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2016-02-13 14:36:21 +01:00
* Holds the premium pages controllers.
* @package Sakura
namespace Sakura\Controllers;
use Sakura\Config;
use Sakura\News;
use Sakura\Template;
use Sakura\User;
use Sakura\Users;
use Sakura\Utils;
use Sakura\Payments;
use Sakura\Perms\Site;
* Premium pages controller.
* @package Sakura
* @author Julian van de Groep <>
2016-02-27 17:46:16 +01:00
class PremiumController extends Controller
2016-02-13 14:36:21 +01:00
2016-02-14 23:46:07 +01:00
public function index()
2016-02-13 14:36:21 +01:00
global $currentUser, $urls;
// Switch between modes (we only allow this to be used by logged in user)
if (isset($_REQUEST['mode'])
&& Users::checkLogin()
&& $currentUser->permission(Site::OBTAIN_PREMIUM)) {
// Initialise Payments class
if (!Payments::init()) {
header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?fail=true');
} else {
switch ($_REQUEST['mode']) {
// Create the purchase
case 'purchase':
// Compare time and session so we know the link isn't forged
if (!isset($_REQUEST['time'])
|| $_REQUEST['time'] < time() - 1000) {
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?fail=true');
// Match session ids for the same reason
if (!isset($_REQUEST['session'])
|| $_REQUEST['session'] != session_id()) {
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?fail=true');
// Half if shit isn't gucci
if (!isset($_POST['months'])
|| !is_numeric($_POST['months'])
|| (int) $_POST['months'] < 1
|| (int) $_POST['months'] > Config::get('premium_amount_max')) {
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?fail=true');
} else {
// Calculate the total
$total = (float) Config::get('premium_price_per_month') * (int) $_POST['months'];
$total = number_format($total, 2, '.', '');
// Generate item name
$itemName = Config::get('sitename')
. ' Premium - '
. (string) $_POST['months']
. ' month'
. ((int) $_POST['months'] == 1 ? '' : 's');
// Attempt to create a transaction
if ($transaction = Payments::createTransaction(
Config::get('sitename') . ' Premium Purchase',
'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . '://' . Config::get('url_main') . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM')
)) {
// Store the amount of months in the global session array
$_SESSION['premiumMonths'] = (int) $_POST['months'];
return header('Location: ' . $transaction);
} else {
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?fail=true');
// Finalising the purchase
case 'finish':
// Check if the success GET request is set and is true
if (isset($_GET['success'])
&& isset($_GET['paymentId'])
&& isset($_GET['PayerID'])
&& isset($_SESSION['premiumMonths'])) {
// Attempt to complete the transaction
try {
$finalise = Payments::completeTransaction($_GET['paymentId'], $_GET['PayerID']);
2016-02-15 22:20:46 +01:00
} catch (Exception $e) {
2016-02-13 14:36:21 +01:00
return trigger_error('Something went horribly wrong.', E_USER_ERROR);
// Attempt to complete the transaction
if ($finalise) {
// Make the user premium
2016-02-19 00:28:44 +01:00
Users::addUserPremium($currentUser->id, (2628000 * $_SESSION['premiumMonths']));
2016-02-13 14:36:21 +01:00
((float) Config::get('premium_price_per_month') * $_SESSION['premiumMonths']),
. ' bought premium for '
. $_SESSION['premiumMonths']
. ' month'
. ($_SESSION['premiumMonths'] == 1 ? '' : 's')
. '.'
// Redirect to the complete
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?mode=complete');
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM') . '?fail=true');
case 'complete':
// Set parse variables
'page' => [
'expiration' => ($prem = $currentUser->isPremium()[2]) !== null ? $prem : 0,
// Print page contents
return Template::render('main/premiumcomplete');
return header('Location: ' . $urls->format('SITE_PREMIUM'));
// Set parse variables
'page' => [
'fail' => isset($_GET['fail']),
'price' => Config::get('premium_price_per_month'),
'current' => $currentUser->isPremium(),
'amount_max' => Config::get('premium_amount_max'),
// Print page contents
return Template::render('main/support');
2016-02-14 23:46:07 +01:00
public function tracker()
2016-02-13 14:36:21 +01:00
// Set parse variables
'tracker' => Utils::getPremiumTrackerData(),
// Print page contents
return Template::render('main/supporttracker');