
159 lines
5.7 KiB

namespace Misuzu\News;
use ArrayAccess;
use JsonSerializable;
use Misuzu\DB;
use Misuzu\Pagination;
class NewsCategoryException extends NewsException {};
class NewsCategoryNotFoundException extends NewsCategoryException {};
class NewsCategory implements ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable {
// Database fields
private $category_id = -1;
private $category_name = '';
private $category_description = '';
private $category_is_hidden = false;
private $category_created = null;
private $postCount = -1;
public const TABLE = 'news_categories';
private const QUERY_SELECT = 'SELECT %1$s FROM `' . DB::PREFIX . self::TABLE . '` AS '. self::TABLE;
private const SELECT = '%1$s.`category_id`, %1$s.`category_name`, %1$s.`category_description`, %1$s.`category_is_hidden`'
. ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%1$s.`category_created`) AS `category_created`';
public function __construct() {}
public function getId(): int {
return $this->category_id < 1 ? -1 : $this->category_id;
public function getName(): string {
return $this->category_name ?? '';
public function setName(string $name): self {
$this->category_name = $name;
return $this;
public function getDescription(): string {
return $this->category_description ?? '';
public function setDescription(string $description): self {
$this->category_description = $description;
return $this;
public function isHidden(): bool {
return $this->category_is_hidden !== 0;
public function setHidden(bool $hide): self {
$this->category_is_hidden = $hide ? 1 : 0;
return $this;
public function getCreatedTime(): int {
return $this->category_created === null ? -1 : $this->category_created;
public function jsonSerialize(): mixed {
return [
'id' => $this->getId(),
'name' => $this->getName(),
'description' => $this->getDescription(),
'is_hidden' => $this->isHidden(),
'created' => ($time = $this->getCreatedTime()) < 0 ? null : date('c', $time),
// Purely cosmetic, use ::countAll for pagination
public function getPostCount(): int {
if($this->postCount < 0)
$this->postCount = (int)DB::prepare('
SELECT COUNT(`post_id`)
FROM `msz_news_posts`
WHERE `category_id` = :cat_id
AND `post_scheduled` <= NOW()
AND `post_deleted` IS NULL
')->bind('cat_id', $this->getId())->fetchColumn();
return $this->postCount;
public function save(): void {
$isInsert = $this->getId() < 1;
if($isInsert) {
$query = 'INSERT INTO `%1$s%2$s` (`category_name`, `category_description`, `category_is_hidden`) VALUES'
. ' (:name, :description, :hidden)';
} else {
$query = 'UPDATE `%1$s%2$s` SET `category_name` = :name, `category_description` = :description, `category_is_hidden` = :hidden'
. ' WHERE `category_id` = :category';
$savePost = DB::prepare(sprintf($query, DB::PREFIX, self::TABLE))
->bind('name', $this->category_name)
->bind('description', $this->category_description)
->bind('hidden', $this->category_is_hidden);
if($isInsert) {
$this->category_id = $savePost->executeGetId();
$this->category_created = time();
} else {
$savePost->bind('category', $this->getId())
public function posts(?Pagination $pagination = null, bool $includeScheduled = false, bool $includeDeleted = false): array {
return NewsPost::byCategory($this, $pagination, $includeScheduled, $includeDeleted);
private static function countQueryBase(): string {
return sprintf(self::QUERY_SELECT, sprintf('COUNT(%s.`category_id`)', self::TABLE));
public static function countAll(bool $showHidden = false): int {
return (int)DB::prepare(self::countQueryBase()
. ($showHidden ? '' : ' WHERE `category_is_hidden` = 0'))
private static function byQueryBase(): string {
return sprintf(self::QUERY_SELECT, sprintf(self::SELECT, self::TABLE));
public static function byId(int $categoryId): self {
$getCat = DB::prepare(self::byQueryBase() . ' WHERE `category_id` = :cat_id');
$getCat->bind('cat_id', $categoryId);
$cat = $getCat->fetchObject(self::class);
throw new NewsCategoryNotFoundException;
return $cat;
public static function all(?Pagination $pagination = null, bool $showHidden = false): array {
$catsQuery = self::byQueryBase()
. ($showHidden ? '' : ' WHERE `category_is_hidden` = 0')
. ' ORDER BY `category_id` ASC';
if($pagination !== null)
$catsQuery .= ' LIMIT :range OFFSET :offset';
$getCats = DB::prepare($catsQuery);
if($pagination !== null)
$getCats->bind('range', $pagination->getRange())
->bind('offset', $pagination->getOffset());
return $getCats->fetchObjects(self::class);
// Twig shim for the news category list in manage, don't use this class as an array normally.
public function offsetExists($offset): bool {
return $offset === 'name' || $offset === 'id';
public function offsetGet($offset): mixed {
return $this->{'get' . ucfirst($offset)}();
public function offsetSet($offset, $value): void {}
public function offsetUnset($offset): void {}