2015-11-01 17:32:47 +01:00
{ % if category . forums | length and category . forum | length % }
<div class="forumCategory">
<div class="forumCategoryHead">
<div class="forumCategoryTitle"> { % if category . forum . forum_type ! = 1 % } Subforums { % else % } <a href=" { { urls . format ( 'FORUM_SUB' , [ category . forum . forum_id ] ) } } "> { { category . forum . forum_name } } </a> { % endif % } </div>
<div class="forumCategoryDescription"> { { category . forum . forum_desc } } </div>
{ % for forum in category . forums % }
<div class="forumSubEntry">
<a href=" { % if forum . forum_type = = 2 % } { { forum . forum_link } } { % else % } { { urls . format ( 'FORUM_SUB' , [ forum . forum_id ] ) } } { % endif % } " class="forumSubIcon">
<div class="forumIcon fa fa-3x { % if forum . forum_icon % } { { forum . forum_icon } } { % else % } { % if forum . forum_type = = 2 % } fa-chevron-circle-right { % elseif forum . forum_type = = 1 % } fa-folder { % else % } fa-comments { % endif % } { % endif % } "></div>
<div class="forumSubTitle">
<a href=" { % if forum . forum_type = = 2 % } { { forum . forum_link } } { % else % } { { urls . format ( 'FORUM_SUB' , [ forum . forum_id ] ) } } { % endif % } " class="forumSubName"> { { forum . forum_name } } </a>
<div class="forumSubDesc">
{ { forum . forum_desc } }
{ % if board . forums [ forum . forum_id ] | length % }
<ul class="forumSubSubforums">
{ % for forum in board . forums [ forum . forum_id ] . forums % }
<li><a href=" { % if forum . forum_type = = 2 % } { { forum . forum_link } } { % else % } { { urls . format ( 'FORUM_SUB' , [ forum . forum_id ] ) } } { % endif % } " class="default"> { { forum . forum_name } } </a></li>
{ % endfor % }
{ % endif % }
{ % if forum . forum_type ! = 2 % }
<div class="forumSubStats">
<div class="forumSubTopics" title="Amount of topics in this forum."> { { forum . topic_count } } </div>
<div class="forumSubStatsSeperator">/</div>
<div class="forumSubPosts" title="Amount of posts in this forum."> { { forum . post_count } } </div>
<div class="forumSubReplies">
{ % if forum . last_post . post_id % }
<a href=" { { urls . format ( 'FORUM_THREAD' , [ forum . last_post . topic_id ] ) } } " class="default"> { { forum . last_post . post_subject } } </a><br />
2015-11-07 23:58:02 +01:00
<span title=" { { forum . last_post . post_time | date ( sakura . dateFormat ) } } "> { { forum . last_post . elapsed } } </span> by { % if forum . last_poster . id % } <a href=" { { urls . format ( 'USER_PROFILE' , [ forum . last_poster . id ] ) } } " class="default" style="color: { { forum . last_poster . colour } } ; text-shadow: 0 0 5px { % if forum . last_poster . colour ! = 'inherit' % } { { forum . last_poster . colour } } { % else % } #222 { % endif % } ;"> { { forum . last_poster . username } } </a> { % else % } [deleted user] { % endif % } <a href=" { { urls . format ( 'FORUM_POST' , [ forum . last_post . post_id ] ) } } #p { { forum . last_post . post_id } } " class="default fa fa-tag"></a>
2015-11-01 17:32:47 +01:00
{ % else % }
There are no posts in this forum.
{ % endif % }
{ % endif % }
{ % endfor % }
{ % endif % }