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namespace Misuzu;
use RuntimeException;
use Misuzu\Users\User;
use chillerlan\QRCode\QRCode;
use chillerlan\QRCode\QROptions;
$errors = [];
$usersCtx = $msz->getUsersContext();
$users = $usersCtx->getUsers();
$roles = $usersCtx->getRoles();
$userInfo = $msz->getActiveUser();
$isRestricted = $msz->hasActiveBan();
$isVerifiedRequest = CSRF::validateRequest();
if(!$isRestricted && $isVerifiedRequest && !empty($_POST['role'])) {
try {
$roleInfo = $roles->getRole(($_POST['role']['id'] ?? 0));
} catch(RuntimeException $ex) {}
if(empty($roleInfo) || !$users->hasRole($userInfo, $roleInfo))
$errors[] = "You're trying to modify a role that hasn't been assigned to you.";
else {
switch($_POST['role']['mode'] ?? '') {
case 'display':
displayRoleInfo: $roleInfo
case 'leave':
if($roleInfo->isLeavable()) {
$users->removeRoles($userInfo, $roleInfo);
$msz->getPerms()->precalculatePermissions($msz->getForum(), [$userInfo->getId()]);
} else
$errors[] = "You're not allow to leave this role, an administrator has to remove it for you.";
if($isVerifiedRequest && isset($_POST['tfa']['enable']) && $userInfo->hasTOTPKey() !== (bool)$_POST['tfa']['enable']) {
$totpKey = '';
if((bool)$_POST['tfa']['enable']) {
$totpKey = TOTPGenerator::generateKey();
$totpIssuer = $cfg->getString('', 'Misuzu');
$totpQrcode = (new QRCode(new QROptions([
'version' => 5,
'outputType' => QRCode::OUTPUT_IMAGE_JPG,
'eccLevel' => QRCode::ECC_L,
])))->render(sprintf('otpauth://totp/%s:%s?%s', $totpIssuer, $userInfo->getName(), http_build_query([
'secret' => $totpKey,
'issuer' => $totpIssuer,
'settings_2fa_code' => $totpKey,
'settings_2fa_image' => $totpQrcode,
$users->updateUser(userInfo: $userInfo, totpKey: $totpKey);
if($isVerifiedRequest && !empty($_POST['current_password'])) {
if(!$userInfo->verifyPassword($_POST['current_password'] ?? '')) {
$errors[] = 'Your password was incorrect.';
} else {
// Changing e-mail
if(!empty($_POST['email']['new'])) {
if(empty($_POST['email']['confirm']) || $_POST['email']['new'] !== $_POST['email']['confirm']) {
$errors[] = 'The addresses you entered did not match each other.';
} elseif($userInfo->getEMailAddress() === mb_strtolower($_POST['email']['confirm'])) {
$errors[] = 'This is already your e-mail address!';
} else {
$checkMail = $users->validateEMailAddress($_POST['email']['new']);
if($checkMail !== '') {
$errors[] = $users->validateEMailAddressText($checkMail);
} else {
$users->updateUser(userInfo: $userInfo, emailAddr: $_POST['email']['new']);
$msz->createAuditLog('PERSONAL_EMAIL_CHANGE', [$_POST['email']['new']]);
// Changing password
if(!empty($_POST['password']['new'])) {
if(empty($_POST['password']['confirm']) || $_POST['password']['new'] !== $_POST['password']['confirm']) {
$errors[] = 'The new passwords you entered did not match each other.';
} else {
$checkPassword = $users->validatePassword($_POST['password']['new']);
if($checkPassword !== '') {
$errors[] = $users->validatePasswordText($checkPassword);
} else {
$users->updateUser(userInfo: $userInfo, password: $_POST['password']['new']);
// reload $userInfo object
if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $isVerifiedRequest)
$userInfo = $users->getUser($userInfo->getId(), 'id');
$userRoles = $roles->getRoles(userInfo: $userInfo);
Template::render('settings.account', [
'errors' => $errors,
'settings_user' => $userInfo,
'settings_roles' => $userRoles,
'is_restricted' => $isRestricted,