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2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
2015-05-24 22:06:53 +00:00
* Sakura Community Management System
* (c) 2013-2015 Flashwave <>
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
// Declare namespace
namespace Sakura;
// Define Sakura version
2015-11-11 01:30:22 +01:00
define('SAKURA_VERSION', '20151111');
define('SAKURA_VLABEL', 'Eminence');
define('SAKURA_COLOUR', '#6C3082');
define('SAKURA_STABLE', false);
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
// Define Sakura Path
2015-04-06 16:15:20 +00:00
define('ROOT', str_replace(basename(__DIR__), '', dirname(__FILE__)));
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
// Error Reporting: 0 for production and -1 for testing
2015-06-29 02:36:37 +02:00
error_reporting(SAKURA_STABLE ? 0 : -1);
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
2015-07-05 02:03:15 +02:00
// Set internal encoding method
2015-08-24 00:08:36 +02:00
// Stop the execution if the PHP Version is older than 5.4.0
if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<')) {
2015-08-29 15:25:57 +02:00
die('<h3>Sakura requires at least PHP 5.4.0, please upgrade to a newer PHP version.</h3>');
2015-08-24 00:08:36 +02:00
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
// Include libraries
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Main.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Hashing.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Config.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Database.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Urls.php';
2015-10-31 19:14:54 +01:00
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Template.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Permissions.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Session.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/User.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Rank.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Users.php'; //<
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Forums.php'; //<
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/News.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Comments.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Manage.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Bans.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Whois.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Payments.php';
require_once ROOT . '_sakura/components/Trick.php';
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
2015-05-29 19:27:45 +00:00
// Include database extensions
foreach (glob(ROOT . '_sakura/components/database/*.php') as $driver) {
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
require_once $driver;
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
// Set Error handler
set_error_handler(['Sakura\Main', 'errorHandler']);
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
// Initialise Main Class
Main::init(ROOT . '_sakura/config/config.ini');
2015-05-29 19:27:45 +00:00
2015-08-24 00:08:36 +02:00
// Assign servers file to whois class
Whois::setServers(ROOT . '_sakura/' . Config::getLocalConfig('data', 'whoisservers'));
2015-08-24 00:08:36 +02:00
// Check if we the system has a cron service
if (Config::getConfig('no_cron_service')) {
// If not do an "asynchronous" call to the cron.php script
if (Config::getConfig('no_cron_last') < (time() - Config::getConfig('no_cron_interval'))) {
// Check OS
if (substr(strtolower(PHP_OS), 0, 3) == 'win') {
pclose(popen('start /B ' . PHP_BINDIR . '\php.exe ' . addslashes(ROOT . '_sakura\cron.php'), 'r'));
} else {
pclose(popen(PHP_BINDIR . '/php ' . ROOT . '_sakura/cron.php > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &', 'r'));
// Update last execution time
Database::update('config', [
'config_value' => time(),
'config_name' => ['no_cron_last', '='],
2015-05-29 19:27:45 +00:00
// Start output buffering
ob_start(Config::getConfig('use_gzip') ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null);
2015-04-01 17:35:27 +02:00
// Auth check
$authCheck = Users::checkLogin();
2015-08-22 00:07:45 +02:00
// Create a user object for the current logged in user
$currentUser = new User($authCheck[0]);
2015-08-22 00:07:45 +02:00
// Create the Urls object
$urls = new Urls();
2015-08-29 15:25:57 +02:00
// Prepare the name of the template to load (outside of SAKURA_NO_TPL because it's used in imageserve.php)
$templateName =
defined('SAKURA_MANAGE') ?
Config::getConfig('manage_style') :
2015-11-10 15:23:20 +01:00
isset($currentUser->optionFields()['useMisaki']) && $currentUser->optionFields()['useMisaki'] ?
'misaki' :
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
if (!defined('SAKURA_NO_TPL')) {
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
// Set base page rendering data
$renderData = [
'sakura' => [
2015-08-21 01:17:27 +02:00
'versionInfo' => [
'version' => SAKURA_VERSION,
'label' => SAKURA_VLABEL,
'colour' => SAKURA_COLOUR,
'stable' => SAKURA_STABLE,
2015-08-21 01:17:27 +02:00
'cookie' => [
'prefix' => Config::getConfig('cookie_prefix'),
'domain' => Config::getConfig('cookie_domain'),
'path' => Config::getConfig('cookie_path'),
2015-08-21 01:17:27 +02:00
'urlMain' => Config::getConfig('url_main'),
'urlApi' => Config::getConfig('url_api'),
2015-08-21 01:17:27 +02:00
'contentPath' => Config::getConfig('content_path'),
'resources' => Config::getConfig('content_path') . '/data/' . $templateName,
2015-08-21 01:17:27 +02:00
'charset' => Config::getConfig('charset'),
'siteName' => Config::getConfig('sitename'),
'siteLogo' => Config::getConfig('sitelogo'),
'siteDesc' => Config::getConfig('sitedesc'),
'siteTags' => implode(", ", json_decode(Config::getConfig('sitetags'), true)),
'dateFormat' => Config::getConfig('date_format'),
2015-10-16 17:37:10 +02:00
'currentPage' => '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
'referrer' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : null),
2015-08-21 01:17:27 +02:00
'recaptchaPublic' => Config::getConfig('recaptcha_public'),
'recaptchaEnabled' => Config::getConfig('recaptcha'),
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
'disableRegistration' => Config::getConfig('disable_registration'),
'lockAuth' => Config::getConfig('lock_authentication'),
'requireRegCodes' => Config::getConfig('require_registration_code'),
'requireActivation' => Config::getConfig('require_activation'),
'minPwdEntropy' => Config::getConfig('min_entropy'),
'minUsernameLength' => Config::getConfig('username_min_length'),
'maxUsernameLength' => Config::getConfig('username_max_length'),
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
'php' => [
'sessionid' => \session_id(),
'time' => \time(),
'self' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
2015-08-19 21:44:01 +02:00
'session' => [
'checkLogin' => $authCheck,
'sessionId' => $authCheck[1],
'userId' => $authCheck[0],
2015-08-19 21:44:01 +02:00
'user' => $currentUser,
'urls' => $urls,
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
2015-09-16 22:34:36 +02:00
// Site closing
if (Config::getConfig('site_closed')) {
2015-09-16 22:34:36 +02:00
// Additional render data
$renderData = array_merge($renderData, [
'page' => [
'message' => Config::getConfig('site_closed_reason'),
2015-09-16 22:34:36 +02:00
// Initialise templating engine
$template = new Template();
// Change templating engine
// Set parse variables
// Print page contents
echo $template->render('global/information.tpl');
2015-09-16 22:34:36 +02:00
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
// Ban checking
2015-11-11 13:44:08 +01:00
if ($authCheck && !in_array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ['/authenticate.php']) && $ban = Bans::checkBan($currentUser->id())) {
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
// Additional render data
$renderData = array_merge($renderData, [
'ban' => [
'reason' => $ban['reason'],
'issued' => $ban['issued'],
'expires' => $ban['expires'],
2015-11-10 15:23:20 +01:00
'issuer' => (new User($ban['issuer'])),
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00
// Initialise templating engine
$template = new Template();
// Change templating engine
// Set parse variables
// Print page contents
echo $template->render('main/banned.tpl');
2015-07-30 03:12:53 +02:00