
447 lines
18 KiB

using SharpChat.Configuration;
using SharpChat.Events;
using SharpChat.Users;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace SharpChat.Channels {
public class ChannelException : Exception { }
public class ChannelExistException : ChannelException { }
public class ChannelInvalidNameException : ChannelException { }
public class ChannelManager : IEventHandler {
private Dictionary<string, Channel> Channels { get; } = new();
private IConfig Config { get; }
private CachedValue<string[]> ChannelIds { get; }
private IEventDispatcher Dispatcher { get; }
private ChatBot Bot { get; }
private object Sync { get; } = new();
public ChannelManager(IEventDispatcher dispatcher, IConfig config, ChatBot bot) {
Dispatcher = dispatcher ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dispatcher));
Config = config ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));
Bot = bot ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bot));
ChannelIds = Config.ReadCached(@"channels", new[] { @"lounge" });
public void UpdateChannels() {
lock(Sync) {
string[] channelIds = ChannelIds.Value.Clone() as string[];
foreach(IChannel channel in Channels.Values) {
if(channelIds.Contains(channel.ChannelId)) {
using IConfig config = Config.ScopeTo($@"channels:{channel.ChannelId}");
string name = config.ReadValue(@"name", channel.ChannelId);
string topic = config.ReadValue(@"topic");
bool autoJoin = config.ReadValue(@"autoJoin", false);
string password = null;
int? minRank = null;
uint? maxCapacity = null;
if(!autoJoin) {
password = config.ReadValue(@"password", string.Empty);
password = null;
minRank = config.SafeReadValue(@"minRank", 0);
maxCapacity = config.SafeReadValue(@"maxCapacity", 0u);
Update(channel, name, topic, false, minRank, password, autoJoin, maxCapacity);
} else if(!channel.IsTemporary) // Not in config == temporary
Update(channel, temporary: true);
foreach(string channelId in channelIds) {
using IConfig config = Config.ScopeTo($@"channels:{channelId}");
string name = config.ReadValue(@"name", channelId);
string topic = config.ReadValue(@"topic");
bool autoJoin = config.ReadValue(@"autoJoin", false);
string password = null;
int minRank = 0;
uint maxCapacity = 0;
if(!autoJoin) {
password = config.ReadValue(@"password", string.Empty);
password = null;
minRank = config.SafeReadValue(@"minRank", 0);
maxCapacity = config.SafeReadValue(@"maxCapacity", 0u);
Create(channelId, Bot.UserId, name, topic, false, minRank, password, autoJoin, maxCapacity);
public void Remove(IChannel channel, IUser user = null) {
if(channel == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));
lock(Sync) {
Channel chan = null;
if(channel is Channel c && Channels.ContainsValue(c))
chan = c;
else if(Channels.TryGetValue(channel.ChannelId, out Channel c2))
chan = c2;
if(chan == null)
return; // exception?
// Remove channel from the listing
// Broadcast death
Dispatcher.DispatchEvent(this, new ChannelDeleteEvent(user ?? Bot, chan));
// Move all users back to the main channel
// TODO:!!!!!!!!! Replace this with a kick. SCv2 supports being in 0 channels, SCv1 should force the user back to DefaultChannel.
// Could be handled by the user/session itself?
//foreach(ChatUser user in channel.GetUsers()) {
// Context.SwitchChannel(user, DefaultChannel);
// Broadcast deletion of channel (deprecated)
/*foreach(IUser u in Users.OfRank(chan.MinimumRank))
u.SendPacket(new ChannelDeletePacket(chan));*/
private bool Exists(string name) {
if(name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
return Channels.Values.Any(c => c.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
private void ValidateName(string name) {
if(!name.All(c => char.IsLetter(c) || char.IsNumber(c) || c == '-'))
throw new ChannelInvalidNameException();
throw new ChannelExistException();
public IChannel Create(
IUser user,
string name,
string topic = null,
bool temp = true,
int minRank = 0,
string password = null,
bool autoJoin = false,
uint maxCapacity = 0
) {
if(user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
return Create(user.UserId, name, topic, temp, minRank, password, autoJoin, maxCapacity);
public IChannel Create(
long ownerId,
string name,
string topic = null,
bool temp = true,
int minRank = 0,
string password = null,
bool autoJoin = false,
uint maxCapacity = 0
) => Create(RNG.NextString(Channel.ID_LENGTH), ownerId, name, topic, temp, minRank, password, autoJoin, maxCapacity);
public IChannel Create(
string channelId,
long ownerId,
string name,
string topic = null,
bool temp = true,
int minRank = 0,
string password = null,
bool autoJoin = false,
uint maxCapacity = 0,
int order = 0
) {
if(name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
lock(Sync) {
Channel channel = new(channelId, name, topic, temp, minRank, password, autoJoin, maxCapacity, ownerId, order);
Channels.Add(channel.ChannelId, channel);
Dispatcher.DispatchEvent(this, new ChannelCreateEvent(channel));
// Broadcast creation of channel (deprecated)
/*if(Users != null)
foreach(IUser user in Users.OfRank(channel.MinimumRank))
user.SendPacket(new ChannelCreatePacket(channel));*/
return channel;
public void Update(
IChannel channel,
string name = null,
string topic = null,
bool? temporary = null,
int? minRank = null,
string password = null,
bool? autoJoin = null,
uint? maxCapacity = null,
int? order = null
) {
if(channel == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));
if(!(channel is Channel c && Channels.ContainsValue(c))) {
if(Channels.TryGetValue(channel.ChannelId, out Channel c2))
channel = c2;
throw new ArgumentException(@"Provided channel is not registered with this manager.", nameof(channel));
lock(Sync) {
string prevName = channel.Name;
bool nameUpdated = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && name != prevName;
if(topic != null && channel.Topic.Equals(topic))
topic = null;
if(temporary.HasValue && channel.IsTemporary == temporary.Value)
temporary = null;
if(minRank.HasValue && channel.MinimumRank == minRank.Value)
minRank = null;
if(password != null && channel.Password == password)
password = null;
if(autoJoin.HasValue && channel.AutoJoin == autoJoin.Value)
autoJoin = null;
if(maxCapacity.HasValue && channel.MaxCapacity == maxCapacity.Value)
maxCapacity = null;
if(order.HasValue && channel.Order == order.Value)
order = null;
Dispatcher.DispatchEvent(this, new ChannelUpdateEvent(channel, Bot, name, topic, temporary, minRank, password, autoJoin, maxCapacity, order));
// Users that no longer have access to the channel/gained access to the channel by the hierarchy change should receive delete and create packets respectively
// TODO: should be moved to the usermanager probably
/*foreach(IUser user in Users.OfRank(channel.MinimumRank)) {
user.SendPacket(new ChannelUpdatePacket(prevName, channel));
public void GetChannel(Func<IChannel, bool> predicate, Action<IChannel> callback) {
if(predicate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(predicate));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
public void GetChannelById(string channelId, Action<IChannel> callback) {
if(channelId == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelId));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(channelId)) {
callback(Channels.TryGetValue(channelId, out Channel channel) ? channel : null);
public void GetChannelByName(string name, Action<IChannel> callback) {
if(name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) {
GetChannel(c => name.Equals(c.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), callback);
public void GetChannel(IChannel channel, Action<IChannel> callback) {
if(channel == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
lock(Sync) {
if(channel is Channel c && Channels.ContainsValue(c)) {
GetChannel(channel.Equals, callback);
public void GetChannels(Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
lock(Sync) {
IEnumerable<IChannel> channels = Channels.Values;
channels = channels.OrderBy(c => c.Order);
public void GetChannels(Func<IChannel, bool> predicate, Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(predicate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(predicate));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
lock(Sync) {
IEnumerable<IChannel> channels = Channels.Values.Where(predicate);
channels = channels.OrderBy(c => c.Order);
public void GetDefaultChannels(Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = true) {
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
// it doesn't really make sense for a channel to be temporary and autojoin
// maybe reconsider this in the future if the temp channel nuking strategy has adjusted
GetChannels(c => c.AutoJoin && !c.IsTemporary, callback, ordered);
public void GetChannelsById(IEnumerable<string> channelIds, Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(channelIds == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channelIds));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
GetChannels(c => channelIds.Contains(c.ChannelId), callback, ordered);
public void GetChannelsByName(IEnumerable<string> names, Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(names == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(names));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
GetChannels(c => names.Contains(c.Name), callback, ordered);
public void GetChannels(IEnumerable<IChannel> channels, Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(channels == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channels));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
GetChannels(c1 => channels.Any(c2 => c2.Equals(c1)), callback, ordered);
public void GetChannels(int minRank, Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
GetChannels(c => c.MinimumRank <= minRank, callback, ordered);
public void GetChannels(IUser user, Action<IEnumerable<IChannel>> callback, bool ordered = false) {
if(user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
GetChannels(c => c is Channel channel && channel.HasUser(user), callback, ordered);
public void VerifyPassword(IChannel channel, string password, Action<bool> callback) {
if(channel == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(channel));
if(password == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(password));
if(callback == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(callback));
GetChannel(channel, c => {
if(c is not Channel channel) {
if(!channel.HasPassword) {
private void OnCreate(object sender, ChannelCreateEvent cce) {
if(sender == this)
lock(Sync) {
throw new ArgumentException(@"Channel already registered??????", nameof(cce));
Channels.Add(cce.ChannelId, new Channel(
private void OnDelete(object sender, ChannelDeleteEvent cde) {
if(sender == this)
private void OnEvent(object sender, IEvent evt) {
Channel channel;
if(!Channels.TryGetValue(evt.ChannelId, out channel))
channel = null;
channel?.HandleEvent(sender, evt);
public void HandleEvent(object sender, IEvent evt) {
switch(evt) {
case ChannelCreateEvent cce:
OnCreate(sender, cce);
case ChannelDeleteEvent cde:
OnDelete(sender, cde);
case ChannelUpdateEvent _:
case ChannelUserJoinEvent _:
case ChannelUserLeaveEvent _:
OnEvent(sender, evt);