198 lines
8 KiB
198 lines
8 KiB
{% extends 'user/master.twig' %}
{% from 'macros.twig' import navigation %}
{% set image = '/profile.php?u=' ~ profile.user_id ~ '&m=avatar' %}
{% set canonical_url = '/profile.php?u=' ~ profile.user_id %}
{% set title = 'Profile of ' ~ profile.username %}
{% set manage_link = '/manage/users.php?v=view&u=' ~ profile.user_id %}
{% set youtube_is_channel_id = profile.user_youtube|slice(0, 2) == 'UC' and profile.user_youtube|length == 24 %}
{% if has_background %}
{% set site_background_url = '/profile.php?m=background&u=' ~ profile.user_id %}
{% endif %}
{% set profile_fields = {
'twitter': {
'title': 'Twitter',
'value': profile.user_twitter|escape,
'link': 'https://twitter.com/%s',
'format': '@%s',
'osu': {
'title': 'osu!',
'value': profile.user_osu|escape,
'link': 'https://osu.ppy.sh/users/%s',
'website': {
'title': 'Website',
'value': profile.user_website|escape,
'link': '%s',
'tooltip': '%s',
'youtube': {
'title': 'Youtube',
'value': profile.user_youtube|escape,
'link': 'https://youtube.com/' ~ (youtube_is_channel_id ? 'channel/' : '') ~ '%s',
'format': youtube_is_channel_id ? 'Channel' : '%s',
'steam': {
'title': 'Steam',
'value': profile.user_steam|escape,
'link': 'https://steamcommunity.com/id/%s',
'twitchtv': {
'title': 'Twitch.tv',
'value': profile.user_twitchtv|escape,
'link': 'https://twitch.tv/%s',
'lastfm': {
'title': 'Last.fm',
'value': profile.user_lastfm|escape,
'link': 'http://last.fm/user/%s',
'github': {
'title': 'Github',
'value': profile.user_github|escape,
'link': 'https://github.com/%s',
'skype': {
'title': 'Skype',
'value': profile.user_skype|escape,
'link': 'skype:%s?userinfo',
'discord': {
'title': 'Discord',
'value': profile.user_discord|escape,
} %}
{% block content %}
<div class="profile" id="profile">
<div class="profile__header">
<div class="profile__header__details">
<div class="avatar profile__header__avatar" style="background-image:url('{{ image }}')"></div>
<div class="profile__header__details__content">
<div class="profile__header__username" style="{{ profile.user_colour|html_colour({
'color': '%s',
'text-shadow': '0 0 5px %s',
}) }}">
{{ profile.username }}
{% if profile.user_title is not empty %}
<div class="profile__header__title">
{{ profile.user_title }}
{% endif %}
<div class="profile__header__country">
<div class="flag flag--{{ profile.user_country|lower }}"></div>
<div class="profile__header__country__name">
{{ profile.user_country|country_name }}
<div class="profile__header__stats">
<div class="profile__header__stat" title="{{ profile.created_at|date('r') }}">
<div class="profile__header__stat__name">
<time class="profile__header__stat__value" datetime="{{ profile.created_at|date('c') }}">
{{ profile.created_at|time_diff }}
{% if profile.last_seen is not null %}
<div class="profile__header__stat" title="{{ profile.last_seen|date('r') }}">
<div class="profile__header__stat__name">
Last seen
<time class="profile__header__stat__value" datetime="{{ profile.last_seen|date('c') }}">
{{ profile.last_seen|date('U') + 10 >= ''|date('U') ? 'just now' : profile.last_seen|time_diff }}
{% endif %}
{% if profile.forum_topic_count > 0 %}
<div class="profile__header__stat">
<div class="profile__header__stat__name">
<div class="profile__header__stat__value">
{{ profile.forum_topic_count|number_format }}
{% endif %}
{% if profile.forum_post_count > 0 %}
<div class="profile__header__stat">
<div class="profile__header__stat__name">
<div class="profile__header__stat__value">
{{ profile.forum_post_count|number_format }}
{% endif %}
{% if profile.comments_count > 0 %}
<div class="profile__header__stat">
<div class="profile__header__stat__name">
<div class="profile__header__stat__value">
{{ profile.comments_count|number_format }}
{% endif %}
{% if profile.changelog_count > 0 %}
<a class="profile__header__stat" href="/changelog.php?u={{ profile.user_id }}">
<div class="profile__header__stat__name">
<div class="profile__header__stat__value">
{{ profile.changelog_count|number_format }}
{% endif %}
<div class="profile__info">
{% if current_user is defined %}
{% spaceless %}
<div class="profile__info__section">
<div class="profile__info__block profile__info__block--links">
{% autoescape false %}
{% for name, data in profile_fields %}
{% if (data.display is defined ? data.display : true) and data.value|length > 0 %}
<div class="profile__info__row profile__info__row--field-{{ name }}">
<div class="profile__info__column profile__info__column--heading">
{{ data.title }}
<div class="profile__info__column"
{% if data.tooltip is defined %}title="{{ data.tooltip|format(data.value)|raw }}"{% endif %}>
{% set profile_field_value = (data.format is defined ? data.format : '%s')|format(data.value) %}
{% if data.link is defined %}
{{ data.link|format(data.value)|html_link(profile_field_value, 'profile__account-link') }}
{% else %}
{{ profile_field_value }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endautoescape %}
{% endspaceless %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}