2021-04-06 19:06:39 +00:00
// An attempt was made to make this entirely function in IE8, I gave up at the polishing stage
// From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/keys
if ( ! Object . keys ) {
Object . keys = ( function ( ) {
'use strict' ;
var hasOwnProperty = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ,
hasDontEnumBug = ! ( { toString : null } ) . propertyIsEnumerable ( 'toString' ) ,
dontEnums = [
'toString' ,
'toLocaleString' ,
'valueOf' ,
'hasOwnProperty' ,
'isPrototypeOf' ,
'propertyIsEnumerable' ,
] ,
dontEnumsLength = dontEnums . length ;
return function ( obj ) {
if ( typeof obj !== 'function' && ( typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'Object.keys called on non-object' ) ;
var result = [ ] , prop , i ;
for ( prop in obj ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , prop ) ) {
result . push ( prop ) ;
if ( hasDontEnumBug ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < dontEnumsLength ; i ++ ) {
if ( hasOwnProperty . call ( obj , dontEnums [ i ] ) ) {
result . push ( dontEnums [ i ] ) ;
return result ;
} ;
} ( ) ) ;
var tmfBindEvent = function ( subject , name , callback ) {
if ( document . attachEvent )
return subject . attachEvent ( 'on' + name , callback ) ;
return subject . addEventListener ( name , callback ) ;
} ;
var tmfOnReady = function ( callback ) {
if ( document . attachEvent )
d ocument . attachEvent ( 'onreadystatechange' , function ( ) {
if ( document . readyState === 'complete' )
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
document . addEventListener ( 'DOMContentLoaded' , function ( ) {
callback ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var tmfCreateElement = function ( elemInfo ) {
elemInfo = elemInfo || { } ;
var elem = document . createElement ( elemInfo . tag || 'div' ) ;
if ( elemInfo . props ) {
var propKeys = Object . keys ( elemInfo . props ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < propKeys . length ; i ++ ) {
var propKey = propKeys [ i ] ;
if ( elemInfo . props [ propKey ] === undefined
|| elemInfo . props [ propKey ] === null )
continue ;
switch ( typeof elemInfo . props [ propKey ] ) {
case 'function' :
tmfBindEvent (
elem ,
propKey . substring ( 0 , 2 ) === 'on'
? propKey . substring ( 2 ) . toLowerCase ( )
: propKey ,
elemInfo . props [ propKey ]
) ;
break ;
default :
elem . setAttribute ( propKey === 'className' ? 'class' : propKey , elemInfo . props [ propKey ] ) ;
break ;
if ( elemInfo . children ) {
var children = elemInfo . children ;
if ( Object . prototype . toString . call ( children ) !== '[object Array]' )
children = [ children ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < children . length ; i ++ ) {
var child = children [ i ] ;
if ( typeof child === 'undefined' )
continue ;
switch ( typeof child ) {
case 'string' :
elem . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( child ) ) ;
break ;
case 'object' :
if ( child instanceof Element )
elem . appendChild ( child ) ;
else if ( child . getElement )
elem . appendChild ( child . getElement ( ) ) ;
elem . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( child ) ) ;
break ;
default :
elem . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( child . toString ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
if ( elemInfo . created )
elemInfo . created ( elem ) ;
return elem ;
} ;
var tmfClientRectangle = function ( ) {
if ( typeof window . innerWidth !== 'undefined' )
return [ window . innerWidth , window . innerHeight ] ;
if ( typeof document . documentElement !== 'undefined'
&& typeof document . documentElement . clientWidth !== 'undefined'
&& document . documentElement . clientWidth !== 0 )
return [ document . documentElement . clientWidth , document . documentElement . clientHeight ] ;
var body = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'body' ) [ 0 ] ;
return [ body . clientWidth , body . clientHeight ] ;
} ;
var tmfIs12HourClockValue = null ;
var tmfIs12Hour = function ( ) {
if ( typeof window . tmfIs12HourClockValue === 'boolean' )
return window . tmfIs12HourClockValue ;
var d = new Date ;
return window . tmfIs12HourClockValue = ! ! ( d . toLocaleTimeString ( ) . match ( /am|pm/i ) || d . toString ( ) . match ( /am|pm/i ) ) ;
} ;
var tmfTimeString = function ( ) {
var date = new Date ,
str = '' ,
stupid = tmfIs12Hour ( ) ,
dumb = '' ,
hours = date . getHours ( ) ,
mins = date . getMinutes ( ) ;
if ( stupid ) {
dumb = hours > 11 ? 'pm' : 'am' ;
if ( hours === 0 )
hours = 12 ;
str = hours . toString ( ) + ':' ;
if ( mins < 10 )
str += '0' ;
str += mins . toString ( ) ;
if ( stupid )
str += ' ' + dumb ;
return str ;
} ;
var tmfSetElemText = function ( elem , text ) {
if ( typeof elem . textContent !== 'undefined' )
elem . textContent = text ;
else if ( typeof elem . innerText !== 'undefined' )
elem . innerText = text ;
else {
elem . innerHTML = '' ;
elem . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( text ) ) ;
} ;
var tmfCreateMenuItem = function ( name , icon , click ) {
var item = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : { className : 'tmfs-menu-item' } ,
children : [
props : { className : 'tmfs-menu-item-icon' } ,
children : {
tag : 'img' ,
props : {
src : icon ,
alt : name ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
props : { className : 'tmfs-menu-item-text' } ,
children : name ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
tmfBindEvent ( item , 'click' , click ) ;
return item ;
} ;
var tmfRemoveElement = function ( elem ) {
if ( elem && elem . parentNode )
elem . parentNode . removeChild ( elem ) ;
} ;
var tmfGetCentrePosition = function ( width , height ) {
var rect = tmfClientRectangle ( ) ;
rect [ 0 ] /= 2 ;
rect [ 1 ] /= 2 ;
rect [ 0 ] -= Math . ceil ( width / 2 ) ;
rect [ 1 ] -= Math . ceil ( height / 2 ) ;
return rect ;
} ;
var tmfGetCentrePositionStyle = function ( width , height ) {
var rect = tmfGetCentrePosition ( width , height ) ;
return 'top: ' + rect [ 1 ] . toString ( ) + 'px; left: ' + rect [ 0 ] . toString ( ) + 'px;' ;
} ;
var tmfShowAbout = function ( ) {
var about = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about' ,
style : tmfGetCentrePositionStyle ( 445 , 120 ) ,
} ,
children : [
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about-drag' ,
onmousedown : function ( ) {
tmfSetDragging ( about ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ,
props : { className : 'tmfs-about-version' } ,
children : [
'v1.5.1' ,
{ tag : 'br' } ,
'Simulator' ,
] ,
} ,
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about-button tmfs-about-button-donate' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'Donate' ,
onClick : function ( ) {
tmfRemoveElement ( about ) ;
document . getElementById ( '_nav_donate' ) . click ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ,
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about-button tmfs-about-button-website' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'Website' ,
onClick : function ( ) {
tmfRemoveElement ( about ) ;
// should this do anything? we're already there lol
} ,
} ,
} ,
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about-button tmfs-about-button-close' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'Close' ,
onClick : function ( ) {
tmfRemoveElement ( about ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ,
tag : 'a' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about-credit' ,
href : '//flash.moe' ,
target : '_blank' ,
rel : 'noopener' ,
} ,
} ,
tag : 'a' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-about-credit tmfs-about-credit-fff' ,
href : 'http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/' ,
target : '_blank' ,
rel : 'noopener' ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
} ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( about ) ;
} ;
var tmfCtxMenu = null ;
var tmfShowCtxMenu = function ( xpos , ypos ) {
tmfDestroyCtxMenu ( ) ;
var refresh = tmfCreateMenuItem ( 'Refresh' , './arrow_refresh.gif' , function ( ) {
// can this do anything?
} ) , settings = tmfCreateMenuItem ( 'Settings' , './cog.gif' , function ( ) {
tmfDestroyCtxMenu ( ) ;
tmfShowSettings ( ) ;
} ) , about = tmfCreateMenuItem ( 'About' , './help.gif' , function ( ) {
tmfDestroyCtxMenu ( ) ;
tmfShowAbout ( ) ;
} ) , quit = tmfCreateMenuItem ( 'Quit' , './door_in.gif' , function ( ) {
tmfDestroyCtxMenu ( ) ;
tmfDestroySysIcon ( ) ;
} ) ;
tmfCtxMenu = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : {
className : 'tmfs-menu' ,
} ,
children : [
refresh ,
settings ,
about ,
quit ,
] ,
} ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( tmfCtxMenu ) ;
xpos -= tmfCtxMenu . offsetWidth ;
ypos -= tmfCtxMenu . offsetHeight ;
tmfCtxMenu . style . top = ypos . toString ( ) + 'px' ;
tmfCtxMenu . style . left = xpos . toString ( ) + 'px' ;
} ;
var tmfDestroyCtxMenu = function ( ) {
if ( tmfCtxMenu )
tmfRemoveElement ( tmfCtxMenu ) ;
tmfCtxMenu = null ;
} ;
var tmfSysIcon = null ;
var tmfDestroySysIcon = function ( ) {
if ( tmfSysIcon )
tmfRemoveElement ( tmfSysIcon ) ;
tmfSysIcon = null ;
} ;
var tmfDragging = null , tmfDragLastX = 0 , tmfDragLastY = 0 ;
var tmfSetDragging = function ( elem ) {
2021-07-29 21:58:32 +00:00
//tmfDragging = elem;
2021-04-06 19:06:39 +00:00
} ;
var tmfStopDragging = function ( ) {
tmfDragging = null ;
} ;
var tmfDragHandler = function ( ev ) {
var movX = ev . screenX - tmfDragLastX ,
movY = ev . screenY - tmfDragLastY ;
tmfDragLastX = ev . screenX ;
tmfDragLastY = ev . screenY ;
if ( tmfDragging === null )
return ;
var xpos = tmfDragging . offsetLeft + movX ,
ypos = tmfDragging . offsetTop + movY ;
tmfDragging . style . left = xpos . toString ( ) + 'px' ;
tmfDragging . style . top = ypos . toString ( ) + 'px' ;
} ;
var tmfCreateWindow = function ( title , className , width , height , closeHandler ) {
var frame , body = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : { className : 'tmfs-window-body' } ,
} ) ;
if ( ! closeHandler )
closeHandler = function ( ) {
tmfRemoveElement ( frame ) ;
} ;
frame = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : {
className : 'tmfs-window ' + className ,
style : tmfGetCentrePositionStyle ( width , height ) ,
} ,
children : [
props : {
className : 'tmfs-window-title' ,
onmousedown : function ( ) {
tmfSetDragging ( frame ) ;
} ,
} ,
children : [
tag : 'img' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-window-title-icon' ,
alt : 'ico' ,
src : './icon.gif' ,
} ,
} ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-window-title-close' ,
onclick : closeHandler ,
} ,
children : 'X' ,
} ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-window-title-text' ,
} ,
children : title . toString ( ) ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
body ,
] ,
} ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( frame ) ;
return {
frame : frame ,
body : body ,
} ;
} ;
var tmfCreateFieldset = function ( title , className ) {
var body = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : {
className : 'tmfs-fieldset-body' ,
} ) ;
var frame = tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'fieldset' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-fieldset ' + className ,
} ,
children : [
tag : 'legend' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-fieldset-title' ,
} ,
children : title . toString ( )
} ,
body ,
] ,
} ) ;
return {
frame : frame ,
body : body ,
} ;
} ;
var tmfCreateCheckbox = function ( className , label , state , enabled , onChange ) {
return tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'label' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-checkbox ' + className ,
} ,
children : [
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'checkbox' ,
className : 'tmfs-checkbox-input' ,
checked : state ? true : undefined ,
disabled : enabled ? undefined : true ,
onchange : function ( ev ) { onChange ( ev . target . checked ) } ,
} ,
} ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-checkbox-label' ,
} ,
children : label . toString ( ) ,
] ,
} ) ;
} ;
var tmfSettingsWindow = null ;
var tmfCloseSettings = function ( ) {
if ( tmfSettingsWindow === null )
return ;
tmfRemoveElement ( tmfSettingsWindow ) ;
tmfSettingsWindow = null ;
} ;
var tmfShowSettings = function ( ) {
tmfCloseSettings ( ) ;
var wnd = tmfCreateWindow ( 'Top Most Friend Settings' , 'tmfs-settings' , 436 , 323 ) ,
settings = tmfConfig ;
tmfSettingsWindow = wnd . frame ;
var hotkeys = tmfCreateFieldset ( 'Hotkeys' , 'tmfs-settings-fieldset tmfs-settings-hotkeys' ) ,
flags = tmfCreateFieldset ( 'Flags' , 'tmfs-settings-fieldset tmfs-settings-flags' ) ,
blacklist = tmfCreateFieldset ( 'Blacklist' , 'tmfs-settings-fieldset tmfs-settings-blacklist' ) ;
var hotKeyChar = String . fromCharCode ( ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0xFFFF0000 ) >> 16 ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
props : {
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-label' ,
} ,
children : 'Toggle always on top status on active window' ,
} ) ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
id : '_settings_hotkey_key' ,
type : 'text' ,
value : hotKeyChar ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-key' ,
onkeydown : function ( ev ) {
var keyCode = ( typeof ev . key !== 'undefined' )
? ev . key . toUpperCase ( ) . charCodeAt ( 0 )
: ev . keyCode ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey &= 0xFFFF ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey |= keyCode << 16 ;
ev . target . value = String . fromCharCode ( keyCode ) ;
if ( ev . preventDefault )
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
return false ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
id : '_settings_hotkey_ctrl' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'CTRL' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod-ctrl' + ( ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x2 ) ? ' pressed' : '' ) ,
onclick : function ( ev ) {
if ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x2 ) {
ev . target . className = ev . target . className . replace ( ' pressed' , '' ) ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey &= ~ 0x2 ;
} else {
ev . target . className += ' pressed' ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey |= 0x2 ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
id : '_settings_hotkey_alt' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'ALT' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod-alt' + ( ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x1 ) ? ' pressed' : '' ) ,
onclick : function ( ev ) {
if ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x1 ) {
ev . target . className = ev . target . className . replace ( ' pressed' , '' ) ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey &= ~ 0x1 ;
} else {
ev . target . className += ' pressed' ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey |= 0x1 ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
id : '_settings_hotkey_shift' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'SHIFT' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod-shift' + ( ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x4 ) ? ' pressed' : '' ) ,
onclick : function ( ev ) {
if ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x4 ) {
ev . target . className = ev . target . className . replace ( ' pressed' , '' ) ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey &= ~ 0x4 ;
} else {
ev . target . className += ' pressed' ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey |= 0x4 ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
id : '_settings_hotkey_win' ,
type : 'button' ,
value : 'WIN' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod tmfs-settings-hotkey-mod-win' + ( ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x8 ) ? ' pressed' : '' ) ,
onclick : function ( ev ) {
if ( settings . ForegroundHotKey & 0x8 ) {
ev . target . className = ev . target . className . replace ( ' pressed' , '' ) ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey &= ~ 0x8 ;
} else {
ev . target . className += ' pressed' ;
settings . ForegroundHotKey |= 0x8 ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
hotkeys . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
value : 'Reset' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-hotkey-reset' ,
onclick : function ( ev ) {
settings . ForegroundHotKey = 0 ;
document . getElementById ( '_settings_hotkey_key' ) . value = '' ;
var meow = [ 'ctrl' , 'alt' , 'shift' , 'win' ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < meow . length ; ++ i ) {
var mewow = document . getElementById ( '_settings_hotkey_' + meow [ i ] ) ;
mewow . className = mewow . className . replace ( ' pressed' , '' ) ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
flags . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateCheckbox ( 'tmfs-settings-checkbox tmfs-settings-checkbox-admin' , 'Always run as administrator' , settings . RunAsAdministrator , true , function ( state ) { settings . RunAsAdministrator = state ; } ) ) ;
flags . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateCheckbox ( 'tmfs-settings-checkbox tmfs-settings-checkbox-hotkey' , 'Show notification when using toggle hotkey' , settings . ShowNotificationOnHotKey , true , function ( state ) { settings . ShowNotificationOnHotKey = state ; } ) ) ;
flags . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateCheckbox ( 'tmfs-settings-checkbox tmfs-settings-checkbox-shiftclick' , 'SHIFT+CLICK items in the list to add to the title blacklist' , settings . ShiftClickToBlacklist , true , function ( state ) { settings . ShiftClickToBlacklist = state ; } ) ) ;
flags . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateCheckbox ( 'tmfs-settings-checkbox tmfs-settings-checkbox-icon' , 'Show icon of window affected by hotkey' , settings . ShowHotkeyIcon , true , function ( state ) { settings . ShowHotkeyIcon = state ; } ) ) ;
flags . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateCheckbox ( 'tmfs-settings-checkbox tmfs-settings-checkbox-list' , 'Show list of open windows in the task bar context menu' , settings . ShowWindowList , false , function ( state ) { settings . ShowWindowList = state ; } ) ) ;
blacklist . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
value : 'Manage...' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-button tmfs-settings-blacklist-button' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
tmfShowBlacklist ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( hotkeys . frame ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( flags . frame ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( blacklist . frame ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-button tmfs-settings-button-ok' ,
value : 'OK' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
tmfConfig = settings ;
tmfCloseSettings ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-button tmfs-settings-button-cancel' ,
value : 'Cancel' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
tmfCloseSettings ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-settings-button tmfs-settings-button-apply' ,
value : 'Apply' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
tmfConfig = settings ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
} ;
var tmfBlacklistWindow = null ;
var tmfCloseBlacklist = function ( ) {
if ( tmfBlacklistWindow === null )
return ;
tmfRemoveElement ( tmfBlacklistWindow ) ;
tmfBlacklistWindow = null ;
} ;
var tmfShowBlacklist = function ( ) {
tmfCloseBlacklist ( ) ;
var wnd = tmfCreateWindow ( 'Title Blacklist' , 'tmfs-blacklist' , 418 , 230 ) ,
blacklist = tmfConfig . TitleBlacklist ,
listView = tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'select' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-blacklist-list' ,
size : 15 ,
} ,
} ) ;
tmfBlacklistWindow = wnd . frame ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( listView ) ;
var refreshList = function ( ) {
listView . innerHTML = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < blacklist . length ; ++ i )
listView . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'option' ,
children : blacklist [ i ] . toString ( ) ,
} ) ) ;
} ;
refreshList ( ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-blacklist-button tmfs-blacklist-button-add' ,
value : 'Add' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
var title = prompt ( 'Add new entry...' ) ;
if ( title && blacklist . indexOf ( title ) < 0 )
blacklist . push ( title ) ;
refreshList ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-blacklist-button tmfs-blacklist-button-edit' ,
value : 'Edit' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
var selected = blacklist . indexOf ( listView . value ) ;
if ( selected < 0 )
return ;
var title = prompt ( 'Editing ' + listView . value + '...' ) ;
if ( title && blacklist . indexOf ( title ) < 0 ) {
blacklist . splice ( selected , 1 ) ;
blacklist . push ( title ) ;
refreshList ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-blacklist-button tmfs-blacklist-button-remove' ,
value : 'Remove' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
var selected = blacklist . indexOf ( listView . value ) ;
if ( selected < 0 )
return ;
blacklist . splice ( selected , 1 ) ;
refreshList ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-blacklist-button tmfs-blacklist-button-done' ,
value : 'Done' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
tmfConfig . TitleBlacklist = blacklist ;
tmfCloseBlacklist ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ) ;
wnd . body . appendChild ( tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'input' ,
props : {
type : 'button' ,
className : 'tmfs-blacklist-button tmfs-blacklist-button-cancel' ,
value : 'Cancel' ,
onclick : function ( ) {
tmfCloseBlacklist ( ) ;
} ,
} ,
} ) ) ;
} ;
var tmfConfig = {
ForegroundHotKey : 0 ,
RunAsAdministrator : false ,
ShowNotificationOnHotKey : true ,
ShiftClickToBlacklist : true ,
ShowHotkeyIcon : true ,
ShowWindowList : false ,
TitleBlacklist : [
'Start' ,
'Program Manager' ,
'Windows Shell Experience Host' ,
] ,
} ;
tmfOnReady ( function ( ev ) {
var rect = tmfClientRectangle ( ) ;
if ( rect [ 1 ] > rect [ 0 ] ) // height is larger than width, we're presemably running on a phone
return ;
var clock = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : { className : 'tmfs-clock' } ,
children : tmfTimeString ( ) ,
} ) ;
tmfSysIcon = tmfCreateElement ( {
tag : 'img' ,
props : {
className : 'tmfs-icon' ,
alt : 'TopMostFriend' ,
title : 'Top Most Application Manager' ,
src : './icon.gif' ,
} ,
} ) ;
var taskbar = tmfCreateElement ( {
props : { className : 'tmfs' } ,
children : {
props : { className : 'tmfs-inner' } ,
children : [
props : { className : 'tmfs-left' } ,
children : {
props : { className : 'tmfs-start' } ,
children : [
tag : 'img' ,
props : {
alt : '' ,
src : './start.gif' ,
} ,
} ,
'Start' ,
] ,
} ,
} ,
props : { className : 'tmfs-right' } ,
children : {
props : { className : 'tmfs-systray' } ,
children : [
tmfSysIcon ,
clock ,
] ,
} ,
} ,
{ props : { className : 'tmf-clear' } } ,
} ,
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( '_tmf' ) . style . paddingBottom = '30px' ;
document . body . appendChild ( taskbar ) ;
/ * t m f B i n d E v e n t ( t m f S y s I c o n , ' c l i c k ' , f u n c t i o n ( e v ) {
if ( ev . shiftKey )
return true ;
tmfShowCtxMenu ( ev . clientX , ev . clientY ) ;
if ( ev . preventDefault )
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ; * /
tmfBindEvent ( tmfSysIcon , 'contextmenu' , function ( ev ) {
if ( ev . shiftKey )
return true ;
tmfShowCtxMenu ( ev . clientX , ev . clientY ) ;
if ( ev . preventDefault )
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
tmfBindEvent ( document , 'mousemove' , tmfDragHandler ) ;
tmfBindEvent ( document , 'mouseup' , tmfStopDragging ) ;
setInterval ( function ( ) {
tmfSetElemText ( clock , tmfTimeString ( ) ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
} ) ;