This repository has been archived on 2025-01-28. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
flashwave 383e2ed0e0 Rewrote the user information class.
This one took multiple days and it pretty invasive into the core of Misuzu so issue might (will) arise, there's also some features that have gone temporarily missing in the mean time and some inefficiencies introduced that will be fixed again at a later time.
The old class isn't gone entirely because I still have to figure out what I'm gonna do about validation, but for the most part this knocks out one of the "layers of backwards compatibility", as I've been referring to it, and is moving us closer to a future where Flashii actually gets real updates.
If you run into anything that's broken and you're inhibited from reporting it through the forum, do it through chat or mail me at
2023-08-02 22:12:47 +00:00

219 lines
12 KiB

{% macro comments_input(category, user, perms, reply_to) %}
{% set reply_mode = reply_to is not null %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import avatar %}
{% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_checkbox %}
<form class="comment comment--input{% if reply_mode %} comment--reply{% endif %}"
method="post" action="{{ url('comment-create') }}"
id="comment-{{ reply_mode ? 'reply-' ~ : 'create-' ~ }}">
{{ input_hidden('comment[category]', }}
{{ input_csrf() }}
{% if reply_mode %}
{{ input_hidden('comment[reply]', }}
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__container">
<div class="avatar comment__avatar">
{{ avatar(, reply_mode ? 40 : 50, }}
<div class="comment__content">
class="comment__text input__textarea comment__text--input"
name="comment[text]" placeholder="Share your extensive insights..."></textarea>
<div class="comment__actions">
{% if not reply_mode %}
{% if perms.can_pin|default(false) %}
{{ input_checkbox('comment[pin]', 'Pin this comment', false, 'comment__action') }}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_lock|default(false) %}
{{ input_checkbox('comment[lock]', 'Toggle locked status', false, 'comment__action') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<button class="input__button comment__action comment__action--button comment__action--post">
{{ reply_mode ? 'Reply' : 'Post' }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comments_entry(comment, indent, category, user, colour, perms) %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import avatar %}
{% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_checkbox_raw %}
{% set replies = comment.replies %}
{% set poster = comment.user|default(null) %}
{% if is defined %}
{% set userVote = %}
{% set comment = %}
{% set body = comment.body %}
{% set likes = comment.votesPositive %}
{% set dislikes = comment.votesNegative %}
{% set isReply = comment.isReply %}
{% else %}
{% set body = comment.text %}
{% set userVote = comment.userVote %}
{% set likes = comment.likes %}
{% set dislikes = comment.dislikes %}
{% set isReply = comment.hasParent %}
{% endif %}
{% set hide_details = poster is null or comment.deleted and not perms.can_delete_any|default(false) %}
{% if perms.can_delete_any|default(false) or (not comment.deleted or replies|length > 0) %}
<div class="comment{% if comment.deleted %} comment--deleted{% endif %}" id="comment-{{ }}">
<div class="comment__container">
{% if hide_details %}
<div class="comment__avatar">
{{ avatar(0, indent > 1 ? 40 : 50) }}
{% else %}
<a class="comment__avatar" href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user':}) }}">
{{ avatar(, indent > 1 ? 40 : 50, }}
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__content">
<div class="comment__info">
{% if not hide_details %}
<a class="comment__user comment__user--link"
href="{{ url('user-profile', {'user':}) }}"
style="--user-colour: {{ colour }}">{{ }}</a>
{% endif %}
<a class="comment__link" href="#comment-{{ }}">
<time class="comment__date"
title="{{ comment.createdTime|date('r') }}"
datetime="{{ comment.createdTime|date('c') }}">
{{ comment.createdTime|time_format }}
{% if comment.pinned %}
<span class="comment__pin">{% apply spaceless %}
{% if comment.pinnedTime != comment.createdTime %}
<time title="{{ comment.pinnedTime|date('r') }}"
datetime="{{ comment.pinnedTime|date('c') }}">
{{ comment.pinnedTime|time_format }}
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}</span>
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__text">
{{ hide_details ? '(deleted)' : body }}
<div class="comment__actions">
{% if not comment.deleted and user is not null %}
{% if perms.can_vote|default(false) %}
{% set like_vote_state = userVote > 0 ? 0 : 1 %}
{% set dislike_vote_state = userVote < 0 ? 0 : -1 %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--vote comment__action--like{% if userVote > 0 %} comment__action--voted{% endif %}" data-comment-id="{{ }}" data-comment-vote="{{ like_vote_state }}"
href="{{ url('comment-vote', {'comment','vote':like_vote_state}) }}">
{% if likes > 0 %}
({{ likes|number_format }})
{% endif %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--vote comment__action--dislike{% if userVote < 0 %} comment__action--voted{% endif %}" data-comment-id="{{ }}" data-comment-vote="{{ dislike_vote_state }}"
href="{{ url('comment-vote', {'comment','vote':dislike_vote_state}) }}">
{% if dislikes > 0 %}
({{ dislikes|number_format }})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_comment|default(false) %}
<label class="comment__action comment__action--link" for="comment-reply-toggle-{{ }}">Reply</label>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_delete_any|default(false) or (|default(0) == and perms.can_delete|default(false)) %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--hide comment__action--delete" data-comment-id="{{ }}" href="{{ url('comment-delete', {'comment'}) }}">Delete</a>
{% endif %}
{# if user is not null %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--hide" href="#">Report</a>
{% endif #}
{% if not isReply and perms.can_pin|default(false) %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--hide comment__action--pin" data-comment-id="{{ }}" data-comment-pinned="{{ comment.pinned ? '1' : '0' }}" href="{{ url('comment-' ~ (comment.pinned ? 'unpin' : 'pin'), {'comment'}) }}">{{ comment.pinned ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin' }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% elseif perms.can_delete_any|default(false) %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--restore" data-comment-id="{{ }}" href="{{ url('comment-restore', {'comment'}) }}">Restore</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__replies comment__replies--indent-{{ indent }}" id="comment-{{ }}-replies">
{% from _self import comments_entry, comments_input %}
{% if user|default(null) is not null and category|default(null) is not null and perms.can_comment|default(false) %}
{{ input_checkbox_raw('', false, 'comment__reply-toggle', '', false, {'id':'comment-reply-toggle-' ~}) }}
{{ comments_input(category, user, perms, comment) }}
{% endif %}
{% if replies|length > 0 %}
{% for reply in replies %}
{{ comments_entry(reply, indent + 1, category, user, colour, perms) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comments_section(category) %}
{% set user = category.user %}
{% set colour = category.colour %}
{% set posts = category.posts %}
{% set perms = category.perms %}
{% set category = category.category %}
<div class="comments" id="comments">
<div class="comments__input">
{% if user|default(null) is null %}
<div class="comments__notice">
Please <a href="{{ url('auth-login') }}" class="comments__notice__link">login</a> to comment.
{% elseif category|default(null) is null %}
<div class="comments__notice">
Posting new comments here is disabled.
{% elseif not perms.can_lock|default(false) and category.locked %}
<div class="comments__notice">
This comment section was locked, <time datetime="{{ category.lockedTime|date('c') }}" title="{{ category.lockedTime|date('r') }}">{{ category.lockedTime|time_format }}</time>.
{% elseif not perms.can_comment|default(false) %}
<div class="comments__notice">
You are not allowed to post comments.
{% else %}
{% from _self import comments_input %}
{{ comments_input(category, user, perms) }}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_lock|default(false) and category.locked %}
<div class="comments__notice comments__notice--staff">
This comment section was locked, <time datetime="{{ category.lockedTime|date('c') }}" title="{{ category.lockedTime|date('r') }}">{{ category.lockedTime|time_format }}</time>.
{% endif %}
<div class="comments__javascript">
While the comments work fine without Javascript, it is recommended you enable it as it has a lower bandwidth overhead.
<div class="comments__listing">
{% if posts|length > 0 %}
{% from _self import comments_entry %}
{% for comment in posts %}
{{ comments_entry(comment, 1, category, user, colour, perms) }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class="comments__none" id="_no_comments_notice_{{ }}">
There are no comments yet.
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}