Added script for rendering templates in console.

This commit is contained in:
flash 2025-01-30 11:46:04 +00:00
parent 8f532492c4
commit 720d36dd23
2 changed files with 98 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ use RPCii\Server\HttpRpcServer;
class MisuzuContext {
public private(set) Dependencies $deps;
private TplEnvironment $templating;
public private(set) TplEnvironment $templating;
public private(set) AuditLogData $auditLog;
public private(set) CountersData $counters;

tools/render-tpl Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
namespace Misuzu;
use Index\Http\{HttpHeader,HttpHeaders,HttpRequest};
require_once __DIR__ . '/../misuzu.php';
$hostName = null;
$tplArgs = [];
$pathIndex = 1;
// really bad getopt replacement that supports args with the same name
$nextIs = null;
for($i = 1; $i < $argc; ++$i) {
$arg = $argv[$i];
if($nextIs !== null) {
if($nextIs === 'host') {
if($hostName !== null)
die(sprintf('Failed to parse arguments: a hostname was already specified.%s', PHP_EOL));
$hostName = $arg;
$nextIs = null;
if($nextIs === 'var') {
$equals = strpos($arg, '=');
if($equals === false || $equals < 1)
die(sprintf('Failed to parse arguments: variables must have names, name=value.%s', PHP_EOL));
[$name, $value] = explode('=', $arg);
$tplArgs[$name] = $value;
$nextIs = null;
die(sprintf('Failed to parse arguments: unexpected value type encountered.%s', PHP_EOL));
if($arg === '-h' || $arg === '--host') {
$nextIs = 'host';
if($arg === '-v' || $arg === '--var') {
$nextIs = 'var';
if(str_starts_with($arg, '--host=')) {
if($nextIs !== null)
die(sprintf('Failed to parse arguments: expected value, got flag.%s', PHP_EOL));
$nextIs = 'host';
$arg = substr($arg, 7);
goto handleValue;
if(str_starts_with($arg, '--var=')) {
if($nextIs !== null)
die(sprintf('Failed to parse arguments: expected value, got flag.%s', PHP_EOL));
$nextIs = 'var';
$arg = substr($arg, 6);
goto handleValue;
$pathIndex = $i;
$hostName ??= 'localhost';
// this should really not be necessary
CSRF::init($msz->config->getString('csrf.secret', 'soup'), '::1');
// neither should this i think, mostly done to make sure the url handler thing is available
$msz->createRouting(new HttpRequest('::1', true, 'XX', '1.1', 'GET', '/', [], [], new HttpHeaders([
new HttpHeader('Host', $hostName),
]), null));
$ctx = $msz->templating->load(implode(' ', array_slice($argv, $pathIndex)));
foreach($tplArgs as $name => $value)
$ctx->setVar($name, $value);
// things expect this to be defined which is also a bit yucky
define('MSZ_TPL_RENDER', microtime(true));
echo $ctx->render();