
267 lines
14 KiB

{% macro comments_input(category, user, perms, reply_to) %}
{% set reply_mode = reply_to is not null %}
{% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_hidden, input_csrf, input_checkbox %}
<form class="comment comment--input{% if reply_mode %} comment--reply{% endif %}"
method="post" action="/comments.php?m=create"
id="comment-{{ reply_mode ? 'reply-' ~ reply_to.comment_id : 'create-' ~ category.category_id }}">
{{ input_hidden('comment[category]', category.category_id) }}
{{ input_csrf('comments') }}
{% if reply_mode %}
{{ input_hidden('comment[reply]', reply_to.comment_id) }}
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__container">
<div class="avatar comment__avatar"
style="background-image:url('/profile.php?m=avatar&amp;u={{ user.user_id }}')">
<div class="comment__content">
<div class="comment__info">
<div class="comment__user"
style="{{ user.user_colour|html_colour }}">{{ user.username }}</div>
class="comment__text input__textarea comment__text--input"
name="comment[text]" placeholder="Share your extensive insights..."></textarea>
<div class="comment__actions">
{% if not reply_mode %}
{% if perms.can_pin %}
{{ input_checkbox('comment[pin]', 'Pin this comment', false, 'comment__action') }}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_lock %}
{{ input_checkbox('comment[lock]', 'Toggle locked status', false, 'comment__action') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<button class="input__button comment__action comment__action--button comment__action--post">
{{ reply_mode ? 'Reply' : 'Post' }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comments_entry(comment, indent, category, user, perms) %}
{% from '_layout/input.twig' import input_checkbox_raw %}
{% if comment.comment_deleted is null or comment.comment_replies|length > 0 %}
<div class="comment" id="comment-{{ comment.comment_id }}">
<div class="comment__container">
<a class="avatar comment__avatar"
href="/profile.php?u={{ comment.user_id }}"
style="background-image:url('/profile.php?m=avatar&amp;u={{ comment.user_id }}')">
<div class="comment__content">
<div class="comment__info">
<a class="comment__user comment__user--link"
href="/profile.php?u={{ comment.user_id }}"
style="{{ comment.user_colour|html_colour }}">{{ comment.username }}</a>
<a class="comment__link" href="#comment-{{ comment.comment_id }}">
<time class="comment__date"
title="{{ comment.comment_created|date('r') }}"
datetime="{{ comment.comment_created|date('c') }}">
{{ comment.comment_created|time_diff }}
{% if comment.comment_pinned is not null %}
<span class="comment__pin">{% spaceless %}
{% if comment.comment_pinned != comment.comment_created %}
<time title="{{ comment.comment_pinned|date('r') }}"
datetime="{{ comment.comment_pinned|date('c') }}">
{{ comment.comment_pinned|time_diff }}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}</span>
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__text{{ comment.comment_deleted is null ? '' : ' comment__text--deleted' }}">
{{ comment.comment_deleted is null ? (comment.comment_html is defined ? comment.comment_html|raw : comment.comment_text|nl2br) : 'deleted' }}
{% if comment.comment_deleted is null and user is not null %}
<div class="comment__actions">
{% if perms.can_vote %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--like{% if comment.comment_user_vote == 'Like' %} comment__action--voted{% endif %}"
href="/comments.php?m=vote&amp;c={{ comment.comment_id }}&amp;v={{ comment.comment_user_vote == 'Like' ? '0' : '1' }}&amp;csrf={{ csrf_token('comments') }}">
{% if comment.comment_likes > 0 %}
({{ comment.comment_likes|number_format }})
{% endif %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--dislike{% if comment.comment_user_vote == 'Dislike' %} comment__action--voted{% endif %}"
href="/comments.php?m=vote&amp;c={{ comment.comment_id }}&amp;v={{ comment.comment_user_vote == 'Dislike' ? '0' : '-1' }}&amp;csrf={{ csrf_token('comments') }}">
{% if comment.comment_dislikes > 0 %}
({{ comment.comment_dislikes|number_format }})
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_comment %}
<label class="comment__action comment__action--link" for="comment-reply-toggle-{{ comment.comment_id }}">Reply</label>
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_delete_any or (comment.user_id == user.user_id and perms.can_delete) %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--hide comment__action--delete"
href="/comments.php?m=delete&amp;c={{ comment.comment_id }}&amp;csrf={{ csrf_token('comments') }}">Delete</a>
{% endif %}
{# if user is not null %}
<a class="comment__action comment__action--link comment__action--hide" href="#">Report</a>
{% endif #}
{% endif %}
<div class="comment__replies comment__replies--indent-{{ indent }}" id="comment-{{ comment.comment_id }}-replies">
{% from _self import comments_entry, comments_input %}
{% if user|default(null) is not null and category|default(null) is not null and perms|default(null) is not null and perms.can_comment %}
{{ input_checkbox_raw('', false, 'comment__reply-toggle', '', false, {'id':'comment-reply-toggle-' ~ comment.comment_id}) }}
{{ comments_input(category, user, perms, comment) }}
{% endif %}
{% if comment.comment_replies is defined and comment.comment_replies|length > 0 %}
{% for reply in comment.comment_replies %}
{{ comments_entry(reply, indent + 1, category, user, perms) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comments_section(comments, category, user, perms) %}
<div class="comments">
<div class="comments__input">
{% if user|default(null) is null %}
<div class="comments__notice">
Please <a href="/auth.php?m=login" class="comments__notice__link">login</a> to comment.
{% elseif category|default(null) is null or perms|default(null) is null %}
<div class="comments__notice">
Posting new comments here is disabled.
{% elseif not perms.can_lock and category.category_locked is not null %}
<div class="comments__notice">
This comment section was locked, <time datetime="{{ category.category_locked|date('c') }}" title="{{ category.category_locked|date('r') }}">{{ category.category_locked|time_diff }}</time>.
{% elseif not perms.can_comment %}
<div class="comments__notice">
You are not allowed to post comments.
{% else %}
{% from _self import comments_input %}
{{ comments_input(category, user, perms) }}
{% endif %}
{% if perms.can_lock and category.category_locked is not null %}
<div class="comments__notice comments__notice--staff">
This comment section was locked, <time datetime="{{ category.category_locked|date('c') }}" title="{{ category.category_locked|date('r') }}">{{ category.category_locked|time_diff }}</time>.
{% endif %}
<div class="comments__javascript">
While the comments work fine without Javascript, it is recommended you enable it as it has a lower bandwidth overhead.
<div class="comments__listing">
{% if comments|length > 0 %}
{% from _self import comments_entry %}
{% for comment in comments %}
{{ comments_entry(comment, 1, category, user, perms) }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class="comments__none" id="_no_comments_notice_{{ category.category_id }}">
There are no comments yet.
{% endif %}
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
var likeButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('comment__action--like'),
dislikeButtons = document.getElementsByClassName('comment__action--dislike');
for (var i = 0; i < likeButtons.length; i++) // there's gonna be an equal amount of like and dislike buttons
likeButtons[i].href = 'javascript:void(0);';
likeButtons[i].onclick = commentVote;
dislikeButtons[i].href = 'javascript:void(0);';
dislikeButtons[i].onclick = commentVote;
var commentVoteLock = false,
commentLikeClass = 'comment__action--like',
commentDislikeClass = 'comment__action--dislike',
commentVotedClass = 'comment__action--voted',
commentLikeText = 'Like',
commentDislikeText = 'Dislike',
commentVoteCountSuffix = ' ({0})';
function commentVote(ev)
var elem = ev.target,
id = elem.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr(8); // STACK UP
// the moment we find the id we engage vote lock
if (id < 1 || commentVoteLock)
commentVoteLock = true;
elem.textContent = '.';
var isLike = elem.classList.contains(commentLikeClass),
isDislike = elem.classList.contains(commentDislikeClass),
isIndifferent = elem.classList.contains(commentVotedClass),
vote = isIndifferent ? 0 : (isLike ? 1 : -1);
elem.textContent += '.';
// find friendo (the other vote button), this'll fuck up if the parent element is fucked with
for (var i = 0; i < elem.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++) {
var current = elem.parentNode.childNodes[i];
if (current.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && current !== elem) {
var friend = current;
if (typeof friend !== 'object') {
console.error('something happened');
friend.textContent = '';
elem.textContent += '.';
id, vote,
(vInfo, uVote) => {
if (vote)
var likes = vInfo.likes || 0,
dislikes = vInfo.dislikes || 0;
if (isLike) { // somewhat implicitly defined, like will always come before dislike
elem.textContent = commentLikeText + (likes > 0 ? commentVoteCountSuffix.replace('{0}', likes.toLocaleString()) : '');
friend.textContent = commentDislikeText + (dislikes > 0 ? commentVoteCountSuffix.replace('{0}', dislikes.toLocaleString()) : '');
} else {
elem.textContent = commentDislikeText + (dislikes > 0 ? commentVoteCountSuffix.replace('{0}', dislikes.toLocaleString()) : '');
friend.textContent = commentLikeText + (likes > 0 ? commentVoteCountSuffix.replace('{0}', likes.toLocaleString()) : '');
{% endmacro %}