
Signed-off-by: Flashwave <me@flash.moe>
This commit is contained in:
flash 2015-12-08 23:42:50 +01:00
parent 4c7cb4f338
commit 3a48bfd912
11 changed files with 1485 additions and 258 deletions

View file

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
* Site chat styling
#chat > #chatOnlineUsers {
position: fixed;
right: -300px;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: 300px;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);
color: #FFF;
z-index: 1;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #222;
overflow: auto;
transition: .5s;
visibility: hidden;
#chat > #chatOnlineUsers.open {
right: 0;
visibility: visible;
#chat > #chatOnlineUsers > div {
margin: 5px;
#chat > #chatOnlineUsers > .chatOnlineListTitle {
background: none;
font-size: 2em;
line-height: 1.2em;
font-family: "SegoeUI-Light", sans-serif;
padding: 5px;
#chatUserList > div {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
#chatUserList > div:not(:last-child) {
margin-bottom: 5px;
#chatUserList > div > .avatar {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background: transparent url("/content/pixel.png") no-repeat scroll left center / contain;
border-radius: 5px;
#chatUserList > div > .options {
margin-left: 10px;
#chatUserList > div > .options > .actions {
list-style: none;
font-size: .8em;
line-height: 1.2em;
#chatAccessButtons {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
z-index: 2;
#chatAccessButtons > a {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
margin: 5px 0;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
color: #FFF;
font-size: 2em;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
line-height: 40px;
border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: center;
text-shadow: 0 0 2px #FFF;
position: relative;
transition: .5s;
box-shadow: 0 0 2px #222;
cursor: pointer;
#chatAccessButtons > a:hover {
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #FFF;
#chatAccessButtons > a:active {
text-shadow: 0 0 7px #FFF;
#chatAccessButtons > a.enter {
animation: slideInFromRight 1 .6s, fadeIn 1 .6s;
#chatAccessButtons > a.exit {
animation: slideOutToBottom 1 .6s, fadeOut 1 .6s;

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* On-site Sock Chat client
var Chat = {
server: null,
chatContainer: null,
accessButtons: null,
onlineList: null,
connected: false,
connect: function(server, force) {
// Set server
this.server = server;
// Set required variables
this.chatContainer = document.getElementById('chat');
this.accessButtons = document.getElementById('chatAccessButtons');
this.onlineList = document.getElementById('chatOnlineUsers');
// Check if we haven't already established a connection
if(this.connected && !force) {
this.accessButtons.innerHTML += '<a id="chatConnecting" class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" title="Force a reconnect." href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Chat.connect('+ this.server +', true);"></a>';
// Attempt to connect to the server
this.accessButtons.innerHTML = '<a id="chatConnecting" title="Connecting to chat..."><div class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner" style="line-height: inherit;"></div></a>';
// Grab connection indicator
var connectionIndicator = document.getElementById('chatConnecting');
setTimeout(function() {
if(Chat.connected) {
connectionIndicator.setAttribute('title', 'Connected!');
connectionIndicator.children[0].className = 'fa fa-chain';
var accessButtonsCont = '<a id="showOnlineUsers" class="fa fa-users" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Chat.toggleOnlineList();" title="Toggle online users list"></a><a id="openSiteChat" class="fa fa-comments-o" href="javascript:void(0);" title="View chat"></a>';
} else {
connectionIndicator.setAttribute('title', 'Failed to connect, try again later!');
connectionIndicator.children[0].className = 'fa fa-chain-broken';
var accessButtonsCont = '<a id="showChatTicker" class="fa fa-refresh" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Chat.connect('+ this.server +');"></a>';
setTimeout(function() {
Chat.accessButtons.innerHTML = accessButtonsCont;
}, 500);
}, 500);
toggleOnlineList: function() {
this.onlineList.className = this.onlineList.className != 'open' ? 'open' : '';
toggleTicker: function() {
this.chatTicker.className = this.chatTicker.className != 'open' ? 'open' : '';

View file

@ -1,79 +1,47 @@
var illuminati = [];
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
var illuminati = new Array();
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
function hideYourMind(conflictions) {
var twoThousandTwelveIsTheYearWeAscendToSpaceRobots = conflictions.keyCode;
if(illuminati[0] == 68 && illuminati[1] == 73 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 83) {
var dicksAre = document.createElement('audio');
var forMyFriends = document.createElement('source');
var whenTheyCome = document.createElement('source');
forMyFriends.setAttribute('type', 'audio/mp3');
whenTheyCome.setAttribute('type', 'audio/ogg');
forMyFriends.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.mp3');
whenTheyCome.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.ogg');
if (illuminati[0] == 68 && illuminati[1] == 73 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 83) {
var dicksAre = document.createElement('audio');
var forMyFriends = document.createElement('source');
var whenTheyCome = document.createElement('source');
forMyFriends.type = 'audio/mp3';
whenTheyCome.type = 'audio/ogg';
forMyFriends.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.mp3';
whenTheyCome.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.ogg';
var toMyHouse = dicksAre;
illuminati = [];
illuminati = new Array();
if(illuminati[0] == 77 && illuminati[1] == 69 && illuminati[2] == 87 && illuminati[3] == 79 && illuminati[4] == 87) {
var noklz = document.createElement('audio');
var von = document.createElement('source');
var schnitzel = document.createElement('source');
von.setAttribute('type', 'audio/mp3');
schnitzel.setAttribute('type', 'audio/ogg');
von.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.mp3');
schnitzel.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.ogg');
if (illuminati[0] == 77 && illuminati[1] == 69 && illuminati[2] == 87 && illuminati[3] == 79 && illuminati[4] == 87) {
var noklz = document.createElement('audio');
var von = document.createElement('source');
var schnitzel = document.createElement('source');
von.type = 'audio/mp3';
schnitzel.type = 'audio/ogg';
von.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.mp3';
schnitzel.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.ogg';
document.body.style.animation = 'spin 5s infinite linear';
illuminati = [];
illuminati = new Array();
if(illuminati[0] == 83 && illuminati[1] == 79 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 67 && illuminati[5] == 72 && illuminati[6] == 65 && illuminati[7] == 84) {
setInterval("twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats();", 17);
illuminati = [];
if (illuminati[0] == 83 && illuminati[1] == 79 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 67 && illuminati[5] == 72 && illuminati[6] == 65 && illuminati[7] == 84) {
setInterval(twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats, 20);
illuminati = new Array();
function twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats() {
var diff = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;
var vals = [-7 / Math.cos((diff / 500) * (.85 * Math.PI)), -7 * Math.tan((diff / 250) * (.85 * Math.PI))];
document.body.style.position = 'absolute';
document.body.style.left = vals[0] + 'px';
document.body.style.top = vals[1] + 'px';
document.body.style.fontSize = vals[0] + 'px';
document.body.style.position = 'absolute';
document.body.style.left = vals[0] + 'px';
document.body.style.top = vals[1] + 'px';
document.body.style.fontSize = vals[0] + 'px';
document.addEventListener("onkeydown", hideYourMind, false);
document.addEventListener("keydown", hideYourMind, false);
document.addEventListener('keydown', hideYourMind, false);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
var illuminati: Array<number> = new Array<number>();
var startTime: number = (new Date()).getTime();
function hideYourMind(conflictions: KeyboardEvent): void {
var twoThousandTwelveIsTheYearWeAscendToSpaceRobots: number = conflictions.keyCode;
if (illuminati[0] == 68 && illuminati[1] == 73 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 83) {
var dicksAre: HTMLAudioElement = document.createElement('audio');
var forMyFriends: HTMLSourceElement = document.createElement('source');
var whenTheyCome: HTMLSourceElement = document.createElement('source');
forMyFriends.type = 'audio/mp3';
whenTheyCome.type = 'audio/ogg';
forMyFriends.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.mp3';
whenTheyCome.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.ogg';
var toMyHouse: HTMLAudioElement = dicksAre;
illuminati = new Array<number>();
if (illuminati[0] == 77 && illuminati[1] == 69 && illuminati[2] == 87 && illuminati[3] == 79 && illuminati[4] == 87) {
var noklz: HTMLAudioElement = document.createElement('audio');
var von: HTMLSourceElement = document.createElement('source');
var schnitzel: HTMLSourceElement = document.createElement('source');
von.type = 'audio/mp3';
schnitzel.type = 'audio/ogg';
von.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.mp3';
schnitzel.src = sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.ogg';
document.body.style.animation = 'spin 5s infinite linear';
illuminati = new Array<number>();
if (illuminati[0] == 83 && illuminati[1] == 79 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 67 && illuminati[5] == 72 && illuminati[6] == 65 && illuminati[7] == 84) {
setInterval(twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats, 20);
illuminati = new Array<number>();
function twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats() {
var diff: number = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;
var vals: Array<number> = [-7 / Math.cos((diff / 500) * (.85 * Math.PI)), -7 * Math.tan((diff / 250) * (.85 * Math.PI))];
document.body.style.position = 'absolute';
document.body.style.left = vals[0] + 'px';
document.body.style.top = vals[1] + 'px';
document.body.style.fontSize = vals[0] + 'px';
document.addEventListener('keydown', hideYourMind, false);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
* Sakura Yuuno
// Spawns a notification
function notifyUI(content) {
// Grab the container and create an ID
var cont = document.getElementById('notifications');
var id = 'sakura-notification-' + Date.now();
// Create the elements
var alert = document.createElement('div');
var aIcon = document.createElement('div');
var aCont = document.createElement('div');
var aTitle = document.createElement('div');
var aText = document.createElement('div');
var aClose = document.createElement('div');
var aCIcon = document.createElement('div');
var aClear = document.createElement('div');
var aIconCont;
// Add attributes to the main element
alert.className = 'notification-enter';
alert.id = id;
// Add the icon
if ((typeof content.img).toLowerCase() === 'undefined' && content.img == null && !(content.img.length > 1)) {
aIconCont = document.createElement('div');
aIconCont.className = 'font-icon fa fa-info fa-4x';
else if (content.img.substr(0, 5) == 'FONT:') {
aIconCont = document.createElement('div');
aIconCont.className = 'font-icon fa ' + content.img.replace('FONT:', '') + ' fa-4x';
else {
aIconCont = document.createElement('img');
aIconCont.alt = id;
aIconCont.img = content.img;
aIcon.className = 'notification-icon';
// Add the content
aCont.className = 'notification-content';
aTitle.className = 'notification-title';
aText.className = 'notifcation-text';
aTitle.textContent = content.title;
aText.textContent = content.text;
// Check if a link exists and add if it does
if ((typeof content.link).toLowerCase() !== 'undefined' && content.link !== null && content.link.length > 1) {
alert.setAttribute('sakurahref', content.link);
aCont.setAttribute('onclick', content.link.substr(0, 11) == 'javascript:' ? content.link.substring(11) : 'notifyOpen(this.parentNode.id);');
// Append stuff
// Add the close button
aClose.className = 'notification-close';
aClose.setAttribute('onclick', 'notifyClose(this.parentNode.id);');
// Append the notification to the document
// Play sound if request
if (content.sound) {
// Create the elements
var sound = document.createElement('audio');
var mp3 = document.createElement('source');
var ogg = document.createElement('source');
// Assign attribs
mp3.type = 'audio/mp3';
ogg.type = 'audio/ogg';
mp3.src = sakuraVars.content_path + '/sounds/notify.mp3';
ogg.src = sakuraVars.content_path + '/sounds/notify.ogg';
// Append
// And play
// If keepalive is 0 keep the notification open forever
if (content.timeout > 0) {
// Set a timeout and close after an amount
setTimeout(function () {
}, content.timeout);
// Closing a notification
function notifyClose(id) {
// Get the element
var e = document.getElementById(id);
// Add the animation
e.className = 'notification-exit';
// Remove after 410 ms
setTimeout(function () {
}, 410);
// Opening an alerted link
function notifyOpen(id) {
var sakuraHref = document.getElementById(id).getAttribute('sakurahref');
if ((typeof sakuraHref).toLowerCase() !== 'undefined') {
location = new Location();
window.location = location;
// Request notifications
function notifyRequest(session) {
// Check if the document isn't hidden
if (document.hidden) {
// Create AJAX object
var get = new AJAX();
get.setUrl('/settings.php?request-notifications=true&time=' + Sakura.epoch() + '&session=' + session);
// Add callbacks
get.addCallback(200, function () {
// Assign the parsed JSON
var data = JSON.parse(get.response());
// Check if nothing went wrong
if ((typeof data).toLowerCase() === 'undefined') {
// Inform the user
throw "No or invalid data was returned";
// Stop
// Create an object for every notification
for (var id in data) {
// Show the full page busy window
function ajaxBusyView(show, message, type) {
if (message === void 0) { message = null; }
if (type === void 0) { type = null; }
// Get elements
var cont = document.getElementById('ajaxBusy');
var stat = document.getElementById('ajaxStatus');
var anim = document.getElementById('ajaxAnimate');
var body = document.getElementById('contentwrapper');
var icon = 'fa fa-4x ';
// Select the proper icon
switch (type) {
case 'ok':
icon += 'fa-check';
case 'fail':
icon += 'fa-remove';
case 'busy':
icon += 'fa-refresh fa-spin';
// If request to show the window, build it
if (show) {
if ((typeof cont).toLowerCase() === 'undefined' || cont === null) {
// Container
var cCont = document.createElement('div');
cCont.className = 'ajax-busy';
cCont.id = 'ajaxBusy';
// Inner
var cInner = document.createElement('div');
cInner.className = 'ajax-inner';
// Desc
var cMsg = document.createElement('h2');
cMsg.id = 'ajaxStatus';
// Icon
var cIco = document.createElement('div');
cIco.id = 'ajaxAnimate';
// Append to document
// Reassign
cont = document.getElementById('ajaxBusy');
stat = document.getElementById('ajaxStatus');
anim = document.getElementById('ajaxAnimate');
// Update the icon
anim.className = icon;
// Update the message
stat.textContent = (message === null ? '' : message);
else {
if (cont !== null) {
var out = setInterval(function () {
if (cont.style.opacity === null || cont.style.opacity === "") {
cont.style.opacity = "1";
// If the value isn't 0 yet subtract by .1
if (parseInt(cont.style.opacity) > 0) {
cont.style.opacity = (parseInt(cont.style.opacity) - 0.1).toString();
else {
}, 10);
// Making a post request using AJAX
function ajaxPost(url, data, callback) {
// Create AJAX
var request = new AJAX();
// Set url
// Add callbacks
request.addCallback(200, function () {
request.addCallback(0, function () {
throw "POST Request failed";
// Add header
request.addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
// Set the post data
// Make the request
// Convert a href attr to an object
function prepareAjaxLink(linkId, callback, attrs) {
if (attrs === void 0) { attrs = null; }
// Get element
var link = (typeof linkId).toLowerCase() === 'object' ? linkId : document.getElementById(linkId);
// Catch null
if (link === null) {
// Get the raw HREF value
var href = link.getAttribute('href');
// Get the action
var action = href.split('?')[0];
// Split the request variables
var varEarly = href.split('?')[1].split('&');
// Create storage thing
var variables = new Object();
// Split them
for (var k in varEarly) {
// Split
var newVar = varEarly[k].split('=');
// Push
variables[newVar[0]] = newVar[1];
// Add ajax=true
variables['ajax'] = true;
// Update link attributes
link.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
link.setAttribute('onclick', callback + '(\'' + action + '\', JSON.parse(\'' + JSON.stringify(variables) + '\')' + (typeof attrs != 'undefined' ? attrs : '') + ');');
// Prepare a form for an AJAX request
function prepareAjaxForm(formId, message, resetCaptcha) {
if (resetCaptcha === void 0) { resetCaptcha = false; }
// Get the form
var form = document.getElementById(formId);
// Create hidden ajax input
var hide = document.createElement('input');
// Set the attributes
hide.name = 'ajax';
hide.value = 'true';
hide.type = 'hidden';
// Update form
form.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'submitPost(\'' + form.getAttribute('action') + '\', formToObject(\'' + formId + '\'), true, \'' + (message ? message : 'Please wait...') + '\', ' + (resetCaptcha ? 'true' : 'false') + ');');
form.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:void(0);');
// Convert form to an object
function formToObject(formId) {
// Get the form
var form = document.getElementById(formId);
// Make an object for the request parts
var requestParts = new Object();
// Get all the children with a name attr
var children = form.querySelectorAll('[name]');
// Sort the children and make them ready for submission
for (var i in children) {
if ((typeof children[i]).toLowerCase() === 'object') {
requestParts[children[i].name] = ((typeof children[i].type !== "undefined" && children[i].type.toLowerCase() == "checkbox") ? (children[i].checked ? 1 : 0) : children[i].value);
// Return the request parts
return requestParts;
// Quickly building a form
function generateForm(formId, formAttr, formData, appendTo) {
if (appendTo === void 0) { appendTo = null; }
// Create form element
var form = document.createElement('form');
form.id = formId;
// Set additional attrs
for (var c in formAttr) {
form.setAttribute(c, formAttr[c]);
// Set data
for (var a in formData) {
var b = document.createElement('input');
b.type = 'hidden';
b.name = a;
b.value = formData[a];
// Append to something if requested
if (appendTo !== null) {
return form;
// Submitting a post using AJAX
function submitPost(action, requestParts, busyView, msg, resetCaptcha) {
var _this = this;
// If requested display the busy thing
if (busyView) {
ajaxBusyView(true, msg, 'busy');
// Submit the AJAX
var request = ajaxPost(action, requestParts, function () {
submitPostHandler(_this, busyView, resetCaptcha);
// Handling a submitted form using AJAX
function submitPostHandler(result, busyView, resetCaptcha) {
// Split the result
var data = result.split('|');
// If using the bust view thing update the text displayed to the return of the request
if (busyView) {
ajaxBusyView(true, result[0], (result[1] == '1' ? 'ok' : 'fail'));
// Reset captcha
if (resetCaptcha && result[1] != '1' && sakuraVars.recaptchaEnabled != '0') {
setTimeout(function () {
if (busyView) {
if (result[1] == '1') {
location = new Location();
window.location = location;
}, 2000);
// Check if a password is within the minimum entropy value
function checkPwdEntropy(pwd) {
return (Sakura.entropy(pwd) >= sakuraVars.minPwdEntropy);
// Check registration variables
function registerVarCheck(id, mode, option) {
if (option === void 0) { option = null; }
// Get the element we're working with
var input = document.getElementById(id);
var check = null;
// Use the proper mode
switch (mode) {
case 'confirmpw':
option = document.getElementById(option);
check = input.getAttribute('value') === option.value;
case 'password':
check = checkPwdEntropy(input.getAttribute('value'));
case 'email':
check = Sakura.validateEmail(input.getAttribute('value'));
case 'username':
check = Sakura.stringLength(input.getAttribute('value'), sakuraVars.minUserLen, sakuraVars.maxUserLen);
if (input.className.indexOf(check ? 'green' : 'red') < 0) {
input.className = input.className + ' ' + (check ? 'green' : 'red');
if (input.className.indexOf(check ? 'red' : 'green') > 0) {
input.className = input.className.replace(check ? 'red' : 'green', '');
// Initialising the element parallax functionality
function initialiseParallax(id) {
// Assign the element to a variable
var parallax = document.getElementById(id);
// Set proper position values
parallax.style.top = '-2.5px';
parallax.style.bottom = '-2.5px';
parallax.style.left = '-2.5px';
parallax.style.right = '-2.5px';
// Add the event listener to the body element
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {
// Alter the position of the parallaxed element
parallax.style.top = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientY, true, false) + 'px';
parallax.style.bottom = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientY, true, true) + 'px';
parallax.style.left = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientX, false, false) + 'px';
parallax.style.right = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientX, false, true) + 'px';
// Converting the position value of the mouseover to a pixel value
function convertParallaxPositionValue(pos, dir, neg) {
// Get the body element
var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Get percentage of current position
var position = (pos / (dir ? body.clientHeight : body.clientWidth)) * 100;
// If someone decided to fuck with the inputs reset it to 0%
if (position < 0 || position > 100) {
position = 0;
// Do the first maths
position = (position / (dir ? 25 : 20)) - 2.5;
// If the negative flag is set inverse the number
if (neg) {
position = -position;
// Subtract another 2.5 to make the element not go all over the place
position = position - 2.5;
// Return the proper position value
return position;
// """"""""Smooth"""""""" scrolling
function scrollToTop() {
// Get the current position
var windowY = window.pageYOffset - 100;
// Move up
window.scrollTo(0, windowY);
// Keep executing this function till we're at the top
if (windowY + 1 > 0) {
setTimeout(function () { scrollToTop(); }, 10);
// Replace some special tags
function replaceTag(tag) {
return { '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;' }[tag] || tag;
// ^
function safeTagsReplace(str) {
return str.replace(/[&<>]/g, replaceTag);
// Open a comment reply field
function commentReply(id, session, category, action, avatar) {
// Find subject post
var replyingTo = document.getElementById('comment-' + id);
// Check if it actually exists
if ((typeof replyingTo).toLowerCase() === 'undefined') {
// Attempt to get previously created box
var replyBox = document.getElementById('comment-reply-container-' + id);
// Remove it if it already exists
if (replyBox) {
Sakura.removeById('comment-reply-container-' + id);
// Container
var replyContainer = document.createElement('li');
replyContainer.id = 'comment-reply-container-' + id;
// Form
var replyForm = document.createElement('form');
replyForm.id = 'comment-reply-' + id;
replyForm.action = action;
replyForm.method = 'post';
// Session
var replyInput = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'session';
replyInput.value = session;
// Category
var replyInput = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'category';
replyInput.value = category;
// Reply ID
var replyInput = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'replyto';
replyInput.value = id.toString();
// Mode
var replyInput = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'mode';
replyInput.value = 'comment';
// Comment container
var replyDiv = document.createElement('div');
replyDiv.className = 'comment';
// Avatar
var replyAvatar = document.createElement('div');
replyAvatar.className = 'comment-avatar';
replyAvatar.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + avatar + ')';
// Pointer
var replyPoint = document.createElement('div');
replyPoint.className = 'comment-pointer';
// Textarea
var replyText = document.createElement('textarea');
replyText.className = 'comment-content';
replyText.name = 'comment';
// Submit
var replySubmit = document.createElement('input');
replySubmit.className = 'comment-submit';
replySubmit.type = 'submit';
replySubmit.name = 'submit';
replySubmit.value = "\uf1d8";
// Append to form
// Append form to container
// Insert the HTML
if (replyingTo.children[1].children.length > 0) {
replyingTo.children[1].insertBefore(replyContainer, replyingTo.children[1].firstChild);
else {
// Prepare AJAX submission
prepareAjaxForm(replyForm.id, 'Replying...');
// Inserting text into text box
// Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery (therefore not in Typescript format, fix this later)
function insertText(areaId, text) {
var txtarea = document.getElementById(areaId);
var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
var strPos = 0;
var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') ?
"ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false));
if (br == "ie") {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);
strPos = range.text.length;
else if (br == "ff")
strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0, strPos);
var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos, txtarea.value.length);
txtarea.value = front + text + back;
strPos = strPos + text.length;
if (br == "ie") {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);
range.moveStart('character', strPos);
range.moveEnd('character', 0);
else if (br == "ff") {
txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;
txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;
txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
// Inserting a bbcode
function insertBBcode(textarea, tag, arg) {
if (arg === void 0) { arg = false; }
var element = document.getElementById(textarea);
var before = "[" + tag + (arg ? "=" : "") + "]";
var after = "[/" + tag + "]";
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = before + sel.text + after;
else if (element.selectionStart || element.selectionStart === 0) {
var startPos = element.selectionStart;
var endPos = element.selectionEnd;
var scrollTop = element.scrollTop;
element.value = element.value.substring(0, startPos) + before + element.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + after + element.value.substring(endPos, element.value.length);
element.selectionStart = startPos + before.length;
element.selectionEnd = endPos + before.length;
element.scrollTop = scrollTop;
else {
element.value += before + after;
// Formatting money
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function (u, c, k) {
var f = this, u = isNaN(u = Math.abs(u)) ? 2 : u, c = c == undefined ? "." : c, k = k == undefined ? "," : k, i = f < 0 ? "-" : "", n = parseInt(f = Math.abs(+f || 0).toFixed(u)) + "", g = (g = n.length) > 3 ? g % 3 : 0;
return i + (g ? n.substr(0, g) + k : "") + n.substr(g).replace(/(\c{3})(?=\c)/g, "$1" + k) + (u ? c + Math.abs(f - n).toFixed(u).slice(2) : "");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
* Sakura Yuuno
// Notification class
interface Notification {
read: boolean;
title: string;
text: string;
link: string;
img: string;
timeout: number;
sound: boolean;
// Spawns a notification
function notifyUI(content: Notification): void {
// Grab the container and create an ID
var cont: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('notifications');
var id: string = 'sakura-notification-' + Date.now();
// Create the elements
var alert: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aIcon: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aCont: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aTitle: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aText: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aClose: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aCIcon: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aClear: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
var aIconCont: any;
// Add attributes to the main element
alert.className = 'notification-enter';
alert.id = id;
// Add the icon
if ((typeof content.img).toLowerCase() === 'undefined' && content.img == null && !(content.img.length > 1)) {
aIconCont = document.createElement('div');
aIconCont.className = 'font-icon fa fa-info fa-4x';
} else if (content.img.substr(0, 5) == 'FONT:') {
aIconCont = document.createElement('div');
aIconCont.className = 'font-icon fa ' + content.img.replace('FONT:', '') + ' fa-4x';
} else {
aIconCont = document.createElement('img');
aIconCont.alt = id;
aIconCont.img = content.img;
aIcon.className = 'notification-icon';
// Add the content
aCont.className = 'notification-content';
aTitle.className = 'notification-title';
aText.className = 'notifcation-text';
aTitle.textContent = content.title;
aText.textContent = content.text;
// Check if a link exists and add if it does
if ((typeof content.link).toLowerCase() !== 'undefined' && content.link !== null && content.link.length > 1) {
alert.setAttribute('sakurahref', content.link);
aCont.setAttribute('onclick', content.link.substr(0, 11) == 'javascript:' ? content.link.substring(11) : 'notifyOpen(this.parentNode.id);');
// Append stuff
// Add the close button
aClose.className = 'notification-close';
aClose.setAttribute('onclick', 'notifyClose(this.parentNode.id);');
// Append the notification to the document
// Play sound if request
if (content.sound) {
// Create the elements
var sound: HTMLAudioElement = document.createElement('audio');
var mp3: HTMLSourceElement = document.createElement('source');
var ogg: HTMLSourceElement = document.createElement('source');
// Assign attribs
mp3.type = 'audio/mp3';
ogg.type = 'audio/ogg';
mp3.src = sakuraVars.content_path + '/sounds/notify.mp3';
ogg.src = sakuraVars.content_path + '/sounds/notify.ogg';
// Append
// And play
// If keepalive is 0 keep the notification open forever
if (content.timeout > 0) {
// Set a timeout and close after an amount
setTimeout(() => {
}, content.timeout);
// Closing a notification
function notifyClose(id: string): void {
// Get the element
var e: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(id);
// Add the animation
e.className = 'notification-exit';
// Remove after 410 ms
setTimeout(() => {
}, 410);
// Opening an alerted link
function notifyOpen(id: string): void {
var sakuraHref: string = document.getElementById(id).getAttribute('sakurahref');
if ((typeof sakuraHref).toLowerCase() !== 'undefined') {
location = new Location();
window.location = location;
// Request notifications
function notifyRequest(session: string): void {
// Check if the document isn't hidden
if (document.hidden) {
// Create AJAX object
var get: AJAX = new AJAX();
get.setUrl('/settings.php?request-notifications=true&time=' + Sakura.epoch() + '&session=' + session);
// Add callbacks
get.addCallback(200, () => {
// Assign the parsed JSON
var data: Notification = JSON.parse(get.response());
// Check if nothing went wrong
if ((typeof data).toLowerCase() === 'undefined') {
// Inform the user
throw "No or invalid data was returned";
// Stop
// Create an object for every notification
for (var id in data) {
// Show the full page busy window
function ajaxBusyView(show: boolean, message: string = null, type: string = null): void {
// Get elements
var cont: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('ajaxBusy');
var stat: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('ajaxStatus');
var anim: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('ajaxAnimate');
var body: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('contentwrapper');
var icon: string = 'fa fa-4x ';
// Select the proper icon
switch (type) {
case 'ok':
icon += 'fa-check';
case 'fail':
icon += 'fa-remove';
case 'busy':
icon += 'fa-refresh fa-spin';
// If request to show the window, build it
if (show) {
if ((typeof cont).toLowerCase() === 'undefined' || cont === null) {
// Container
var cCont = document.createElement('div');
cCont.className = 'ajax-busy';
cCont.id = 'ajaxBusy';
// Inner
var cInner = document.createElement('div');
cInner.className = 'ajax-inner';
// Desc
var cMsg = document.createElement('h2');
cMsg.id = 'ajaxStatus';
// Icon
var cIco = document.createElement('div');
cIco.id = 'ajaxAnimate';
// Append to document
// Reassign
cont = document.getElementById('ajaxBusy');
stat = document.getElementById('ajaxStatus');
anim = document.getElementById('ajaxAnimate');
// Update the icon
anim.className = icon;
// Update the message
stat.textContent = (message === null ? '' : message);
} else {
if (cont !== null) {
var out: any = setInterval(() => {
if (cont.style.opacity === null || cont.style.opacity === "") {
cont.style.opacity = "1";
// If the value isn't 0 yet subtract by .1
if (parseInt(cont.style.opacity) > 0) {
cont.style.opacity = (parseInt(cont.style.opacity) - 0.1).toString();
} else {
}, 10);
// Making a post request using AJAX
function ajaxPost(url: string, data: Object, callback: Function): void {
// Create AJAX
var request = new AJAX();
// Set url
// Add callbacks
request.addCallback(200, function () {
request.addCallback(0, function () {
throw "POST Request failed";
// Add header
request.addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
// Set the post data
// Make the request
// Convert a href attr to an object
function prepareAjaxLink(linkId: any, callback: Function, attrs: string = null): void {
// Get element
var link: HTMLElement = (typeof linkId).toLowerCase() === 'object' ? linkId : document.getElementById(linkId);
// Catch null
if (link === null) {
// Get the raw HREF value
var href: string = link.getAttribute('href');
// Get the action
var action: string = href.split('?')[0];
// Split the request variables
var varEarly: string[] = href.split('?')[1].split('&');
// Create storage thing
var variables: Object = new Object();
// Split them
for (var k in varEarly) {
// Split
var newVar: string[] = varEarly[k].split('=');
// Push
variables[newVar[0]] = newVar[1];
// Add ajax=true
variables['ajax'] = true;
// Update link attributes
link.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0);');
link.setAttribute('onclick', callback + '(\'' + action + '\', JSON.parse(\'' + JSON.stringify(variables) + '\')' + (typeof attrs != 'undefined' ? attrs : '') + ');');
// Prepare a form for an AJAX request
function prepareAjaxForm(formId: string, message: string, resetCaptcha: boolean = false): void {
// Get the form
var form: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(formId);
// Create hidden ajax input
var hide: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
// Set the attributes
hide.name = 'ajax';
hide.value = 'true';
hide.type = 'hidden';
// Update form
form.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'submitPost(\'' + form.getAttribute('action') + '\', formToObject(\'' + formId + '\'), true, \'' + (message ? message : 'Please wait...') + '\', ' + (resetCaptcha ? 'true' : 'false') + ');');
form.setAttribute('action', 'javascript:void(0);');
// Convert form to an object
function formToObject(formId: string): Object {
// Get the form
var form: any = document.getElementById(formId);
// Make an object for the request parts
var requestParts: Object = new Object();
// Get all the children with a name attr
var children = form.querySelectorAll('[name]');
// Sort the children and make them ready for submission
for (var i in children) {
if ((typeof children[i]).toLowerCase() === 'object') {
requestParts[children[i].name] = ((typeof children[i].type !== "undefined" && children[i].type.toLowerCase() == "checkbox") ? (children[i].checked ? 1 : 0) : children[i].value);
// Return the request parts
return requestParts;
// Quickly building a form
function generateForm(formId: string, formAttr: Object, formData: Object, appendTo: string = null): HTMLFormElement {
// Create form element
var form: HTMLFormElement = document.createElement('form');
form.id = formId;
// Set additional attrs
for (var c in formAttr) {
form.setAttribute(c, formAttr[c]);
// Set data
for (var a in formData) {
var b: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
b.type = 'hidden';
b.name = a;
b.value = formData[a];
// Append to something if requested
if (appendTo !== null) {
return form;
// Submitting a post using AJAX
function submitPost(action: string, requestParts: Object, busyView: boolean, msg: string, resetCaptcha: boolean): void {
// If requested display the busy thing
if (busyView) {
ajaxBusyView(true, msg, 'busy');
// Submit the AJAX
var request = ajaxPost(action, requestParts, () => {
submitPostHandler(this, busyView, resetCaptcha);
// Handling a submitted form using AJAX
function submitPostHandler(result: string, busyView: boolean, resetCaptcha: boolean): void {
// Split the result
var data: string[] = result.split('|');
// If using the bust view thing update the text displayed to the return of the request
if (busyView) {
ajaxBusyView(true, result[0], (result[1] == '1' ? 'ok' : 'fail'));
// Reset captcha
if (resetCaptcha && result[1] != '1' && sakuraVars.recaptchaEnabled != '0') {
setTimeout(() => {
if (busyView) {
if (result[1] == '1') {
location = new Location();
window.location = location;
}, 2000);
// Check if a password is within the minimum entropy value
function checkPwdEntropy(pwd: string): boolean {
return (Sakura.entropy(pwd) >= sakuraVars.minPwdEntropy);
// Check registration variables
function registerVarCheck(id: string, mode: string, option: any = null): void {
// Get the element we're working with
var input: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(id);
var check: boolean = null;
// Use the proper mode
switch (mode) {
case 'confirmpw':
option = document.getElementById(option);
check = input.getAttribute('value') === option.value;
case 'password':
check = checkPwdEntropy(input.getAttribute('value'));
case 'email':
check = Sakura.validateEmail(input.getAttribute('value'));
case 'username':
check = Sakura.stringLength(input.getAttribute('value'), sakuraVars.minUserLen, sakuraVars.maxUserLen);
if (input.className.indexOf(check ? 'green' : 'red') < 0) {
input.className = input.className + ' ' + (check ? 'green' : 'red');
if (input.className.indexOf(check ? 'red' : 'green') > 0) {
input.className = input.className.replace(check ? 'red' : 'green', '');
// Initialising the element parallax functionality
function initialiseParallax(id: string) {
// Assign the element to a variable
var parallax: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(id);
// Set proper position values
parallax.style.top = '-2.5px';
parallax.style.bottom = '-2.5px';
parallax.style.left = '-2.5px';
parallax.style.right = '-2.5px';
// Add the event listener to the body element
document.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
// Alter the position of the parallaxed element
parallax.style.top = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientY, true, false) + 'px';
parallax.style.bottom = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientY, true, true) + 'px';
parallax.style.left = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientX, false, false) + 'px';
parallax.style.right = convertParallaxPositionValue(e.clientX, false, true) + 'px';
// Converting the position value of the mouseover to a pixel value
function convertParallaxPositionValue(pos: number, dir: boolean, neg: boolean): number {
// Get the body element
var body: HTMLElement = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// Get percentage of current position
var position: number = (pos / (dir ? body.clientHeight : body.clientWidth)) * 100;
// If someone decided to fuck with the inputs reset it to 0%
if (position < 0 || position > 100) {
position = 0;
// Do the first maths
position = (position / (dir ? 25 : 20)) - 2.5;
// If the negative flag is set inverse the number
if (neg) {
position = -position;
// Subtract another 2.5 to make the element not go all over the place
position = position - 2.5;
// Return the proper position value
return position;
// """"""""Smooth"""""""" scrolling
function scrollToTop(): void {
// Get the current position
var windowY: number = window.pageYOffset - 100;
// Move up
window.scrollTo(0, windowY);
// Keep executing this function till we're at the top
if (windowY + 1 > 0) {
setTimeout(() => { scrollToTop(); }, 10);
// Replace some special tags
function replaceTag(tag: string): string {
return { '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;' }[tag] || tag;
// ^
function safeTagsReplace(str: string): string {
return str.replace(/[&<>]/g, replaceTag);
// Open a comment reply field
function commentReply(id: number, session: string, category: string, action: string, avatar: string): void {
// Find subject post
var replyingTo: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('comment-' + id);
// Check if it actually exists
if ((typeof replyingTo).toLowerCase() === 'undefined') {
// Attempt to get previously created box
var replyBox: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('comment-reply-container-' + id);
// Remove it if it already exists
if (replyBox) {
Sakura.removeById('comment-reply-container-' + id);
// Container
var replyContainer: HTMLLIElement = document.createElement('li');
replyContainer.id = 'comment-reply-container-' + id;
// Form
var replyForm: HTMLFormElement = document.createElement('form');
replyForm.id = 'comment-reply-' + id;
replyForm.action = action;
replyForm.method = 'post';
// Session
var replyInput: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'session';
replyInput.value = session;
// Category
var replyInput: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'category';
replyInput.value = category;
// Reply ID
var replyInput: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'replyto';
replyInput.value = id.toString();
// Mode
var replyInput: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
replyInput.type = 'hidden';
replyInput.name = 'mode';
replyInput.value = 'comment';
// Comment container
var replyDiv: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
replyDiv.className = 'comment';
// Avatar
var replyAvatar: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
replyAvatar.className = 'comment-avatar';
replyAvatar.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + avatar + ')';
// Pointer
var replyPoint: HTMLDivElement = document.createElement('div');
replyPoint.className = 'comment-pointer';
// Textarea
var replyText: HTMLTextAreaElement = document.createElement('textarea');
replyText.className = 'comment-content';
replyText.name = 'comment';
// Submit
var replySubmit: HTMLInputElement = document.createElement('input');
replySubmit.className = 'comment-submit';
replySubmit.type = 'submit';
replySubmit.name = 'submit';
replySubmit.value = "\uf1d8";
// Append to form
// Append form to container
// Insert the HTML
if (replyingTo.children[1].children.length > 0) {
replyingTo.children[1].insertBefore(replyContainer, replyingTo.children[1].firstChild);
} else {
// Prepare AJAX submission
prepareAjaxForm(replyForm.id, 'Replying...');
// Inserting text into text box
// Borrowed from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1064089/inserting-a-text-where-cursor-is-using-javascript-jquery (therefore not in Typescript format, fix this later)
function insertText(areaId, text) {
var txtarea = document.getElementById(areaId);
var scrollPos = txtarea.scrollTop;
var strPos = 0;
var br = ((txtarea.selectionStart || txtarea.selectionStart == '0') ?
"ff" : (document.selection ? "ie" : false));
if (br == "ie") {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);
strPos = range.text.length;
else if (br == "ff") strPos = txtarea.selectionStart;
var front = (txtarea.value).substring(0, strPos);
var back = (txtarea.value).substring(strPos, txtarea.value.length);
txtarea.value = front + text + back;
strPos = strPos + text.length;
if (br == "ie") {
var range = document.selection.createRange();
range.moveStart('character', -txtarea.value.length);
range.moveStart('character', strPos);
range.moveEnd('character', 0);
else if (br == "ff") {
txtarea.selectionStart = strPos;
txtarea.selectionEnd = strPos;
txtarea.scrollTop = scrollPos;
// Inserting a bbcode
function insertBBcode(textarea: string, tag: string, arg: boolean = false): void {
var element = document.getElementById(textarea);
var before = "[" + tag + (arg ? "=" : "") + "]";
var after = "[/" + tag + "]";
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = before + sel.text + after;
} else if (element.selectionStart || element.selectionStart === 0) {
var startPos = element.selectionStart;
var endPos = element.selectionEnd;
var scrollTop = element.scrollTop;
element.value = element.value.substring(0, startPos) + before + element.value.substring(startPos, endPos) + after + element.value.substring(endPos, element.value.length);
element.selectionStart = startPos + before.length;
element.selectionEnd = endPos + before.length;
element.scrollTop = scrollTop;
} else {
element.value += before + after;
// Formatting money
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function (u, c, k) {
var f = this,
u = isNaN(u = Math.abs(u)) ? 2 : u,
c = c == undefined ? "." : c,
k = k == undefined ? "," : k,
i = f < 0 ? "-" : "",
n = parseInt(f = Math.abs(+f || 0).toFixed(u)) + "",
g = (g = n.length) > 3 ? g % 3 : 0;
return i + (g ? n.substr(0, g) + k : "") + n.substr(g).replace(/(\c{3})(?=\c)/g, "$1" + k) + (u ? c + Math.abs(f - n).toFixed(u).slice(2) : "");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
var illuminati = [];
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
function hideYourMind(conflictions) {
var twoThousandTwelveIsTheYearWeAscendToSpaceRobots = conflictions.keyCode;
if(illuminati[0] == 68 && illuminati[1] == 73 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 83) {
var dicksAre = document.createElement('audio');
var forMyFriends = document.createElement('source');
var whenTheyCome = document.createElement('source');
forMyFriends.setAttribute('type', 'audio/mp3');
whenTheyCome.setAttribute('type', 'audio/ogg');
forMyFriends.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.mp3');
whenTheyCome.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/dicks.ogg');
var toMyHouse = dicksAre;
illuminati = [];
if(illuminati[0] == 77 && illuminati[1] == 69 && illuminati[2] == 87 && illuminati[3] == 79 && illuminati[4] == 87) {
var noklz = document.createElement('audio');
var von = document.createElement('source');
var schnitzel = document.createElement('source');
von.setAttribute('type', 'audio/mp3');
schnitzel.setAttribute('type', 'audio/ogg');
von.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.mp3');
schnitzel.setAttribute('src', sakuraVars.content + '/sounds/mewow.ogg');
document.body.style.animation = 'spin 5s infinite linear';
illuminati = [];
if(illuminati[0] == 83 && illuminati[1] == 79 && illuminati[2] == 67 && illuminati[3] == 75 && illuminati[4] == 67 && illuminati[5] == 72 && illuminati[6] == 65 && illuminati[7] == 84) {
setInterval("twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats();", 17);
illuminati = [];
function twoThousandSixteenIsTheYearWePhysicallyMergeWithCats() {
var diff = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;
var vals = [-7 / Math.cos((diff / 500) * (.85 * Math.PI)), -7 * Math.tan((diff / 250) * (.85 * Math.PI))];
document.body.style.position = 'absolute';
document.body.style.left = vals[0] + 'px';
document.body.style.top = vals[1] + 'px';
document.body.style.fontSize = vals[0] + 'px';
document.addEventListener("onkeydown", hideYourMind, false);
document.addEventListener("keydown", hideYourMind, false);

View file

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ if (isset($_REQUEST['request-notifications']) && $_REQUEST['request-notification
// Set header, convert the array to json, print it and exit
print json_encode($notifications);
echo json_encode($notifications, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['comment-action']) && $_REQUEST['comment-action']) {
// Referrer

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
namespace Sakura;
// Define Sakura version
define('SAKURA_VERSION', '20151206');
define('SAKURA_VERSION', '20151208');
define('SAKURA_VLABEL', 'Eminence');
define('SAKURA_COLOUR', '#6C3082');

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
{% block content %}
<div id="chat">
<div id="chatAccessButtons"></div>
<div id="chatOnlineUsers">
<div class="chatOnlineListTitle">
Online Users
<div id="chatUserList">
<div class="avatar" style="background-image: url('/a/1');"></div>
<div class="options">
<div class="username" style="color: #2B3F84;">Hanyuu</div>
<div class="actions">Display actions</div>
{% endblock %}
{% block style %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ sakura.resources }}/css/chat.css" />
{% endblock %}
{% block js %}
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="{{ sakura.resources }}/js/chat.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener("load", function(){ Chat.connect(''); });
{% endblock %}

View file

@ -228,9 +228,7 @@
{% block content %}
<h1 class="stylised" style="text-align: center; margin: 2em auto;">{{ php.self }} is now printing!</h1>
{% endblock %}
{# include 'global/chat.tpl' #}
{#<div class="ad-container ad-footer" id="footerAd">
<div class="ad-box">
<img src="http://i.flash.moe/1445792838-522-8610.png" />