Acid,added utility methods to get Material cells or integrated circuits,
it's now possible to declare a temperature for automatically created
fluids / gases
to no longer have recipes for filling cells.
The reason for the bug was that the bit flag 256 is already in use to
designate something as empty.
Since only bit flags up to 128 were documented I had unwittingly used
the 256 bit flag for fluid creation.
The documentation now informs about the function of 256.
Automatic fluid and gas creation are now controlled via booleans.
Big thanks to Techlone for helping me debug.
Carbon Monoxide can now be obtained as an optional byproduct from
Titaniumtetrachloride production.
Added a missing chemical reactor recipe for Gunpowder
Expanded the GregTech API: There is now a convenience method for
automatically creating polymerization recipes.
Disabled recipes for the Salty Water Potion in favor of a new Salt Water
Slightly nerfed Sulfuric Acid production from Sulfur and Water to make
them align with other acids and bases (1 Dust / 1000L Chemical + 1000L
Water -> 1000L acid/base)
Created an adapter class for creating materials.
Materials now have bit flags for automatic gas/fluid creation.
Added a new convenience method for adding distillery recipes.
Recipes now show the exact recipe duration instead of the duration
rounded down to the nearest int.
Added new Materials with relevant recipes:
Acetic Acid, Acetone, Calcium Acetate, Charcoal Byproducts, Carbon
Monoxide, Ethanol, Ethylene, Methanol, Methyl Acetate, Polyvinyl
Acetate, Propene, Sulfuric Ethylene, Vinyl Acetate
Made vinegar visible.
fuels to the newly created Large Boiler tab
Instead of the default information like total EU or EU usage it is now
possible to provide custom Strings to describe a recipe.
The Large Boiler NEI tab explicitly shows burn times for fuels depending
on the boiler used.
Any liquid fuel added to Diesel Fuels or Semifluid Fuels will
automatically be added to Large Boiler Fuels.
Fix comments configuration
Fix Start config - add nether and end to BlackList. Default spawn fluids on overworld and Moon.
Add Decrease Per Operation Amount (if 0 an endless source)
Add supports White and Black List (DIM ID)
Add settings generating for standart Dimension and Galacticraft Dimension - Moon and Mars
Add settings for select type Underground Fluid - for Nether default Pahoehoe Lava, for Moon - Helium 3
Add settings max Amount Generating
For generating oil in other Dimension (Twilight Forest or Mystcraft) use settings - RealDimensionEnable