61 lines
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61 lines
1.9 KiB
## Compositor
- Video!
- Integrate with samplers
- Video import (research opencv libavcodec etc)
- maybe https://superuser.com/a/1397578
- Blender previews resource
- assimp or call into blender executable?
- Data models
- Dump and read back state, (de)serialization!!!
- Undo's
- Node groups
- Motion blur
- Do multisampling, should be fast enough
- Text (idea: index-based evaluation in plugboard)
- Shapes ideas:
- Backend:
- skia is too heavy probably
- investigate cpu-gpu shared buffers with blend2d
- or maybe fork nanovg?
- more realistic: fork/maintain https://github.com/jdryg/vg-renderer
- Frontend:
- AE-like interface
- canvas-like interface
- embed glisp maybe :mmtroll:
- inquire + still a lot of friction for simple shapes if we don't also get the glisp gizmos
- External data driving (csv, json or something else?) -- use a node to select source
- Pulses
- use convolution with interps
## UI
- Copy & Paste
- Simple export
## Audio
- SDL_mixer can do all of wav ogg flac mp3 opus
- don't care about output
- maybe add option in ui for ffmpeg muxing via syscalls
# Later
## IO
- Clipboard via SDL3
- OIIO output for more than PNG's
- don't care about encoding -- leave it to a ffmpeg syscall
## Compositor
- Simple 3D engine
- Particles
- Just look at the performance in https://github.com/CHCTW/DirectX12-Framework-!!!
- Flat sets and flat maps pending compiler support
- Random Idea: Array-eval nodes
## UI
- Adapt nodes for shader graph -- code editor will be fine for now
- Shaders were using SRELL, I'm not sure about this anymore because it throws. We are doing dynamic replaces so CTRE can't work. Might be forced to go with PCRE or Re2.
- Viewport gizmos (Layer-specific & nodes -- can separate into different tools?) -- Not sure how to go about this
- Baku vec2 drag is good, color drag is not so necessary because imgui has a good picker