2018-08-14 10:28:14 -05:00

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/// @ref ext_quaternion_relational
/// @file glm/ext/quaternion_relational.hpp
/// @defgroup ext_quaternion_relational GLM_EXT_quaternion_relational
/// @ingroup gtc
/// Include <glm/ext/quaternion_relational.hpp> to use the features of this extension.
/// Defines a templated quaternion type and several quaternion operations.
#pragma once
// Dependency:
#include "../detail/qualifier.hpp"
# pragma message("GLM: GLM_EXT_quaternion_relational extension included")
namespace glm
/// @addtogroup ext_quaternion_relational
/// @{
/// Returns the component-wise comparison of result x == y.
/// @tparam T Floating-point scalar types
/// @tparam Q Value from qualifier enum
/// @see ext_quaternion_relational
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec<4, bool, Q> equal(qua<T, Q> const& x, qua<T, Q> const& y);
/// Returns the component-wise comparison of |x - y| < epsilon.
/// @tparam T Floating-point scalar types
/// @tparam Q Value from qualifier enum
/// @see ext_quaternion_relational
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec<4, bool, Q> equal(qua<T, Q> const& x, qua<T, Q> const& y, T epsilon);
/// Returns the component-wise comparison of result x != y.
/// @tparam T Floating-point scalar types
/// @tparam Q Value from qualifier enum
/// @see ext_quaternion_relational
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec<4, bool, Q> notEqual(qua<T, Q> const& x, qua<T, Q> const& y);
/// Returns the component-wise comparison of |x - y| >= epsilon.
/// @tparam T Floating-point scalar types
/// @tparam Q Value from qualifier enum
/// @see ext_quaternion_relational
template<typename T, qualifier Q>
GLM_FUNC_DECL vec<4, bool, Q> notEqual(qua<T, Q> const& x, qua<T, Q> const& y, T epsilon);
/// @}
} //namespace glm
#include "quaternion_relational.inl"