1) break;
// now check any nested children too
if (child->Count() > 0 && !PolyPath64ContainsChildren(*child))
return false;
return true;
static void OutlinePolyPath(std::ostream& os,
size_t idx, bool isHole, size_t count, const std::string& preamble)
std::string plural = (count == 1) ? "." : "s.";
if (isHole)
os << preamble << "+- Hole (" << idx << ") contains " << count <<
" nested polygon" << plural << std::endl;
os << preamble << "+- Polygon (" << idx << ") contains " << count <<
" hole" << plural << std::endl;
static void OutlinePolyPath64(std::ostream& os, const PolyPath64& pp,
size_t idx, std::string preamble)
OutlinePolyPath(os, idx, pp.IsHole(), pp.Count(), preamble);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pp.Count(); ++i)
if (pp.Child(i)->Count())
details::OutlinePolyPath64(os, *pp.Child(i), i, preamble + " ");
static void OutlinePolyPathD(std::ostream& os, const PolyPathD& pp,
size_t idx, std::string preamble)
OutlinePolyPath(os, idx, pp.IsHole(), pp.Count(), preamble);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pp.Count(); ++i)
if (pp.Child(i)->Count())
details::OutlinePolyPathD(os, *pp.Child(i), i, preamble + " ");
template<typename T, typename U>
inline constexpr void MakePathGeneric(const T an_array,
size_t array_size, std::vector<U>& result)
result.reserve(array_size / 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size; i +=2)
#ifdef USINGZ
result.push_back( U{ an_array[i], an_array[i + 1], 0} );
result.push_back( U{ an_array[i], an_array[i + 1]} );
} // end details namespace
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const PolyTree64& pp)
std::string plural = (pp.Count() == 1) ? " polygon." : " polygons.";
os << std::endl << "Polytree with " << pp.Count() << plural << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pp.Count(); ++i)
if (pp.Child(i)->Count())
details::OutlinePolyPath64(os, *pp.Child(i), i, " ");
os << std::endl << std::endl;
return os;
inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const PolyTreeD& pp)
std::string plural = (pp.Count() == 1) ? " polygon." : " polygons.";
os << std::endl << "Polytree with " << pp.Count() << plural << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pp.Count(); ++i)
if (pp.Child(i)->Count())
details::OutlinePolyPathD(os, *pp.Child(i), i, " ");
os << std::endl << std::endl;
if (!pp.Level()) os << std::endl;
return os;
inline Paths64 PolyTreeToPaths64(const PolyTree64& polytree)
Paths64 result;
for (const auto& child : polytree)
details::PolyPathToPaths64(*child, result);
return result;
inline PathsD PolyTreeToPathsD(const PolyTreeD& polytree)
PathsD result;
for (const auto& child : polytree)
details::PolyPathToPathsD(*child, result);
return result;
inline bool CheckPolytreeFullyContainsChildren(const PolyTree64& polytree)
for (const auto& child : polytree)
if (child->Count() > 0 &&
return false;
return true;
template<typename T,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
>::type = true>
inline Path64 MakePath(const std::vector<T>& list)
const auto size = list.size() - list.size() % 2;
if (list.size() != size)
DoError(non_pair_error_i); // non-fatal without exception handling
Path64 result;
details::MakePathGeneric(list, size, result);
return result;
template<typename T, std::size_t N,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_integral<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
>::type = true>
inline Path64 MakePath(const T(&list)[N])
// Make the compiler error on unpaired value (i.e. no runtime effects).
static_assert(N % 2 == 0, "MakePath requires an even number of arguments");
Path64 result;
details::MakePathGeneric(list, N, result);
return result;
template<typename T,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
>::type = true>
inline PathD MakePathD(const std::vector<T>& list)
const auto size = list.size() - list.size() % 2;
if (list.size() != size)
DoError(non_pair_error_i); // non-fatal without exception handling
PathD result;
details::MakePathGeneric(list, size, result);
return result;
template<typename T, std::size_t N,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_arithmetic<T>::value &&
!std::is_same<char, T>::value, bool
>::type = true>
inline PathD MakePathD(const T(&list)[N])
// Make the compiler error on unpaired value (i.e. no runtime effects).
static_assert(N % 2 == 0, "MakePath requires an even number of arguments");
PathD result;
details::MakePathGeneric(list, N, result);
return result;
#ifdef USINGZ
template<typename T2, std::size_t N>
inline Path64 MakePathZ(const T2(&list)[N])
static_assert(N % 3 == 0 && std::numeric_limits<T2>::is_integer,
"MakePathZ requires integer values in multiples of 3");
std::size_t size = N / 3;
Path64 result(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
result[i] = Point64(list[i * 3],
list[i * 3 + 1], list[i * 3 + 2]);
return result;
template<typename T2, std::size_t N>
inline PathD MakePathZD(const T2(&list)[N])
static_assert(N % 3 == 0,
"MakePathZD requires values in multiples of 3");
std::size_t size = N / 3;
PathD result(size);
if constexpr (std::numeric_limits<T2>::is_integer)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
result[i] = PointD(list[i * 3],
list[i * 3 + 1], list[i * 3 + 2]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
result[i] = PointD(list[i * 3], list[i * 3 + 1],
static_cast<int64_t>(list[i * 3 + 2]));
return result;
inline Path64 TrimCollinear(const Path64& p, bool is_open_path = false)
size_t len = p.size();
if (len < 3)
if (!is_open_path || len < 2 || p[0] == p[1]) return Path64();
else return p;
Path64 dst;
Path64::const_iterator srcIt = p.cbegin(), prevIt, stop = p.cend() - 1;
if (!is_open_path)
while (srcIt != stop && IsCollinear(*stop, *srcIt, *(srcIt + 1)))
while (srcIt != stop && IsCollinear(*(stop - 1), *stop, *srcIt))
if (srcIt == stop) return Path64();
prevIt = srcIt++;
for (; srcIt != stop; ++srcIt)
if (!IsCollinear(*prevIt, *srcIt, *(srcIt + 1)))
prevIt = srcIt;
if (is_open_path)
else if (!IsCollinear(*prevIt, *stop, dst[0]))
while (dst.size() > 2 &&
IsCollinear(dst[dst.size() - 1], dst[dst.size() - 2], dst[0]))
if (dst.size() < 3) return Path64();
return dst;
inline PathD TrimCollinear(const PathD& path, int precision, bool is_open_path = false)
int error_code = 0;
CheckPrecisionRange(precision, error_code);
if (error_code) return PathD();
const double scale = std::pow(10, precision);
Path64 p = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale, error_code);
if (error_code) return PathD();
p = TrimCollinear(p, is_open_path);
return ScalePath<double, int64_t>(p, 1/scale, error_code);
template <typename T>
inline double Distance(const Point<T> pt1, const Point<T> pt2)
return std::sqrt(DistanceSqr(pt1, pt2));
template <typename T>
inline double Length(const Path<T>& path, bool is_closed_path = false)
double result = 0.0;
if (path.size() < 2) return result;
auto it = path.cbegin(), stop = path.end() - 1;
for (; it != stop; ++it)
result += Distance(*it, *(it + 1));
if (is_closed_path)
result += Distance(*stop, *path.cbegin());
return result;
template <typename T>
inline bool NearCollinear(const Point<T>& pt1, const Point<T>& pt2, const Point<T>& pt3, double sin_sqrd_min_angle_rads)
double cp = std::abs(CrossProduct(pt1, pt2, pt3));
return (cp * cp) / (DistanceSqr(pt1, pt2) * DistanceSqr(pt2, pt3)) < sin_sqrd_min_angle_rads;
template <typename T>
inline Path<T> Ellipse(const Rect<T>& rect, size_t steps = 0)
return Ellipse(rect.MidPoint(),
static_cast<double>(rect.Width()) *0.5,
static_cast<double>(rect.Height()) * 0.5, steps);
template <typename T>
inline Path<T> Ellipse(const Point<T>& center,
double radiusX, double radiusY = 0, size_t steps = 0)
if (radiusX <= 0) return Path<T>();
if (radiusY <= 0) radiusY = radiusX;
if (steps <= 2)
steps = static_cast<size_t>(PI * sqrt((radiusX + radiusY) / 2));
double si = std::sin(2 * PI / steps);
double co = std::cos(2 * PI / steps);
double dx = co, dy = si;
Path<T> result;
result.push_back(Point<T>(center.x + radiusX, static_cast<double>(center.y)));
for (size_t i = 1; i < steps; ++i)
result.push_back(Point<T>(center.x + radiusX * dx, center.y + radiusY * dy));
double x = dx * co - dy * si;
dy = dy * co + dx * si;
dx = x;
return result;
inline size_t GetNext(size_t current, size_t high,
const std::vector<bool>& flags)
while (current <= high && flags[current]) ++current;
if (current <= high) return current;
current = 0;
while (flags[current]) ++current;
return current;
inline size_t GetPrior(size_t current, size_t high,
const std::vector<bool>& flags)
if (current == 0) current = high;
else --current;
while (current > 0 && flags[current]) --current;
if (!flags[current]) return current;
current = high;
while (flags[current]) --current;
return current;
template <typename T>
inline Path<T> SimplifyPath(const Path<T> &path,
double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true)
const size_t len = path.size(), high = len -1;
const double epsSqr = Sqr(epsilon);
if (len < 4) return Path<T>(path);
std::vector<bool> flags(len);
std::vector<double> distSqr(len);
size_t prior = high, curr = 0, start, next, prior2;
if (isClosedPath)
distSqr[0] = PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd(path[0], path[high], path[1]);
distSqr[high] = PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd(path[high], path[0], path[high - 1]);
distSqr[0] = MAX_DBL;
distSqr[high] = MAX_DBL;
for (size_t i = 1; i < high; ++i)
distSqr[i] = PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd(path[i], path[i - 1], path[i + 1]);
for (;;)
if (distSqr[curr] > epsSqr)
start = curr;
curr = GetNext(curr, high, flags);
} while (curr != start && distSqr[curr] > epsSqr);
if (curr == start) break;
prior = GetPrior(curr, high, flags);
next = GetNext(curr, high, flags);
if (next == prior) break;
// flag for removal the smaller of adjacent 'distances'
if (distSqr[next] < distSqr[curr])
prior2 = prior;
prior = curr;
curr = next;
next = GetNext(next, high, flags);
prior2 = GetPrior(prior, high, flags);
flags[curr] = true;
curr = next;
next = GetNext(next, high, flags);
if (isClosedPath || ((curr != high) && (curr != 0)))
distSqr[curr] = PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd(path[curr], path[prior], path[next]);
if (isClosedPath || ((prior != 0) && (prior != high)))
distSqr[prior] = PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd(path[prior], path[prior2], path[curr]);
Path<T> result;
for (typename Path<T>::size_type i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (!flags[i]) result.push_back(path[i]);
return result;
template <typename T>
inline Paths<T> SimplifyPaths(const Paths<T> &paths,
double epsilon, bool isClosedPath = true)
Paths<T> result;
for (const auto& path : paths)
result.push_back(SimplifyPath(path, epsilon, isClosedPath));
return result;
template <typename T>
inline void RDP(const Path<T> path, std::size_t begin,
std::size_t end, double epsSqrd, std::vector<bool>& flags)
typename Path<T>::size_type idx = 0;
double max_d = 0;
while (end > begin && path[begin] == path[end]) flags[end--] = false;
for (typename Path<T>::size_type i = begin + 1; i < end; ++i)
// PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd - avoids expensive Sqrt()
double d = PerpendicDistFromLineSqrd(path[i], path[begin], path[end]);
if (d <= max_d) continue;
max_d = d;
idx = i;
if (max_d <= epsSqrd) return;
flags[idx] = true;
if (idx > begin + 1) RDP(path, begin, idx, epsSqrd, flags);
if (idx < end - 1) RDP(path, idx, end, epsSqrd, flags);
template <typename T>
inline Path<T> RamerDouglasPeucker(const Path<T>& path, double epsilon)
const typename Path<T>::size_type len = path.size();
if (len < 5) return Path<T>(path);
std::vector<bool> flags(len);
flags[0] = true;
flags[len - 1] = true;
RDP(path, 0, len - 1, Sqr(epsilon), flags);
Path<T> result;
for (typename Path<T>::size_type i = 0; i < len; ++i)
if (flags[i])
return result;
template <typename T>
inline Paths<T> RamerDouglasPeucker(const Paths<T>& paths, double epsilon)
Paths<T> result;
std::transform(paths.begin(), paths.end(), back_inserter(result),
[epsilon](const auto& path)
{ return RamerDouglasPeucker<T>(path, epsilon); });
return result;
} // end Clipper2Lib namespace
#endif // CLIPPER_H
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 1 November 2023 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2023 *
* Purpose : Minkowski Sum and Difference *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib
namespace detail
inline Paths64 Minkowski(const Path64& pattern, const Path64& path, bool isSum, bool isClosed)
size_t delta = isClosed ? 0 : 1;
size_t patLen = pattern.size(), pathLen = path.size();
if (patLen == 0 || pathLen == 0) return Paths64();
Paths64 tmp;
if (isSum)
for (const Point64& p : path)
Path64 path2(pattern.size());
std::transform(pattern.cbegin(), pattern.cend(),
path2.begin(), [p](const Point64& pt2) {return p + pt2; });
for (const Point64& p : path)
Path64 path2(pattern.size());
std::transform(pattern.cbegin(), pattern.cend(),
path2.begin(), [p](const Point64& pt2) {return p - pt2; });
Paths64 result;
result.reserve((pathLen - delta) * patLen);
size_t g = isClosed ? pathLen - 1 : 0;
for (size_t h = patLen - 1, i = delta; i < pathLen; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < patLen; j++)
Path64 quad;
if (!IsPositive(quad))
std::reverse(quad.begin(), quad.end());
h = j;
g = i;
return result;
inline Paths64 Union(const Paths64& subjects, FillRule fillrule)
Paths64 result;
Clipper64 clipper;
clipper.Execute(ClipType::Union, fillrule, result);
return result;
} // namespace internal
inline Paths64 MinkowskiSum(const Path64& pattern, const Path64& path, bool isClosed)
return detail::Union(detail::Minkowski(pattern, path, true, isClosed), FillRule::NonZero);
inline PathsD MinkowskiSum(const PathD& pattern, const PathD& path, bool isClosed, int decimalPlaces = 2)
int error_code = 0;
double scale = pow(10, decimalPlaces);
Path64 pat64 = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(pattern, scale, error_code);
Path64 path64 = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale, error_code);
Paths64 tmp = detail::Union(detail::Minkowski(pat64, path64, true, isClosed), FillRule::NonZero);
return ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(tmp, 1 / scale, error_code);
inline Paths64 MinkowskiDiff(const Path64& pattern, const Path64& path, bool isClosed)
return detail::Union(detail::Minkowski(pattern, path, false, isClosed), FillRule::NonZero);
inline PathsD MinkowskiDiff(const PathD& pattern, const PathD& path, bool isClosed, int decimalPlaces = 2)
int error_code = 0;
double scale = pow(10, decimalPlaces);
Path64 pat64 = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(pattern, scale, error_code);
Path64 path64 = ScalePath<int64_t, double>(path, scale, error_code);
Paths64 tmp = detail::Union(detail::Minkowski(pat64, path64, false, isClosed), FillRule::NonZero);
return ScalePaths<double, int64_t>(tmp, 1 / scale, error_code);
} // Clipper2Lib namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 24 March 2024 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2024 *
* Purpose : Path Offset (Inflate/Shrink) *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#include "clipper.core.h"
#include "clipper.engine.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
enum class JoinType { Square, Bevel, Round, Miter };
//Square : Joins are 'squared' at exactly the offset distance (more complex code)
//Bevel : Similar to Square, but the offset distance varies with angle (simple code & faster)
enum class EndType {Polygon, Joined, Butt, Square, Round};
//Butt : offsets both sides of a path, with square blunt ends
//Square : offsets both sides of a path, with square extended ends
//Round : offsets both sides of a path, with round extended ends
//Joined : offsets both sides of a path, with joined ends
//Polygon: offsets only one side of a closed path
typedef std::function<double(const Path64& path, const PathD& path_normals, size_t curr_idx, size_t prev_idx)> DeltaCallback64;
class ClipperOffset {
class Group {
Paths64 paths_in;
std::optional<size_t> lowest_path_idx{};
bool is_reversed = false;
JoinType join_type;
EndType end_type;
Group(const Paths64& _paths, JoinType _join_type, EndType _end_type);
int error_code_ = 0;
double delta_ = 0.0;
double group_delta_ = 0.0;
double temp_lim_ = 0.0;
double steps_per_rad_ = 0.0;
double step_sin_ = 0.0;
double step_cos_ = 0.0;
PathD norms;
Path64 path_out;
Paths64* solution = nullptr;
PolyTree64* solution_tree = nullptr;
std::vector<Group> groups_;
JoinType join_type_ = JoinType::Bevel;
EndType end_type_ = EndType::Polygon;
double miter_limit_ = 0.0;
double arc_tolerance_ = 0.0;
bool preserve_collinear_ = false;
bool reverse_solution_ = false;
#ifdef USINGZ
ZCallback64 zCallback64_ = nullptr;
void ZCB(const Point64& bot1, const Point64& top1,
const Point64& bot2, const Point64& top2, Point64& ip);
DeltaCallback64 deltaCallback64_ = nullptr;
size_t CalcSolutionCapacity();
bool CheckReverseOrientation();
void DoBevel(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k);
void DoSquare(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k);
void DoMiter(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k, double cos_a);
void DoRound(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k, double angle);
void BuildNormals(const Path64& path);
void OffsetPolygon(Group& group, const Path64& path);
void OffsetOpenJoined(Group& group, const Path64& path);
void OffsetOpenPath(Group& group, const Path64& path);
void OffsetPoint(Group& group, const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k);
void DoGroupOffset(Group &group);
void ExecuteInternal(double delta);
explicit ClipperOffset(double miter_limit = 2.0,
double arc_tolerance = 0.0,
bool preserve_collinear = false,
bool reverse_solution = false) :
miter_limit_(miter_limit), arc_tolerance_(arc_tolerance),
reverse_solution_(reverse_solution) { };
~ClipperOffset() { Clear(); };
int ErrorCode() const { return error_code_; };
void AddPath(const Path64& path, JoinType jt_, EndType et_);
void AddPaths(const Paths64& paths, JoinType jt_, EndType et_);
void Clear() { groups_.clear(); norms.clear(); };
void Execute(double delta, Paths64& paths);
void Execute(double delta, PolyTree64& polytree);
void Execute(DeltaCallback64 delta_cb, Paths64& paths);
double MiterLimit() const { return miter_limit_; }
void MiterLimit(double miter_limit) { miter_limit_ = miter_limit; }
//ArcTolerance: needed for rounded offsets (See offset_triginometry2.svg)
double ArcTolerance() const { return arc_tolerance_; }
void ArcTolerance(double arc_tolerance) { arc_tolerance_ = arc_tolerance; }
bool PreserveCollinear() const { return preserve_collinear_; }
void PreserveCollinear(bool preserve_collinear){preserve_collinear_ = preserve_collinear;}
bool ReverseSolution() const { return reverse_solution_; }
void ReverseSolution(bool reverse_solution) {reverse_solution_ = reverse_solution;}
#ifdef USINGZ
void SetZCallback(ZCallback64 cb) { zCallback64_ = cb; }
void SetDeltaCallback(DeltaCallback64 cb) { deltaCallback64_ = cb; }
#endif /* CLIPPER_OFFSET_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 5 July 2024 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2024 *
* Purpose : FAST rectangular clipping *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include "clipper2/clipper.core.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib
// Location: the order is important here, see StartLocsIsClockwise()
enum class Location { Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Inside };
class OutPt2;
typedef std::vector<OutPt2*> OutPt2List;
class OutPt2 {
Point64 pt;
size_t owner_idx = 0;
OutPt2List* edge = nullptr;
OutPt2* next = nullptr;
OutPt2* prev = nullptr;
// RectClip64
class RectClip64 {
void ExecuteInternal(const Path64& path);
Path64 GetPath(OutPt2*& op);
const Rect64 rect_;
const Path64 rect_as_path_;
const Point64 rect_mp_;
Rect64 path_bounds_;
std::deque<OutPt2> op_container_;
OutPt2List results_; // each path can be broken into multiples
OutPt2List edges_[8]; // clockwise and counter-clockwise
std::vector<Location> start_locs_;
void CheckEdges();
void TidyEdges(size_t idx, OutPt2List& cw, OutPt2List& ccw);
void GetNextLocation(const Path64& path,
Location& loc, size_t& i, size_t highI);
OutPt2* Add(Point64 pt, bool start_new = false);
void AddCorner(Location prev, Location curr);
void AddCorner(Location& loc, bool isClockwise);
explicit RectClip64(const Rect64& rect) :
rect_mp_(rect.MidPoint()) {}
Paths64 Execute(const Paths64& paths);
// RectClipLines64
class RectClipLines64 : public RectClip64 {
void ExecuteInternal(const Path64& path);
Path64 GetPath(OutPt2*& op);
explicit RectClipLines64(const Rect64& rect) : RectClip64(rect) {};
Paths64 Execute(const Paths64& paths);
} // Clipper2Lib namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
constexpr auto CLIPPER2_VERSION = "1.4.0";
@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ bool clip2tri::triangulateComplex(vector<Point> &outputTriangles, const Path &ou
// KP3D modification: steiner points
vector<p2t::Point*> steiners;
// steiners.reserve(10000);
if (steiner_points)
for (U32 j = 0; j < steiner_points->size(); j++)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
* Author : Angus Johnson *
* Date : 17 April 2024 *
* Website : http://www.angusj.com *
* Copyright : Angus Johnson 2010-2024 *
* Purpose : Path Offset (Inflate/Shrink) *
* License : http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt *
#include <cmath>
#include "clipper2/clipper.h"
#include "clipper2/clipper.offset.h"
namespace Clipper2Lib {
const double default_arc_tolerance = 0.25;
const double floating_point_tolerance = 1e-12;
// Miscellaneous methods
std::optional<size_t> GetLowestClosedPathIdx(const Paths64& paths)
std::optional<size_t> result;
Point64 botPt = Point64(INT64_MAX, INT64_MIN);
for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i)
for (const Point64& pt : paths[i])
if ((pt.y < botPt.y) ||
((pt.y == botPt.y) && (pt.x >= botPt.x))) continue;
result = i;
botPt.x = pt.x;
botPt.y = pt.y;
return result;
PointD GetUnitNormal(const Point64& pt1, const Point64& pt2)
double dx, dy, inverse_hypot;
if (pt1 == pt2) return PointD(0.0, 0.0);
dx = static_cast<double>(pt2.x - pt1.x);
dy = static_cast<double>(pt2.y - pt1.y);
inverse_hypot = 1.0 / hypot(dx, dy);
dx *= inverse_hypot;
dy *= inverse_hypot;
return PointD(dy, -dx);
inline bool AlmostZero(double value, double epsilon = 0.001)
return std::fabs(value) < epsilon;
inline double Hypot(double x, double y)
//see https://stackoverflow.com/a/32436148/359538
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
inline PointD NormalizeVector(const PointD& vec)
double h = Hypot(vec.x, vec.y);
if (AlmostZero(h)) return PointD(0,0);
double inverseHypot = 1 / h;
return PointD(vec.x * inverseHypot, vec.y * inverseHypot);
inline PointD GetAvgUnitVector(const PointD& vec1, const PointD& vec2)
return NormalizeVector(PointD(vec1.x + vec2.x, vec1.y + vec2.y));
inline bool IsClosedPath(EndType et)
return et == EndType::Polygon || et == EndType::Joined;
inline Point64 GetPerpendic(const Point64& pt, const PointD& norm, double delta)
#ifdef USINGZ
return Point64(pt.x + norm.x * delta, pt.y + norm.y * delta, pt.z);
return Point64(pt.x + norm.x * delta, pt.y + norm.y * delta);
inline PointD GetPerpendicD(const Point64& pt, const PointD& norm, double delta)
#ifdef USINGZ
return PointD(pt.x + norm.x * delta, pt.y + norm.y * delta, pt.z);
return PointD(pt.x + norm.x * delta, pt.y + norm.y * delta);
inline void NegatePath(PathD& path)
for (PointD& pt : path)
pt.x = -pt.x;
pt.y = -pt.y;
#ifdef USINGZ
pt.z = pt.z;
// ClipperOffset::Group methods
ClipperOffset::Group::Group(const Paths64& _paths, JoinType _join_type, EndType _end_type):
paths_in(_paths), join_type(_join_type), end_type(_end_type)
bool is_joined =
(end_type == EndType::Polygon) ||
(end_type == EndType::Joined);
for (Path64& p: paths_in)
StripDuplicates(p, is_joined);
if (end_type == EndType::Polygon)
lowest_path_idx = GetLowestClosedPathIdx(paths_in);
// the lowermost path must be an outer path, so if its orientation is negative,
// then flag the whole group is 'reversed' (will negate delta etc.)
// as this is much more efficient than reversing every path.
is_reversed = (lowest_path_idx.has_value()) && Area(paths_in[lowest_path_idx.value()]) < 0;
lowest_path_idx = std::nullopt;
is_reversed = false;
// ClipperOffset methods
void ClipperOffset::AddPath(const Path64& path, JoinType jt_, EndType et_)
Paths64 paths;
AddPaths(paths, jt_, et_);
void ClipperOffset::AddPaths(const Paths64 &paths, JoinType jt_, EndType et_)
if (paths.size() == 0) return;
groups_.push_back(Group(paths, jt_, et_));
void ClipperOffset::BuildNormals(const Path64& path)
if (path.size() == 0) return;
Path64::const_iterator path_iter, path_stop_iter = --path.cend();
for (path_iter = path.cbegin(); path_iter != path_stop_iter; ++path_iter)
norms.push_back(GetUnitNormal(*path_iter,*(path_iter +1)));
norms.push_back(GetUnitNormal(*path_stop_iter, *(path.cbegin())));
void ClipperOffset::DoBevel(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k)
PointD pt1, pt2;
if (j == k)
double abs_delta = std::abs(group_delta_);
#ifdef USINGZ
pt1 = PointD(path[j].x - abs_delta * norms[j].x, path[j].y - abs_delta * norms[j].y, path[j].z);
pt2 = PointD(path[j].x + abs_delta * norms[j].x, path[j].y + abs_delta * norms[j].y, path[j].z);
pt1 = PointD(path[j].x - abs_delta * norms[j].x, path[j].y - abs_delta * norms[j].y);
pt2 = PointD(path[j].x + abs_delta * norms[j].x, path[j].y + abs_delta * norms[j].y);
#ifdef USINGZ
pt1 = PointD(path[j].x + group_delta_ * norms[k].x, path[j].y + group_delta_ * norms[k].y, path[j].z);
pt2 = PointD(path[j].x + group_delta_ * norms[j].x, path[j].y + group_delta_ * norms[j].y, path[j].z);
pt1 = PointD(path[j].x + group_delta_ * norms[k].x, path[j].y + group_delta_ * norms[k].y);
pt2 = PointD(path[j].x + group_delta_ * norms[j].x, path[j].y + group_delta_ * norms[j].y);
void ClipperOffset::DoSquare(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k)
PointD vec;
if (j == k)
vec = PointD(norms[j].y, -norms[j].x);
vec = GetAvgUnitVector(
PointD(-norms[k].y, norms[k].x),
PointD(norms[j].y, -norms[j].x));
double abs_delta = std::abs(group_delta_);
// now offset the original vertex delta units along unit vector
PointD ptQ = PointD(path[j]);
ptQ = TranslatePoint(ptQ, abs_delta * vec.x, abs_delta * vec.y);
// get perpendicular vertices
PointD pt1 = TranslatePoint(ptQ, group_delta_ * vec.y, group_delta_ * -vec.x);
PointD pt2 = TranslatePoint(ptQ, group_delta_ * -vec.y, group_delta_ * vec.x);
// get 2 vertices along one edge offset
PointD pt3 = GetPerpendicD(path[k], norms[k], group_delta_);
if (j == k)
PointD pt4 = PointD(pt3.x + vec.x * group_delta_, pt3.y + vec.y * group_delta_);
PointD pt = ptQ;
GetSegmentIntersectPt(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt);
//get the second intersect point through reflecion
path_out.push_back(Point64(ReflectPoint(pt, ptQ)));
PointD pt4 = GetPerpendicD(path[j], norms[k], group_delta_);
PointD pt = ptQ;
GetSegmentIntersectPt(pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt);
//get the second intersect point through reflecion
path_out.push_back(Point64(ReflectPoint(pt, ptQ)));
void ClipperOffset::DoMiter(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k, double cos_a)
double q = group_delta_ / (cos_a + 1);
#ifdef USINGZ
path[j].x + (norms[k].x + norms[j].x) * q,
path[j].y + (norms[k].y + norms[j].y) * q,
path[j].x + (norms[k].x + norms[j].x) * q,
path[j].y + (norms[k].y + norms[j].y) * q));
void ClipperOffset::DoRound(const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k, double angle)
if (deltaCallback64_) {
// when deltaCallback64_ is assigned, group_delta_ won't be constant,
// so we'll need to do the following calculations for *every* vertex.
double abs_delta = std::fabs(group_delta_);
double arcTol = (arc_tolerance_ > floating_point_tolerance ?
std::min(abs_delta, arc_tolerance_) :
std::log10(2 + abs_delta) * default_arc_tolerance);
double steps_per_360 = std::min(PI / std::acos(1 - arcTol / abs_delta), abs_delta * PI);
step_sin_ = std::sin(2 * PI / steps_per_360);
step_cos_ = std::cos(2 * PI / steps_per_360);
if (group_delta_ < 0.0) step_sin_ = -step_sin_;
steps_per_rad_ = steps_per_360 / (2 * PI);
Point64 pt = path[j];
PointD offsetVec = PointD(norms[k].x * group_delta_, norms[k].y * group_delta_);
if (j == k) offsetVec.Negate();
#ifdef USINGZ
path_out.push_back(Point64(pt.x + offsetVec.x, pt.y + offsetVec.y, pt.z));
path_out.push_back(Point64(pt.x + offsetVec.x, pt.y + offsetVec.y));
int steps = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(steps_per_rad_ * std::abs(angle))); // #448, #456
for (int i = 1; i < steps; ++i) // ie 1 less than steps
offsetVec = PointD(offsetVec.x * step_cos_ - step_sin_ * offsetVec.y,
offsetVec.x * step_sin_ + offsetVec.y * step_cos_);
#ifdef USINGZ
path_out.push_back(Point64(pt.x + offsetVec.x, pt.y + offsetVec.y, pt.z));
path_out.push_back(Point64(pt.x + offsetVec.x, pt.y + offsetVec.y));
path_out.push_back(GetPerpendic(path[j], norms[j], group_delta_));
void ClipperOffset::OffsetPoint(Group& group, const Path64& path, size_t j, size_t k)
// Let A = change in angle where edges join
// A == 0: ie no change in angle (flat join)
// A == PI: edges 'spike'
// sin(A) < 0: right turning
// cos(A) < 0: change in angle is more than 90 degree
if (path[j] == path[k]) return;
double sin_a = CrossProduct(norms[j], norms[k]);
double cos_a = DotProduct(norms[j], norms[k]);
if (sin_a > 1.0) sin_a = 1.0;
else if (sin_a < -1.0) sin_a = -1.0;
if (deltaCallback64_) {
group_delta_ = deltaCallback64_(path, norms, j, k);
if (group.is_reversed) group_delta_ = -group_delta_;
if (std::fabs(group_delta_) <= floating_point_tolerance)
if (cos_a > -0.999 && (sin_a * group_delta_ < 0)) // test for concavity first (#593)
// is concave (so insert 3 points that will create a negative region)
#ifdef USINGZ
path_out.push_back(Point64(GetPerpendic(path[j], norms[k], group_delta_), path[j].z));
path_out.push_back(GetPerpendic(path[j], norms[k], group_delta_));
// this extra point is the only simple way to ensure that path reversals
// (ie over-shrunk paths) are fully cleaned out with the trailing union op.
// However it's probably safe to skip this whenever an angle is almost flat.
if (cos_a < 0.99) path_out.push_back(path[j]); // (#405)
#ifdef USINGZ
path_out.push_back(Point64(GetPerpendic(path[j], norms[j], group_delta_), path[j].z));
path_out.push_back(GetPerpendic(path[j], norms[j], group_delta_));
else if (cos_a > 0.999 && join_type_ != JoinType::Round)
// almost straight - less than 2.5 degree (#424, #482, #526 & #724)
DoMiter(path, j, k, cos_a);
else if (join_type_ == JoinType::Miter)
// miter unless the angle is sufficiently acute to exceed ML
if (cos_a > temp_lim_ - 1) DoMiter(path, j, k, cos_a);
else DoSquare(path, j, k);
else if (join_type_ == JoinType::Round)
DoRound(path, j, k, std::atan2(sin_a, cos_a));
else if ( join_type_ == JoinType::Bevel)
DoBevel(path, j, k);
DoSquare(path, j, k);
void ClipperOffset::OffsetPolygon(Group& group, const Path64& path)
for (Path64::size_type j = 0, k = path.size() - 1; j < path.size(); k = j, ++j)
OffsetPoint(group, path, j, k);
void ClipperOffset::OffsetOpenJoined(Group& group, const Path64& path)
OffsetPolygon(group, path);
Path64 reverse_path(path);
std::reverse(reverse_path.begin(), reverse_path.end());
//rebuild normals
std::reverse(norms.begin(), norms.end());
OffsetPolygon(group, reverse_path);
void ClipperOffset::OffsetOpenPath(Group& group, const Path64& path)
// do the line start cap
if (deltaCallback64_) group_delta_ = deltaCallback64_(path, norms, 0, 0);
if (std::fabs(group_delta_) <= floating_point_tolerance)
switch (end_type_)
case EndType::Butt:
DoBevel(path, 0, 0);
case EndType::Round:
DoRound(path, 0, 0, PI);
DoSquare(path, 0, 0);
size_t highI = path.size() - 1;
// offset the left side going forward
for (Path64::size_type j = 1, k = 0; j < highI; k = j, ++j)
OffsetPoint(group, path, j, k);
// reverse normals
for (size_t i = highI; i > 0; --i)
norms[i] = PointD(-norms[i - 1].x, -norms[i - 1].y);
norms[0] = norms[highI];
// do the line end cap
if (deltaCallback64_)
group_delta_ = deltaCallback64_(path, norms, highI, highI);
if (std::fabs(group_delta_) <= floating_point_tolerance)
switch (end_type_)
case EndType::Butt:
DoBevel(path, highI, highI);
case EndType::Round:
DoRound(path, highI, highI, PI);
DoSquare(path, highI, highI);
for (size_t j = highI -1, k = highI; j > 0; k = j, --j)
OffsetPoint(group, path, j, k);
void ClipperOffset::DoGroupOffset(Group& group)
if (group.end_type == EndType::Polygon)
// a straight path (2 points) can now also be 'polygon' offset
// where the ends will be treated as (180 deg.) joins
if (!group.lowest_path_idx.has_value()) delta_ = std::abs(delta_);
group_delta_ = (group.is_reversed) ? -delta_ : delta_;
group_delta_ = std::abs(delta_);// *0.5;
double abs_delta = std::fabs(group_delta_);
join_type_ = group.join_type;
end_type_ = group.end_type;
if (group.join_type == JoinType::Round || group.end_type == EndType::Round)
// calculate the number of steps required to approximate a circle
// (see http://www.angusj.com/clipper2/Docs/Trigonometry.htm)
// arcTol - when arc_tolerance_ is undefined (0) then curve imprecision
// will be relative to the size of the offset (delta). Obviously very
//large offsets will almost always require much less precision.
double arcTol = (arc_tolerance_ > floating_point_tolerance ?
std::min(abs_delta, arc_tolerance_) :
std::log10(2 + abs_delta) * default_arc_tolerance);
double steps_per_360 = std::min(PI / std::acos(1 - arcTol / abs_delta), abs_delta * PI);
step_sin_ = std::sin(2 * PI / steps_per_360);
step_cos_ = std::cos(2 * PI / steps_per_360);
if (group_delta_ < 0.0) step_sin_ = -step_sin_;
steps_per_rad_ = steps_per_360 / (2 * PI);
//double min_area = PI * Sqr(group_delta_);
Paths64::const_iterator path_in_it = group.paths_in.cbegin();
for ( ; path_in_it != group.paths_in.cend(); ++path_in_it)
Path64::size_type pathLen = path_in_it->size();
if (pathLen == 1) // single point
if (deltaCallback64_)
group_delta_ = deltaCallback64_(*path_in_it, norms, 0, 0);
if (group.is_reversed) group_delta_ = -group_delta_;
abs_delta = std::fabs(group_delta_);
if (group_delta_ < 1) continue;
const Point64& pt = (*path_in_it)[0];
//single vertex so build a circle or square ...
if (group.join_type == JoinType::Round)
double radius = abs_delta;
size_t steps = steps_per_rad_ > 0 ? static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(steps_per_rad_ * 2 * PI)) : 0; //#617
path_out = Ellipse(pt, radius, radius, steps);
#ifdef USINGZ
for (auto& p : path_out) p.z = pt.z;
int d = (int)std::ceil(abs_delta);
Rect64 r = Rect64(pt.x - d, pt.y - d, pt.x + d, pt.y + d);
path_out = r.AsPath();
#ifdef USINGZ
for (auto& p : path_out) p.z = pt.z;
} // end of offsetting a single point
if ((pathLen == 2) && (group.end_type == EndType::Joined))
end_type_ = (group.join_type == JoinType::Round) ?
EndType::Round :
if (end_type_ == EndType::Polygon) OffsetPolygon(group, *path_in_it);
else if (end_type_ == EndType::Joined) OffsetOpenJoined(group, *path_in_it);
else OffsetOpenPath(group, *path_in_it);
#ifdef USINGZ
void ClipperOffset::ZCB(const Point64& bot1, const Point64& top1,
const Point64& bot2, const Point64& top2, Point64& ip)
if (bot1.z && ((bot1.z == bot2.z) || (bot1.z == top2.z))) ip.z = bot1.z;
else if (bot2.z && (bot2.z == top1.z)) ip.z = bot2.z;
else if (top1.z && (top1.z == top2.z)) ip.z = top1.z;
else if (zCallback64_) zCallback64_(bot1, top1, bot2, top2, ip);
size_t ClipperOffset::CalcSolutionCapacity()
size_t result = 0;
for (const Group& g : groups_)
result += (g.end_type == EndType::Joined) ? g.paths_in.size() * 2 : g.paths_in.size();
return result;
bool ClipperOffset::CheckReverseOrientation()
// nb: this assumes there's consistency in orientation between groups
bool is_reversed_orientation = false;
for (const Group& g : groups_)
if (g.end_type == EndType::Polygon)
is_reversed_orientation = g.is_reversed;
return is_reversed_orientation;
void ClipperOffset::ExecuteInternal(double delta)
error_code_ = 0;
if (groups_.size() == 0) return;
if (std::abs(delta) < 0.5) // ie: offset is insignificant
Paths64::size_type sol_size = 0;
for (const Group& group : groups_) sol_size += group.paths_in.size();
for (const Group& group : groups_)
copy(group.paths_in.begin(), group.paths_in.end(), back_inserter(*solution));
temp_lim_ = (miter_limit_ <= 1) ?
2.0 :
2.0 / (miter_limit_ * miter_limit_);
delta_ = delta;
std::vector<Group>::iterator git;
for (git = groups_.begin(); git != groups_.end(); ++git)
if (!error_code_) continue; // all OK
if (!solution->size()) return;
bool paths_reversed = CheckReverseOrientation();
//clean up self-intersections ...
Clipper64 c;
//the solution should retain the orientation of the input
c.ReverseSolution(reverse_solution_ != paths_reversed);
#ifdef USINGZ
auto fp = std::bind(&ClipperOffset::ZCB, this, std::placeholders::_1,
std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3,
std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5);
if (solution_tree)
if (paths_reversed)
c.Execute(ClipType::Union, FillRule::Negative, *solution_tree);
c.Execute(ClipType::Union, FillRule::Positive, *solution_tree);
if (paths_reversed)
c.Execute(ClipType::Union, FillRule::Negative, *solution);
c.Execute(ClipType::Union, FillRule::Positive, *solution);
void ClipperOffset::Execute(double delta, Paths64& paths)
solution = &paths;
solution_tree = nullptr;
void ClipperOffset::Execute(double delta, PolyTree64& polytree)
solution_tree = &polytree;
solution = new Paths64();
delete solution;
solution = nullptr;
void ClipperOffset::Execute(DeltaCallback64 delta_cb, Paths64& paths)
deltaCallback64_ = delta_cb;
Execute(1.0, paths);
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include "KP3D_Geometry.h"
#include <clipper2/clipper.h>
#include "KP3D_Log.h"
namespace {
const float EPSILON = 0.0001f;
namespace kp3d {
bool PointInLine(XYf point, XYf line_start, XYf line_end)
float bounds = Distance(line_start, line_end) + EPSILON;
float test = (line_start.y - point.y) * line_end.x + (point.x - line_start.x) * line_end.y +
(line_start.x * point.y - point.x * line_start.y);
bool in_bounds = Distance(point, line_start) < bounds && Distance(point, line_end) < bounds;
return kp3d::FloatCmp(test, 0.0f, EPSILON) && in_bounds;
float Distance(XYf a, XYf b)
return sqrtf((b.x - a.x) * (b.x - a.x) + (b.y - a.y) * (b.y - a.y));
std::vector<std::vector<Vec2>> SplitComplexPolygon(std::vector<Vec2> polygon)
using namespace Clipper2Lib;
ClipperD c;
PathsD solution;
PathD complex_polygon;
for (const Vec2& v: polygon)
complex_polygon.push_back({v.x, v.y});
PathsD clipper_output;
c.Execute(ClipType::Union, FillRule::NonZero, clipper_output);
std::vector<std::vector<Vec2>> output;
for (const auto& clipped_polygon: clipper_output)
std::vector<Vec2> polygon_excerpt;
for (const auto& point: clipped_polygon)
polygon_excerpt.push_back({(float)point.x, (float)point.y});
if (output.size() > 1)
KP3D_LOG_INFO("Split: ");
for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++)
KP3D_LOG_INFO("{} size: {}", i, output[i].size());
return output;
} // namespace kp3d
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "KP3D_Common.h"
#include "KP3D_Math.h"
#include "KP3D_Map.h"
namespace kp3d {
template <typename T>
void InsertLine(std::vector<T>& lines, size_t position, const T& new_line)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Wall>)
if (position > 0 && position < lines.size())
lines[position - 1].end = new_line.start;
if (position < lines.size())
lines[position].start = new_line.end;
lines.insert(lines.begin() + position, new_line);
template <typename T>
bool PointInPolygon(std::vector<T> polygon, XYf p)
bool c = false;
for (size_t i = 0, j = polygon.size() - 1; i < polygon.size(); j = i++)
float ix = 0.0f, iy = 0.0f, jx = 0.0f, jy = 0.0f;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Wall>)
ix = polygon[i].start.x, iy = polygon[i].start.y;
jx = polygon[j].start.x, jy = polygon[j].start.y;
ix = polygon[i].x, iy = polygon[i].y;
jx = polygon[j].x, jy = polygon[j].y;
if (((iy > p.y) != (jy > p.y)) && (p.x < (jx - ix) * (p.y - iy) / (jy - iy) + ix))
c = !c;
return c;
bool PointInLine(XYf point, XYf line_start, XYf line_end);
float Distance(XYf a, XYf b);
std::vector<std::vector<Vec2>> SplitComplexPolygon(std::vector<Vec2> polygon);
} // namespace kp3d
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
#include <math.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <clip2tri/clip2tri.h>
#include <clipper/clipper.hpp>
#include <poly2tri/poly2tri.h>
@ -11,69 +9,11 @@
#include "KP3D_Renderer3D.h"
#include "KP3D_Shader.h"
#include "KP3D_Noise.h"
namespace std {
struct hash<kp3d::Vec3> {
std::size_t operator()(const kp3d::Vec3& point) const {
return std::hash<float>()(point.x) ^ std::hash<float>()(point.y) ^ std::hash<float>()(point.z);
#include "KP3D_Geometry.h"
namespace {
using namespace kp3d;
bool PointInPolygon(std::vector<kp3d::Wall> polygon, kp3d::XYf p)
bool c = false;
for (int i = 0, j = polygon.size() - 1; i < polygon.size(); j = i++)
float ix = polygon[i].start.x, iy = polygon[i].start.y;
float jx = polygon[j].start.x, jy = polygon[j].start.y;
if (((iy > p.y) != (jy > p.y)) && (p.x < (jx - ix) * (p.y - iy) / (jy - iy) + ix))
c = !c;
return c;
float Distance(XYf p1, XYf p2)
return sqrtf((p2.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (p2.y - p1.y) * (p2.y - p1.y));
bool PointInLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x0, float y0)
bool in_bounds = false;
float bounds = Distance({x2, y2}, {x0, y0}) + 0.0001f;
if (Distance({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}) < bounds && Distance({x1, y1}, {x0, y0}) < bounds)
in_bounds = true;
return kp3d::FloatCmp((y2 - y1) * x0 + (x1 - x2) * y0 + (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2), 0.0f, 0.0001f) && in_bounds;
void InsertLine(std::vector<Wall>& lines, size_t position, const Wall& newLine) {
if (position > 0 && position < lines.size()) {
// Update the end position of the line before the insertion point
lines[position - 1].end = newLine.start;
if (position < lines.size()) {
// Update the start position of the line after the insertion point
lines[position].start = newLine.end;
// Insert the new line into the vector
lines.insert(lines.begin() + position, newLine);
} // namespace
@ -116,46 +56,6 @@ void Map::BuildFlat(Sector& sector, Flat& flat, bool invert)
std::vector<std::vector<c2t::Point>> subsector_polygons; // unused for now
std::vector<Sector*> secs_inside;
#if 0
for (Sector& s : sectors)
if (s.id == sector.id)
std::vector<c2t::Point> ss;
for (Wall& l : s.walls)
if (PointInPolygon(sector.walls, l.start))
ss.push_back({l.start.x, l.start.y});
if (ss.size() > 0 && s.children.empty())//== s.walls.size())
for (Wall& l : s.walls)
if (s.inverted)
if (FloatCmp(s.floor.base_height, sector.floor.base_height))
s.floor.texture = nullptr;
//if (s.ceiling.base_height <= sector.ceiling.base_height + 0.000001f)
// s.ceiling.texture = nullptr;
l.textures[TEX_FRONT] = nullptr;
for (Sector* sp : sector.children)
std::vector<c2t::Point> ss;
@ -271,15 +171,15 @@ void Map::BuildQuad(Sector& sector, Flat& flat_top, Flat& flat_bottom, const Tex
Vec3 p3 = Vec3(pos_b.x, pos_a.y, pos_b.z);
Vec3 p4 = Vec3(pos_b.x, pos_b.y, pos_b.z);
std::vector<Vec3> points;
std::vector<Vec2> points;
for (const Vertex3D& v: flat_bottom.triangulated_data)
if (!PointInLine(v.position.x, v.position.z, pos_a.x, pos_a.z, pos_b.x, pos_b.z))
if (!PointInLine({v.position.x, v.position.z}, {pos_a.x, pos_a.z}, {pos_b.x, pos_b.z}))
// Project 3D point into 2D
Vec3 mpos = {Distance({v.position.x, v.position.z}, {p1.x, p1.z}), v.position.y, 0};
Vec2 mpos = {Distance({v.position.x, v.position.z}, {p1.x, p1.z}), v.position.y};
// Overwrite the start point if we've landed on it
if (FloatCmp(v.position.x, p1.x, 0.0001f) && FloatCmp(v.position.z, p1.z, 0.0001f))
@ -287,62 +187,91 @@ void Map::BuildQuad(Sector& sector, Flat& flat_top, Flat& flat_bottom, const Tex
std::vector<Vec3> top_points;
//top_points.emplace_back(Distance({ p4.x, p4.z }, { p1.x, p1.z }), p4.y, 0); // This may be re-enabled, BUT
std::vector<Vec2> top_points;
top_points.emplace_back(Distance({ p4.x, p4.z }, { p1.x, p1.z }), p4.y); // This may be re-enabled, BUT
for (const Vertex3D& v: flat_top.triangulated_data)
if (!PointInLine(v.position.x, v.position.z, pos_a.x, pos_a.z, pos_b.x, pos_b.z))
if (!PointInLine({v.position.x, v.position.z}, {pos_a.x, pos_a.z}, {pos_b.x, pos_b.z}))
// Project 3D point into 2D
Vec3 mpos = {Distance({v.position.x, v.position.z}, {p1.x, p1.z}), v.position.y, 0};
Vec2 mpos = {Distance({v.position.x, v.position.z}, {p1.x, p1.z}), v.position.y};
if (FloatCmp(v.position.x, p4.x, 0.0001f) && FloatCmp(v.position.z, p4.z, 0.0001f))
top_points[0] = mpos;
std::sort(points.begin() + 1, points.end(), [&](Vec3 a, Vec3 b) { return a.x < b.x; });
std::sort(top_points.begin() , top_points.end(), [&](Vec3 a, Vec3 b) { return a.x > b.x; }); // ^^^^ If you do, add +1 to begin()
std::sort(points.begin() + 1, points.end(), [&](Vec2 a, Vec2 b) { return a.x < b.x; });
std::sort(top_points.begin() + 1 , top_points.end(), [&](Vec2 a, Vec2 b) { return a.x > b.x; }); // ^^^^ If you do, add +1 to begin()
points.insert(points.end(), top_points.begin(), top_points.end());
float angle = atan2({ p4.z - p1.z }, { p4.x - p1.x });
float angle = atan2({p4.z - p1.z}, {p4.x - p1.x});
points.erase(unique(points.begin(), points.end()), points.end());
std::vector<std::vector<c2t::Point>> holes; // unused for now
std::vector<c2t::Point> wall_polygon;
for (Vec3& p: points)
wall_polygon.emplace_back(p.x, p.y);
// So now we have our polygon.
// Before we go through the standard process of using clip2tri to triangulate it, we're going to do some preprocessing.
// There's a chance we may have ended up with a complex polygon, which poly2tri isn't able to handle. So our solution is to
// break them up.
std::vector<std::vector<Vec2>> polygons = SplitComplexPolygon(points);
c2t::clip2tri clipper;
std::vector<c2t::Point> clipper_out;
clipper.triangulate(holes, clipper_out, wall_polygon);
for (int i = 0; i < clipper_out.size(); i += 3)
//auto& polygon = polygons.front();
for (const std::vector<Vec2>& polygon: polygons)
c2t::Point a = clipper_out.at(i + 0);
c2t::Point b = clipper_out.at(i + 1);
c2t::Point c = clipper_out.at(i + 2);
std::vector<std::vector<c2t::Point>> holes; // unused for now
std::vector<c2t::Point> wall_polygon;
for (Vec2 p : polygon)
wall_polygon.emplace_back(p.x, p.y);
if (flip)
c2t::clip2tri clipper;
std::vector<c2t::Point> clipper_out;
clipper.triangulate(holes, clipper_out, wall_polygon);
p2t::CDT cdt();
for (int i = 0; i < clipper_out.size(); i += 3)
std::swap(b, c);
c2t::Point a = clipper_out.at(i + 0);
c2t::Point b = clipper_out.at(i + 1);
c2t::Point c = clipper_out.at(i + 2);
// Safety clamp
if (a.x < 0) a.x = 0;
if (b.x < 0) b.x = 0;
if (c.x < 0) c.x = 0;
if (a.x > top_points[0].x)
a.x = top_points[0].x;
if (b.x > top_points[0].x)
b.x = top_points[0].x;
if (c.x > top_points[0].x)
c.x = top_points[0].x;
//if (flip)
// std::swap(b, c);
float au = a.x * 0.5f, av = a.y * 0.5f;
float bu = b.x * 0.5f, bv = b.y * 0.5f;
float cu = c.x * 0.5f, cv = c.y * 0.5f;
// Build mesh data for wall
Vec3 fva = Vec3(a.x, a.y, 0.0f).Rotated({ 0, 1, 0 }, -ToDegrees(angle)); fva.x += p1.x; fva.z += p1.z;
Vec3 fvb = Vec3(b.x, b.y, 0.0f).Rotated({ 0, 1, 0 }, -ToDegrees(angle)); fvb.x += p1.x; fvb.z += p1.z;
Vec3 fvc = Vec3(c.x, c.y, 0.0f).Rotated({ 0, 1, 0 }, -ToDegrees(angle)); fvc.x += p1.x; fvc.z += p1.z;
bool iba = PointInLine({ fva.x, fva.z }, { pos_a.x, pos_a.z }, { pos_b.x, pos_b.z });
bool ibb = PointInLine({ fvb.x, fvb.z }, { pos_a.x, pos_a.z }, { pos_b.x, pos_b.z });
bool ibc = PointInLine({ fvc.x, fvc.z }, { pos_a.x, pos_a.z }, { pos_b.x, pos_b.z });
// Fix up the UVs so they keep the right scale
float tw = texture ? texture_scale / texture->GetWidth() : 0.0f;
float th = texture ? texture_scale / texture->GetHeight() : 0.0f;
Vertex3D vtxa = Vertex3D(fva, Vec2(au * tw, av * th));
Vertex3D vtxb = Vertex3D(fvb, Vec2(bu * tw, bv * th));
Vertex3D vtxc = Vertex3D(fvc, Vec2(cu * tw, cv * th));
if (texture)
m_mesh.AddBatch(texture, { vtxa, vtxb, vtxc }, flip);
float au = a.x * 0.5f, av = a.y * 0.5f;
float bu = b.x * 0.5f, bv = b.y * 0.5f;
float cu = c.x * 0.5f, cv = c.y * 0.5f;
// Build mesh data for wall
Vec3 fva = Vec3(a.x, a.y, 0.0f).Rotated({ 0, 1, 0 }, -ToDegrees(angle)); fva.x += p1.x; fva.z += p1.z;
Vec3 fvb = Vec3(b.x, b.y, 0.0f).Rotated({ 0, 1, 0 }, -ToDegrees(angle)); fvb.x += p1.x; fvb.z += p1.z;
Vec3 fvc = Vec3(c.x, c.y, 0.0f).Rotated({ 0, 1, 0 }, -ToDegrees(angle)); fvc.x += p1.x; fvc.z += p1.z;
// Fix up the UVs so they keep the right scale
float tw = texture ? texture_scale / texture->GetWidth() : 0.0f;
float th = texture ? texture_scale / texture->GetHeight() : 0.0f;
Vertex3D vtxa = Vertex3D(fva, Vec2(au * tw, av * th));
Vertex3D vtxb = Vertex3D(fvb, Vec2(bu * tw, bv * th));
Vertex3D vtxc = Vertex3D(fvc, Vec2(cu * tw, cv * th));
if (texture)
m_mesh.AddBatch(texture, {vtxa, vtxb, vtxc}, false);
@ -354,14 +283,18 @@ void Map::BuildWall(Sector& sector, Wall& wall)
if (wall.flags & Wall::OPENING)
bool flip = sector.floor.base_height > wall.portal->floor.base_height;
bool flip2 = sector.ceiling.base_height < wall.portal->ceiling.base_height;
//if (flip)
// flip2 ^= 1;
//if (og_flip2)
// flip ^= 1;
BuildQuad(sector, sector.floor, wall.portal->floor, wall.textures[TEX_LOWER], a, b, flip, false, false, wall.uv_offset[TEX_LOWER]);
BuildQuad(sector, sector.ceiling, wall.portal->ceiling, wall.textures[TEX_UPPER], a, b, flip2, false, false, wall.uv_offset[TEX_UPPER]);
Flat& ft = sector.floor;
Flat& fb = wall.portal->floor;
a.y = ft.base_height;
b.y = fb.base_height;
BuildQuad(sector, ft, fb, wall.textures[TEX_LOWER], a, b, false, false, false, wall.uv_offset[TEX_LOWER]);
Flat& ct = sector.ceiling;
Flat& cb = wall.portal->ceiling;
a.y = ct.base_height;
b.y = cb.base_height;
BuildQuad(sector, ct, cb, wall.textures[TEX_UPPER], a, b, true, false, false, wall.uv_offset[TEX_UPPER]);
@ -384,12 +317,12 @@ void Map::JoinSectors(Sector& sector)
for (Wall& l : s.walls)
if (PointInLine(l.start.x, l.start.y, pos_a.x, pos_a.z, pos_b.x, pos_b.z) &&
PointInLine(l.end.x, l.end.y, pos_a.x, pos_a.z, pos_b.x, pos_b.z) &&
!PosCmp({ l.start.x, 0.0f, l.start.y }, { pos_a.x, 0.0f, pos_a.z }) &&
!PosCmp({ l.start.x, 0.0f, l.start.y }, { pos_b.x, 0.0f, pos_b.z }) &&
!PosCmp({ l.end.x, 0.0f, l.end.y }, { pos_b.x, 0.0f, pos_b.z }) &&
!PosCmp({ l.end.x, 0.0f, l.end.y }, { pos_a.x, 0.0f, pos_a.z }))
if (PointInLine(l.start, {pos_a.x, pos_a.z}, {pos_b.x, pos_b.z}) &&
PointInLine(l.end, {pos_a.x, pos_a.z}, {pos_b.x, pos_b.z}) &&
!PosCmp({l.start.x, 0.0f, l.start.y}, {pos_a.x, 0.0f, pos_a.z}) &&
!PosCmp({l.start.x, 0.0f, l.start.y}, {pos_b.x, 0.0f, pos_b.z}) &&
!PosCmp({l.end.x, 0.0f, l.end.y}, {pos_b.x, 0.0f, pos_b.z}) &&
!PosCmp({l.end.x, 0.0f, l.end.y}, {pos_a.x, 0.0f, pos_a.z}))
//KP3D_LOG_INFO("{} IS TOUCHING: {}", sector.id, s.id);
XYf old_end = ld.end;
@ -413,6 +346,10 @@ void Map::JoinSectors(Sector& sector)
InsertLine(sector.walls, i + 2, w2);
l.textures[TEX_FRONT] = nullptr;
// Mark the other one as an opening
// This really shouldn't be necessary I think, but whatever
l.flags = Wall::OPENING;
l.portal = §or;
@ -567,7 +504,6 @@ void Map::Init()
const float grid_size = 1.0f / (texture_scale - 1.0f), tolerance = (1.0f / texture_scale);
for (RenderBatch3D& b: m_mesh.GetBatchesRef())
std::unordered_set<Vec3> unique_points;
for (Vertex3D& v: b.vertex_data)
v.position.x = std::round(v.position.x / grid_size) * grid_size;
@ -592,7 +528,6 @@ void Map::Init()
for (RenderBatch3D& b : m_mesh.GetBatchesRef())
std::unordered_set<Vec3> unique_points;
for (size_t i = 0; i < b.vertex_data.size(); i += 3)
std::swap(b.vertex_data[i + 1], b.vertex_data[i + 2]);
Add table
Reference in a new issue